Midnight Creeper: An Elton Jo...

Da ShesAnAmericanIdiot

3K 41 11

First book of the series, "An Elton John Fanfiction". Gazing upon Elton's intent, stunning, and greenish eyes... Altro

Part One: Vacant Town
Part Two: Jeannie's Rescue
Part Three: The Gift Of A Lifetime
Author's Notes

Part Four: Spirit of Love

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Da ShesAnAmericanIdiot

He let go of Jeannie's body, and parted his lips so slowly and unwillingly. Elton didn't want the moment to end. He took a long look at Jeannie's face while her eyes remained closed, admiring her young and youthful beauty and her smooth, soft skin. When she opened her eyes, she immediately met him with laughter- an overwhelming expression and feeling of pure peace, joy and happiness all at once.
"I am free of this pain. I am okay. Everything is okay!" Jeannie smiled to herself, because for the first time of her life, she had nothing to worry about. Love would take her on a journey to find her inner tranquility and bliss; a pathway to the recovery of hers and his soul.
"Of all the women I've kissed..." Elton laughed, "And you'd be suprised by the numbers..." He paused for a moment, biting his lip and then licking them almost seductively, "Yours has been by far the most pleasurable." 
Jeannie looked at him curiously with big, round eyes.
"Heh, but pleasurable would be an understatement." Holding Jeannie's hand, he picked her up off the ground and brought her to her knees, kissing the top of her hand very gently. He was quite the gentleman, at least he knew how to treat somebody, let alone a lady, with respect. Manners might be old fashioned, but classy and sexy in every single way.
Words had escaped Jeannie's mouth. She just didn't know what to say back after such a moment which left her breathless.
The puppy beside them had woken up and was stretching from a good, long nap. She whimpered very quietly.
"Awww, look at that, Jeannie, she's back for more trouble!" He chuckled, picking up the little puppy and hugging it. Neither one of them could resist the puppy's cuteness. Jeannie crawled over to Elton and the pup and started to play with her in his arms. The pup would scratch and bite their fingers furiously, trying to teeth on them.
Jeannie pet the little pup in his arms, "We ought to get her some toys-" 
"Ouch!" Elton wailed, pulling his arm back. "I think she made me bleed!"
Laughing, both Jeannie and Elton pushed the puppy away from their arms and put her down on the floor again, hoping she would settle down. Of course the pup just kept trying to run back and bite them, although she began gnawing on Elton's shoes now instead.
"Better the shoe than my flesh, heh!" He laughed, petting the feisty pup.
"Maybe I should take her for a walk, y'know, to get her energy out." Jeannie scratched her chin, "Oh and you can come with us of course!" She nearly squealed just thinking about it.
"Oh no, I can't..." Elton frowned, and then followed it with a sigh.
"Oh really?" Bummed, Jeannie looked at the floor.
"I'm really sorry, I have to sort some things out with my management today, that's why I'm in the states. I'm heading out to Las Vegas tomorrow for a couple of shows." 
The were both a bit depressed that the end of their time was drawing near.
"I'm sorry Jeannie. I would love to stay, you know... I-I love your little pup too... wot are you gonna name her?" He stuttered for some unknown reason. His shyness was coming out again, which was beyond adorable.
"I don't know, let's try to come up with something together!" Jeannie blushed and smiled, hoping to convince Elton to agree. He met her eyes with a funny look, but ultimately fell for her puppy-dog face and agreed.
"I wanna name her something pretty, not something goofy like Biscuit or common like Daisy."
"Hhhmmm..." Elton  stared at the little pup for a long, long time. "Maybe naming her after a gem. Those are always beautiful names." He glanced at Jeannie for a moment, "Y'now like Diamond, Ruby, Jewel, Pearl..."
"Oh, I like Ruby!" Jeannie exclaimed, and tried saying the name a few times to get used to it.
"But it doesn't really flow. This girl is special to me. I want her name to represent you  somehow." She blushed again at Elton, who was blushing right back.
"Oh, you're killing me here, Jeannie!" Elton laughed, combing his hair back and sighing. "I don't know what's so great about me!"
"You're everything I hoped for, Elton. You're the man of my dreams, and oh, your spirit will live on with this girl fore-" She stopped dead in her sentence and gasped. It was utterly perfect.
"Spirit! That's it. Elton, her name will be Spirit! That will remind me of you...!"
A random bout of energy ran through her body and she ran over to Elton to give him a big hug. Grinning ear to ear, Elton caught Jeannie and tackled her to the ground, playfully tickling her. Of course, the newly named Spirit came running over to Jeanine and crawled on top of her, nibbling and licking her her face, nose, and ears eagerly.
"Elton! Elton, stop!!" Jeannie squealed, kicking her legs and Elton's hands tickled her all over her body. She didn't really like to be tickled, but with Elton it was... sort of a guilty pleasure for her. Still, she tried to make him stop.
"Stop! Stop." Grabbing his hands, she pushed him away and backed up- with a huge smile across her face of course.
"Wot, you don't like to be tickled!?" Elton joked.
"No..." She tried to catch her breath, "But this was a little too much..." She looked over at Spirit, and she happily tried to leap for Jeannie's face again.
