The Rescue

By lrobinson

186K 8.5K 263

Ace was perfectly happy. She loved her career, her home, and her independence. One of the best parts of her c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

4.9K 256 8
By lrobinson

Rhett pulled up outside of the large, very expensive looking hotel and handed the Ranger Rover keys to the valet. He walked around to her side and helped her from the passenger side then wrapped his arm around her and they walked in.

The room was large but constructed and darkened so as to provide the illusion of intimacy. Ace could see several alcoves dispersed along the walls to provide private sitting areas. A long bar lined one wall with bartenders place every few feet, several people were already lined up demanding their attention.

"Would you like anything?" Rhett asked and motioned that way.

"A Dr. Pepper or something lemon lime if they don't have it." She had never been much of a drinker and didn't think she wanted to start now.

Rhett returned with a long fluted wine glass filled with Sprite.

"Really?" she asked referring to the glass. "Thank you." He just smirked and kissed her forehead.

They started to make a lap around the room. Not too far in they stumbled into Ryan with a beautiful, tall pregnant brunette on his arm. Ace was excited to see someone she knew and liked.

Ryan and Rhett had a manly back slapping hug and he kissed Ace's hand before turning to introduce her to his wife Erin. She had an amazing smile and seemed just as gregarious and friendly as her husband. Ace immediately liked her.

Erin explained that she was a special events photographer. She and Ryan had been married for 6 years and their second child was onboard.

Ace was surprised Erin had a normal job and they lived a fairly normal life out of the spotlight for the most part. It opened a whole new vista of thought for her. She had previously assumed that her time with Rhett would always be filled with these types of things and, should they move to the next level into marriage, she would likely have to give up her life as she knew it to be with him. She had wondered how or if they could have a normal home and family life. Ryan and Erin had provided hope for that.

She couldn't bring herself to voice her dreams to anyone regarding Rhett but she often found herself dreaming of a future married to him and children. She knew her heart was hopelessly invested but didn't want to pressure or frighten him so she kept her thoughts close.

Erin made Ace promise they would get together for coffee the next day and Ace readily agreed. She and Rhett promised to meet back up later and continued on into the room.

Ace was introduced to the producer, executive producer, and director, location manager, set designer, costume designer and hairdresser all in quick succession. She didn't think she would remember all their names but endeavored to try. Most all had been friendly. A few had given her the once over and a couple had exhibited looks that led her to believe they weren't impressed but overall she still felt good. She simply talked and smiled like they were all parents at an open house where she was teaching fire safety.

She was on her 4th Sprite and munching her way through a plate of various hors d'oeuvres when a gaggle of women approached with Loretta in the lead. Rhett was talking to a set construction guy whose name she thought was Jason next to her but she had zoned out on their conversation a while back in favor of the food.

She was a little surprised when Loretta approached her first.

"Ann isn't it? It's good to see you again. I'm surprised but glad to see you weathering the barrage." Her smile was so fake, Ace thought she looked like a mad, angry, red haired Barbie.

"It's Ace, and I'm having a great time. Everyone has been very kind." She chose to ignore the other woman's insincerity. "Rhett has told me so much about all of you. It has been fun putting faces to all the names in his stories."

"I wouldn't worry about learning and remembering all these people. It's not like you'll likely be around long enough to meet them again." Loretta jabbed.

"Oh! Well Erin said that the same people often move from movie to movie so I'll get to know a few of them very well." Ace again refused to acknowledge her attempt to goad her.

"Yes, well Erin, I suppose she has earned her place after the time she has put in." Loretta's voice dripped with resentment. "I'm sure you won't have to worry about that."

Ace glanced over and saw one of Loretta's minions adjusting herself in her dress and wiggling up to Rhett. The minion stopped and attempted to look like she had been listening to his and the set guys conversation all along and was very interested. They never so much as noticed her existence. Ace smiled, it was sad but funny at the same time.

