Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

3.1K 96 44
By itshelbs

A/N: My loves! I promised you another update this week:)


Third Person's POV

A guard was taking off the handcuffs from Lauren's wrists. Then showed her the way to the visiting room. The guard was not allowed to step away from her side until seating her at one of the tables. Even after that, the guard had to be near by, monitoring every moment.

"Sit down, princess," the harsh lady guard chuckled, mocking her. Lauren kept her head down and ignored her. Looking down, she saw the orange jailhouse jumpsuit she had been in. It made her feel like a criminal. Her eyes were stinging, from all the crying she had been doing and all the rubbing, in order to wipe the tears off. "And be nice to whoever is actually willing to come see you," the guard huffed. "Let me tell you something, it's not your mommy this time," she wouldn't stop making fun. She purposely wanted to make Lauren feel worse than what she already had.

Lauren knew that it was useless to defend herself from the guard. That was only going to get her into more trouble. 

Lauren remained seated and waited for her visitors to come in. The doors were heard being opened. Lauren lifted up her head to see who it was. Her eyes widened when she saw who had come to visit her. Camila's parents. By the looks on their faces and the stomping, it couldn't be good.

Lauren sat straight up, in case of anything going wrong. 

"Where's my daughter?" Camila's mom almost leaned over the table, questioning furiously in Lauren's face.

"Ma'am, calm down," the guard said firmly. 

Camila's dad held her back, "Sinu, please just sit," he helped her to a seat, across from Lauren. Sinu was fidgety and her leg simply wouldn't stop tapping on the ground.

"Tell me where Camila is!" Sinu continued to demand about her whereabouts. 

Lauren's eyes flickered, "What do you mean?" she was confused. "You don't know where she is?" concern was heard in her voice. Her heart started racing.

"No," Camila's dad, Alejandro, looked down, hopeless. He was not blaming Lauren, like his wife was. Alejandro just wanted to know where his daughter had run to and if she was safe.

"You know where she is, tell us!" Sinu kept demanding. 

While Lauren was now worrying. Thoughts invaded her mind. The thought of Camila being out there alone really scared her. The last thing she wanted was for her to get hurt. The streets were dangerous for a young pretty girl like Camila to be out there all alone. Where are you Camz? Lauren tried thinking of any possible places where she could have went, but nothing came to mind.

"I don't know where she's at," Lauren felt tears escape her eyes. "Did she have any money with her?" she worried. 

Sinu sighed while Alejandro answered, "No."

Then she didn't go to Marilyn beach, Lauren thought to herself. Camila wouldn't go there without any money. 

"Maybe she's at a friend's house?" she thought.

"No! We already checked with all of her friends," Sinu put her head down on the table and cried her eyes out. 

Seeing her like that caused Lauren pain. Sinu was the one who put her in jail, yes, but she didn't hold a grudge against her. Lauren understood that she was only trying to protect her daughter. Besides, she couldn't possibly ever hate the woman who gave birth to Camila; the love of her life. Instead, she actually wanted to thank her for having and doing a wonderful job raising Camila.

Lauren wanted to console her, but she kept her distance. 

"We're sorry for coming," Camila's dad said to Lauren while he helped Sinu up. Sinu didn't even turn to Lauren anymore, instead let her husband help her out. She cried on his chest.

Lauren stood, "Mr. Cabello, Sir, please find Camila," she cried.  Alejandro nodded and continued making his way out with his wife.

"Okay princess, time to go," the guard gripped her arm and extended her hands out. Roughly, handcuffed her wrists again, tightly. Lauren grunted lightly, feeling the pain of the metal dig through her wrists. Although, the emotional pain was much worse. All she wanted to do was cry. Now all she could think about was Camila. Trying to think of where she could be. "Hurry up, I don't have all day," the guard pushed her forward, leading her to her jail cell.

Knowing the way, Lauren tried making a left, but to her surprise, the guard gripped her arm and swung her in the other direction. Lauren almost tripped, but she managed to keep her balance.

