...oops (Independence Day Fan...

By ProudlyWeird123

43.3K 1.1K 167

When Elaina Radley gets a paid internship at a cable company, she's ecstatic. What she never expected was get... More

I Hate Mornings
So It Begins
Thanks E. T.
Road Trip!
Too Late
Area 51?
Don't Touch Me
You Learn New Stuff Every Day, Right?
Let's play kick ball; you be the ball.
Missiles, and Weddings, and Stuff; Oh My!!
Aaaaaaaaand lift off!
Homeward Bound?
We're Alive???

Space; The Final Frontier

1.9K 57 9
By ProudlyWeird123

"Hey David fun fact."
My teeth were clenched so as not to let my breakfast end up spilling all over the floor, and I looked over to David as I said this to see that he was in no better shape.
He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, prompting me to continue.
"I am absolutely terrified of heights and of flying and I kinda never told you because you are too, and I didn't want you to worry about me also. And I also needed a reason to convince you to let me to come up into space with you, which I'm now starting to mildly regret," I forced out, all very quickly and in one breath.
David just looked at me for a few moments, probably trying to unravel what I just said, before his eyes grew wide and he glared accusingly at me.
"Seriously?! How come you never told me?!"
"I literally just-"
"You shouldn't even be out here! I shouldn't have let you come!"
"Hey now, that was my choice-"
"You lied to me just so that you could come up also!"
"Well, technically you never asked, and I never outright told you that I did like heights and flying-"
"You basically did!!"
I threw my head back and groaned dramatically. "Steve, would you please tell David that he's being completely unreasonable?"
David looked at Steve for an answer, as did I, and Steve shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked at me, then at David, and then back out the dashboard/window in front of us.
"Hey look! The mother ship!" He pointed, trying to distract us.
I scoffed, and was about to continue arguing with David, but then I looked out the window as well, and the words died before they could reach my mouth.
The mother ship was even larger than I expected, already filling up all of our view where it hovered, and we weren't even too close to it yet. Forget being city sized like the other ones, this ship could span over almost an entire state, I thought. I felt small and weak just looking at it, and my throat dried immediately. I had no idea how the heck we were gonna pull this off and get out alive.
"I've been dreaming about this my whole life," Steve muttered, his eyes still glued to the spaceship in front of us.
"What kind of freaky-ass nightmares do you have, man?" I retorted sarcastically at him. I get that he's always wanted to fly in space but, holy crap, if this is what was waiting out here, then I would much rather stay in New York City, thank you very much.
Steve opened his mouth to shoot something back at me, probably just as sarcastic, but suddenly the whole ship jerked, and Steve ripped his hands off of the steering wheel, which was now turning on its own.
"What the hell?" He tried to grab the wheel again, trying to gain control of it, but David stopped him.
"Wait, don't touch it!"
Steve and I both looked at David incredulously as he started typing away at his laptop as though nothing was wrong.
"I was counting on this," he muttered. "They're bringing us in."
Suddenly it made sense to me. They were pulling us into the mother ship, because we looked like one of them. Well, the space ship did at least. And it was a very good thing, because we didn't actually know how or where to enter the spaceship without blowing our cover. Huh. Guess I didn't think of that.
"Well, when the hell was you gonna tell me??" Steve still didn't look too happy about these arrangements, regardless of whether or not he actually understood why it was good.
David just looked at him, unfazed by his irritation. "Oops."
Steve just shook his head in disbelief, while I laughed at David's repeat of Steve's earlier response.
"We have got to work on our communication here," Steve said, shaking his head at David.
"Ya know, if it makes you feel any better Steve, he didn't tell me either so..." I trailed off, grinning lopsidedly at Steve.
"Yeah, well I'm not exactly the only one keeping secrets here," David shot back at me without looking up from his computer.
I heard Steve sigh exasperatedly at us arguing again, but I ignored him.
"I didn't 'lie' just to be a dick about it, ya know," I told David, adding air quotes around the word 'lie'. Seriously, he was being ridiculous. Oh no, I didn't tell him what I was afraid of. Whoop de doo, big deal.
"Yeah, well then why did you? Cuz it seems like a pretty dick move to me," David replied venomously, glaring at me across Steve, who had suddenly become very interested with the dust/alien goop on the dashboard.
"I didn't say anything because you got sick basically every time we were flying together! I couldn't be sick or scared because who would help you when you were then?! I didn't tell you because I freaking care, that's why."
I stared down at my lap, clenching my fists. Why else would I have lied about that? Honestly David was so clueless when it came to stuff like this.
I mean, granted, I was pretty clueless too up until recently, considering I didn't realize that I was low-key in love with David until earlier today. But still, now that I was on the receiving end of it, it was ridiculously irritating.
"Well maybe I wanted to care too."
I looked up to meet David's eyes, and suddenly I had no words to say. I was really hoping he couldn't hear how loud my heart was beating. He said he cared. Well, essentially that's what he said. And I couldn't be happier, yet more conflicted at the same time. Honestly, we were both probably gonna die within the next hour, and that thought made me sick to my stomach. Not the fact that I was going to die, but that David might. I would do anything to keep David from harm, and from what he just said, and how he's been acting lately, it seems that he might do the same thing. But regardless, there was nothing either if us could do this time. And I knew that it was at least killing me from the inside, that knowledge, and I didn't want to think about what David was feeling.
