His Fake Girlfriend

By RealityCheck101

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BOOK 2! **Must read My Paid Boyfriend before reading this!** You know the story of Jeremy and Sky. How Sky l... More

Chapter 2- The Fake Girlfriend
Chapter 3- Road Trip
Chapter 4- Serendipity
Chapter 5- There's A Reason For Everything
Chapter 6- Lesson Learning 101
Chapter 7- Actions and Emotions
Chapter 8- Extremely Awkward
Chapter 9- Pull Yourself Together
Chapter 10- Let Her Go
Chapter 11- Dog Days
Chapter 12- Keep Your Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 13- Blue Dinner
Chapter 14- Brotherly Love
Chapter 15- McClam's
Chapter 16- The Stories We Tell
Chapter 17- Bare Your Soul
Chapter 18- Illusion
Chapter 19- A Family That Bonds
Chapter 20- Out In The Open
Chapter 21- Change
Chapter 22- I Won
Chapter 23- Epilogue

Chapter 1- Situation in Reverse

330K 4.1K 703
By RealityCheck101

His Fake Girlfriend

Chapter 1- Situation in Reverse

"I need a favor." I mention as I grab her undivided attention. Her light eyes glare at me for a moment, I needed her. Only she could be right for this job, I trusted her, and I couldn't let her slip away like this. Not after everything that just happened. Even if she thought this was some pathetic excuse to spend more time with her I didn't care.

"What do you need from me, Jeremy?" She sighed, switching her weight from one foot to the other. I bit my bottom lip hesitantly. Ok maybe I didn't need this favor that bad. Who am I kidding I don't really need it I just want her, "Well spit it out." She insisted. Oh yeah, I wanted her even her snappy moodiness.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend."

She laughed. I'm not even joking you. She laughed.

*16 Hours Before*

"I can't wait to get out of this dorm room!" Mason growled stuffing his bag with clothes.

"Dude I can't wait to get out of this campus in general." Finn pitched in, occupying himself on my desk chair. Spinning himself in circles until he turned green worried me.

"What about you, Jer? Any plans for spring break?" Mason asked sniffing at a pair of socks. He shrugged throwing them in the bag and heading for a draw.

"My mom wants me to go visit. Apparently my little brother needs some straightening out." I sighed with a roll of my eyes. Throwing the hackie sack up until it hit the ceiling as I laid thinking in my bed; I couldn't remember the last conversation I had with my thirteen year old little brother. Maybe it had something to do with sports; he was getting into that now. Bottom line is my mom has been complaining that he's been giving her a hard time. As she suggested maybe it was time for one of those heart-to-heart man talks.

"Your brother is like ten what's so complicated about that?" Finn asked as he stopped spinning in the chair.

"More like thirteen, dumbass." I chuckled throwing the hackie sack again, "I don't know. Something about grades and the people he's hanging out with. I'm pretty sure I have to give him the 'don't do drugs' speech." I swear, if I found out or ever catch my brother- or any of my siblings- doing drugs, they better wished they hadn't even touched it because I will beat them so hard teeth will be knocked out.

"You think your brother is using?" Mason questioned doubtfully.

"I better hope not. If he is I'll use him as a fucking hackie sack." I threatened. And I meant it. There was no way I was going to let my thirteen delinquent little brother slide past me thinking it was Ok to use or try drugs. That's where the line ends.

The guys chuckled, Mason threw his bag on the floor all zipped up and ready to go. Lucky bastard was going to Bermuda on a cruise. I wish I could fit in that duffle bag but no, I got to straight out my little brother during my spring break, "What are you doing for spring break, Finn?" I asked when he took a break from making another spin around.

"Chad Sanders has a beach house an hour away from here. His parents aren't using it so he invited a bunch of us down for the week. Beach parties, hot chicks, bonfires, waves, sand, and lots of beer." He smiled happily.

I groaned feeling envious of him. That sounded like the perfect spring break, "Dudes I'd trade my place with any of you this week. Love my family but I'd rather be going to Bermuda or Chad's beach house." I practically whined, "Joy Hamilton asked if I wanted to go to her family's beach estate with her for all of spring break in Miami. I had to turn her down!" I exclaimed. I must have looked like such an idiot for telling her no.

"Joy Hamilton! Dude, why fucking not? She's hot and she loaded!" Finn exclaimed as well, also thinking I was an idiot.

"Paid date?" Mason asked shaking his head at me disappointedly when I nodded my head in pain.

