Behind The Smile||Karmagisa

By sunsetsingrey

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Keeping a low profile isn't the best option out there but, what choice does he have? After killing near 200 h... More

Chapter 1: Little Doll
Challenge Accepted
Chapter 2: The clouded memories
Chapter 3: A new friend
Chapter 4: Already Friends
Chapter 5: His Ex
Chapter 6: Idol's drama
Chapter 7: I'll always be here
Chapter 8: The Early One
Chapter 9: Different But The Same
Chapter 10: Where are you now?
Chapter 11: Avoid
Chapter 12: To have you dead
Chapter 13: The truth
Chapter 14: The kiss
Chapter 15: Karma Time
Chapter 16: I knew it
Chapter 17:Beserk
Chapter 18: The Confession
Chapter 19: Mother of Mine
Chapter 21: Brother's Affection?
Chapter 22: Can't reach you
Chapter 23: Cleared
Nah, just asking
Chapter 24: The Smell of Danger
Chapter 25: His Decision
Chapter 26:Birthday Present
Chapter 27: Kidnapped
Chapter 28: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 29: Lost and Found
Chapter 30: Reality [END]

Chapter 20: Mid-Term Madness

1.6K 94 119
By sunsetsingrey

A/N: I'm sorry, but the picture has nothing to do with this chapter...I just thought I'd share it because it's so damn cute...


"I can't do this." I panicked, seeing that I couldn't even answer the first question of the exercise book. "I'm gonna die later and I'll be dumb for the rest of my life and never find a job and I'll probably die under a bridge and--"

"Shut up." I heard a low grumble from behind me. "You're too noisy."

I spun around in the wheelchair, facing the purple-eyed boy that was already comfortably snuggled underneath a layer of blankets. "You guys wouldn't possibly get my worries." I said, folding my legs in front of me in the chair. "Unlike me, you two have this amazing brain that's good enough to score top even though you don't study." 

"Go to sleep, little doll." the lad beside him insisted, voicing out his complaint, choosing the right words to make it seem like an attempt to worry. "You'll just be tiring yourself out." 

I sighed, "In four to five hours from now, it'll be mid-terms." I reminded. "If I don't drill these notes and formulas into my head, I'll be losing by default." 

None of them said anything. I took that as a sign that neither of them could care any less whether or not I pass or fail tomorrow's sets of papers. With that in mind, I spun around, focusing my attention back to the math problem at hand. 

Digging my head for the correct formula to use, the efforts I put in resulted in vain when I couldn't seem to understand the question itself. "This looks simple enough."  I commented on the diagram shown below the string of words. "Yet, I can't get the right answer." 

Find the volume of D[0]. 

"What does it even want?"  I questioned, scrunching my eyebrows in disbelief. "What does it mean by D zero?" 

"Not to mention the diagram itself looks complicating." 

Then, just as I was intending to give up and put my pen down, I noticed this one sentence in the question that I over-looked before. 

Multiple cubes having sides 1 arranged periodically. 

 Wait a second. If that's the case...

I started writing down my theory, trying my hardest to fill in the gaps that I had earlier in my brain. It all made sense. The diagram, the words, the whole aim of the question and what it wants. 

Everything, except one.

"I don't know how to get the proper answer, though." I huffed, tired that the scribbles I made only seemed to mess my head up more. 

"That's where I come in." a voice suddenly erupted behind me, its owner grabbing the pen from my hand and began calculating the solution for the particular question. 

At first I was surprised at the sudden burst of audio since the room was flooded by this silence but then, I relaxed my tense muscles, seeing that it was only Karma. "W-What are you doing?" I asked, confused at his behavior since he was, previously, sleeping on the bed behind me. 

"Helping you, duh." he said simply, scribbling over my own. 

I  furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't need your help." 

He chuckled, "Liar." with that said, he stopped. "There, I got it." 

My eyes widened, "Already?" I questioned, not believing that he was able to find the answer the problem so easily. With that speed, too. 

