Her Crimson Tears (Werewolf S...

By JackVuong

219K 2.9K 395

Peyton O'Reilly was an outcast in her pack (the Silver Enoch Pack), she tried to be invisible but everyone de... More

Chapter 1; What's Mine I can't have
chapter 2; Deadly Rejection
Cast List and Info
Chapter 3; A vampire, my savior
Chapter 4; Awakening
Chapter 6; Training
chapter 7; returning
chapter 8; explanations
Chapter 9; Elaina
Chapter 10; Unknown
Chapter 10 1/2 special!! <3
Chapter 11; Sorting
Chapter 12: Battle
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 [Final]

Chapter 5: New Beginings

13.9K 276 40
By JackVuong

Aoo... I've been getting quite a good response for this story and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, fanned me and added this to you library, sorry if I don't get thank you personally.

And (drum roll) there will be new stories coming out soon, maybe next year!!

Hmm Peyton and the silver Enoch pack might meet in about 3 chapters (Yes/No)

You decide

Onto the story:


Recap: she wakes up from her coma and goes to sleep

Peyton P.O.V

Sunlight filtered through the curtains and stung my sensitive eyes as I opened my heavy eyelids. I tried to sit up but winced and lay down as I felt pain tugging on my chest. Hmmm this bed is soft and fluffy and I love the violet colour... Wait what?!

"Oh you're awake. Here drink some water, you must be starved after having no food for two months" a beautiful woman with a Columbian accent said.

"What do you mean 2 moths and what coma?" I croaked out, my throat felt like sandpaper and I drank all the water

"The alpha will explain it to you, I'll go get him now", 5 minutes later The Alpha came in and took a seat beside me

"Hello Peyton, I am Alpha Blake, so, two months ago you were shot in the heart with a silver bullet and one of my pack members was nearby so he brought you here for surgery after he found a pulse" Blake managed to say in one breath

"Where is here?" I asked

"London!" he replied

Wait London!? Then it hit me, I got shot! No pun intended

"Wh-who shot me? how did I survive?" I asked not liking what the answer might be

"Your sister" Blake replied sadly "and how you survived, well I don't exactly know myself, it has something to do with being the Last leader"

"What's that?"

"I'll tell you next time, you need to rest but I have a question for you"

"Um what is it?"

"Will you join our pack" Blake asked with a hopeful expression

"Um, I don't know... I don't want to be a burden or anyt-" I was cut off by two hypo voices

"YOU'RE JOINING OUR PACK!!" two guys screamed, I cringed at the loudness and felt a nasty headache coming up

"Okay I guess I'll join" I answered, hoping they would shut up but that didn't happen instead, they screamed even more. I swear they could be girls in disguise, in fact I can see them in poofy, pink dresses and long blond hair. The sight of that made me giggle, the two guys stopped and stared at me

"What?" they said

"Um... just thinking of a funny joke no big deal" this earned a loud laugh from Blake and our heads snapped in his direction

"What!?" we asked simultaneously

"Jinx you owe me a milkshake!" I yelled immediately

"Hey no fair" the 2 guys whined

"You know I can hear your thoughts Peyton and your description of the guys is quite amusing" Blake said out of no where

"Ooh! What was your description of us?"

"Err um let-' but I was cut off by Blake

"You guys wearing long pink frilly dresses and long blonde hair squealing your heads off" he said smugly

"Gasp!! I'm shocked Peyton! Why didn't you give me a green dress!? I hate pink" one of the guys said

This time I burst out laughing, 5 minutes later I'm still laughing my head off but I was interrupted by Blake.

"I'd like you to meet the guys; the two that you just met are Spencer, the one who saved you, and Luke.

Next we have Talen the blonde with brown eyes... (Skip the intro and descriptions because I suck at it)"

We spent the rest of the day talking about everything from embarrassing moments to serious matters like the pack. I managed to avoid the topic on mates and my Old pack.

( Blah Blah Blah skip to dinner)

We were now sitting in the huge dining room eating our dinner when I felt a sharp pain in my spine; I dropped my fork and fell to the floor in a fetal position

"What's wrong?"

"ARRGHH" was my reply

"Shit! I think she's shifting, quick bring her to the backyard" someone yelled

In seconds I was in the backyard, I could feel my bones snap and shift into place, after few minutes I looked down and saw my paws followed by gasps from the guys.

I turned to face them and cocked my head to the side

/what is it? / I asked them through the mind link

"You have red fur" Jake said aloud

/huh? Isn't that normal? / I asked in confusion

"No one has fur that colour, it's never heard of!" Heath said

"Okay Peyton, now to change back I need you to picture you're human body" I did as I was told and could feel my bones changing after the change I felt a towel wrap my body

"Thanks guys"

"No problem, here's some clothes to change into" I took the clothes from talons hands and went to change but noticed that I was wearing my old clothes already

"err guys, I still have my clothes on for some reason" I told them, they all spun around to look and Spencer fell to the ground from spinning too fast, I bit my lip to hold in my laughter

"Okay I guess that's another plus side to the Postremo Ducem" Blake said

"what?!" we all said in unison

"It's the Latin name for the Last Leader"

"oh ok" we all said

We all said good night to each other and went to our rooms

I walked around for about ten minutes but still couldn't find my room

"Need help" a voice said from behind "AHHHHH!"

"Sshh it's me, Blake!"

"Oh err sorry?"

"Better be, come on"

"Do you really want me to join your pack or is it out of pity? Why would you want someone fat and ugly to join your pack anyways?" I asked him

"I wanted you to join my pack from the first time I saw you, it's because I care for you and I feel something for you"......


Mwuaahahahha I'm so evil leaving it there mwuaahahahha


heyy so how was it??

vote comment fan

and its 20 votes or comments for the next chapter! :)

smile and be happy

BTW: their house is huge!! >>>








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