"Where are you taking me?" Lauren's heart raced. 

"To your new jail cell," the guard groaned, in irritation. Why? Lauren wondered, but she didn't dare ask the guard that. They walked down other cells, in where other woman were yelling at the guard and some even whistling at Lauren.

"Hey, lil mama," one whistled.

"Bring her into this cell," one requested and laughed.

Lauren tried ignoring all the comments and statements. None of them were compliments, at least she didn't consider them to be. All the compliments were offensive to her.

While walking to the new cell, Lauren hoped to be alone. She didn't want to share a cell with anyone else, she was too afraid. In her previous cell, she was the only one. No one bothered her. She was allowed to cry alone, without anyone making fun of her or making her feel bad. Only the guard teased her, but Lauren didn't give a single shit about her.

Hopefully she would be alone in her new cell.

They came to a stop, the guard took out the ring of keys and unlocked the bars. Lauren looked up through her eyelashes, and realized that there were three other women in there.

"Go on inside, teacher," the guard pushed her inside, harshly. Then locked the door. 

"Teacher?" one of the woman questioned in amusement while circling Lauren, getting a good look at her. 

"Ah, interesting," the woman examined Lauren's figure. "Don't worry, we'll take very good care of her," she chuckled, mockingly. Lauren gulped, feeling afraid. The guard walked away, not even caring about Lauren's well-being. As soon as she was out of sight, the woman stepped close to Lauren. "So you like young girls?" she spoke close to her ear. Though, Lauren stepped away from her. "What's wrong? I'm too old for your liking?" the woman questioned with disappointment, stepping closer again.

"Leave me alone," Lauren  requested and walked to the other side of the cell. Unfortunately, all three women followed her. They all appeared to be in their thirties.

"Awe, I can pretend to be young if you want," the one who seemed to be the leader, stood behind her. "Would you like me to be seventeen? What about fifteen? Or thirteen? What age, teacher?" she mocked.

"Stay away from me," Lauren retorted, still having her back to her. 

"Come on. Let's play school," the woman said seductively, and held her waist and tried bringing her towards her.

Lauren pushed her arms away and turned around, "Don't fucking touch me!" she shouted, now facing her.

The woman glanced at the other woman, seeing the mocking grins. That really upset her, making her jaw clenched. She had been embarrassed in front of her followers. No, she was not going to allow that.

"Look here teacher," she turned Lauren around and pushed her roughly against the wall. Lauren was able to put her hands in front of herself, stopping her from hitting the wall too hard. It still hurt though. Now her back was facing the woman. She couldn't see what was going to happen next. "We're going to play, whether you want to or not," with that said, the woman pressed herself against her back.

"Get off of me!" Lauren started crying.

"Shut up," Lauren felt the disgusting and unwelcomed woman's breath crawling on her neck. It gave her frightening goosebumps. "This is what you get for messing with a minor," she added, mocking her. Lauren just cried and cried.

"Please, stop," she whimpered in a plead. She could hear the other woman laughing, as if they were enjoying watching this. It was for their own personal entertainment. The women in here actually belonged to be locked up, not Lauren. She didn't deserve to be in the same room as them, as if they were the same kind of people. "Let me go!" she begged through her tears.

She tried pushing the woman back but she was much bigger than her. Lauren was petite while the woman was thick and somewhat muscular. 

It disgusted her to feel the woman's hands roaming and gripping her legs. What disturbed her the most, was feeling the woman's weight and body heat against her. Even worse, feeling her body making deeply disturbing movements against her body.

"Stop moving!" the woman shouted and started nibbling on Lauren's neck. Lauren felt sick to her stomach when she felt the woman's lips and teeth, feeling the inside of her mouth on her neck.

Camila. The thought of her kept wandering back as she cried.

"Stop!" Lauren found the strength from who knows where, but relieved herself of the woman's grip. She pushed her off roughly. Then ran to the other side of the cell. "Help! Help! Help!" she shouted through the bars. No one was coming though. The other two women held her though and covered her mouth.

