Passing [3] (Jacob Black)

By alliekatt314

92.7K 3.2K 888

Reyna returns from the Volturi a changed woman. Alula has made herself at home with the Cullen's. The myster... More

Chapter 1 Return
Chapter 2 Shovel
Chapter 3 School
Chapter 4 Mom
Chapter 5 Jacob
Chapter 6 Will
Chapter 7 Intruder
Chapter 8 Truce
Chapter 9 Alula and Abigail
Chapter 10 Nathan and Isla
Chapter 11 Bonfire
Chapter 12 Seattle
Chapter 13 Uninvited Guest
Chapter 15 The Becks
Chapter 16 Imprints
Chapter 17 Kiss
Chapter 18 Carlisle, Esme, and Jade
Chapter 19 Fight
Chapter 20 Dealing
Chapter 21 Anna
Chapter 22 Pack
Chapter 23 Graduation
Chapter 24 Party
Chapter 25 Dancing
Chapter 26 Glass
Chapter 27 Surprise
Chapter 28 Training
Chapte 29 Seattle
Chapter 30 Ghost
Chapter 31 Mystery Visitor
Chapter 32 Allie
Chapter 33 Carrying
Chapter 34 Bonding
Chapter 35 Call
Chapter 36 Site
Chapter 37 Battle Pt. 1
Chapter 38 Battle Pt. 2
Chapter 39 Volturi
Chapter 40 Fight
Chapter 41 Fire
Chapter 42 Inbetween
Chapter 43 Celebration
Final Book
Final Book Announcement

Chapter 14 Box

1.8K 91 34
By alliekatt314



"You're alive," the girl from the basement remarks.

"I should be saying the same to you," Anna remarks and the girl pulls her hood off. Her dark locks fall down her shoulders and her piercing red eyes scan the room. My eyes widen at the sight of her ears and I swallow a gasp. White wolf ears protrude from her head instead of human ones. "Oh my god what happened?"

"I got bit and refused to die so now I'm stuck like this," the girl replies and scowls. Behind her I spot a white tail, on her hands lay sharp nails, and in her mouth I spot long sharp teeth. Overall it's a shocking view and somewhat unbelievable.

Esme and Carlisle seem completely star struck and proud.

"I'm so happy you finally decided to come upstairs," Esme exclaims and embraces the mystery woman. Jasper is smirking like he knew all along while the rest of us sit in confusion.

"Wait what the hell is happening here?" Rosalie snaps.

"My name is Anna Beck and this is my sister. I believe she can say who she is."




After tossing and turning for an hour I finally get up and sit at my vanity. The mirror reflects my face but not my emotion.

The box is still there, mocking me.

I feel a tugging on my heart and a restlessness in my bones. I need to open it, I can't stall any longer.

It's time I really let her go.

Finally I just groan in frustration and rip the lid off the box.

The first thing I see is a folded piece of paper with my name on it. Holding back tears I unfold it and start reading.

Dear Reyna

If you're reading this I'm dead. Cliche start I know, but how else do I say it?

I smile and let a tear slip by, Jade was always ones for cliches.

The first thought that should come to your mind is: why in the hell did Jade feel the need to write a letter for me to read after she dies? She's so young so why does she feel the need to leave something for me? Well if you knew what I did for a living besides modeling you would understand why I'm writing this.

I understand now, she was a werewolf and she died because of it.

Reyna I have a lot left to say but I'm dead and I'd hate for you to spend months trying to process my words on top of my death so I'll keep this short. 

I inhale sharply and cover my mouth to muffle oncoming sobs. I want to hear it all so badly.

I love you and that's the truth of it. I love you so much that it kills to know we aren't together anymore.

I just found you in the wrong universe that's all, there had to be one universe where we didn't end up together, and this just happens to be it.

Cheesy right? I just really believe that in some dimension we end up together truly and forever.

I laugh lightly before my laughter turns to tears. Jade wasn't some teenage crush, she was my first love. The person I'll always love.

Reyna please be soft do not let this world make your hard, do not let pain make you hate, and do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

You are a truly selfless and empathetic person and I want you to stay happy and pure. Please mourn for me but then you have to move on. Don't let my dying keep you from living.

It's just like Jade to say something like that, she cared so much about me. With shaky breaths I swallow deeply before continuing.

Reyna we talked about making it. I'm sorry I never made it. And it pains me just to know that you have to say it.

Reyna I love you, I miss you, and I want you to laugh as much as it can.

All my love Jade.

My throat tightens and a knot forms in my stomach as tears cover the paper and chiming sibs escape my lips.

It just hurts so badly. Why does she have to be dead?

"I'll smile and laugh Jade I-I promise," I vow and set the letter aside as tears blur my vision. I hang my head and sit a whole five minutes before running my eyes and look in the box.

On top there's a photo of us smiling and posing at the Halloween party. She has her arms around me and I'm looking up at her with doe eyes. The utter devotion in our eyes is heartwarming and bitter all at the same time.

I carefully pick up the photo and look under it. There's more photos of us, each one I scan carefully and reminisce. My favorite has to be me sleeping in my hospital bed after my hike in the woods with the huge teddy bear she gave me by my side.

Besides the pictures there's a pair of bunny ears and a tail. They're from Halloween when we went to the party at Sam's.

Next to the picture there's a set of keys with a motorcycle key chain on them.

Folded neatly in the box is an old shirt of mine I haven't seen since before I went missing in the woods. It must be the shirt she used to track me.

Under the shirt I pull out a homemade cookbook labeled 'Charlie and Billy Game Food.'

In the first page of the cookbook a Vogue magazine with my face taped over the front cover model is tucked.

Vanilla and Lavender perfumes sit in the corners and both have hearts drawn all over. Jade always did say I smelled like vanilla and lavender.

Scattered around he hole box is the Sugar Babies candy and the Sugar Daddies candy. The 'daddy' on all the Sugar Daddies is crossed out and replaced with 'momma.' I laugh and shake my head, we always did joke around about this but never let anyone say anything.

A tiny fake Christmas tree is nestled among the other items and upon pulling it out I see small ornaments hanging from it. One ornament is a tiny photo of Jade in black and white. It makes me tear up remembering the Christmas we spent together.

Beneath everything there's the pink spring dress I bought the night we went out with Jessica and Bella. It has the tickets to the movie we saw in the pockets and a note saying 'Lots of Love- Your respective girlfriend not your sugar momma.'

Hidden underneath the dress are the tickets to 'Face Punch', it was the last night I ever saw her.

Tears spill from a my eyes and soak all the thoughtful and heartfelt items so I nearly don't spy the last gift.

It's a poorly made bracelet. Confused I pick it up gingerly and laugh when I read the caption attached.

Bunny I know you don't love me buying you things so I made you something. Please have this bracelet I made all by myself.

The bracelet is made with gaudy purple beads and letter beads spell out my name in a multitude of colors. I smile through the tears and slide the bracelet on, never wanting to take it off.

With everything opened and memories flooding back, making everything so much better yet worse at the same time, I keel over my desk and openly sob into the night.

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