Undercover Gangleader

By Darkfairytale1234

770K 19.4K 2.5K

You know the normal cliche of the nerd secretly being a street fighter and the bad boy just so happens to fin... More

Undercover Gangleader
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
Chapter ThirtySix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortySix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyOne
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyThree
Chapter FiftyFour
Chapter FiftyFive
Chapter FiftySix
Chapter FiftySeven
Chapter FiftyEight
Chapter FiftyNine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter SixtyOne
Chapter SixtyTwo
Sequel- Chapter One!!

Chapter TwentyTwo

10.6K 265 25
By Darkfairytale1234

Asher's POV

"It's Friday! Friday!"
I groan and hit the off button of the song, and mentally curse my past self for even purchasing that song. I stretch out my limbs and get up out of the bed, still half asleep and sleepwalking. I scrunch my nose up at the bathroom, questioning if I should even go in there. I rub my eyes as I go to my closest, thinking it's just a sweatpants and sweater kind of day when a knock sounds on my door." Asher?" My mother asks in the other side of the door before peeking her head through the crack of the door." Wear the outfit in the bag on your dresser. You're father is taking us somewhere. And take a makeup bag with you so you can put some on before we go. I know how you don't like being dressed up at school."
I nod and just grab the bag before heading to the bathroom, and look back at my mother and smile at her until she closes the door. I don't want her to see what may lay in there, and question me. I twist the knob to the door slowly and open it with my eyes closed until it's as open as it can get. I open my eyes and sigh in relief when I see it looks just how I had left it, and walk in eyeing the ground before every step I take into the white marble floor. I glance around at everything and see a note sitting on top of the toilet lid. I grab a piece of tissue to use to pick it up and open it.
I know you must be paranoid right now princess, but don't worry I kept it clean. Don't pick up the white towel in your hamper by the way, and have it washed before your mother touches it. I went over everything I touched with those Clorox wipes you have in your vanity, so everything's clean princess. Enjoy your shower.
I roll my eyes and roll the letter up before putting it inside the trash can, and stripping out of my pajamas and going inside the shower. I make the water a little colder than warm, and cover my face in the moisturizing cream knowing that if I don't my face won't be able to survive the makeup later today. I stand under the water, letting the water go where it pleases and think about everything that's went on. I've lost Hana once again, Sebastian did the dirty in my bathroom, I told on my best friend to her parent, I missed my first day of school in forever, and I'm now tutoring one of my biggest bullies at school. Funny how life changes so quickly.