"Get down!" Jeannie ordered, but not very strictly. She knew the puppy had a very short attention span.
"Oh Jeannie!" Elton suddenly blurted, "I forgot something- come here." He suddenly got up and ran to the front door. Jeannie followed, and Spirit tagged along behind.
Elton picked up something from the ground and dusted it off. It appeared to be a little pink card, once again neatly wrapped in a bow. He was definitely a fantastic gift-giver!
"This is for your mom. Well, really it's for the both of you." He handed the card to Jeannie. "Shhh, I want your mother to open it. But don't tell her what it is. There's a check inside this card for $1,000."
"WHAT!?" Jeannie jumped to her feet and scared Spirit, running behind the wall for security.
"Hah, it's money for you and Spirit, you know, so you can buy her toys and food and pay for her vet bills and all." Starting at the floor, Elton blushed.
"Unbelievable! You are so kind, there aren't any words to express my gratitude. Thank you so much, Elton. This is wonderful." Jeannie was about to lean in for another hug, but she figured she would've done a little over-kill on the hugging, so she refrained herself.
"But I must get going now. I gotta get back to my management in like," Elton looked at his watch,"-half n' hour."
"Oh dear I'm so sorry for keeping you up here so long-"
"No no, it's fine, I can make it back in time. And remember, I'm in charge of my own management, it's not like they can fire me! Hahaha!" He laughed a long laugh, which sounded like a series of hiccups and snorts. Jeannie could not lie that it was the most strangest, yet adorable laugh from a man!
All of a sudden, she began to feel a great, overbearing sensation. She was happy, but something else was bothering her. Something was on her chest she could not explain. An abrupt feeling of nostalgia and discomfort was nagging on her, making her frown right at Elton. She could not comprehend what was happening to her, except for perhaps she was beginning to miss his company already, now that he was leaving.
"Elt'n..." She sorta slurred her words, " Www--but uh, you'll be like, back... riiiight?" Spirit peeked her head out behind he wall and stared at Jeannie cautiously. She sensed that her energy had changed.
Elton raised his eyebrows and gave a half-smile back, attempting lighten up the mood. 
"I can't guarantee that I will be back... here," He swallowed, then took an uneasy look in Jeannie's eyes, "But we should meet again."
The room was going silent every quickly, until Spirit walked up to Elton and began tugging at his pant legs restlessly. She began trying to pull Elton, but being only a few pounds, she failed miserably. Jeannie and Elton laughed and laughed until they could barely breathe in between their snorting.
"Elton!! Haha!! I think she wants you to stay!" Wiping tears from her eyes from laughing so hard, Jeannie threw an old shoe nearby at Spirit. "Chew this, it's getting old anyways." She muttered.
Jeannie looked up and noticed that Elton's eyes were also pretty wet and watery, and she assumed that it was from laughing so hard as well. But the fact that he was leaving her now was surely going to make more tears come, and they weren't going to be happy ones.
"Jeannie..." Still smiling, but talking on a more serious note, Elton rubbed his eyes together and suddenly and overflow of tears came rolling down his cheeks, hitting the floor one by one.
"Oh dear, oh my god." He tried to wipe the tears with his hands, but there were too many to stop. He hated to be so emotional for a man. If that were one thing he would change about himself, he's definitely make himself a stronger man. He was too self-conscious and insecure about himself. But yet it was the key trait in Elton that Jeannie was attracted to!
Jeannie was completely stunned. Never did she expect him to cry, let alone in front of her. She could not tell whether he was crying of laughter, sadness, or both, but it didn't matter- he was really crying hard. Shaking, Jeannie ran over to the kitchen and grabbed some tissues for Elton, unsure of why he was crying so much. It was so sudden and unexpected that it actually began making her feel frightened.
"H-here..." Handing the tissues over, Jeannie spoke in the lowest voice she could- though it was unintentional. She was just so nervous.
Elton took some of the tissues, turned over and excused himself, and began blowing his nose. Jeannie could feel some tears brewing up in her own eyes, just from watching him cry. When he looked back, she could see his eyes were pitch red, very drained and weary. He wasn't laughing with joy, there was a pain inside that was crawling out with each and every sob he made. She could almost feel his tension and agony just standing next to him.
"Forgive me, Jeannie." Lowering his hands, he spoke very dry and monotone for a moment. "I was just overwhelmed."
Out of the blue, Jeannie began crying as well. It was an emotional response to seeing Elton so upset and fractured. Together they both just, well, stood there and cried. Collected their thoughts. Poured out emotions. Neither one of them anticipated something like this to happen at all. Together they looked pitiful like a train wreck, with Jeannie's back slumped up against a wall and Elton's back hunched over as he cried.
Finally a moment of silence struck as both Jeannie and Elton took a moment to breathe.
"How long do I have to wait...?" Jeannie whined, craving for his love all over again.

