Web Of Twisted Truths...

By background21

75.9K 4K 734

A man walking into the forest like he owns it with his face covered with all the anger in the whole world if... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Neetha's note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

3.2K 186 41
By background21

*Andrew Pov*

"What are you doing?" I suddenly heard a screeching sound and then felt being pushed back.

I adjusted my eyes to see what is going on and looked down to see that the girl is doing everything to push me away while I seem to have a strong hold on her.

"I slept off?" I mumbled to myself in shock before removing my hands.

"No! You were running. What did you think before hugging me like that?" She demanded after making sure there is a certain distance between us.

"What? I didn't hug you. You were the one who threw herself at me." I said, shaking my head and scratched my head, feeling the muscles tense for sitting in the same position leaning on the wall.

"How dare you? How could you say that I threw myself at you? Do you know that only Simon was my lover and he will be only the one? How can you accuse me of doing such thing?" she continued to ask along with releasing the tears before the sound of her wailing started.

"Ok, ok! You didn't throw yourself at me. Now, do not cry." I said, feeling fed up with her crying before getting down from the cot.

Why did I even think her eyes were nice to look at when the same eyes do so much damage to my ears by releasing those tears?

"It is completely dark. Do you want to leave the forest now?" I asked, looking outside the door.

"Of course! What did you think that I will stay here another second? Do you know how rich I am? I need not stay in such disgusting place." She said, huffing before she walked near to the door but stopped in her tracks.

I took a deep breath to control the anger that raised hearing her comments and then realized she is another rich spoiled brat or even a woman considering her age.

"What? Why are you staying in this disgusting place?" I asked, mocking her and immediately groaned when she turned around with her tear filled eyes making me realize I can't escape another of her wailing session.

"Where will I go? To whom can I go? If I search for Simon then he will be killed by my Dad or he will even kill me. God! What should I do now?" she asked and covered her face before hissing which made me remember her bruise.

I shook my head before walking near the beer storage and took out a few ice pieces. I placed them in a shirt of mine before returning near to her.

"Put this at your bruise." I said forwarding the cloth and then sat on the table holding my head.

"Ahh!" she screamed, making me turn around to look at her.

"It is hurting! I can't do this." She mumbled before moving towards me and sat on the cot.

"It will not reduce if you don't." I stated and sighed folding my arms.

How much do I have to talk today? When will she leave like she is saying or even keep quiet before I throw her out myself.

"Can you... can you help me?" she mumbled forwarding the cloth.

"I will not hear another wailing until I give you any permission." I ordered and she nodded before pushing the cloth in my hands.

"Thanks for the help." She said before moving a little forward so that I can place the cloth.

"I will close my eyes." She mumbled and followed her words, making me roll my eyes.

I pressed the cloth to her bruise slowly and tried to cover all of it. After a few minutes I felt eyes on me and I turned to see her frowning at me.

"Hurting?" I asked, to which she shook her head, but didn't stop staring at me.

I frowned back, but stared at her myself not turning away. And then I felt her hand on mine, which was a shock, but I don't know why it pained.

"What happened?" she asked, looking at me.

Even I want to know what happened because of my hand, which is hurting just because she is holding it.

"I am asking you." She repeated and moved her head away, but didn't leave the hold on my hand making me look at it.

"So, why is it bruised and even dried blood?" she asked before touching it with her finger.

"I just hit someone in the afternoon." I replied, which is true, but just a twisted truth as that's what I felt while hitting the photo frame of Victor, shrugging and she gasped before leaving my hand suddenly making it hit the cot hard.

"What the hell!" I mumbled before shaking my hand.

"You... you hit someone? Is... he... alive?" she asked with a shaking voice.

"For now! But not for long." I replied, knowing well I should start my task of killing that bastard.

"Oh my god! I think I am going to vomit. I am sitting in the presence of a person who hit someone and is even planning to kill." She said fanning herself and shivered at her place.

"You are behaving as if you never saw any of it. Then how will you explain getting this big bruise?" I asked with narrowed eyes for the first time getting a suspicion.

"You idiot! How can I see myself getting hit? And I feel the same about the killing from before. Didn't I start hating my dad for hurting Simon?" she asked, shaking her head and I frowned more at her words.

"Now, until I am here you will not hurt anyone or even kill. I will not allow it and you should take my permission before doing it." She added and took the cloth from my hand, which was about to fall feeling the shock for her words.

"What are you doing?" I asked, coming out of my shock and glanced down to see her placing ice on my knuckles.

"I don't like being in debt with anyone." She replied, shrugging and continued to apply the eyes while I sighed.

"Are you going to stay here?" I asked, to which she frowned at me.