The leader, looked at Lauren, with anger in her eyes while approaching her slowly. 

"So you want to play rough, huh?" she questioned with attitude, yet with some amusement. Just then, she sprinted to her, attacking her. The other women quickly let go of Lauren, giving her all to the leader. The woman threw Lauren to the ground and straddled her. "Don't you know what happens to sexy girls like yourself in here?" she mocked while pinning her down.

Lauren cried her eyes out even more, still pleading to be let go of, "Please, I beg you."

"No! You're too pretty, I'm not going to let this opportunity pass," the woman replied with a grin plastered on her face. 

And with that said, the woman leaned down, pressing her dried and unwanted lips against Lauren's. She tried turning her head to the other side but it was useless. Lauren tilted her head back in order to get her lips out of the woman's reach, but that only made it worse. It exposed her neck.

"How hot, an Adam's apple on a girl," one of the woman pointed out. 

"Just perfect," the woman on Lauren grinned. Having seen that, she directed her mouth to the Adam's apple and sucked on it roughly. Lauren gagged, not on purpose, but because she actually felt like vomiting. It disgusted her deeply. That offended the woman though. "Oh yeah?" she questioned skeptically. As revenge, she ripped the top part of the orange jumpsuit. Letting Lauren's bra covered breasts be exposed. The woman pulled the jumpsuit down to her waist. "Wow, you're fuckin' hot as hell," she commented before kissing the top her covered breasts.

Lauren tried moving, tried turning to her sides, but couldn't manage. Although, it was making it more difficult for the woman. She groaned.

"We'll hold her hands down," one of the other women stated. Both women got on their knees and maintained Lauren's hands pinned down. Allowing the leader to have an advantage now. 

"Much better," the woman smirked and pulled Lauren's bra off. She started sucking on her breasts, causing Lauren pain. 

"Stop!" Lauren cried, feeling so defenseless. Camila, she thought about her, as if she would show up to rescue her, like when she rescued her from Austin. Unfortunately, it was different. There was no way that Camila could come in here, no one even knew where she was.

Lauren was silenced once again, when one of the women covered her mouth with her hands, while the other pinned her down.

The leader, the one who was taking advantage of her, climbed off of her. Just to rearrange her position. She laid half way on her, while still disgustingly sucking on her breasts. One of her hands, roamed down, over the jumpsuit. Reached between her legs and rubbed. Lauren tried yelling through the hand on her mouth, but couldn't. She even tried moving her hips elsewhere and closing her legs but the woman kept her still and opened her legs. Lauren hated feeling her hand down there; she prayed for the woman not to put her hand inside the jumpsuit though. Even though it was over the jumpsuit, it was still horrible.

The tears ran like waterfalls, down Lauren's face. She didn't want anyone else's touch. Only Camila's.

The woman's hand roamed back up to her waist and started pulling the jumpsuit lower. Lauren made it difficult for it to be pulled down further. Instead, the woman started inserting her fingers. Lauren's head lifted off the ground and looked at the woman's hand. Lauren was only able to speak with her eyes. Her eyes were saying it all, they were shouting how scared she felt, and shouting all her pleadings.

The woman laughed mockingly though and proceeded doing what she wanted.

Just then, "What the hell is going on here?" a guard appeared. A different guard. The woman quickly climbed off Lauren and the other woman released her.

Lauren quickly covered herself and crawled to the bars.

"Please help me, get me out of here," she pleaded, still on her knees. Her tears wouldn't stop. She had just been molested. Fortunately, it didn't go pass that. Only because the guard appeared.

"Get dressed," the guard spoke gently to her. "And you," she directed her attention to the women. "Get the hell away from her," she ordered. Lauren hooked her bra back on and tried covering herself with the jumpsuit, but it had been partially ripped. The guard unlocked the door. "Come here," she instructed to Lauren. She hurried out of the cell and held the jumpsuit up.

