Another Bad Blind Date [SPINO...

By ravsisrekt

2.2M 87.5K 267K

{SPINOFF/SEQUEL to The Bad Blind Date} Jungkook and Y/N fell in love and got their happy-ever-after. But what... More

Chapter 1: Stay Away
Chapter 2: she wasn't you.
Chapter 3: I'm Back!
Chapter 4: She's Nothing
Chapter 5: I Made Her Cry?
Chapter 6: That's Your Friend's Girl...
Chapter 7: Shawn Go, Go Fuck Off.
Chapter 8: You Like Him?
Chapter 9: I Like Iris
Chapter 10: Bye Shawn...
Chapter 11: I Miss You
Chapter 12: Of Course I'm Jealous!
Chapter 13: Frickle Frackle?
Chapter 14: I love you too Race.
Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong
Chapter 16: Surprise Present
Chapter 17: Best Present Ever
Chapter 18: Fuck You Jimin
Chapter 19: Korean Fight Club
Chapter 20: We'll Find Him
Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law
Chapter 22: Pretty Boy and Gangs?
Chapter 23: Dares
Chapter 24: A Break?
Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is
Chapter 27: Way Too Easy
Chapter 28: Be Here With Me
Chapter 29: Aftermath
Chapter 30: Rainbow Drink
Chapter 31: Let's Get You Home Safe
Chapter 32: No Touching
Chapter 34: it was worth the wait.
Chapter 35: Baby Girl
Chapter 36: Love
Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.
Chapter 38: Hoseok's Wedding
Chapter 39: WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE YOU?
Chapter 40: Family
Epilogue: The List
Prologue: She's not my type
One Shot: Jin & Faera
One Shot: Taehyung & Serina
One Shot: Jimin, Shawn, & Kai
One Shot: Kylie & Huli
One Shot: Hoseok & Freeda
One Shot: Namjoon
One Shot: The Children

One Shot: Jungkook, Y/N, & Senko

25.3K 953 893
By ravsisrekt

(** Senko: picture him as my lovely inspiration in the picture above aha**)

A/N: I've released many little shots for different characters with different scenarios and you all can pick and read whichever you'd like :) Enjoy~ Thank you so much for the support with this book, it's been great.


The Evil Maknae's Son

Jungkook smiled as he gently kissed you. Moving to grab at his breakfast, he sighed as he looked at the delicious food. Mouth watering, the man didn't hesitate as he brought out his utensils to devour the treat. Freezing when there was a low "pst" beside him suddenly, Jungkook chuckled before looking over at the boy who wiggle over at his brows. His grown head was practically touching the side of Jungkook's temple, his eyes and tongue both focused on the food before Jungkook.

You pursed your lips, smiling a little at the sight of your son who had come back from his long summer camp visit. The moment 17 year old Senko had come back home to his parents, he had gone back to harassing his father out of love. Although it was amusing to you, it at points, was also tiring.

"Senko," you warned sweetly, smiling when the boy winked over at you before trying to steal Jungkook's food. Watching Jungkook whack at his hand, Senko grinned before popping out a smug "good morning" and walking away from his father and over to you to greet.

Smiling, you kissed his cheek before giving him his breakfast to go. Watching the boy thank you and pack it into his bag, you combed through his hair with your hands lovingly and watched as he flinched away from you. "Eomma!" he scolded lowly, moving towards the side so that he could pick up his jacket in his hand.

You sighed, watching the boy get ready for his dance class. "Just don't stay out too long okay?" you piped, knowing that as soon as the boy met up with Jyhung, Racy's son, both boys grew inseparable.

"Can't promise anything," the beautiful boy spoke out grinning, "after practice the groups going to meet up with Kenji and Phoenix. Their having a basher at Kenji's place today."


"It's for Ace's birthday," Senko said slowly, "I think Kenji might finally grow some balls and ask her out."

Jungkook coughed a little on his food.

You pursed your lips from smiling. However, being a mother, you half-heartedly scolded at him to behave and have some manners. Senko simply winked over at you again and you winked back. Usually it was 'like father, like son' but Senko's way of talking stemmed from his mother more. What he did get from the maknae, his father, was his trickery and jokester attitude. The funniest bit to the whole swing was that the only person Senko played the most jokes on was Jungkook himself. Taehyung called it "karma" for all the times Jungkook used to screw around with them when they used to be a Kpop band. The 'evil maknae' got stuck with an evil son...

