
By Eclipse119

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Kaylee Black was just a normal seventeen year old girl. Her life was normal, nothing creepy--until her Junior... More

Hooked Onto Danger
Chapter One- Wishing for Romance
Chapter Two- Left In the Dark
Chapter Three- Monster
Chapter Four- On the Run
Chapter Five- Unidentified Future
Chapter Six- Forbidden Tears
Chapter Seven- Canine Teeth
Chapter Eight- The Beginning of Forever
Chapter Nine- Help Gone Wrong
Chapter Ten- Breakdown
Chapter Eleven- Losing Battle
Chapter Twelve- Down Without a Fight
Chapter Thirteen- Roadside Assistance
Chapter Fourteen- Fake Criminal
Chapter Fifteen- Bait
Chapter Sixteen- Memories
Chapter Seventeen- Life For Death
Chapter Eighteen- Embracing Death
Chapter Nineteen- Good Company
Chapter Twenty- Normal
Chapter Twenty-One- Unexpected Visit
Chapter Twenty-three- The Slow Descent
Chapter Twenty-four- Letters

Chapter Twenty-Two- The Tribulation

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By Eclipse119

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 The utter astonishment... shock... the horrific drop of my stomach that I felt at that moment was almost unbearable. 

   I forced myself to swallow the acid back that lurched in my stomach, and slowly, it felt like it was in slow motion, I forced myself to turn around, the heels of my shoes digging into the rough dirt. 

  There they were. 


  Ready for a battle. A bloodbath. And this time there was no getting around them. This time, we’d have to face them. 

  The plan all along had been to stow Sydney and I away safely somewhere, to avoid the battle, but here we were, in the middle of it. 

  No running away now. 

  I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t stop making eye contact with Max, who was grinning in an evil way, his eyes squinting up into a disgusting smirk.

  I also couldn’t help but notice that Matthew wasn’t with them. 

   Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sydney and Jack staring too, with horrific expressions. I guessed that was sort of what I looked like as well. Terrified. And in a way, defeated.

  I sidestepped slowly toward Sydney, barely clasping her hand in mine. She squeezed my fingers tightly and I could tell by her erratic breathing and sweating palms that she knew we weren’t getting out of this thing alive. 

  Max started slinking forward nonchalantly, the evil smirk remaining on his face. He was still pretty far away, but I almost wished he’d walk faster, just so we could get this whole death thing over with. I heard, over the constant ringing in my ears, Jack whispering something urgent and low to Damian, then I heard Damian gasp. 

   “That’s horrible,” I heard him exclaim in a low voice. I just saw Jack nod grimly. 

  Max and the pack were now closing in on us, only a few short feet away... it would only take one leap from them to end it all... 

  Jacks voice broke the silence, startling me and causing me to jump. 

   “Now, Max,” he said in a cautious, negotiating voice. He took two small steps towards the pack, his palms up in a way that suggested he didn’t want a fight. 

   “Yes, Jack?” Max asked in a pleasant voice. 

   “I know that what I did goes against what the entire tribe believes and you have every right to rebuke me, but--” 

   “Well, I’m glad you think so! Because I do. You are a disgrace to the Hokan tribe, Jack. And I can’t just let you off with a warning. That would be way too merciful, especially after you ran.” 

   “I understand completely, but--” 

   “Jack, you chose two merely mortal girls over your pack brothers.” 

 I could almost hear Jack gritting his teeth. “That’s because I won’t stand for injustice, Max. You’re abusing your power.” 

  Max took three steps closer, so he was now chest to chest with Jack. 

   “I’m your leader, Jack, and you will respect me.” he spat. 

   “No one will ever rule over me.” Jack whispered fiercely. I saw the pack all exchange shocked glances. Had anyone ever talked back to the pack leader before? 

  Max’s expression flared up into anger. 

   “Fine, Jack. I thought you were going to be flexible. But apparently I was mistaken.” 

   “Apparently.” Jack spat back. 

   “I guess there’s only one way to settle this.” 

   “What, are you gonna make my brothers kill me?” Jack sneered. I saw a few of the pack members flinch back. 

   “Of course not! That would hardly be fair. You and me are going to solve this the old fashion way.” 