Loretta was talking again but Ace had been lost in her thoughts and not paying attention. She attempted to focus back in on her inane babbling. She was talking about her dress being made specifically for her by the designer and tailor fitted for her body. Ace just nodded. She did look a bit like an anorexic sausage. Like a Slim Jim beef stick. This thought cracked her up and she had to fight to keep her giggles from erupting.

"The same designer made my dress for next month's red carpet premier. It's similar but has a lot more glam." She was motioning her hands about trying to emphasize 'glam' and almost knocked over a waiter's tray as they passed. "I don't know if Rhett would have already thought that far ahead for you or if maybe he thought it more prudent to just see how it goes with you two."

"No actually, Valentino has requested to make my dress. My stylist sent him a picture of me in this dress and he asked if he could make the one next month. Apparently he was pleased with how this fit. He said he had a vision or something." She remembered when Leanna had told her this afternoon. It was gratifying and she still felt honored.

The other woman did not look pleased with this announcement. Suddenly Rhett's arm snaked around Ace's waist.

"I'm sorry babe. I got sucked into that conversation for way longer than I planned. You doing ok? Need anything to drink?" he leaned in and kissed her ear.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though." She smiled at his breath on her ear. It tickled and sent chills down her spine.

"Well then, I think 3 hours is plenty of time and I have earned my right to go home and unwrap my gift. Are you ready?" he asked with a lascivious smile.

"Absolutely ready." She advised and turned to Loretta. "It's been nice talking to you again. I'm sure I'll see you again soon."

"Perhaps." Loretta smiled and waved but her smile still looked fake.

She and Rhett made their way through the room saying their goodbyes and snuggled at the door as they waited for the car.

In the car Ace happily kicked off her shoes and rolled down the windows.

"Well, it wasn't bad at all. I'd call it a success. You might just decide I'm worth keeping around." She sighed and leaned the seat back a little.

Rhett reflected on his plans to do just that very thing. He hadn't figured out the details just yet but he had a plan.

"Well, you are smokin hot and an amazing cook........" he kidded her and drove them both home.


Ace met up with Erin for coffee the next day at a quaint picturesque coffee shop in downtown LA. She planned on doing a little shopping afterward. She had donned her favorite worn jeans and a tank top. It was nice and warm here and looked just like the movies.

She arrived a little early and picked a spot by the windows so she could watch the pedestrians. Erin arrived, ordered a decaf latte and joined her. She sat down with a loud groan.

"Only 6 more weeks," she advised while rubbing her stomach.

"I can't even imagine." Ace really had no idea but felt like she would like to. She got the nod of approval and placed her hand on Erin's belly.

"It's not bad at all I'm just so tired all the time. Last night just about killed me. We left right after we ran into you guys the second time." She looked beautiful but Ace could detect the fatigue around her eyes. "I fell asleep in the car."

"I almost did but Rhett wasn't having it." She laughed out loud.

They talked for half an hour about the people she had met and others she would be sure to meet in time. Erin said she needed to hit a couple of stores and Ace explained that had been her plan as well so they happily set off together.

At each department store Ace went to the men's department and looked around but failed to find what she was looking for.

"May I ask what it is you are trying to find?" Erin finally asked.

"Don't laugh." Ace prefaced. Her face was red. "I'm looking for fire fighter boxers. Rhett has the most ridiculous boxer collection and his birthday is coming up."

Erin was laughing but Ace didn't mind, it wasn't to mock her just in amusement.

"You guys are absolutely made for each other. I'm so glad he found you." She gave Ace a side-hug since her belly was too large. "That and now that harpy Loretta will back off."

"She does not seem to be a fan of you either but I wouldn't count that as a bad thing. She doesn't seem to like many people." Erin just waved it off.

"Well, she isn't much liked by anyone so she's pretty lonely and sad and mean and awful which in turn keeps her lonely."

