I call dibs on your heart [Mi...

By YumeVB

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France's most adored duo had fought the most wrecked villans and purified way too many Akumas for a long time... More

Author's Message
Chapter 1: On that day
Chapter 2: Mixed up feelings
Chapter 2.5: Regret
Chapter 4: The two sides of the same coin
Chapter 5: The misunderstanding
Chapter 6: The struggle is real
Chapter 7: My heart is yours
Chapter 8: Teamwork

Chapter 3: Lovesick

812 30 12
By YumeVB

Marinette rolled in her bed, absolutely tired and a bit dizzy. It was a Friday night, and she was still unable to sleep well from the last time she saw Chat... The only thing in her head was him and Adrien, but she was sick of over thinking so much. Tikki floated around her in circles, Making Marinette even more dizzy.

"Are you going to keep flying around?" Mari asked as she covered her face with a pillow. "You're not helping"

Suddenly stopping, the little kwami looked at Marinette with a little smirk "And I could ask you the same! Are you going to keep rolling around in your bed?" Tikki landed on Marinette's stomach, and began to jumping on top of it playfully.

Before being able to answer, Marinette uncovered her face, putting away the pillow and coughed. "The answer is yes." She coughed a bit more. "I can't get to fall asleep."

Tikki looked at her worried, and flew towards Mari's cheeks with her little kwami arms.

"You're kind of hot Marinette.." She said worried, with her voice speaking faintly.

Aware of that fact that she was getting sick, she tried to avoid that."Well thank you." Mari laughed, as she sat down in the bed.

Tikki pouted. "I'm not kidding Marinette... you should rest a bit"

Mari stood up and stretched, Making tikki float around her as she moved "I know you're not kidding, but I'm strong Tikki. I'm sure it's nothing."

Tikki remained quiet, thoughtful.

Still with other things in her mind, Mari couldn't help but to share her worries and forget about the fever. "Should I try to talk to him?" Marinette started to walk around in her room. "I mean...I should. But but-" Tikki cutted her off, flying in front of Mari to stop her from walking around pointlessly.

"Marinette" She looked seriously at her. "If you keep asking yourself if you should, then you probably won't do anything and you'll lose the chance."

Marinette stopped walking and looked at Tikki, analyzing her words. "You're right... But what about Adrien?..."

"First, fix your problem with Chat, and then focus on choosing someone alright?" Tikki smiled at her sweetly. "I believe in you, you should believe in yourself too."

Marinette smiled from Tikki's warm words, he held her kwami in her palms, giving her a little kiss in the top of her head. "Thanks, you always know what to say... Tikki, spots on!!!!"

"W-wait not noooowwww-" Tikki screamed as she got sucked inside the earings.

Noticing she had cutt off Tikki, Marinette bit her lip. "Opps?"


As soon as she transformed, she exited her room, going out from the little door in the ceiling (The one in top of her bed) that lead to the roof. Before leaving, she made sure she'd left the little door open for when she came back. Trying to stay balanced and ignoring her headache, she ran in top of Paris's roofs, using her yoyo to travel... jumping from place to place gracefully. Paris's weather was freezing, and before she noticed, snow was falling. With december around the corner, she wasn't sure how it was going to be. Last christmas she wasn't a superhero at all, so the idea of capturing akumas in middle of a family dinner sounded annoying to her. Ignoring her worries, she stopped in the same roof as the last time she spoke to her partner, taking her yoyo/phone and marking Chat's number.

It rang.

And rang.

And rang.

Still, no response.

Maybe he was busy? She thought while sitting on the cold roof floor, closing her eyes as little pieces of snow, fell on top of her, covering her hair. Coughing, she crossed her arms to stay warm.

An hour passed before she heard the sound of boots against the floor, coming towards her. Opening her eyes weakly, she stood up, quite unbalanced. Almost falling, but Chat grabbed her arm to help her.

"Are you alright?" he asked worried, still holding her arm, noticing her trembling. "It's too cold to be outside..." He commented with his voice in a low tone.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. I just need to talk" She coughed, covering her mouth."how did you know I was going to be here?"

Raising an eyebrow "I figured..." Chat touched her cheeks to feel her temperature which felt incredebly hot even if he had his costume's gloves on. "Ladybug, but what are you doing out? You're burning up..."

"I said I'm alright!" She brushed off Chat's hand and stayed up with difficulty, moving a bit from side to side. "We have to talk."

Chat, pissed at his lady's stubbornness, tried to bring some sense into her. "Alright, but let's talk later. You should head home."

"Why not now?!" She asked him frustrated. "Chat, what I did..What I said the other night is eating me alive. I can't stop thinking about you."

Hurt, from remembering, he wasn't going to continue that conversation. This was not the time nor place, she trembled from head to toes, and her eyes looked tired. Chat wasn't going to make her be out in such conditions, and the weather didn't help either...