   “You want to fight me, Max?” 

   “To the death.” he said, nodding. Jack laughed, looking down at the ground. 

   “Last man standing is the new alpha?” 

   “Last man standing also gets the girls.” Max added. I felt my heart stutter at the thought of being Max’s slave as Sydney squeezed my hand tightly. 

  I saw the anger in Jacks eyes nearly explode.

   “Don’t you dare hurt either of them.” 

   “I would never!” Max lied, faking a shocked expression as to say, ‘How could you ever suggest such a thing?’ 

  The air was tense and silent for the longest moment. I felt the tension building, and there wasn’t even the sound of the wind rustling the grass. It was dead still. Kind of like the calm before the storm. 

  Until Jack nodded. 

   “Let’s do this Max. I can take you.” he finally said. I felt tears prick my eyes as I opened my mouth to protest, but Damian spoke before I could. 

   “Hold on!” he exclaimed, rushing up to them before they could walk away to kill each other. “This isn’t right!” 

   “This is our only option, Damian!” Jack snapped, holding up a hand to silence him. 

   “But your basically leaving this all up to your skills! Who has the sharpest teeth, the best fighting techniques, who has the biggest claws! That’s not how packs are supposed to settle things!” 

   “Jack doesn’t deserve negotiating.” Max said calmly. “This is strictly between him and I and--” 

   “No, it’s not!” he exploded. “This has to do with the entire pack, the fate of the Hokan tribe depends on this!” 

   “Damian, this may be my only opportunity to give the pack the alpha they need.” Jack reasoned. 

   “And if you lose?” Damian challenged. Jack thought for a very long moment. 

   “If I lose... then it’s apparently meant to be.” he started walking alongside Max towards the forest, Damian frozen with shock. 

   “Wait!” I screamed when I couldn’t contain it any longer. Jack turned to see me sprinting towards him. “Jack,” I panted when I reached them. “you’re leaving this all up to fate?!” I exclaimed. 

  I swear... as he gripped my face tightly between his large hands, I’d never in my life seen more pain in ones eyes as I saw in his. 

   “Kaylee,” he spoke slowly. “I’m so sorry. I never wanted to put you in any danger. But this is the only way.” 

   “No, it’s not!” 

   “Yes... it’s the only way to keep you alive, Kaylee.” 

   “I don’t care!” I yelled, jerking away from his hands. “Kill me!” I screeched towards Max. “Kill me, just let him go!” 

  I saw conflict in Max’s eyes. 

   “Don’t you even think about it.” Jack growled. 

   “No, no,” he finally decided. “I’d never hurt you, Kaylee.” 

   “Why?!” I asked desperately. 

   “Kaylee,” Jack grabbed my face again, forcing me to turn and look at him. “I love you. More than anything in this world. And I swear to God, if I win, I will marry you. I will make you so incredibly happy. But right now, I have to face my demons. I have to fight my battle. That’s the thing. This isn’t your fight.” 

   “But it doesn’t feel right just leaving you to fight alone!” I exclaimed, tears shamelessly springing from my eyes. 

   “And it doesn’t feel fair putting your life in danger any longer.” he said calmly, meeting my blurry, tear-stained eyes. 

   “I don’t care!” I blubbered. I could feel everyone staring at me and Jacks big scene, but I couldn’t care any less. “I don’t care, I refuse to live without you, Jack!”

  Instead of responding, Jack pressed his lips to my forehead for a long second before I grabbed his face and crushed my lips to his. I could feel the pain. I could feel the anger. I could feel the fear. I could feel it all, just in this kiss. 

  Once again, I knew we had an audience, but I didn’t care. If this was the last moment I could ever share with Jack... I wanted to make it last forever, even if it only lasted a second. 

  I could taste the fact that he wanted more, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, gasping back tears. 

   “Let’s go, Max. Last man standing it is.” he said gruffly, not meeting my eyes and trotting off into the forest ahead of Max. 

   “Stop!” I cried, attempting to run forward, until one of the pack members caught me around my waist, restraining me easily with their super-strength. 

   “Set me down!” I screamed, kicking and flailing as they dragged me back towards the center of the clearing. It felt like prom night all over again. 

  But it was ten times worse now. 

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