Déjà Vu - A Connie/Jacob Fanf...

By Certified_Fangirl123

12K 444 276

"Hello," he smiled, presenting his hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you," she replied, staring at him in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

428 20 18
By Certified_Fangirl123

Class had just finished for the day and as usual, Jacob was staying behind to help Connie with the cleaning up, as she'd just offered them a practical demonstration lesson. They were learning about the effects of different drugs on the same type of bacterium, and Connie was trying to explain the importance of using the right drug, to prevent further injury. The lesson had gone incredibly well, and since it was a Friday afternoon, there was nobody around in this area of the hospital. Jacob made sure to take advantage of this, and pushed Connie up onto the desk and removed her trousers, before separating her legs. She'd made a habit of not wearing any knickers, and it aroused Jacob all throughout the day to know that she was walking around without them. He crouched between her parted legs and licked her slowly to see how wet she was, and she tossed her head back as he covered her in a mix of his saliva and her juices.

"You'd better be quick," she hissed desperately, knowing that the caretaker would be coming round in forty five minutes, as she always did.

"As if you'd want it any other way," he chuckled as he sucked on the side of her neck whilst he unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them down to his knees and sliding into her with ease. He pushed into her forcefully, grunting as the two of them very rarely had fast sex, and she bounced along the desk in time with his thrusts. They began to sweat before they knew it, and Jacob's hand moved to grasp her neck to stabilise her. She was gripping his hips, digging her nails into him, and he sucked fiercely at the crook of her neck as he sank himself into her before forcefully pulling out and repeating the action. He slipped out of her completely on two occasions, which caused her to chuckle, and soon the pair of them felt themselves approaching an orgasm. Connie was the first to let go, and as she clenched around him, Jacob was set off as well, and unexpectedly came whilst he was still inside her. He pulled out immediately, swearing to himself, and instead had to release himself into a handkerchief he found on the side of the desk. Connie was left panting, with her orgasm dripping from her legs, watching as Jacob finished himself off into her handkerchief.
"Shit, fuck," he cursed as he continued. "I've never forgotten to use a fucking condom before," he hissed, and Connie just placed a hand on his shoulder as he cleaned up the last of his orgasm.

"Hey, hey it's alright," she reasoned. "You pulled out." She didn't want to be pregnant, but she didn't see that there was a high risk from that, and so she just tried to comfort him instead.

"Eventually," he sighed. "Fuck Miss, you can't be pregnant." He didn't know how he'd be able to deal with being a dad.

"No, you're right, I can't," she smiled comfortingly. "I'm on the pill."

"Really?" He asked, in sheer disbelief. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to think that we didn't have to use a condom. Technically we don't, but I thought it better to be safe than sorry. Baby, don't worry. I'm not going to be pregnant." She smiled fondly at him and encased him in a tight hug, the pair of them still naked from the waist down. They readjusted their clothes, and then shared a deep, passionate kiss, before Jacob had to go and the caretaker was due to arrive.

The following day, Jacob had to leave immediately, and as Connie was cleaning up on her own, she heard a knock on the door. She turned around to see the Chairman of Education, Derek Brown - with whom she was quite good friends - walking in. However, he didn't look friendly and approachable like he usually did, and Connie wondered if he had bad news for her. He closed the door, and told her to take a seat when she offered a friendly smile, and that practically confirmed her fear.

"Miss Chase, I'm afraid to tell you that you won't be able to teach this class next year," he said, once the two of them had sat down.

"But why not? I'm happy to do it, and the class love my lessons," she protested.

"And for a certain student, it's not just your lessons that he loves, is it?" He snapped at her, and Connie was slightly taken aback. Was he talking about Jacob? "I'm sorry, Miss. You're an excellent tutor, and I wish I didn't have to do this, but I'm afraid I saw yourself and young Jacob Masters in a, erm, compromising position, yesterday evening in this room, and I can't allow you to continue."

