Tomorrow in your life - Compl...

By Gentillefille

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Think, Candy, Terry and the gang in our time! Enjoy! More

Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 1
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 2
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 3
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 4
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 5
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 6
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 7
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 8
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 9
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 10
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 11
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 12
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 13
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 14
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 15
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 16
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 18
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 19
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 20
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 21
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 22
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 23
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 24
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 25
Chapter 26 , "I remember..."
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 27
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 28
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 29
Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 30
Chapter 31 , "The wedding of the century"

Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 17

207 5 0
By Gentillefille

Tomorrow in your life...

Chapter 17

"Labour of love"

Days and weeks passed and Carissa was still in the hospital and Candy went to see them every weekend. Carissa seemed to be adapting to the treatment, but after a while, the doctors decided to find another method of treatment; the bone marrow transplant. Melissa, Philippe, James and Cassie were tested first. But none of them were compatible. James and Cassie were compatible to themselves. Melissa and Philippe were devastated. They tried all the family members, but no one was compatible, at 100. Because with the type of leukemia Carissa had, she needed a perfect donor in order to get better. Now they had to look for anonymous donors; they had to look in the general databank of donors. That will take some time.

- Doctor, said Melissa, what will happen if no one is compatible? Finding a perfect donor who's not a member of the family is extremely rare...

- Where are not there yet, said the doctor

- Yes, said Philippe, our friends will come and get tested too

- What if all that doesn't work? Said Melissa

- Well, there's another possibility...

- Which one? Asked Philippe

- You can try to have another baby and pray that he or she is compatible...

- Pray?

- There's a 50 chance, that the baby won't be compatible...

The doctor let them to go back to work. Melissa and Philippe remained silent. It was not a problem to have another baby, but...

- Honey, said Philippe, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

- It takes 9 months for a baby to be born...Said Melissa

- We have nothing to lose trying...

- We'll gain another baby...

They decided to make another baby, to be prepared in case all the other solutions don't pan out.

When Candy came to see them on Saturday with Terry, her friends and her cousins, they learned the sad news and they decided to get all tested.

- We never know, said Candy, the solution might be looking at us

- Thanks Candy, said Melissa, thanks to all of you, that's really nice of you

- It's a pleasure, said Stear, we hope one of us can help little Carissa

They all went to get tested. Candy thanked Terry and her friends.

- No need, Freckles, it's the least we could do...

- I'm going to see Carissa, while you get tested, said Candy

Candy went to Carissa's room, she was pale and was started to lose her hair, because of the chemo.

- Candy! She said with a weak voice

- Hi, honey, said Candy softly, how are you?

- I feel nauseous...

- That's normal after the chemo... my poor little darling

- Don't be sad Candy, God will find a solution; he's not going to let me die... he wouldn't want mummy to be sad again by losing another child...

- You're right, we have to be optimistic and have faith, said Candy hugging her

Candy didn't really understood what Carissa meant by "...losing another child" but she didn't want to grill the little sick girl with questions. She started to tell stories to Carissa and Melissa was looking at them smiling. Candy was absolutely charming. The whole family had fallen in love with her. Since it was a Saturday, the employees of the lab were not there, they had left early. They will have to wait the beginning of next week to get the results. Candy was talking to Melissa in Carissa's room. This last one was asleep.

- So how are you? Asked Candy

- I'm hanging in there...

- What are the doctors are saying?

- They trying to reassure us the best way they can

- You know, I did some research on the Internet; in case nothing works, you can make another baby and hope...

- Candy, I'm one step ahead of you...

- Oh...Oh! Said Candy blushing

- You're really cute when you blush said Melissa smiling

The following week was the last one before the Easter vacations. Melissa and Philippe had been in the hospital with Carissa for almost three months. On Monday morning, the doctor who was taking care of Carissa, came to see them with a nice smile in Carissa's room.

- Melissa, Philippe he said, can I talk to you?

- Of course, doctor, said Melissa, let's go in the hallway

- Carissa, we're coming said Philippe

- Ok, daddy! Said the little girl

They went in the hall way, they didn't want to talk in front of Carissa

- Ok, Melissa, Philippe, we found a donor, who's a match for Carissa

- WHAT! Said the parents at the same time

- Yes, I just came back from the lab. It's the perfect donor, which is extremely rare in a non-family member

- Doctor, who's the donor? Do we know him or her? Asked Philippe

- Yes in fact it's you little protégée...said the doctor

- Candy... said Melissa instinctively

- Candy is a match? Said Philippe, that's wonderful!