"Never." And with that, Elton pulled Jeannie's body to his chest, took his arms and wrapped them all around her, and picked her up while spinning her in big circles. Squealing with delight and ecstasy, Jeannie lifted up her feet and allowed her little body to be carried by Elton. Great amounts of love and joy welled up in Jeannie's heart, making her cry again. Only this time she was reassured that everything would be alright, "He will be back for me."
Elton set her down, but did not let her go just yet. He wasn't finished. Towering over her, he bent down just a little to get eye level with her, and then made his move. Realizing what he was doing, and more confined now that ever, Jeannie willingly grabbed for Elton's body and leaned in for his lips. They gave one last romantic, loving kiss- Jeannie knew just how much this last kiss would mean to her. With every movement and turn he made, she took it in with love, passion, and spirit. His love fed on her, built her up, and completed her. His love gave her a purpose. She needed his love and she would take it all in now- it could be her last chance to prove just how much they were both in love with each other.
It was quite a dramatic scene, as Elton's arms and hands touched her everywhere. They even moaned quite loudly. Nothing bothered them, nothing scared them, and nothing stopped them. They were so engrossed in their kissing- their love making- that they nearly had to gasp for a breath of air at times. It lasted well over a few minutes, since their hands went up just about every part of their shirts and through every strand of their hair.
Their eyes suddenly opened as they felt themselves hit the floor. They fell over! Crawling on his hands and knees, Elton found his way on top of Jeannie again and finished up his "little kisses" with Jeannie. He just couldn't stop himself, the love was overpowering; addicting. You could literally hear them kissing from across the room- the scene was nearly becoming rediculous. Jeannie actually began to giggle because the man was becoming so head-over-heels in love with her. Well, he really was! He even started to move his lips down towards her neck, tickling her but giving her a brand new kind of love. He sucked on her neck until it drained all the energy out of her. He was too eager to please!

"E-Elt'n-" She managed to squeak out a few words. "Please-" She was trying to make him calm down. He stopped, but she could tell he just wanted to keep up again, "You gotta go, remember?"
She really didn't want him to leave at all, but she really couldn't take anymore of his love at the moment. It wasn't surprising- she was so tiny and vulnerable and he had so much more strength and vigor than her. She was exhausted.
"Let me..." She breathed heavily, "... Catch my breath."
Elton backed away with a hungry look in his eyes, but eventually relaxed himself down to hold a decent conversation with her.
"Now you want me to leave?" He joked, smiling with his adorable gap again, "Oh, and you're quite a fast learner." Referring to her love making, he winked so charmingly it was very hard for her to resist his love again, despite the fact she was so tired.
"I'm a very naughty girl..." She thought, thinking about how damn far she went this time. Her mother would probably kick her out of the house if she only knew the kind of things she and Elton did today. The thrill of doing something mischievous and against her mother's rules was exciting to little Jeannie.
Though what she thought she said in her head was apparently spoken out loud, because Elton chuckled to her and shook his head.
"And I am a horrible influence on ya, darling. I'm sorry." Smiling, Elton got up from his knees and stood up. He seemed so tall and impressive from sitting on the floor in Jeannie's eyes. Elton reached out and helped Jeannie up from the floor. 
"So... I guess this is goodbye then." Elton sighed, then extended out his hand for an handshake. After all, they had just got done making love, or whatever you'd call that!
Laughing, Jeannie took his gentle hand and shook it. Even merely shaking his hand felt like she was touching a god. She was reminded again, right then and there, just how lucky she was to not only find love, but to receive it from Elton John.
"Goodbye, Elton." Jeannie closed her eyes, but no tears fell. She had gotten them all out earlier. It was time to feel at peace with herself now.
Elton walked to the front door and opened it slowly. Spirit had been running up behind him and was trying to squeeze her tiny body through the door. Luckily, Jeannie caught her in time and picked her up.
Chuckling, Elton took one more look at the innocent pup and pet her head softly.
"I'll see ya around, little one."
It was hard not feeling emotional as Elton made his way through the front door and down the steps. She knew he would be back for her, but she didn't know when. All she had dreamed of was a man of her own- a man to love and keep forever. Elton was all of that, except she had to set him free. It was hard, but she understood why. Nobody would ever, ever allow a relationship like theirs to be. He was just too old for her, and he was always busy anyways. Kinda sad, if you spent a lot of time thinking about it. But sooner or later Jeannie knew she would have to go through the painful strife of life. It was destined to be this way.
"Elton," Jeannie yelled out the door as he began to get into his car. She paused for a small moment, catching her breath and swallowing. She made sure she didn't cry this time.
"I'll always love you."
And with the blink of an eye, he was gone.