But he said that he cared, and regardless of life or death in this situation, that's all that mattered to me right now.
I thought back to what Julius had told/warned me before I left. Maybe right now was when to do it. Maybe right now while I'm still relatively sane and not scared out of my wits.
I have to tell him.
"David, I-"
"Guys, look," Steve breathed, interrupting me.
Man, am I ready to punch that guy. Love him as a bro, but seriously could he have worse timing???
I decided (this time) to not make a sarcastic remark, and actually look at what he was pointing out to us.
I looked out the window to see our vision growing much darker and different.
We were entering the mother ship.
Just from the outside it looked huge, but inside was even mind-blowingly bigger. I could see thousands upon thousands of aliens, along with thousands of ships, some looking like the ones we were in, and some looking different, less like attack ships.
Dread settled in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know what they were doing exactly, but they were gathering for something; something big.
"There must be thousands of them," David said, shocked, and obviously looking at and feeling the same things I was.
"Millions," I corrected softly, my gaze staying fixed on the sight before us.
"What the hell are they doing?" David asked. Honestly, it was another obvious question, like he tends to ask, but I was going to say the same thing, just because I didn't want to admit what I knew was true. Thankfully, Steve said it for me.
"Looks like they're preparing an invasion."
And just like that, my stomach was in my feet. Whatever happened in this spaceship, and with the counterattack on Earth, this was our last chance. This was all we had left, because we couldn't fight all of these off, we couldn't even fight off one shot from each spaceship on Earth.
It was up to David, Steve, and I.
But, I mean, no pressure, right?
We kept floating forward, delving, slight unwillingly, further into the space ship, until a large docking station came into sight. There were probably hundreds of ships identical to ours around, but we kept floating above and past them straight towards a large window where an alien was sitting, staring out towards us.
"Um...guys...guys." I pointed urgently at the alien who would without a doubt be able to see us any second now.
"I don't like this, this is stupid. They can see us!" Steve exclaimed, obviously just as unsettled and worried about it as I was.
I looked over to David and was annoyed to see that he seemed unfazed. I opened my mouth to yell at him about how serious this actually is, but he spoke before I could.
"No, this thing comes fully loaded: AM/FM radio, reclining bucket seats and power windows," David explained as he pressed a couple of buttons on the dashboard.
Huge sliders came out from the side of our ship, covering the front window like doors, and effectively hiding us from the aliens.
"Oh, that's not suspicious at all," I grumbled. "Plus, now we can't see them either."
David glared at me. "Shh, its better than them seeing us. Its our best option, so quit complaining."
I stuck my tongue out at him and rolled my eyes. Nothing in this situation was ideal, and I was gonna complain about it as much as I wanted.
"Just upload the virus, will you? The longer we sit here, the more of a chance they'll see us," Steve urged, obviously sick of our arguing.
David nodded, and started typing away at his computer again.
"We're in!" he exclaimed after a few seconds.
I looked over to the computer screen and sighed in relief when I saw that the virus was uploading.
"C'mon, c'mon," I muttered under my breath, watching the progress bar slowly slide its way to 100% complete.
"Yes!" I cheered once it was finally complete. Hallelujah, we might actually have a chance of surviving.
"Okay, jobs done, lets go home," David said, looking to Steve.
"Gladly." Steve grinned and yanked on the controls, this time trying to go backwards on purpose.
I flew forward against my seatbelt and then back again against my seat as we rocked in place, but didn't move.
"Uhhhhhh..." I started uncertainly.
"It's stuck." Steve looked confused, and tried yanking on the controls again, and once again just resulting in giving me whiplash.
"What??" David looked at Steve incredulously.
"It's stuck. We're not moving. We're are suspended in place in a fricken huge spaceship. We're gonna die," I explained sarcastically to David, while holding tightly onto my seatbelt to hopefully try and avoid whiplash next time. "I think its pretty obvious that we. Are. Stuck."
David glared at me. "Not the time or place."
Yes it is exactly the time and place. I insult people when I'm upset and most likely gonna die.
Suddenly the window covers started to slide open, and my heart dropped to my stomach.
"What are you doing?!" Steve yelled at David, who was smacking as many buttons on his computer and the dash board as possible.
"They're overriding the system!!" David shouted back frantically.
"Ummm....uh guys....they can see us..." I pointed out the opening window with wide eyes, high key freaking out.
David looked at both me and Steve with wide eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: I'm so sorry guys that took forever!!! I had zero connection all week at my mission trip, and I only have Wi-Fi in one spot at camp, so every little chance/break I get, I've been working on this.
I promise the next one won't take a week!!
Also, the title is a shout out to Star Trek 3 coming out like last week or whatever, and the fact that I get to see it tomorrow for my birthday!!!! So excited, but I'm totally gonna bawl my eyes out cuz R.I.P Anton Yelchin, I love you.
Anyway, sorry all that was really random.
Love you guys!!! <3

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