Chapter 25

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Rhett pulled up outside of the large, very expensive looking hotel and handed the Ranger Rover keys to the valet. He walked around to her side and helped her from the passenger side then wrapped his arm around her and they walked in.

The room was large but constructed and darkened so as to provide the illusion of intimacy. Ace could see several alcoves dispersed along the walls to provide private sitting areas. A long bar lined one wall with bartenders place every few feet, several people were already lined up demanding their attention.

"Would you like anything?" Rhett asked and motioned that way.

"A Dr. Pepper or something lemon lime if they don't have it." She had never been much of a drinker and didn't think she wanted to start now.

Rhett returned with a long fluted wine glass filled with Sprite.

"Really?" she asked referring to the glass. "Thank you." He just smirked and kissed her forehead.

They started to make a lap around the room. Not too far in they stumbled into Ryan with a beautiful, tall pregnant brunette on his arm. Ace was excited to see someone she knew and liked.

Ryan and Rhett had a manly back slapping hug and he kissed Ace's hand before turning to introduce her to his wife Erin. She had an amazing smile and seemed just as gregarious and friendly as her husband. Ace immediately liked her.

Erin explained that she was a special events photographer. She and Ryan had been married for 6 years and their second child was onboard.

Ace was surprised Erin had a normal job and they lived a fairly normal life out of the spotlight for the most part. It opened a whole new vista of thought for her. She had previously assumed that her time with Rhett would always be filled with these types of things and, should they move to the next level into marriage, she would likely have to give up her life as she knew it to be with him. She had wondered how or if they could have a normal home and family life. Ryan and Erin had provided hope for that.

She couldn't bring herself to voice her dreams to anyone regarding Rhett but she often found herself dreaming of a future married to him and children. She knew her heart was hopelessly invested but didn't want to pressure or frighten him so she kept her thoughts close.

Erin made Ace promise they would get together for coffee the next day and Ace readily agreed. She and Rhett promised to meet back up later and continued on into the room.

Ace was introduced to the producer, executive producer, and director, location manager, set designer, costume designer and hairdresser all in quick succession. She didn't think she would remember all their names but endeavored to try. Most all had been friendly. A few had given her the once over and a couple had exhibited looks that led her to believe they weren't impressed but overall she still felt good. She simply talked and smiled like they were all parents at an open house where she was teaching fire safety.

She was on her 4th Sprite and munching her way through a plate of various hors d'oeuvres when a gaggle of women approached with Loretta in the lead. Rhett was talking to a set construction guy whose name she thought was Jason next to her but she had zoned out on their conversation a while back in favor of the food.

She was a little surprised when Loretta approached her first.

"Ann isn't it? It's good to see you again. I'm surprised but glad to see you weathering the barrage." Her smile was so fake, Ace thought she looked like a mad, angry, red haired Barbie.

"It's Ace, and I'm having a great time. Everyone has been very kind." She chose to ignore the other woman's insincerity. "Rhett has told me so much about all of you. It has been fun putting faces to all the names in his stories."

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