The road was getting longer and longer, and the sun shining on the pavement blinded his eyes. Elton could not stand driving down these miserable roads anymore. As soon as he reached a street corner, he pulled over to the nearest payphone and called up Bernie.
The phone rang and rang, but nobody answered.
"That dog, eerugh..."Elton growled, then tried to call again. After a few rings Bernie finally answered.
"Bernie, I'm losing my mind." Elton blurted. "These roads are so long and the sun is hurting my eyes, and the only thing I can think of is Jeannie."
There was a pause on the phone before Bernie began laughing.
" Well I suspect it went pretty well then, didn't it?"
"Oh..." Elton smiled to himself, then shook his head, "It was absolutely a dream come true."
Bernie stopped laughing hard, but was still chuckling, "Did you give her that pup?"
"Sure did, and she fell in love with her so much. She actually named it Spirit. She said it was some sort of reminder of my own spirit or something like that." Elton was so excited and overwhelmingly in love with Jeannie that he failed to focus and remember little details, just like a young kid in love again.
"Elton!" Bernie exclaimed, "She loves you!"
"I know." Elton began pacing around, clenching the phone in his hands tightly. "You won't believe what I did to her."
Bernie was incredibly amused by the childish and foolish way Elton was acting when he spoke about his encounter with Jeannie. A mature, grown adult man like Elton, boasting to his friend about the things he did with a young girl was purely comical, because it was only something that teenage boys did. Bernie could tell that she brought a young, wild heart back into Elton, and he really didn't seem like he just turned 40 not too long ago.
"What?" Bernie chuckled, going along with his excitement.
"We kissed and kissed, I mean several times. I had her on the floor with me, she was so adorable and cute. I had given her flowers and all, she hugged me and I twirled her around. Oh Bernie, I was fantastic. Just simply fantastic. I wanted to do so much more with her; my hands went up her shirt, I massaged her, I was kissing her down her neck-"
"ELTON!" Bernie barked, then all fell silent for a minute. Elton caught his breath.
"Wait wot?"
"You don't need to tell me all this, man! I get the picture!" He laughed and laughed, though he understood why Elton was so excited. He never really had much exposure to making love with women. After all, he was interested in men. It still bewildered Bernie that Elton would even have the slightest interest in a girl, but love does happen when you least expect it.
"I'm sorry, Bernie." Elton chuckled madly at his ridiculousness, "I just wanted to tell you how it went."
Bernie understood and talked with Elton for a few more minutes before advising him make it back out on the road again. With all his emotions off his chest, Elton got back in his car, took a deep long sigh, and looked over at his empty passenger seat. The seat was still adjusted to the way that Jeannie sat in it last night. Smiling eagerly yet deviously, Elton giggled liked a schoolgirl. "I'm never letting anybody sit in that seat...ever." He thought, knowing just how silly and crazy he was acting. He just couldn't help it. Love was love.