"She's probably the richest girl on campus." Finn stated sitting straight up in his seat, "There's always one on campus." He held his thumb off starting to count off, "You've got Kate Johns the slut that you'd think she's rich and mighty. You've got the secret wealthy geek, Maya Anderson, of Anderson Co, as in her daddy makes bank on Wall Street. You've got the lonely only rich child, Jason Fox, whom by the way has the best sports seats; I'm talking baseball, basketball, hockey, football, women's beach volleyball, soccer, hell even cricket! Legally Blondes Alex and Audrey Williams, all their family members are lawyers, judges, or high ranking Feds. Then of course you've got the son and daughter of the Dean who walks around this place. One thinks they own the whole freakin campus the other hides behind glasses and acts like an innocent virgin. Trust me on this, she isn't a virgin, and not just because of me."  He waved his whole hand as in 'you get my point' kind of way.

"I bet you Joy Hamilton offered you at least a grand to go with you. That's way more than anyone has probably offered or gave you. Am I right?" Mason asked shaking his head.

"Guys if you think they're rich then you don't know anything. A grand is nothing then what someone gave me before." I sighed closing my eyes as I pictured her in my memory. She would defiantly kill me if she knew I was talking about her like this. She always hated when I brought up her and money up. When I called her rich just to push her buttons... I mentally chuckled, the fury she unleashed on me every time.

"Who are you talking about?" Finn wondered going back to his counting. He stared up at the ceiling in deep thought, counting on his fingers and mumbling to himself.

"Who would pay you more than a grand to go on a fake date?" Mason chuckled sitting up on his bed watching me curiously.

"Dude those are the only richest people on campus that I know. And trust me I know many. I've slept with most of them." Finn confirmed with multiple nods of the head.

I smirked letting out a chuckle, "Well I know for sure you haven't slept with this one."

Finn snapped his fingers pointing to me with a nod, "Rich virgins, they have those on campuses too. This campus I'm not so sure of." Finn mumbled back in thought.

I shook my head, "Not a virgin." I chuckled back to throwing the hackie sacks on my ceiling. Well, I don't think so anyways.

"Then who?" Mason asked with a dumb founded look on his face. Finn in the corner was staring back up at the ceiling as if trying to analyze every girl on campus.

I chuckled shaking my head as my phone started to ring on my desk, "Mom?" I mumbled quietly to myself.

"Moms!" Finn said with a snap of his fingers. Mason and I both looked at him weirdly as he thought about what he just said, "Wait what? Ew no not moms." He scowled shaking his head.

I slowly nodded my head answering my mom's call, "Hey mom." I greeted still shaking my head disapprovingly at Finn of his answer.

"Hey kiddo! Just checking up on you. Making sure you're not ditching out on us next week." Mom reminded. The noise in the background seemed to be quieter than normal, the chopping coming from a knife and cutting board told me she was in the kitchen cooking. Ok, I'm glad I'm going home I've missed a nice home cooked meal.

"Of course I am. You still want me there, right?" I chuckled throwing my hackie sack up at the ceiling.

"Yes I want you home that's not even a question." She chuckled, "So I'm calling because a little birdie told me you have a girlfriend?"

My smile dropped and my eyebrows came together in confusion. Girlfriend? Me? I've haven't had a real girlfriend since freshman year! Someone ought to silence that bird it's giving out the wrong information. "Who told you that bowl of lies?" I requested wincing when I forgot to catch the hackie sack.

"I'm not telling." She laughed, "- Jillian tell Josh to do his homework and get off the TV, now." She ordered my sister sounded irritated.

"Who you talking to?" Jill asked as I overheard.

"Your more behaved brother. -Anyways sorry about that. That kid is getting me on my last nerve today." She said getting back to me. I shrugged even though she couldn't see me, "So who is this girlfriend?" Mom asked sounding cheery again.

"Oh, um, uh, she's...?" I babbled. Uh, what do I say, besides the truth for starters? Why am I nervous? All I have to do is tell my mom I don't have a girlfriend. There's no shame in that.

Someone started laughing on the other end and I could tell it was my older sister Jillian. Ugh, the bitch! I know who's that dead bird now, "Mom I was joking! I said 'yeah and Jeremy has a girlfriend' sarcastically! Just like if I were saying 'and yeah monkey's hate bananas'" That's not even funny, I thought about rolling my eyes at my sister.

"I thought you were serious!" Mom exclaimed. Wow, doesn't she sound so surprised.

"Jill that doesn't even make sense." I thought I heard my other sister say in the background.

"Aw kiddo I thought you finally found a nice girl. Sorry about that." Well I'm offended. Mom sighed and I could just picture her putting down the knife as she began to look upset and a long deep conversation about to go on, "It's just you haven't talked about a girl in a long time. You know? Ever since, well. You know." She sighed and I knew if I was standing there she'd be with tears in her eyes.

