Metaphorical Storm : Half God...

By noceurguanxi

482 44 17

You ask me if I know what it feels like to have a rocket launcher jammed up your throat. I nod, I do. Don't w... More

Zafyra : Human? No!
The Goddesses Upfront : One meets another
A Blast to the Past : The Goddess was born
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A New Beginning : Retrospection

168 9 9
By noceurguanxi

"What am I in the eyes of most people — a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then — even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum," questions which often left Z half awake till the latest hours of that day.

Zafyra was girl with a gift, the gift of expression - the gift unveiled yet appreciated. Art is like god to her, she did not only preach it, but worshiped it. When she had no one to lift her drowsy self up, her art held her strong; when everything in her life was shattered, her art did not let her break, despite bundled her broken pieces together like a masterpiece. There were times when Z had lost her self, lost her small little weary soul somewhere in the constipated crowd, her art helped her find herself and did not let her astray to her morals and virtues, it brought her back to the path to her goals and aspirations - the one she had long lost. Now she had her art and Oli, she was quite contented with life - no illustrated whims and fancies, had a small wishlist that wished for 'Oli' and 'Art' to never leave her side. Other than that, just a sturdy ground to keep her feet on and a starry sky full of stars to wish upon.

It was a bright and beautiful day, the first day of Z and Oli's university. The sky looked gorgeous, so looked they - HOT AS HELL; Highly morbid but high on morphine. Their bodies tensed as soon as they saw a rumpus going in the college, the freshers as they were, all spirited up with a fire burning as raging as the sun - could be seen in their eyes. They resembled gun shots on trigger, hungry and passionate about choices and opportunities. The university resembles Zeus and Hera's enormous and magnificent palace, of course - how could it now? How do you think the art students would inspiration from? The architecture was WHITE MARBLE dominant, so exquisitely engraved and sculpted that could shot down angels from heaven and the mundanes go awestruck, each and every hem of the cloth Zeus and Hera wore and even the wrinkles of their face was explicitly well engraved and highly defined, the curtains that obstructed the cool breeze from entering through the windows, were enriched silk, exactly like flowing water. If people like you and me would ever get the chance of visiting here, i suppose the purpose of our life would have been carried out since such an extravagant beauty of art could never be witnessed in the next seven sacred births. The beauty described until now, perfectly and profoundly complemented the tagline of the university - "Bringing Immortality to the Human Soul : En-scripting in the stars."

It was finally the time for them to part ways - one into the science section, and the other to the art. It was a test for them since never have they done a thing where the other did not participate but now was the time of their lives - to run wild and be alive, to live a heart - wrecking soul and live through all the fantasies of their life, but not a zest could be seen on their faces, yes - a little frown appeared on their faces, but they knew; at the end of the day - both had the other's support and faith. With this, they went different ways and turned the page to a new chapter of the story of their lives, but this time - ALONE. Everything - exploring, expedition to new territories, inventions, discoveries, incomparable faces and situations would take birth and a JOURNEY TO THEIR INNER SELVES would set off - A retrospection to their real image and identity would be conducted!

Guyssss!!!! I hope you guys find a lovely atmosphere, being here and please read and give me feedback, your comments would obviously be taken in accordance!! Thank you so much :-)

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