"Its not that hard, Nagisa." he smiled at me, finally facing me after ripping his eyes from the paper. "If you see here, its actually quite straight forward. Primary stuff actually." 


"Yeah, see here." he pointed towards the sentence with the tip of the pen. "You were right to underline that. It actually helped me get the answer quicker." 

He carefully guided me through the problem, not missing a single detail in his explanation. "So, its like, while I claim my own domain, everyone else claims theirs. And eight of them make up one eighth of the cube." he went through. "Simply put, the volume of my domain is one to one; half of the cube." 

Karma circled his final answer, making it seem like the question was simply child's-play for him. Like it was a walk in the park. That's just how smart he is. How much he endures, just to stay in the E-class. Just because of his job, as an assassin. 

"But, actually, if you studied this field a bit more, you would've gotten the answer." he pointed out, patting my head as a sign of acknowledgement. "You already got half of the working correct."

"That was just luck." I swatted his hand away, finding it annoying at how he still treats me as a child even though I'm supposed to be someone special to him now. "I wouldn't have ever gotten the answer." 

He chuckled, flipping the book to the cover. "This is university stuff." he simplified the title of the exercise book. 

My jaw dropped. He found the answer to a question usually asked in university that easily? Despite being a normal middle-schooler? 

Well, everything about him screams intelligence, though.  

"You're amazing, little doll." he patted my shoulder this time. "If you ask me, you'll nail the exams later. So, you have nothing to worry about." 

"Of course I do." I protested. "I don't want to disappoint Shunii or mom, now that she's here, my belated dad or Professor Koro. But, I think, honestly, I want to be a worthy partner for you." 

"F-For me?" 

I averted my eyes, "Karma, you're smart, funny and cool. And your physical strength overpowers mine by hundreds of miles. And, you're emotional state's much more stable than mine."


"I don't want to be clinging onto your tailcoat!" I blurted out. "I want to be on the same level with you. Not by you lowering your standards. I have to get up there, even if it means fighting a unicorn."

He stared at me, a moment later he burst out laughing, clutching his stomach to prevent it from exploding. "What's with that?!" he exclaimed. "A unicorn?! You'd go that far for me?" 

"W-Well, of course." I averted my eyes once again, staring at the wheels of the chair. "You're my boyfriend, after all." 

Although my eyes weren't directly meeting his, I spied on him at the corner of my eye, just in time to notice a visible layer of pink dust his cheeks. He tried to hide it, though, covering his mouth with the palm of his hand. His efforts were futile, unfortunately. 

"D-Do your best." he cheered before he walked towards his bed. "I'll be rooting for you, so do your very best." 

I smiled, "I plan to." I answered, confidence began to overwhelm me. 

"Get some sleep." he crawled into his bed, patting the area beside him soon after. "Its no use if you're not fully conscious later."

"I'm not getting in the bed with you." I refused, wanting my own personal space rather than having to share with the likes of him. 

"Suit yourself." he shrugged, simply drifting off to sleep. 

About two minutes or more passed, I decided to climb into the bed beside him and covered myself beneath the layer of blanket that I had to share. Slowly, I closed my eyes. 

"So you wanted to sleep with me after all." I heard him chuckle. 

Geez, you're not asleep yet? "Shut up." I answered, too tired to respond to his teasing. 

Suddenly, the mattress began to shift and, before I knew it, a pair of warm arms wrapped themselves around me. I felt his chest press against my back before his chin rested atop my head. "Goodnight, Nagisa." he whispered. 

I felt my cheeks heat up, caught up in the moment of my heart beat increasing. I bit my lip, idiot, its hard to sleep like this.

I turned my body, my flushed face burying itself into his chest. "Goodnight." I replied, although fully aware that it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning. 

He simply cupped my neck with one hand before he mumbled a few words that seemed so distant, I couldn't have possibly heard it. It seemed like a phrase that was so easy to say. But, being the one hearing it, makes you hesitate whether or not you should believe it. Those three simple words...mean the whole world to me. 