I sat up in my bed rubbing the nap of my neck with my eyes closed. I didn't want, nor did I expect this phone call to be too deep, "I'm just worried for you Jeremy." she continued, "You're a nice boy and I want the best for you. I don't want you to hold back and be depressed forever. Get out there, go to a party, and meet a nice, smart, cute girl." She faintly giggled.

I smiled even though I felt horrible that my mom felt this way. Sure I haven't actually gone on a real date with a girl nor had a relationship for a few years but I never thought it was something to worry about. I've interacted with plenty of girls, but my mom doesn't know about any of this college business situation.

"But I guess with time you'll find the right girl. Oh, I know you will." She giggled as I heard the chopping start again, "You're too handsome. Girls will be going up to you if anything."

I chuckled giving an exaggerated mom whine like every typical kid. I sat on the edge of my bed, watching my roommates look at Finns Miss. USA calendar, probably to rate all twelve girls again, when an idea sprung in my head, "Well, um, mom." She hummed her answer as if singling she were still there listening, "What if I told you I do have a girl?" I said slowly. After finishing my sentence I knew there was no going back now. I was in for it deep.

*Present Day*

As I sat through the lecture for Business Law, trying to pay attention to what the professor was droning on about, but I couldn't help but stare at the back of her seat. I am such an idiot. I am a fool. Why did I have to open my big mouth? I squint my eyes shut and rested my forehead in the palm of my head. Stupid, stupid, fucking stupid!

The professor switched to a new slide of the projector. Everyone's heads went down to their papers or laptops as the sound of pens and pencils scribbled on paper, and keys clicked because of fast fingers. I arranged my pen all too quickly between my fingers that it slipped out of my grasp and on the floor. Muttering crap under my breath I looked for it in the mild dark room only to find it under Sky's desk.

I closed my eyes muttering a string of curses under my breath. Just great. I sighed tapping Sky's shoulder lightly with my index finger. She held up her index finger for me to wait. A moment later she dropped her pen on her desk and reached under her seat and located my pen back to me. Whispering my thanks I held back another sentence that was forming in my mind to tell her when all of a sudden Professor Langil changed the slide. Shit, I didn't even get the chance to look at it!

Towards the end of class I thought out a plan. I knew exactly what I'd say to her when we walked out those doors; so when the end of class came I would be prepared and she couldn't deny me. That times came all too soon. My stomach dropped as everyone started shuffling out. Sky was just starting to head out when I finished stuffing my text book in my bag. I zipped everything up and grabbed my pen jogging to where she was exiting out the door.

"Hey Sky. Can we talk?" I asked as I matched her pace in the halls.

The corners of her pink lips turned up as she looked up to me, "We always seem to need to talk when your pen falls under my chair." She noted.

Uh. "What?" I asked confused.

"Never mind. So what do you want?" She asked walking toward the exit. I held the door open for her as we both walked out.

Well here goes nothing. So help me God. "I need a favor." I started off lightly.

"Ok, what is it?" She asked hesitantly. She slowed her pace slightly as she looked up at me cautiously for me to continue. Her hazel eyes were mixed colors of light brown and a tint of green and her hair was almost the shade of black. Her looks intimidated me.

"I don't usually do this. It's not normal for me to even ask-"

"Sometime today, Jeremy." She ordered quickly. She hated when I beat around the bush. She liked it straight forward and to the point. 

"I need a favor." I mention as I grab her undivided attention. Her light eyes glare at me for a moment, I needed her. Only she could be right for this job, I trusted her, and I couldn't let her slip away like this. Not after everything that just happened. Even if she thought this was some pathetic excuse to spend more time with her I didn't care.

"What do you need from me, Jeremy?" She sighed, switching her weight from one foot to the other. I bit my bottom lip hesitantly. Ok maybe I didn't need this favor that bad. Who am I kidding I don't really need it I just want her, "Well spit it out." She insisted again. Oh yeah, I wanted her even her snappy moodiness.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend."

She laughed. I'm not even joking you. She laughed.

I narrowed my eyes at her as she laughed away. Well I wasn't this rude to her when she asked me to be her fake boyfriend. Her pink lips stretched wide, her perfect white teeth all showed, she thought I was joking. I sighed running my hand though my hair. Ok this couldn't be any more humiliating.

"You are not serious." She laughed shaking her head, "You are Jeremy Coleman; you bring girls on fake dates not asked them for one." She said continuing to laugh at me.

I rolled my eyes. She was totally right yet totally wrong. Now I know why girls are so shy and scared when they come up to me asking for a fake date, "I'm being serious." I told her sternly. She still shook her head with an amused smile on her face.