Jeannie skipped down her hallway and into her bedroom, with Spirit running behind her clumsily.
"Oh, I'm sure you need to go to the bathroom. I'll let you out as soon as I-"
Jeannie stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at herself in the mirror. Gasping, she leaned in for a closer look. She could not believe what she saw. Taking her fingers and touching her neck carefully, she saw a pretty decent sized red mark on the side of her neck. It was sorta pink and looked like a bruise.
"Oh goodness... that's a hickey..." Jeannie muttered to herself as she ran to the nearest bathroom. Turning on the sink, Jeannie ran a warm cloth under the water and began scrubbing her neck to try to get it off. It only made the skin look more irritated.
"Shit! I mean shoot..." Jeannie corrected her language as if she didn't want Spirit to hear. The little puppy paid no mind at all to her. She was sniffing around the room suspiciously, and Jeannie knew she act to act quickly.
"Ooooh no ya don't!" Jeannie frowned, picking up the little pup before she could make an accident. Jeannie rushed to her back door and put the puppy outside and monitored her.
"You need to pee outside." Jeannie smiled, watching as the pup explored her new surroundings.
At last, after several minutes, the pup ventured out onto the grass and squatted.
"Good girl!! That's very good!!" Jeannie baby talked, petted and praised Spirit all over. The little pup was absolutely thrilled for the attention, and jumped up at Jeannie's face, knocking her over.
"Ouch!" She yelled, pulling Spirit off her. 
Jeannie watched as her new dog stiffed around the yard and explored every crack and crevasse. Finally, she brought the puppy back inside and and into her room. She closed the door so she could watch her very closely.
"Ohhh... what am I going to do..." Jeannie moaned, looking at the bright pink hickey on her neck. "Mom is going to kick my ass. That's the least thing I need right now."
Pacing around, Jeannie got an idea. She ran to her kitchen for a couple of ice packs, then returned to her bedroom.
"This should at least stop the swelling..." She said, placing the cold pack on her neck. She laid down on her bed and tried to relax.
Spirit was scratching and whimpering, trying to get up on the bed with Jeannie.
"Ohhh you little rascal. Fine." Smiling, Jeannie bent over and picked up the puppy. As she lifted her up, she saw the album Elton and Bernie had signed right on her nightstand. She picked it up and started staring at it again.

You make me all a man can be, little Jeannie.
I love you.
Elton John, XOXO

She read his lines over and over and over again. She couldn't get enough of it. Cradling the album and little Spirit in her arms, Jeannie began falling into a deep sleep; the warm rays of sun still shining through the cracks of the blinds and onto her bed.

When Jeannie awoke, Spirit was barking and wagging her tail nervously. Alarmed, Jeannie opened her tired eyes and looked behind her shoulder. It was her mother, standing there on crutches and smiling at the new puppy.
"Awww, look, she's already protecting you!" Her mom said, walking over to the pup and letting her sniff her hand. Once Spirit became used to her presence, her mother sat down on the end of the bed.
Suddenly Jeannie's eyes grew big and her heart began to race. Her mother's eyes met her neck- the ice pack had completely fallen off of her neck and there was still a faint blemish mark showing. Jeannie gulped nervously.
"What's with the ice?" The long awaited, dreaded question was about to be asked. "What's the mark on your neck?"
"Oh, ugh...!" Jeannie smiled anxiously, then thought of the first thing that came up on her mind.
"Little Spirit here k-keeps biting me. She a-accidentally bit my neck... see?" Attempting to make the situation believable, Jeannie bent down and called over Spirit. Sure enough, she began nibbling her face an neck all over until it hurt.
"Owww!" Jeannie yelled, though half of it was just acting. Luckily, the excuse worked, because her mother didn't even care about the bruise anymore.
"Oh is that what you named her, Spirit?" She smiled, and pet the puppy as she rolled around all over the bed.
"Yep, I just liked the name." Jeannie lied again, biting her lip to hold back a smile.
"So Elton came along today, didn't he? How did it go? I can't believe he saved you and did all this for you. You better have thanked him, young lady." Her mother frowned as if she expected Jeannie to have treated him poorly. If only she knew!
Jeannie explained how he picked her up and drove her back home, and she told her how she gave him tea and thanked him a million. She didn't bother to tell her about the creeper she saw, or the record she got (thankfully it was hidden under the covers), and definitely not how she kissed that man like there was no tomorrow!
Her mother, however, ate it all up like a kid in a candy store.
"Really Jeannie? That's insane! You know Elton is a very big performer, you're one lucky gal to have this happen to you."
"Yes mom, I know... I like his music, remember?" Jeannie frowned, hoping her mother would stop embarrassing and bother her. Her mom had no clue at all how much Jeannie knew Elton on a deeper level.
"Oh, Elton wanted me to give you something!" Jeannie smiled, reaching over for her nightstand and grabbing the card. She handed it over to her mother, watching as he face lit up.
"Oh wow this card looks beautiful! He's so... what's the word... he's such a gentleman!" Her mother said, opening the envelope and card carefully as to not ruin the bow. Jeannie smiled at the thought of Elton being so generous and sweet all over again.
She opened the card and began reading it out loud:

Dear Jeannie & Family,

I hope you are all doing well. I have enjoyed Jeannie's company very much, and she has been a very kind, wonderful girl to me these last two days. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to give you all this sweet little puppy when I got the chance. Little Jeannie has been all I could ask for these past few days and she deserves this pup very much. I have a check for $1,000 in this envelope for you both to purchase food, toys, vet bills, and all other necessities for your new little girl. I apologize that it's not much. Inside the envelop is also all of her records and adoption papers for reference. I sincerely hope she brings you all peace, love and joy, and I wish you a smooth, speedy recovery with your leg! Thank you for everything.

Love love love,
Elton John

"$1,000!? Not much!? He's got to be kidding!" Jeannie's mother looked inside the envelope and found the papers and check inside. She read the check.
"No way..." She gasped, then looked at Jeannie. "Do you see this?"
"Yeah, haha..." Jeannie smiled, "He told me beforehand. I pretty much had the same reaction!" Jeannie was scratching her head and rubbing her eyes, waiting for mom to leave so she could be alone with her thoughts again.
"Jeannie, that was an awfully sweet letter there. Did you hear what he wrote about you?" She went back and read the part where he complimented Jeannie. The compliments, however, appeared throughout the entire letter and she ended up re-reading the entire letter again.
"Yes mom, I guess he just loves me... I don't know..." Jeannie blushed and smiled, tilting her head and trying to hide her smile. But she realized that her hickey was really showing when she did that, and she sopped immediately. If her mother got a closer look and realized that was no dog nibble, she would be in serious trouble.
"Well mom, I'm going to go take a shower, okay? I feel sweaty." Trying as hard as she could to change the subject, Jeannie picked up little Spirit and put her on the floor. She then walked into the bathroom, and heard her mother mutter something to her.
"Silly teenagers. They'll never have a clue how special something like this is."
Smiling again to herself, Jeannie began to close the door when her mother shouted something abrupt to her.
"Oh Jeannie, I forgot to ask- what are those flowers doing on the coffee table? They're simply gorgeous!"
"Oh, ugh, Elton gave them to me..." Her voice grew smaller as she tried hard to fight the butterflies inside.
"Wow!! He just won't stop, will he?" Her mother chuckled, passing the hallway and down into the kitchen. "Did you give him a big hug after that?"
Jeannie covered her mouth and bit her lip. "Oh, there was more that just hugs..." She thought, and made sure she didn't say anything out loud until she filtered her sentences a little more.
"Heh, yeah, I thanked him a whole lot..."
"Teenagers! Ha!"  Her mother snorted and laughed, then walked into the kitchen slowly on her crutches, getting ready to prepare dinner.
Jeannie finally closed the door, and turned on the back light towards the shower. Sighing, she backed up into the door, and slid down until she was sitting. She smiled long and hard at the ceiling, envisioning her and Elton back together again. It was beginning to hurt a little inside. She was beginning to yearn for him again.
"When will it be...?"
She sighed and sighed, staring directly into the light of the bulb ahead of her. She didn't care that it hurt her eyes.
"I need to be patient."
She clenched her hands together, then touched her stomach. She was having a bit of a stomach ache from all of the butterflies and erotic feelings.
"He will be back for me..."
Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths. They were not pleasant. She was a little restless sitting down on the floor, feeling confined and trapped in the bathroom. But she craved the privacy.
"You just have to believe."
Opening her eyes, Jeannie stood up slowly, shaking. What a journey she had just gone through, and what an experience. She walked over to the shower, turned it on, and stripped off all her clothes. 
Glancing back in the mirror one more time, she took a look at the cute hickey Elton gave her. It was nearly gone. Actually saddened by what she saw, Jeannie rubbed her neck one more time. It was a little sore still, but it wouldn't last forever. 
"Well the hickey might be gone..." She sighed, "But I guess that love lasts forever."
With that last note, she stepped in the steamy, hot shower and cleaned herself up.

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