Ace could see how what they other woman had said was likely true and almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"She slept her way onto that movie set with two hopes." Erin raised her fingers in illustration. "One, that she would be able to pull off a performance that would make people take her seriously and two, that she would have a chance at Rhett. Neither worked out for her. Unfortunately, she will always be a B grade, Hallmark movie, kind of an actress and Rhett has never, nor will he ever, be interested in her. Even if he hadn't met me you, she never had a chance."

Ace just nodded. It was a harsh critique but ran in line with the opinions of others she had heard through her travels with Rhett. He himself had expressed amazement that she had landed the part on his movie.

"I just ignore her barbs and smile. It has to be hard enough being that miserable. She isn't worth the battle when I have more important things on my mind." She explained.

"And much nicer things I'm sure. Things who are tall and handsome?" Erin gave her a conspiratorial smile then turned serious. She stopped and took Ace's hands.

"I only have one disclaimer, it probably doesn't need saying but I'll say it anyway. Don't break his heart. He's a softy despite his bluster and Ryan and I are fond of him."

"I am extremely fond of him as well, I love him, and I have no intentions of hurting him. I hope he feels the same way about me and neither of us get hurt." She kept hold of Erin's hands and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Well then, I'll be expecting to photograph a wedding in the future." She summarily stated then released Ace's hands and they continued on their shopping trip. They shopped until Ace had to leave for her appointment with Leanna to prepare for another appearance with Rhett that evening.

This time they were simply to be seen together entering a party set up by the film company to celebrate his newest movie being released in a week. Ace met and entirely new group of people who were all interesting in their own way. The best part, in her opinion, being the lack of Loretta.

They stayed up late dancing and fell into bed together in the wee hours of the morning.


Ace and Rhett spent the next day together driving around and visiting all his favorite parts of town. They wandered around hand in hand and spent a few hours at the beach relaxing on the warm sand. They ate an early dinner at a local seafood joint then went home to spend the night in peace before she had to fly home in the morning.

While they were out they picked up the tabloids which all seemed to have a picture of the two of them attending one of the events somewhere on its front page. Later they sat on the couch together and ate cheesecake as they laughed over the speculations as to why he was interested in her and what they did on their first date.

A couple of the 'journals' claimed to have found "an insider" who had accurately described how they met but painted the picture with Ace as the pursuer stating she had shown up at the hospital after the accident to woo Rhett and practically stalked him until he agreed to take her out.

Yet another magazine reported that she was more than she seemed, a soon to be heiress, who had rich relatives that would likely be leaving her a bundle of money upon their passing. They reported Rhett had showered her with gifts for 30 days before she had accepted his offer of a date. When she finally accepted his offer they wove a tale of how he had then swept her onto his private jet and taken her to France for dinner.

"Sweet, where can I find my jet? I seemed to have lost track of the thing." Rhett began picking up couch cushions looking for his missing aircraft.

A third gossip rag reported she was a gold digging fame seeker who would likely use him, abuse him and dump him for a bigger name star.

A fourth described her as a down home traditional gal whom, they deduced, was exactly who Rhett was craving in his quiet lonely life in LA. They forecasted that in her, he found the warm inviting answer to his longing heart and he would settle down in the country with her and have a ton of kids. That he would forsake fame and fortune for marriage and family.

"That one is closest to the truth I'd say," He pointed at the 4th magazine. "Not that you are a country bumpkin but that you were definitely what I was craving."

"Makes me sound like a cheeseburger." She joked but when she looked over his face was serious.

"I would give it all up if you wanted that." He said quietly. "I could go back to architecture and be just as happy as long as you were happy. I understand it is a lot to ask of someone to take all this on."

Her heart felt so full it almost hurt. She felt her eyes welling up but forced the offending waterworks down. She took his face in both hands and looked him in the eyes.

"You look here. I want you. All of you. I'll let you know if I need a break from the crazy and we'll hide out in my house for a while or maybe sometimes I'll just stay home if I need to. The material point is that you make me happy." She spoke in a low earnest voice.

His only response was to take her in his arms and kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

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