But then I realized, I couldn't just leave him hanging like that. 

"I love you, too." 


"Times up!" I heard the teacher in front of me exclaimed, signalling us to stop writing in the test paper. 

Not long after I stopped, he came and took the paper away from me. Sent me a tiny glare, too. To which I just smiled. 

It was a school rule to have all the students take scheduled tests in the main building, to encourage interaction between students and to make it easier to spot a cheater since everyone's highly on guard for those types of students. 

To me, however, it seemed like a waste of time. 

"Hey, isn't that Nagisa?" I heard a voice muttering behind me as I exited the classroom where I sat my test. "Look at him being all happy that the test was over. Probably didn't even answer a single question. Math is his weak point."

I turned back to face them, a smile spread across my face. "Got a problem with me?" I questioned, trying not to intimidate him. "If you do, say it to my face, you cowards." 

"What's with you? Acting all tough?" the guy scowled. "You don't even deserve to come to the main building, you E-class." 

My smile disappeared. 

And, in a flash...

So did the colour in them. 

"Try saying that again." I raised an eyebrow, my eyes giving off this sort of vibe that clearly states my intentions. "Of course, if you do, I'll really be mad." 

They both backed away before my smile returned, "Cowards." I spat out.

Suddenly, my field of vision got blocked; covered more precisely. His fingers carefully brushed against my eyelids, perhaps to confirm to that my eyes were closed. "Ah, ah, you made him mad." he complained in a teasing manner. "I'll never hear the end of this later."

"K-Karma?!" I questioned, trying to scratch his hand away from my face. "Let go of me, damn it!" 

"Hey, buddies, mind doing my favor and get the fuck out of here?" 

His voice was a stabilized tone of teasing and terrifying, quite the mixture too. All I heard after that were a couple of gasps and whispers from the crowd surrounding us. 

"They're gone." 

Karma then released his hand from my eyes, allowing my sight to be cleared. However, all I saw were a few painful glares from the student crowding around us, unable to advance any further from their current positions mostly due to shock and fear. 

Despite that, I grunted. "I didn't need you to do that." I scrunched my eyebrows together, refusing to even look him in the eye at this point. "All you did was attract even more attention."

"What's so wrong about that?" his voice cheered as his breath whispered the next line. "We're lovers now, aren't we?"

Although the line was originally supposed to give off a romantic feeling, it honestly gave me the creeps, arousing goosebumps to form on my skin. "Still, it's my own decision how I choose to live my life." 

"Of course it is." he patted my shoulder, pushing past me the instant after. "I'm just helping you with those so called decisions so you don't fall into a pit." 

"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" 

He turned around to face me, shoving both his hands in his pockets while wearing such a half-assed smile. "That you can't live without me, duh." he raised an eyebrow. "If you could, then a few bastards like that wouldn't have possibly ticked you off." then, he walked off. 


I stood there, speechless, unable to find my voice. What he said hurts but, deep down, it had some logic in it. It was then I started questioning myself for being so easily pissed whenever someone were to insult me these days when in the past, I used to not give a damn. 

I clenched my teeth, trying to get a grip. 

"That idiot. Saying whatever he feels like saying." 

'But, he kept his word.'

'In his own twisted way, he's caring for me.' I smiled. 'And that's what makes him hold a very special place in my heart.'


Karma's POV 

I took a huge breath of relief. "They're over!" I screamed, feeling the relieving burn in my chest. 

"You're too loud, idiot!" Levi smacked the back of my head, applying just enough force to make me snap back into reality. 

The brunette beside him chuckled, "Its only been the first day of the three day exams, and you're already this stressed out?" 

"Science and history were damn hard, I swear to god." I complained, poking my lower lip out. "Maths was okay, I guess."

I turned to face the blue-haired lad that was walking at a slightly slower pace compared to the rest of us, staring at his eyelids as his eyes were closed. His hands were clutching the straps of his bag and the sudden wind made a few strands of his hair brush against his facial features. 

