Chapter 26

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Ace flew back and went back to work. They guys teased her for a few days in regards to her super girly pics but eventually grew tired of asking her if they needed to assist her so she wouldn't break a nail or ruin her hair. Chad was particularly upset by the lack of super model contact she reported.

"Sheesh! I thought we were family?" he shrugged and trudged of disappointedly.

Captain and Rick laughed quietly to themselves until he left the office then let it go loudly, heads shaking.

"You really should find someone for him. Even if it's just one date and it fails, it would be worth it just to see his face when you tell him you really did get him a date with a model."  

Rick was still wheezing a little from laughing so hard.

"I'll see if I can work on that the week after next when I'm down there. This week is Rhett's week to come here but I'll text him and see what he can get started for me." She had to admit it would be pretty epic to see his face when she told him she had fulfilled his wish.  

Devon's face would likely be just as good.

She was contemplating her options of assault when the tones went off and they were on the move.

They were requested to stage in readiness for a suicide attempt. Ace and Chad parked the ambulance 2 blocks away from the residence they were responding to and Rick pulled the fire truck in behind them as they waited for law enforcement to arrive and give them the ok to enter.

Finally dispatch advised them the police had secured the scene and given them the okay to come in. The female voice coming through the speaker explained they were responding to a 24 year old male who had attempted to hang himself and was still breathing shallowly after law enforcement had cut him down.

Ace grabbed a back board and c-spine bag while Chad grabbed the response bag and suction unit and they booked it inside.

Immediately she crouched down beside the patient and felt for a pulse. His young face was so distorted from the trauma; Ace had a difficult time finding his carotid.

"Come on kid" she murmured. Finally she found a weak thready pulse. "Got a pulse!" she  


"Tube him before the swelling gets worse, we have keep that airway open," Chad shot at her. He was establishing an IV in the kids right arm.

She had been on the same line of thought and was already getting the scope and ET tube kit out of the jump bag.

In only a few minutes they had his airway secured, his spine protected and he was strapped to a backboard on his way to the ambulance.

She immediately grabbed her light and accessed his pupils once they were inside the bus.  

Her heart sank when she found no response. One was larger than the other. Not a good sign. She pinched his finger hard and got no response to the pain she knew she had to be causing.

Devon climbed into the driver seat and flipped on the lights and sirens as he pulled out. She was glad to have Chad in back with her in case he crashed on her.

"Stay with me kid. Nothing is that bad." She talked to him although he was completely unresponsive. "Don't die on me. I really hate that. You are young; you've got tons of time.  

We just have make it past this ok?"

She could hear Chad calling in the trauma code to the ER while she kept squeezing the bag and helping the kid breath. She never did well with young people. It made her always wonder what could be so bad to make them want to give up on such a future of potential.

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