"Thank you so much," she wiped the tears away and bit her bottom lip to stop the rest of the tears.

"Let's go get you another jumpsuit and get you back into your previous cell," this guard was more understanding. It seemed like she actually cared about the safety of everyone in here. She seemed fair, at least. Unlike the other guard.

At least Lauren wasn't going to be around those horrible women anymore. Now she was going to be safe... but for how long?


Camila's parents were back at the police station, now to form a report of Camila's disappearance. The report was being rejected, mainly because they knew she couldn't have been kidnapped. It was obvious that she had run away. Besides, the correct amount of time of her disappearance was not enough to form an actual report. Police still wouldn't have done anything.

"Ale, what if she really is in danger?" Sinu worried. As much as she was disappointed in her daughter, she still cared about her safety. Camila was her only daughter, an only child.

"Camila's a smart girl, she can protect herself," Alejandro held Sinu in his arms. He was trying to comfort her, but in reality, he was worrying too.

"I sure hope so," she cried on his chest. "How could she get involved with her teacher?" she cried. 

"She had a good reason to," Alejandro stated. Sinu looked up, giving a puzzled expression. "Camila loves her," he simply added. "Whether we like it or not, they have a real relationship, with actual feelings," he explained.

"Do you really believe that?" Sinu questioned, skeptically.

He nodded, "Yes," he replied firmly and confidently. "Remember three years ago when she wanted to date that girl with piercings and we said no," he reminded. Sinu had to think back, that was when Camila was only fourteen years old, she was so young. She was still too young, even at seventeen.

"What about it?" she wondered. 

"She didn't love that girl, she barely even liked her," he stated. 

"What's your point?" Sinu didn't understand.

"When we prohibited her from dating her, sure she was mad, but she didn't run away," he stated. "Camila wouldn't have done this if it weren't out of love for Miss Jauregui," he explained. "Let's face it, Miss Jauregui owns Camila's heart," he finalized.

Sinu stayed quiet, thinking about what her husband just stated. She wanted to understand, she really did, but it was all too much for her.

Suddenly, noise was heard. People were shouting, right outside of the police station. Alejandro and Sinu went outside to check it out.

Surprisingly, they were teenagers. With billboards. And a whole bunch of different signs with different sayings. They were protesting!

"Free Miss Jauregui!" they all shouted while marching and causing a bunch of noise. 

At the very front, marched Dinah and Shawn, parading the whole thing. Along with, Ethan, Ramon, Sierra and even Lucy. They had gathered a whole bunch of Lauren's students, along with other students from the same high school. Even if they didn't have any of her classes.

"Let Miss Jauregui go!" they shouted. "Let out teacher free!" they went on. "Let Miss Jauregui go!" they sung. They repeated it over and over again. It had become their own little song.

Camila's parents stood there in disbelief. Alejandro actually smiled, liking the idea of it. While Sinu, didn't even know how to respond to it all.

Officers came running outside, trying to calm them down.

"Stop! Everyone go home!" an officer spoke through a microphone bull horn. "If you stay, you'll be arrested," he threatened. 

"Fuck the police!" Ramon retorted but then hid behind Ethan. 

"Who said that?" the officer questioned.

No one feared his threat, they kept on marching and demanding for Lauren to be let free. 

"No matter what, we keep protesting," Dinah whispered to Shawn.

"I know," he answered. "Miss Jauregui is too pretty to be in jail, besides, this is for our best friend," he added. 

"Yup, for Chancho," Dinah said with a firm nod.

"Let Miss Jauregui go!" They sung in unison.

There was no stopping them. They were determined and were not going to leave until she was let free. It was their turn to help her out. Lauren had been the best teacher ever and never gave up on them, now they were returning the favor.


Lauren and her mom were talking, in the visiting room. Lauren was telling her what had happened to her earlier today. How she was touched inappropriately, but thankfully a guard showed up before things got worse.