I wanted to see the azure eyes that always seemed to light up whenever I stare into them. It puzzles me how his eyes work. Sometimes it felt like they were slowly being engulfed by an abyss and then, the next moment, they seem to be dancing along to this imaginative tune inside his head.   

Before I could turn back to face front, his eyes opened, directly shooting a stare into mine. The action made my heart skip a beat before he chuckled, the note of his voice lower than usual. Suddenly, something hard hit my head. 

It was when everyone burst into laughter that I realized, I bumped into a street light. 

The sound of the clacking metal echoed through my head before I regained a bit of my consciousness and was able to properly stand. "How the hell are you walking, idiot?" the shorter lad punched my sides, still unable to clearly spell out his words. 

"Don't be like that, Levi." his partner teased. "Can't you see the way he was staring at Allium just now?" 

Levi cooed, "Aw! So romantic~" and then, he began laughing again. 

I turned to Nagisa, his face was flushed, although covered under his left hand. I smiled, 'He's too cute.' I thought. 

"Oh? What's this? Still staring at him, huh?" 

"My, my, aren't you a desperate little boyfriend?" 

"Azure sure is lucky to have such a romantic lover!" 

The petite boy flinched at the last statement, consciously biting his lip to hide his embarrassment. I lowered my gaze, 'Maybe he just isn't used to this.' I theorized, thinking positively to try and avoid conflict. 'Nevertheless, these two sure can't read the situation.'

"You two, knock it off." a low growl told them off with his eyes closed; a sure sign that the annoyance was too much for him to handle. "Can't you see he's uncomfortable? Stop teasing him and walk." 

"Gakushuu's just jealous." Levi countered, refusing to back down. "The little brother he's been growing up with for years is finally in a relationship." 

"I had a girlfriend once, you know." Nagisa spoke, trying to defend himself. 

"With a guy." Levi finished, taking into consideration of Nagisa's previous lover. "You're in a relationship with a guy now."

"With Karma."

My eyebrows furrowed together, "Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"No, no." he said teasingly. "Its a huge-ass compliment." 

"I detect sarcasm."

"Just shut up for a second, will you?" the purple-eyed boy scowled. "Let's the go back home."

"Aren't you in a foul mood? What got your panties all twisted?" Levi crossed his arms over his chest. dissatisfied with the older boy's attitude. 

To that, he just clicked his tongue, ignoring the shorter lad in front of him. "Cold as ever." I commented. 

"Must be a twin thing." 

"You bastards are sure in a talkative mood today, aren't you?" I raised my eyebrow, instantly commenting on Eren's statement. 


He said twin. 

I turned to Nagisa. Apparently, he's still walking slowly behind us with his hair draping over his face, covering his eyes from sight. 

My heart pounded. 

He didn't give a reaction at all. 

If that's the case, wouldn't that mean that he already knows about Gakushuu and I? And if so, how the hell did he get that sort of twisted information?

"I have to talk with our mother." 

Just how much does this boy know? 

One second he's completely clueless, lost in the conversation and the other, he's so well informed about the current situation. Although I've taken an interest in it, it scares me to the bone how his mind works. How his eyes work. 

Filled with charm before recreating an image of a monster. 

A snake. More precisely a gorgon. 

His knife work is always on point and his abilities, although weak, are swift and smooth. That keen vision and that speed of calculations and reaction. To top it all off, the way he looks like he's having fun plunging a knife into someone's chest. 

A smile. 

With a glare sharp enough to pierce. 

It scares me wanted to hire him as an assassin starting after mid-terms. 

Before I could snap back into reality, however...

I bumped into a pole again.  


A/N: Hello people, sorry I haven't been updating since forever! I've been changing the POVs randomly throughout the story and that's just because...I want to. I feel like they're emotions are better expressed that way. Huhuhu, and one more thing, I'm sorry for the self-promotion but, I'm working on a new book and its karmagisa as well. Its not published yet, though...please look forward to it!

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