- Yes Candy White Andrew is a perfect match for your daughter, said the doctor

- I knew there was a reason this young girl came into our lives, it was to save Carissa... said Melissa with tears in her eyes

- We're going to call the boarding school and ask permission to the principal so that Miss Andrew could come to the hospital immediately...

Candy was called in the reverend mother's office during the firs hour of the English class.

- You wanted to see me, reverend mother? Asked Candy coming in

- Yes, have a seat, please Miss Andrew

- Thank you.

- May Day hospital just called us. Mr. And Mrs Crane are asking for you. You have to go to the hospital immediately...

- Oh, my God! Did something happen to Carissa?

- I don't have any other information, aside that it's about their daughter Carissa... You can go change before you go to the hospital. Father Cyprian is going to take you with the school's vehicle.

- Thank you reverend mother. Goodbye, reverend mother

- Good bye, Miss Andrew

Candy went to change quickly, very very worried. Why did they call her in the middle of the morning? She had to let Terry know what was happening. She sent him a text message on his cell phone, telling him where she was, since she had to leave quickly. She didn't have time to go see him in his classroom. She arrived at the hospital almost running, she was afraid of what she would find.

- Melissa, Philippe she said arriving breathless, did something happen?

- Candy! Said Melissa hugging her hard, very hard for a long time and crying

Candy started to cry too, thinking something bad had happen to Carissa.

- When did it happen? She asked crying

- This morning...

- I'm sorry, so sorry... she said crying

- Sorry? Said Philippe, Melissa, you and your tears!... you mislead her...

- You don't know? Asked Melissa letting her lose from the hug

- I don't know what? Asked Candy

- Oh my God, the school didn't tell you? Asked Melissa

- Tell me what?

- You're a match Candy, you can save Carissa!

- WHAT! Oh that's wonderful! She said hugging Melissa again with joy this time

- Thank you said Melissa crying, thank you very much for coming into our lives Candy

- No, I'm the one that should thank you for coming into my life.

- When you're done getting all warm and fuzzy, said Philippe, the doctor is waiting for us in the other room

The two ladies couldn't help laughing in the middle of their tears. The arrangements were made for the bone marrow transplant. Candy had to spend at least one night in the hospital. She went to see Carissa in her room. They had explained to her what was going to happen.

- Candy! She said smiling

- How are you Honey?

- I will be better because of you.... thank you so much Candy!

- Oh... I'm happy to be able to help you, honey

- I told you that God would not let me die...

- You were right, God is good...

- He's going to repay you for this Candy, you'll see. You're biggest wish will come true...

- My biggest wish?

- Don't say it out loud... and it will come true, said Carissa

"My biggest wish is to find my real parents said Candy in her head"

- Did you do it? Said Carissa

- Yes...

- It will come true. I will make sure of it. I will ask God to make it come true as a thank you for saving me

- Thank you honey... I'll see you later, Ok?

- Ok...

Candy hugged her and went to her room to get ready for the procedure.

The sample had to be taken in the end of the afternoon and Carissa's treatment started.

Terry got Candy's text message on his cell phone and he asked for the permission to go see her in the hospital. Stear and Archie, Annie, Patty and Tani were also authorized to go see Candy at the hospital. They found the Cranes who told them that Candy was resting in her room. Terry entered to the room first.

- Freckles?

- Romeo, she said softly, I'm Carissa's bone marrow donor...

- Oh... that's great! She's going to be cured! How was it?

- When you hear "bone marrow" you think, "bone", but it's really blood in a bag...

- Really? That's funny... said Terry, are you okay honey; you're not hurting too much?

- The pain is not important, if I can save Carissa...

The others came in the room, they were all very happy. The little girl was saved, thanks to Candy and her bone marrow.

- Candy, said Annie, my God, the Cranes are lucky to have met you! You're an angel for them!

- I'm glad I met them. Said Candy, and I'm glad I could help them...

- This was a miracle said Stear, do you know the odds of finding a perfect match in a stranger?

- Yes... and lucky for them, I was not a stranger...

Neil also came later, he was doing everything to be Candy's friend.

- Neil? Said Candy, come in...

- Candy, I wanted to know if you're alright, I heard you were in the hospital

- Since when? Said Archie, Neil, what are you up to?

- Nothing, said Neil, I just wanted to make sure she was alright

- Leave him alone, Archie, said Candy, Thank you Neil, that's nice of you. I'm fine, I'm not sick I was a bone marrow donor for the Cranes' little girl Carissa...

- Really? So this was a labour of love? Said Neil. That's a very good thing. I'm happy you were able to save her

Archie and Stear felt so weird seeing Neil so nice. He was always on Candy's case since the day they met. What was happening? They didn't ask too much questions, after all, he didn't do anything wrong. They stayed in Candy's room till visiting hours were over, then they went back to school. Terry called her from his room and they talked for hours before they went to sleep.