I bite my lip looking at the outfit that lays in front of me. I've never worn anything this dressy to school. Like ever. I sigh before sliding the dress on, the lace and fabric molding to my body that's going to make wearing this to school even more uncomfortable. It's a pretty dress, don't get me wrong, just foreign for me to wear. I raise the chest of the dress and frown when it just makes my cleavage be pushed up more. I'm just waiting for a boob to pop out, their so pushed up. I plug in my blow drier and dry every strand until everything is dry and slightly frizzy from the heat I put on it and I plug in my curling iron. I let it heat up, as I dived my hair into five parts and thoroughly brush a section of my bottom hair before putting some heat protectant in it and then making two loose curls and then spraying hairspray over them. I do the same steps with every section of hair, making more curls with each one the higher I get. I fan my face from the heat of the iron and the workout of curling my thick hair and grab my bangs before curling them owe to the right side of my hair. I do one last layer of hairspray around my head, and unplug the curling iron after checking if all in the mirror. I cringe at the black heels my mother bought as well, and slowly slip into them. My mother used to make me walk around the house in heels, as did dad sometimes during training, so I should be able to survive the day. Dad used to make me wear heels an entire training session, just in case I was wearing any in the time that I might have to fight an attacker or something. It's a good skill to have though. I bend over slightly and put in the small diamond earrings from the bag, these heels making me to tall to just be able to stand up straight. I let my shoulders sag when I'm all the way done, and sigh out in relief before walking out of the bathroom.
I glance at the clock before sitting down on my bed, having thirty minutes until dads picking me up and look at tumblr. I scroll through the posts I've missed from not being on here for a while, when a knock comes to my door again." Come in."
The door opens and then shuts and I hear footsteps approach me before they stop in their tracks. I raise an eyebrow, waiting for mom to say something and freeze when I look over to not see mom but Sebastian." Asher?" He asks looking at me from head to toe, making me feel uncomfortable and exposed.
"What are you doing here?"
He eyes me down, his mouth opening and closing multiple times before saying," You look beautiful."
I glance around the room, not knowing what to say and partly wishing he hadn't said it." Um.... Thanks I guess?" I clear my throat and try to push away the stillness in the air and say,"You didn't answer my question."
"Oh, sorry. I'm hear to pick you up baby girl. I decided that since I'm going to the same place as you, I might as well drive you there."
"No. No. You're not taking me to school. I've been to the parking lot when you arrive. Everyone stops what their doing and watches you get out, and don't quit whispering until you enter the building. I don't want that attention. I just want to stay the nobody that no one can remember her name when they ask for the answer to last night's homework. Okay? So please leave."
He grunts and plops down on the bed beside me, and puts his elbows on his knees." Why don't you like attention?"
"Because. The more attention you get, the more drama that follows you. I want no distractions from school work and getting good grades. It's not worth failing at school, so somebody will start a rumor about you behind your back."
He looks up at me and I glance down from his gaze, noticing the blacks lacks and black button up his wearing." You really are a nerd aren't you? At heart. On the outside your a sassy and hot little thing but in the inside your just a girl who believes doing what the government wants her to is more important than living her life. Asher, what are you going to do when your forty and realize you've only worked all your life? When you realize you've went through over half of your life, yet hadn't lived a single day of it? Or when your kids ask about crazy stories from your childhood, and all you have to say is one time you had flipped straight to the page your teacher assigned to read?"
"My life isn't that boring. You just don't know it. And I don't have plans to have kids. I plan on living alone with seven cats. Ones name will be Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday. All named after the days of the week. Pretty exciting right there."
He stares at me, still hunkered down and glances over me." You're to beautiful to live alone with seven cats. And your way to beautiful for someone to not try and have kids with you. I say who ever you married would be to excited to even think of protection."
A blush comes to my neck and cheeks and he smirks before raising back up." How about we wait until three minutes before the bell, to pull in? That way everyone is already inside and minding their own business. Your going to be in the library so it doesn't matter if your late or not, and I'm always late to class so that doesn't matter either. And I'll also make you a deal. If you drive with me, I'll go get your homework and that day's lesson from all your classes and give them to you at the end of the day?" I pause and he lifts an eyebrow." So your going to walk around the school today in that to get your homework?" I shake my head and he smiles." That's what I thought. So do we have a deal?"
"Yeah, we have a deal."
"You really are a bacon lover." I say to Sebastian, who's eating a bacon biscuit from McDonalds, with extra bacon in a fry holder.
He shrugs and looks my way." Who doesn't love bacon? Well besides you- a weirdo."
"I like bacon. It's just I don't like the affects it has on your body. Very fattening." I get out a strawberry from my Fruit "N Yogurt Parfait and put in my mouth, not liking how he watches my every move as I do so." Quit being a pervert."
He smirks and shrugs before looking out his window again." You have some yogurt on your face." I quickly wipe it off and grunt a little causing him to chuckle." I had to take that perverted, I'm sorry. And I don't think you need to watch what you eat. You're beautiful no matter how much you weigh baby girl. Remember that. Plus, I don't think you can lose any fat. You're just skin and bones."
"I have body fat."
He turns back to me with a lifted eyebrow and asks," How much?"
"Sixteen percent."
He glances over me and nods." So I take it you and your father train together a lot?" I shrug and he sticks a piece of bacon into his mouth." Only female athletes have a percentage of fourteen to twenty of body fat. Meaning your categorized as an athlete. High five." He raises his hand and I scrunch up my nose at the grease that coats his fingers, and he looks at him before licking it off and putting his hand back up.
"I'd rather high fived your hand with pig grease on it then with your saliva." He grunts before forcibly taking my hand and making our hands touch and smirks before putting his finger between mine and sitting our entwined hands beside him. I jerk my hand back and he chuckles as he eats another piece of bacon and started up the car with one hand." Sebastian. I'm not joking. Give me back my fucking hand."
"I don't see why you need it right now. You can eat that with one hand." He says and begins to back out of the parking spot of the McDonalds and pulls out, nor glancing to see if there's any cars coming." I heard Daniel say that you were a dangerous driver. Is that true?"
"I don't care what Daniel thinks." I say stubbornly and shake the hand that has his around it." Give me back my hand or I'll-"
"You'll what? Hit me? Wreck us both?"
"Yeah, actually I would. And use your body as a surfboard for when I fly through the windshield."
"Oh. Doing the bath time boogie are we? It's a sex position by the way."
"Shut up. You're fucking annoying! Let go of my hand before I shove ours up your ass!"
"Try it." He says as we stop at a red light, giving his annoying and signature smirk.
I growl before raising up out of my seat and bending our entered hands underneath him before he jumps and scoots away." God damn get back here!" I begin to hit him with our hands and he laughs with raised eyebrows until our hands hit him in the eye, causing him to shut up and loosen the grip of my hand, letting me slip away." Take me to school. I'm done with your ass."
He grunts before driving on and holding his eyes." Your violent you know that? And please don't grab my butt again. I felt like a bitch."
"Good. Because that's what you are. And I wasn't grabbing your butt. I was trying to stick ours hands up it. Big difference."
"I feel violated." He says to himself and I roll my eyes.
"Now you know how I feel every time you make me kiss you or make inappropriate comments. I'm thinking about reporting you for sexual harassment. Teach your ass a lesson."
"Whatever." He grumbles before shutting his mouth the entire way to school.
I sigh out and put my yogurt into my McDonald's bag and looking out the window." You should be quiet more often. Your actually less annoying when you've shut the fuck up."
How was it guys? Good, bad, okay? Anyways, I noticed your alls comments from the Hana and Daniel incident. What do you all think of her now? How do you think you'd react if your best friend did you this way? I'd be pretty pissed off personally.
Question:Who's your favorite character of the story so far?
Right now, my favorite character is Asher. But that'll change once I introduce a character I've been planning to put in for awhile now. They'll be my favorite character then. So who's your favorite character?
Interesting fact: Undercover Gangleader was on wattpad before but had a different twist on it. It was about a girl who was a Gangleader, who goes undercover at a school to watch over her cousin. The reason? Her uncle had got a loan from a mafia and now sometime later, is getting threats from them and he fears they might try to harm her cousin,
So anyways, I plan on updating again today. When, I really don't know, but sometime today. So how did you like this chapter? A little short I know, but I couldn't really think of anything else to add into this chapter. So what are your thoughts on every character so far? Sebastian? Hana? Xavier? Daniel? Asher? And how do you think she'll react to Gabriel when he drops the bomb about Hana? Tell me in the comments and see you later beautiful people.
Oh and also! I've changed what Asher looks like. I saw the picture and I was like ' this is my girl'. Here she is now.

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