"You know I think Kate Johns will be the perfect girl for the job." She said with a certain nod.

"Not if I pay you three thousand dollars." I said even though it made no sense or reference to the whole Kate Johns thing. I was so sick of hearing that name.

She gasped, looking offended which was new to me, "I will not take that money." She said sharply, poking me hard in the chest with her index finger, "One, I am not a paid date like some cheap escort. Two, I gave you that money and I have no intention of getting it back. Three, what makes you think that I want to switch roles with you and be a fake paid date." She said getting defensive and angry all of a sudden.

"Because I did it for you." I told her pain and simple.

"Yeah because it's your job." She reminded right back.

"It's no more than my job than it is yours." I said with my arms crossed feeling defensive.

"You decided you want to do these things not me Jeremy." She argued angrily, she stormed off walking away from our huddle of two. I didn't even notice we stopped.

I caught up to her walking so I was slightly in front of her, "So then don't take the money. Do it as a favor for me." I said more caring tone. I couldn't go home without a girl now. And I certainly couldn't go home with just any girl. Kate Johns, ha! My mom would throw her out of the house, better yet me!

"Why should I? Because you did it for me? Please, that wasn't part of the deal. If so you have forty plus other girls you can ask. I'm sure any other one will say yes." She argued pushing past me as she entered the Arnold and Smith building. Shit class was starting soon.

"Just as a favor. Please Sky. You're the only girl that I'd want to bring with. You know me way better than any other girl I've been out with." I now have resulted to begging. Shoot me now this isn't really me.

"What happened? What changed? The night in New York you said you never brought a fake date home. Why now?" Sky quizzed crossing her arms over her chest. And yes insert text where I noticed how define her boob look in just a simple back tee shirt. Nothing like the fancy clothes she wore on our long weekend together in New York.

I sighed rolling my eyes and stopping before she entered one of the course rooms, "Because my mom is worried and she thinks that I have a problem." I admitted. If I'm begging her mind as well tell the truth while I'm at it.

"What like she thinks you're gay?" Sky smirked, raising her eye brow in challenge.

I rolled my eyes scowling at her words, "Nothing like that. Gross, I'm straight and you know it." I told her.

"Unfortunately." She mumbled under her breath. Ouch. That was cold, "Sorry that's not how I meant it to sound." She apologized quickly thinking about what she just said.

"No I get it." I muttered shaking my head. Like I said I'm a fool. I sighed looking down at her and towards her class that was starting soon, "Please Sky." I said one last time. I gave her the saddest look I could muster and I think it worked because she sighed in defeat.  

"Fine. Consider your favor granted. But I'm not taking your money; it makes me feel cheap and dirty. I don't know how you can do it." She shudders shaking her head.

"Thank you so much." I said feeling relived as I unexpectedly hugged her. I got to get a brain check. Something is seriously wrong with me these past twenty-four hours.

Awkwardly she patted my back and I released her, "You're welcome. So when are we going?" She asked crossing her arms and peeking through the window of her class.

"Spring break." I answered her quickly.

"And how did you know if I had plans or not?" She sassed.

"Well do you?" She didn't answer, or better yet it was a long pause before I chuckled, "Didn't think so." I answered for her. I saw some movement in the class room so I decided it was time for her to get going, "I'll text you tonight with more details." I told her waking away slowly.

"Still an asshole." She mumbled under her breath and shaking her head as she walked into class.

I laughed turning around and heading out the building exit. Looking at the clock on my phone I frowned. Well guess I have two minutes to get to the other side of campus. Let's hope spring high school track did any impact on me.



So we're mainly going to stick to Jeremy's POV since it's his story now but when necessary we'll switch over to Sky's so you can hear her thoughts and get pieces of her story still. Or when we can't figure what to write for Jeremy. So Sky's POV is like a backup. Already started writing a bit here and there for future chapters and it might just end up being half and half or some of the chapter in Jeremy's and the rest of the (same) chapter in Sky's.

Sooooo this book 2 is not a last minute thing, we've actually had this planned in the way beginning but decided to keep it a secret because we didn't want you guys to suspect anything. Don't know how many chapter this will be. Probably around the same amount as MPB. But telling you now this is the LAST BOOK NO SEQUAL! Promises.

So hope you all enjoy round two with us ;D Thanks to everyone who is continuing the ride/transition. We hope you enjoy book two!


Name this story His FAKE girlfriend because Sky isn't being paid unlike Jeremy was in the first one. That's why if you look carefully on the cover it says paid but then the jumbo capital letters say FAKE :) Thought it was creative lol, but maybe that's just us. :P

Comment! Vote! FAN!-XOLuvKels&Ky

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