"Do the board know?" Connie asked eventually, her voice small.

"No, they don't. I'd like you to tell them that you don't want to teach anymore, and I'd like you to end your relationship with Mr Masters. I could've made this very difficult for you, Connie, but I've chosen to keep it to myself so long as you end it now, and go back to working upstairs. I'm here as your friend, I truly am, but if you don't help me I can't help you. How long has it been going on? And has it gone further than the kiss I witnessed yesterday? Whatever truth you tell me I promise I will keep to myself, but if I find something out that you haven't told me, you can deal with the repercussions." Connie nodded - she was thankful for everything he had done though she hated that she'd have to leave Jacob. She couldn't risk it any longer, she knew that much. She could've easily just lost her job and be facing charges from the police right now, so after considering that, she was in quite a good place.

"It's been going on for a while," she began. "His feelings were clear from practically our very first conversation, but I only developed feelings for him just before the first holidays of this academic year. Our first kiss was at the end of the term after, just before the second holidays."

"Oh Connie, how could you have been so stupid? If it's been going on all this time, I presume you've taken it further?"

"We've slept together numerous times. Had sexual intercourse on multiple occasions: in here, in the office next door, in my bedroom, and once in my car. We've experimented orally, and anally. I've also, erm, I've also touched him in class."  Derek shook his head in defeat - he hadn't expected Connie to be this reckless.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked, and Connie shook her head, tears pricking her eyes. "Well that's something at least. Tell me, Connie, you have been careful with him, haven't you?"

"Most of the time," she answered, whispering quietly so he could barely hear her. "With the exception of yesterday, we've always used a condom."

"What the hell happened yesterday?" He almost shouted, and Connie shook. He softened, as he saw how upset she was, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, I don't need to know. You need to break up with him Connie, and if you are pregnant, for God's sakes, tell me. I'll help you."

"I'm not pregnant," she answered, and he nodded, deciding not to take it any further today. "As for breaking up with him, can you please give me until the summer break? It's only two weeks away and it gives me time to tell him. It's not an affair or a fling, as neither of us are committed to anyone but each other. Derek please, I love him, and he loves me. I can't just leave him and have him think that I never felt anything for him."

"Okay," Derek nodded eventually. "I'll give you those two weeks. Connie, I'm going to arrange that you do a placement abroad for a year with a cardio team, so he has time away from you to get over you, and neither of you will give in to temptation. Don't worry, I'll monitor his progress and make sure he gets all the help he can. He won't suffer academically from this, I can promise you that much."

"Thank you, Derek." Connie said, wiping her eyes. She didn't want Jacob's grades to drop, but she knew that Derek was a man of his word and he would help Jacob get through it.

"The end of the term, Connie. That's all I can give you. Know that I wouldn't do this for anyone else."

"I know. I'm really grateful," Connie smiled, and Derek embraced her in a friendly manner before making his way out of the room, and leaving Connie alone with her thoughts.

The two weeks passed incredibly quickly, and tomorrow, they were due to break up from school. Little did Jacob know that he was also due to break up with Connie. She just had to find the courage to do it, because she loved him so much more than she'd ever loved a man. In the last two weeks, Connie had tried to discretely spoil Jacob; she'd taken him out on picnics in the woods, or on long road trips, and had even taken him stargazing one night, where he pleasured her across her car bonnet, and then they fell asleep inside the car. She had ensured to take plenty of photos both of him and with him so that she could remember how much she loved him, though she wouldn't mention this to Derek. Now, Jacob was spending yet another evening at his teacher's house, and Connie had just cooked him a tasty meal of beef burger and chips, with a small side of salad, as she knew that it was his favourite. They were eating at her dining table, discussing random things between one another, and as Connie finished, she placed her knife and fork down to prepare to break up with Jacob. She hated herself for having to do this.

"Jacob, over the Summer, we won't be able to see each other at all," she began to say, and he nodded, without even glancing up from his meal.