That's not what worried her the most though, she was more concerned about Camila. She still didn't know anything about her and was suffering because of it. She was dying to know if she was okay. She was dying to see her, to hold her and to kiss her. If she was even going to be able to anymore.

They were talking when they suddenly heard the noise. 

They couldn't understand what was being shouted, it was all just blabbering to them. It sounded like people were protesting though. They stayed still, trying to understand what it was about.

"Do you hear that?" Lauren's mom asked. Lauren shushed her politely, while trying to hear correctly. 

"Let Miss Jauregui go!" Lauren clearly understood that.

"That sounds like my students," a grin was forming on her lips. She tried hearing better. A guard came in running. "Hey, what's going on out there?" she asked the guard who had helped her earlier.

"Apparently, your students are protesting," she answered. "They're demanding for you to be let go," she added and continued her way. 

Lauren and her mom looked at each other, smiling. Lauren knew that this was probably not going to help her much, but she appreciated what they were doing out there. Wow, her students actually cared about her. That just made her day right there. It made her happy to know that she had their support, people actually cared about her.

"You have the best students ever," her mom commented and held her daughter's hands. 

"Yeah, I really do," a tear of happiness strolled down Lauren's cheek.


Sinu saw Dinah and walked over to her, being followed by her husband.

"Dinah, Dinah, Dinah," she hurried to her. Dinah stopped marching and stepped aside to speak with her. "Have you heard anything about Camila yet?" Sinu asked, seeming desperate to know.

"Yes," she nodded. 

Sinu was deeply surprised, "Well where is she?" she questioned. 

"I can't say," Dinah answered.

"Dinah Jane Hansen, you better tell me," Sinu demanded. "I need to know where's she at," she added. 

"I understand, but my lil Chancho told me not to tell you," Dinah explained. "She did tell me to tell you something though," she added. 

"What?" Sinu rushed.

"She said she's not coming back until you drop the charges against Miss Jauregui," she passed the message. "She'll come back when she's out," she assured. "By the way, she's the one who told me to organize all of this," she informed, firmly.

"Tell her to come back," Sinu wasn't seeming to be changing her mind. 

"Even if I do, she won't, not until Miss Jauregui is out," Dinah restated.

Sinu sighed. she looked at the students, seeming to be looking for someone. Her eyes wandered around. No luck, she didn't find the person who she was looking for.

"Where's Vero?" she asked Dinah.

"Who knows," she shrugged. "She's not our friend anymore," she stated. 

"Why?" Sinu was shocked to hear that.

"Why?" Dinah chuckled skeptically. "Why would we continue being friends with a damn traitor," she huffed. "She knew this was going to crush Camila, yet she still told you," she added, with a anger. Sinu looked down, feeling somewhat ashamed. After all, most of everything that's happening now was her doing. She's the one who put Lauren in jail, and that affected her daughter deeply.

"Vero was only trying to help," she tried justifying. 

"No," Dinah shook her head. "She's not even sorry for it," she stated. "Either way, we want nothing to do with her," she finalized and started marching again. Leaving Sinu behind.

Alejandro rested his hand on his wife's shoulder, "We have to drop the charges," he breathed out.

Sinu looked at him and nodded, in defeat. Hand in hand, they headed back into the police station.

Dinah watched them and yanked hard on Shawn's sleeve, and pointed over at them. Shawn smiled widely, along with Dinah. She was happy that Miss Jauregui was going to be let out and that Camila was going to come back home. Still, she was heartbroken, because of Vero. She still couldn't believe what she did. Now Vero had shown her true colors and Dinah wanted nothing with her.

She wasn't the Vero she loved. And now she knew that.

A/N: There's only one chapter left babes:( I should be publishing another story called 'Lauren' soon, so be ready for that! Make sure to follow me so you know when new stories are posted. Annnnd! We hit 6K today! Even though this is not mine originally, some parts are and I want to thank you so much for reading:)

One last thing, are any of you seeing the girls for the 7/27 Tour??

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