Little Carissa started to feel much better, after the bone marrow transplant from Candy. Her body accepted the bone marrow without any problem. Candy spent her Easter vacations with the Cranes during Carissa's recovery. Terry of course, came to see her every day.

- Candy, I don't know how to thank you again, I almost lost my baby girl

- No need, Melissa. It was a pleasure...

- You're a very sweet girl said Melissa

The Cranes went back to Romania around April. Candy went with them to the airport. Her "family" was leaving... she was sad

- I'm going to miss you, said Candy, I got used to seeing you all the time

- Me too, Candy, it's true that there's a silver lining for everything, Carissa's illness made it possible for us to be together more... we're going to miss you... but we'll see each other again, said Melissa

- Yes, said Philippe, we can arrange something

- Bye Candy said Carissa, and thank you for saving me again

- You're very welcome my darling, said Candy, I'm going to miss you so much

Life at school continued. Lizzie and Eliza couldn't bother Candy too much, because she wasn't really there with Carissa's illness. But they were still thinking about getting back at her.

The school's movie was sent to Cambridge at the Student's film festival. The students, who wanted to, were authorized to go, by the school. Candy went with Terry who was the lead actor in the movie. Lizzie and Eliza were there too. They hoped they could have guys from the university of Cambridge. Candy's cousins and friends also came to support the school. The students were staying in a hotel not to far from the university. The first two days, were really to watch everybody's movie. Most of the movies were very well done. But Terrence Grandchester had the best performance, without a doubt. St. Paul Academy received the Lumiere award for the best movie and one for the best actor. It was the general joy.

They celebrated by going to a party at the university's dorm. The teachers were looking after them as well as they could, because in the middle of all those university students, it was kind of hard to keep track. Lizzie and Eliza had the time of their lives as usual, with university boys. Annie and Patty stayed near their boyfriends, Stear and Archie. Candy was stuck to Terry like glue. She didn't want to drink anything that was not in a can that she opened herself. After what happened to her at the Valentine's dance a year ago, she wasn't taking any risks. Everybody was having a good time and was dancing. At one point, Terry wanted to get some fresh air with Candy. They decided to go outside, but since it was raining, the stayed inside and tried to find a calm place where they could be alone. That's how they fell on a room with a very busy couple... Candy saw that it was Lizzie and she took Terry far away from the room.

- Freckles?

- There was a busy couple

- Oh...

- It's not good to do it during a party; there might be drugs and alcohol involved...

- There are some careless people that don't care and that's too bad

They heard laughs and they turned around; Lizzie and her partner coming out of the room. Terry had an indifferent expression.

- That's what you wanted to hide from me?

- I'm sorry

- You're too nice, Freckles he said smiling, another girl would've had a pleasure to show me the disgrace of my ex-girlfriend... not my Juliet. You're an angel...

- Terry, I didn't want you to see that. Well... Let's talk about something else. You got the award for the best actor, I bet that gave you even more the will to follow your mother's steps...

- You have no idea! But my father is going to have a cow...

They met Candy's friends who were also trying to get away from the noise and the smoke.

- Hey Candy, said Annie, what are you doing?

- We wanted to get some fresh air, but it's raining...

- Yeah too bad...

They heard noise and saw Eliza coming out of a room with a university boy.

- Oh my God, said Archie, is that our cousin with an older boy?

- Isn't that statutory rape? Said Stear

- Do you think she cares? Said Patty

Eliza passed them and gave them the look.

- Nope, said Annie, she doesn't care at all!

They all started to laugh and went outside in the rain to get some fresh air.

Candy's birthday arrived, but Terry had exams, since it was his last year. He'd already bought her a present. He came to give it to her on the night of her birthday. It was an emerald necklace.

- Oh Terry...

- It's goes with the earrings and the bracelet

- Thank you Romeo, she said kissing him

They stayed in each other's arm for a while and then Candy said;

- You have to go study...

- Ok, see you tomorrow

- Thanks again for the present and good night. I love you

- I love you

He went back to his room to study.

In Bucharest, Melissa was feeling sad, but less sad than usual, that year. After almost losing Carissa, she realised that she was pretty lucky. Her daughter was saved. But she was still sad; it had been 17 years...

- Are you ok, honey? Asked Philippe

- Yes, my love. I'm pregnant...

He hugged her.

- That's wonderful...

- Are you sure? It was to save Carissa

- I'm sure. He or she is going to be welcome

- I love you Philippe

- I love you Melissa

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