"Is Amaya going to be there?" you asked, loving the fact that you could easily tease your son over Kylie and Huli's girl.

Senko's jaw clenched lightly.

"Eomma," Senko sighed out, moving to have his bag more securely on his shoulder, "I can't see her to be more than my friend," he said honestly, "so please don't force her existence down my throat repeatedly."

Jungkook's brows jumped at that, his mind going to the past and where he remembered once talking to Taehyung about you...


"Hyung," Jungkook sighed as he straightened his numb and cold back a little. He knew how much his hyung's liked Y/N and how much they hoped for the two of you but he couldn't...He didn't see you in that light. "I can't see her to be more than my friend," he said honestly, "so please don't push me into something."


He pursed his lips, eyes narrowing as he eyed Senko growing tense as he apologized for snapping at you.

You nodded over at him, your expression matching your husband's as both of you looked over at your son.


"Yeh," Senko piped, looking over at his father who eyed him with slight danger.

"You better not be some ass to the poor girl," Jungkook spat, remembering how he used to be with you before he realized he was incredibly in the wrong, "even with people teasing you, you should never be inconsiderate okay?"

Senko sighed, smiling tightly over at his parents who now seemed to be eyeing his every move.

"I'm not," he said through his teeth, forcing a huge smile over at each of them before having it disappear in an instant as he took hold of his composure again.

"I'm not how you were with Eomma," he said grinning quick, cocking his brow over at Jungkook who's face drained.

You tried not to burst out laughing when Senko chuckled and waved at each of them, moving to leave with his last remark still in the air. Watching Jungkook curse into his food as your son left, you smiled amused. "Aw, don't be harsh. Didn't you want a football team worth of babies? What happened to that?" you teased, knowing that the both of you had agreed on only one child after the miracle that was Senko.

"That idea died the moment all my chapsticks got stolen by our devil of a son," Jungkook piped, trying not to smile as he continued with his stubborn and pissed exterior.

"You love him."

Jungkook chuckled, smiling gently as he nodded and moved to peck your cheek. Finishing up the last bit of his food, he grinned before making his next move towards you. Gently getting behind you, he left butterfly kisses down your jaw. "I know we're late," he cooed, "but how about we make that football team now?"

You rolled your eyes, chuckling when Jungkook hugged you from behind sweetly.

Both of you stopped when footstops rushed towards the kitchen.

Senko's nose scrunched in disgust as he busted in.

"Ah, I'll keep my candy cane in my pants only if you keep yours hidden forever Appa," he chimed, chuckling as he quickly grabbed an apple. Jungkook's brows jumped at that.

You tried not to laugh again at the fact that the boy wasn't stopping with all the stories you had told him ever since he had grown up. Each story was like a present he got every year for his birthday. Senko appreciated talking to you about it because of the constant torment brought to it by Jungkook as a result.

Jungkook rushed over to slap at the boy who evilly laughed and ran towards the door away.

"Learn some respect!"

"Learn to keep it up for more than a minute!" the boy chimed, laughing hysterically when Jungkook ran after him.

Getting to the front door, Senko struggled to get out when Jungkook caught up. Begging instantly to have Jungkook wait and refrain from collapsing into him, Senko put on a dramatic and serious face as he moved his hand out in a flowing matter and shook his fingers in a "no". Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he saw that. Watching Senko do it again, Jungkook lost it when Senko sang out the first bit of lyrics to Butterfly by BTS.

"Amugeotdo saenggakhaji ma," he mocked, eyes growing deep as he tried not to laugh straight in his father's face when seeing Jungkook's cheeks grow red. He knew it was from irritation but Senko couldn't help it.

Senko had missed his father while he had been away for the first month of summer break. He was just happy to be back to his parents.

"Aish! You kid!" Jungkook tried to grab at him but Senko instantly ran out the door successfully this time.

Being a track star, Senko outran his father, moving to hop into Jyhung's car instantly and move to school.

"Love you Appa!"

Jungkook heaved for air, glaring over at the car and watching it leave. Once it turned the corner, he couldn't help but smile a little as he caught his breath.

"I love you too."


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