"It is not like I am dying to stay here, but just that... I don't have any place at all to go without my father's eye finding me and then my Simon will be in danger." She replied and took a deep breath stopping her tears.

"Will the men not search this island the first time itself when they realize you escaped?" I asked her frowning.

"Actually, I hid myself in the allotted room from the past many stops near so many islands. So, they would search each and every one of it if they do and by that time I will leave from here." She replied shrugging but my frown just deepened.

"Stop interrogating me again and give me something to eat. I didn't have anything from the past two days." She said and rubbed her stomach.

"Fine!" I mumbled getting up and walked outside to boil the vegetables, taking them out of the storage place.

"Eat!" I said, returning inside and placed a plate before her.

"What is this?" she asked covering her mouth.

"Dinner!" I replied, sitting before her with my plate.

"I can't eat this." She mumbled pushing the plate away with her fingertip.

"Unless you want to cook something by yourself, you have to have it." I said shrugging and started my dinner.

"I don't know how to cook." She confessed and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Well, my house had two cooks and my Simon knows how to cook even normal food. I never felt the need to learn." She explained while I sighed.

"Then have this." I said and she groaned shaking her head.

"You will get tasty food tomorrow afternoon if you have this now." I added and she slowly nodded before digging into the food gagging every second.

"You are not a kid to fall for the bribe." I pointed out.

"And you are not my parent to bribe me too. But you did and I fell for it." She replied back and for the first time I felt a smile fighting to appear on my lips but I fought back before pushing it down.

"Now what?" she asked yawning after I returned taking away the plates.

"Sleep!" I replied and waited for her reaction.

"Okay! You can go to the house while I will stay in this outhouse." She said nodding and started arranging the pillow.

"Outhouse What are you talking?" I asked her frowning shaking my head.

"Yeah! This is outhouse and that is why you brought me here. I got hurt to know I was brought in such a place, but I can understand not taking stranger into their homes." She replied shrugging.

"This is my house and not outhouse." I said, staring at her and she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Very nice joke." She said between her laughs.

"No! If you want, you can go out and check." I said, ignoring the fact that she is laughing for the first time.

She frowned but followed my words and I laid on my cot waiting for her crying or even some screeching, but she surprised me coming inside with complete calmness.

"What happened?" I asked and she released her breath before taking long breaths.

"Give me permission to cry right now." She demanded and this time I actually smiled.

"No! It is better to sleep." I said covering my face with my hand.

"Where will I sleep?" she asked and I sighed before turning towards the wall and adjusted to give her place.

"Here? How can you even suggest that? My Simon will feel sad and hurt and..." I turned around stopping her babbling.

"Either sleep here or on the floor, but with nothing to cover yourself as I don't have anything. Think whether will you meet your Simon as a living being or as a ghost." I stated and turned around before I felt her lying beside me.

When I felt her relaxing, I finally relaxed myself before drifting off into sleep.

"What? You can't leave me." She shouted when I started adjusting rope to the boat.

"Well, I always keep my promises." I said shrugging.

"What are you talking? You can't leave me here." She said and I can see the tears ready to fall.

"I am not leaving, miss. I am just going so that I can find some fish for us to have them as lunch which was my bribe yesterday night." I stated and she sniffed.

"Then why were you trying to escape before I woke up?" she demanded.

"I thought of finishing it and return before you do. Now, let me go and do my work." I replied getting into the boat.

"And you can stay near the border if you fear regarding something. I will not be that far." I added and started the boat when she slowly nodded her head.

*Lily Pov*

I waited until his boat is out of sight or at least a little away but I am sure he can't see me clearly at all with the tree I am leaning on.

I lifted my leg and took out the phone from my sandal heel. I typed the numbers still keeping an eye on the boat.

"Hello, Victor!" I said when the phone felt being lifted.

"Hello? Where the hell were you? You left yesterday morning and calling now? Is the work even finished? I am sure it is not. That's why I said to just go there and finish him off without doing some plan or anything. What will go wrong with it? He is out of practice and alone on that island? I never thought you to be so stupid." He barked and barked.

"Daddy! How are you? I am fine and thanks for asking by the way." I said sweetly.

"Lily!" he said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, Dad! I will not let anything fail and he will get what he deserved even if I had to drag him holding his neck." I said, smirking at the boat and drew an imaginary circle around it with my finger before slashing it.


so... yeah got shocked? ;) and by the way guys why so less reads and votes and comments? didnt got the notification or lost interest due to late update? I am sure it was not that late...

Anyway i really wish you guys nominate me i mean the stories which got into finalist... i will give link in the comments and in here too... plz plz do it guys... there are eight stories of mine which are in finals including this story...

How is the chap? and plz do vote and comment by letting me know how do u think the story going on...

comment plz and vote...


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