"I guessed that much, with you working and everything," he replied, shrugging and taking another forkful, and she smiled, though it was a sad smile. "I'll be able to see you next year when you're teaching us."

"That's the thing, Jacob," she began, reaching forward and holding his hand. "I won't be teaching you next year." He looked at her, and shook his head slowly.

"Can't you just ask the board? They were keen to let you teach us full time this year. They wouldn't want to give you a different class if they knew how much you enjoyed ours," he reasoned, and her eyes began to well up with tears.

"No, Jacob, I won't be teaching you next year, because I won't be teaching at all." She hated to say it, but it was painfully true. He could see that it was hurting her, and so he placed his knife and fork down and held her hands properly.

"Why not? Did someone see us?" He asked, and she sighed as now she had to lie to him, as well as break his heart.

"No, no, nobody saw us. Don't worry. But Jacob, the thing is, I don't want to teach anymore. I wanted a career in medicine so that I could save peoples lives. Not so I could be stuck in a classroom again teaching the stuff I spent half my life learning." It was such a big lie - she loved teaching the class, even though she loved surgery, and she would never have willingly given it up.

"I guess that makes sense," Jacob nodded, trying his best to make sense of her change of heart. "I guess if you tell me when your shifts are, I can meet you after work. If you're not my tutor then it wouldn't be illegal, right? So it wouldn't even matter that much if we were to be caught, though we'd be secretive anyway." Connie couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and clenched Jacob's hands as she sobbed softly in front of him.

"Jacob, they're sending me away on a course for a year abroad. I don't even know where yet, but it'll be a great opportunity for me, to spend some time with another cardio team. Please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

"Miss, what are you trying to say?" He whispered, his voice on the verge of breaking.

"I'm saying that whatever we've got, Jacob, it has to end here. This is the end of the road. By the time I come back you'll have started practical work so you'll be transferred out of the area. You'll have your degrees to get whilst I'll be, well, I'll be following my dreams. As will you, because you're a bright boy, and the last thing I want is for this to affect your grades." She let go of one of his hands to wipe her eyes, and he stopped her, wiping away her tears himself.

"You're breaking up with me." He said, tears stinging his own eyes now. "I thought I had a future with you. God, when I couldn't see anything clearly, you were there. You were always there. I have no one else to talk to. How pathetic is that?"

"It's not pathetic, Jacob. It just goes to show that I'm stopping you from living your life like other people your age. You're popular in class - you'll find a girlfriend in no time, and she can make you happy. When it's time for me to come back, you'll probably have forgotten who I am." He shook his head, and she knew that he was genuinely never going to forget her. She knew that she'd had a far greater effect on him than most teenage relationships, and she knew that it was going to take him some time to get over her.

"I love you, Connie," he said, and the way that he used her first name as opposed to calling her 'Miss' made her even more upset. "I won't find anyone I can love as much as you."

"Come on, that's not true," Connie whispered, trying her best not to break completely. "It's better for us to go our separate ways now. It was never going to last."

"It could have done," he began to reason, but she shook her head, urging him not to think of the 'what ifs'.

"Jacob, in different circumstances," she replied, and he nodded in understanding. "You'll make someone really happy one day, Jacob." She leant forward and kissed his lips softly, making no attempt to deepen it with their tongues. He stood, and encased her in a protective hug, before kissing her cheek and saying goodbye. He decided it would be best to go now, and so she let him leave without trying to stop him. It tore her heart in two to watch him go, but she knew that it was by far the best thing that she could do, for herself and for him.

The final thing Connie did that night was phone Derek, who was very sympathetic and understood why she was hurting. He explained to her that she'd done the right thing, and Connie knew in her heart that this was true, as she'd just told herself the same thing only moments earlier. It didn't make dealing with it any easier though.

"Derek, just before you go," Connie began, after Derek had said that he had to go as he had another arrangement to sort. "I'm pregnant."

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