"We'll talk later My Lady." He walked away, but before he could jump she grabbed his arm tightly.

"Don't run away... Don't run away again Chat!" She begged with her voice breaking, not being capable of holding in her tears. "Please"

He looked back at her face. Seeing her breaking in front of him was making it difficult for him to control himself and hold in his tears too. Moving from side to side, Chat grabbed her arm again to help her gain balance. He was confused, why was she so desperate to talk? This was not like her at all.

"No, please understand. I promise I'll look for you as soon as you get better." Chat hugged her, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin in top of her head as he caressed her hair. "Alright?"

Ladybug didn't respond. He waited minutes as he hugged her, caressing her hair gently. Removing the snow.

Still no response.

"Ladybug?" He asked as he noticed the weight of her body almost falling in top of him.

He looked at her, lifting her head up from the chin with his fingers. She was unconscious. "WHAT"

Panicking a bit, he carefully slapped her cheek. "M-My lady!?" he paused to see if she reacted, but she didn't "Are you asleep? Oh my god don't do this, wake up." he blew in her face,still seeing no reaction. "Where the hell am I supposed to take you now?!" he pinched her nose with his fingers. "Wake up..."

"Alright alright calm down." Chat told himself as he took a deep breath in. Crouching down, he grabbed her legs and waist to pull her up and carry her. Her head rested in Chat's chest as he nervously walked around in circles, still unsure of what to do.
Take her to the hospital perhaps?

A sudden light came from her body, and that was not a good sign and made the idea of the hospital a big no. What if someone figured out her identity...

"Shit shit shit shit" He spoke to himself as he kept walking around in circles. "Why did you had to come out in the middle of the night Bug!"

He had to do something, and fast. Quickly, he laid her body in the floor, so that the light of her transformation wasn't so visible if someone passed in that street and looked up. He stood up, ready to leave, but stopped as he thought a bit. He couldn't just leave her unconscious in a random roof with such weather. Of course he wanted to turn around and see who was his Lady, but he also wanted to respect her privacy. As he looked to another direction, he noticed the light faded. That meant her transformation had ended, and made him even more freaked out.

'Curiosity killed the cat' he repeated in his head over and over to convince himself to leave. But how could he do that?

Turning around, he saw a girl in her pink shirt with white dots, messy dark blue hair and light blue shorts laying in the floor, still unconscious. As he got closer, his breath was fading. He recognized the girl. He knew her.. He knew her so damn much and he never figured out it was Ladybug. Chat knelt besides her to take a closer look. It was her...His lady was so close to him every damn day... Caressing her cheek, he bit his lip, to remind himself that he shouldn't touch her. Ladybug....Marinette should never know he knew. Carrying her again, he held her tightly too make sure she didn't fell. Still unable to look away from her beautiful face.

"Chat." He heard a squeaky voice around. It was definitely not Marinette but a little red kwami who suddenly appeared in front of him. "Focus! Please take her to her room, she's burning up. Her transformation was not done yet but her body rejected me...She must be really sick." He quickly nodded, ignoring the hurricane that was happening in his head. Her health was the important thing right now.

"Y-yes. You're right." He shaked his head to focus.

Tikki sat in chat's shoulder. "Okay so her house is over th-" Chat interrupted her.

"It's alright, I know where Mari lives." He said without noticing how fishy that sounded.

The little kwami raised an eyebrow, she totally knew that Chat knew Marinett in real life. But that wasn't something she should tell Marinette. It was best to leave things how they were.

Jumping from building to building, carrying Marinette's light body, Chat destined himself to the little Dupain bakery. After some minutes of running, he landed on the bakery's roof, noticing a little door in the floor just besides a chair. He opened it up and entered, being careful with the unconscious Marinette he was holding. He gently placed her body in her bed pink bed bellow the door, then the blonde haired cat sat besides her, admiring her completely.

"Thank you for bringing her back... " Tikki said, floating in front of him, stealing all his attention. "I'm Tikki, Ladybug's kwami." he smiled at her.

"I thought all kwami's were rude and naggy like Plagg" He laughed as he looked at the red kwami's reaction. "Nice to meet you Tikki."

"Plagg is certainly one of I kind." she sighted.

"So you know him huh?" He asked surprised, making Tikki giggle.

"Of course I do! I've known him since always." She floated around in circles playfully. "And looks like you already knew Marinette before didn't you."

That comment left him surprised. "I uh, I... Uhm N-no! Her name is M-Marinette? Wooow the more you know huh? Ha ha ha...." his attempt of lying was horrible, making tikky giggle even more.

"Well alright." She paused a bit, then looking outside. The snow kept on falling, more and more by the minute. "You should probably run now, before the snow gets worse." she suggested

Chat calmed down and thought for a while, looking again at the sleeping Marinette. "I want to wait a bit... I'm worried about her. Plus... My mind is a mess honestly..."

Tikki smiled at him to cheer him up. "I get it, I'll give you space so you can sort things out in your mind." giggling, Tikki flew and hid in Marinette's desk, in some kind of box that looked like a kwami sized hide out.

Chat looked back again at Mari, analyzing her completely. How was he so blind? How didn't he noticed it before?

All the hints...

All the similar features...

It was all so clear. Chat felt dumb, like a new level of retarded. Placing his hand on her cheek, he ran his finger from her eyelid, gently caressing her long eyelashes, then going down, feeling the figure of her nose, going all the way to her lips. As he felt her lips with his fingertips, he blushed, but quickly backed his hand off before he could start doing something dumb... His lady was actually Marinette... The sweet and clumsy Marinette, the one who cheered him up because Ladybug broke her heart. The same person! It was all so confusing now. And some days ago he thought he was actually falling for another person.... But it was his own lady he was falling for....For a second time.

Marinette's eyes trembled as she opened them slowly. Surprised, he touched her cheeks to check on her temperature. Sadly, she was still burning hot.

"M-My Lady..." he whispered. "Close your eyes again, rest a bit. I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" Marinette cut him off quickly

"C-Chat.." she slowly sat down in the bed, and he helped her. "You didn't leave..." her eyes got all watery, and it wasn't long before she started to cry again.

Chat Noir, confused for her sudden reaction, cleaned her tears. "My lady, lay back down, the fever is making you like this. When you're more conscious, we'll talk. Alright?"

"You want to leave again?" she replied, probably not listening what Chat was saying.

He sighed, trying to lay her back down, having in mind that the high fever could have her imagining things. But Marinette suddenly hugged him, leaving him weak. Wrapping her arms behind his neck, she moved her body close to him, sitting in his lap as she looked at him with her tired eyes.

He left a little faint scream come out of his lips as his cheeks burned with fire. "M-my lady!?" He asked confused, not sure of what to do.

"Chat.. I never meant what I said that time..." she whispered with a weak voice. "I really am In love with you." her weak voice echoed in his head in repeat, making him fluster.

"A-ah, I uhm I" Marinette's gaze made him nervous, and the way she was wrapping her legs around his waist made him desire things he wasn't proud of. Thankfully, he was still in control of his emotions...Kinda.

Breathless, he kept thinking as she kept looking at him with tears falling from her eyes. Chat wasn't sure of what to do. All he felt was his heart beating fast and loud. The power of those words... He wasn't sure how to control himself from kissing her. But it wasn't right. Right now, Marinette wasn't in her right mind. Wrapping his arms around her, Chat noticed how she quickly stopped hugging him, and looked at him as she placed her hands on his cheeks, taking a good look at his green eyes more closely now.

"My lady....My Marinette..." unable to keep the words in his mouth, he left them be. " ... I shouldn't have run away, I'm sorry."

Marinette smiled warmly, pulling Chat's face towards her's and tilting her head a bit to the side... And before Chat noticed, Marinette stole a kiss, not giving him the chance to react. He warmed up from her touch, as her lips caressed his in a slow rhythm... Chat's eyes popped open in surprise, he was completely frozen. What was going on? His mind was on blank, and before he noticed...He left his body do his will, not thinking about the consequences...

Pulling all his weight in top of her delicate body, he made her lay back. Passionately replying to her kiss, in a more rough way. The movement from their lips fastened, making a bit of sound in the silent room and causing their breaths to get heavy. Without noticing, Chat's hands were moving on their own. Placing a hand on her head, then caressing her dark hair gently, he began to lower the other one to her waist. Pulling up her shirt a bit, slipping the hand all the way to her back. Feeling her curves from her lower back, all the way up, making him more breathless that he already was. Marinette's hand moved weakly, running from his arm, all the way to his shoulder, feeling the leather in Chat's suit, then wrapping both arms around his neck once again as she focused on feeling Chat's passionate reaction.

As he felt Marinette's touch, he couldn't help losing complete control. Moving away his lips from hers, he began kissing her cheeks, and then her jaw...Chat was slowly going down all the way to her neck, Kissing it gently and slowly for her to enjoy the feeling, then he began biting a bit, unconsciously. Without measuring his actions, he roughly bit her one last time. Causing a faint moan escape her mouth, he stopped.Chat looked up at Marinette, whose hair was all messed up, and the shirt was barely covering her. She looked so defenseless, he knew it wasn't right to do this. Only god knew if she was going to regret this all this tomorrow.

Realizing his actions, he backed off. "Marinette.. I'm... I'm sorry. Oh my god...." all his face got red from all that happened, he would barely speak.

A sudden knock came from Marinette's door, making Chat startled.

"Marinette? Are you okay? I heard voices." her mom asked from below the door. And before she opened it... Chat Noir was gone.

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