My Best Friend's Boyfriend is...

By Luzel_hime

400K 9.5K 2.5K

Running. That is all that I have been doing ever since I discovered his secret. Running and hiding from tha... More

1 - The Fluffy New Girl
2 - Don't Mess with my Jelly Pudding
3 - The Children of the Mafia
4 - They're Vampires?!.. yeah right.
5 - BambiLu is a Furry Wolf
6 - Wolf Theory
8 - I Have a Stalker.. and he's a Wolf
9 - Minny Likes it Slow
10 - This is a Girls Sleep Over
Shapes in the Clouds
Horror movies.. who likes them
Minny is Taken
The Other Wolf
The Pizza Thief
Someone has a Temper
Genius Are Stupid
Missing Her
Wolf Boy and Icing
Breakfast Delivery
I'm a Hostage
My Rollercoaster Morning
A blast from Florence's Past
Flo in Action
I'm a Selfish Brat
I'm a Slave Driver
Scaring Wolf Boy's Fans
Complications of the Heart
Angels and boyfriends
Heart stopping moves
The vault
They're Tourist Guides
Hi I'm Lacus Clyne
They're here
You're not a monster
A Promise to Run
The School Fair Day 1 Part 1
The School Fair Day 1 Part 2
The School Fair Day 2
The School Fair Day 2 Part 2
The after party
The After Party 2
Waking up Wolf Boy
Birthday Kiss
Pepero Sticks
The Wrath of Khan
It's Snowing
Shooting Arrows
Christmas Eve with Him
Blame Global Warming
New Year Traditions
Interview with Khan
The Irrational Genius
Valentine Plague
Florence's Galaxy
The Red Dress
Florence's Valium
Go Team
A Walk in the Park
Family, Friends and Food
Head on Shoulders
30 Seconds Too Long
How to kill a Vampire and find Atlantis
Adrenaline Shot
Niga Joha Neomu Joha
Scribbles part 2 (A/N)
Happy Ever After.. Is it?
Broken Faith
Fate's Stupid Games
The Prelude to Chaos
The Mad White Room of Nightmares
The Garden with the Glass Sky
To Escape
Death by a Rotten Apple
The Cure and Death of Wolf Boy
Soul Mate and Destiny
Lost in You
The Big Brother
Officially FloKai
Scribbles 3 (Important Update)
Over Rated ClichΓ©s
Flood the Firewall
A Proposition
He's Mine
She's Mine
20 boring facts about Flo
Wide Awake
Memories of a Crescent Moon
What is Love?
Chasing Cars
The 26
Final Scribbles

7 - Florence's Secret

5.6K 128 27
By Luzel_hime

Hi guys...!! It's Nov. 6.. does anybody know what day it is?? it's Kris birthday!!

Happy birthday to Kriscasso!!:) ehehe..

I have nothing to say much..

Please enjoy reading!!^^

Happy birthday Kris!!

(BTW, uploaded this while extremly sleepy.. so mind the errors... good night..zzzz)



"You're an alien!!" Chen exclaimed. I look at him blankly for a moment, seriously. Chen has a weird sense of humor sometimes.

"I wish, that would be so cool but no I'm human. What I mean is that you don't know who I really am. You guys never noticed you knew so little about me until yesterday." I said.

"Now that you point it out you're actually right. All we know about you is that you like to eat." D.O. said. I laugh. Trust these boys to make me laugh even in the direst situations.

"Well who doesn't like to eat?" I answered after catching my breath from laughing.

"Anyway Flo back to the topic. What do you mean when you said who you really are?" Kai asked. "Flo?" He prodded when I didn't answer.

"To start off my name- my real full name is Florence Jane Ambrose Khan." I said and was interrupted by Chanyeol.

"Doesn't sound familiar." He said.

"That's a good thing because she's supposed to be dead." I answered.

"what? Are you dead?" Beakhyun asked.

"Do I look dead to you Beakhyun?" I asked with raised brows smiling slightly.

"Heck no.. I'm confused." He answered.

"Let me finish okay?" I said with a heavy sigh. "Try not to interrupt."

"Are you alright?" Kai asked.

"Yeah. Give me a minute." I said smiling thinly. I felt cold. "It's been awhile since I actually told anyone about me. I sometimes forget who I really am."

"Do you really need to do this Flo?" Luhan asked.

I nod.

"To quote you yesterday. You need to know about me before you can understand how I can help you." I answered. I took a deep breath and fiddled with the frays of my sweater. " Well that's my full name, I haven't used it for while now since I'm not suppose to exist. Nobody is supposed to know where I am or everybody is supposed to think I'm dead."

"why?" Minny asked.

"Let me start with some facts. My name's Florence Jane Ambrose Khan. I'm 17. I was born in Kent, England. My parents are two brilliant scientists. My brother is the next Charles Darwin. I'm smarter than an average human."

"You just sounded conceited." Sehun inserted. I smiled dryly at him.

"I'm just stating a fact. I'm a genius and that is where my problems started." I paused and wrapped my arms around myself for warmth. "My parents work for a place called the Institute and growing up it was my playground. One day the president saw me scribbling some notes in a notebook. I don't know what he saw in those notes since they were just random algorithms but he brought me down to a level that is supposed to be a myth, the experiment level."

I stopped and closed my eyes; opening them again as I saw visions of that mad white room pass through my eyes. Those eyes that looked helpless and haunting. I felt the shiver that ran through me then I heard the whimper.

"Flo are you okay? You're shaking." Kai said sitting beside me and started to rub my back.

"No I'm not." I answered shaking my head.

"Flo you don't have to do this." Luhan said as Minny sat on my other side to hold my hand. "Please stop."

"No. I want to try something anyway. Give me a minute." I answered rubbing my eyes.

They went silent as Kai continued rubbing my back. I involuntarily leaned towards him since he was so warm.

 "So to continue.." I said taking a deep breath. "the president brought me there thinking I can do all of those experiments for him. He saw the potential in me like my parents never did. Also he saw that I can be a malleable little puppet and can disappear so easily. I was a kid and kids disappear every day."

"Why didn't you do it then?" Tao asked.

"Because Tao he was experimenting with humans." I answered quietly.

"Oh my god." Minny said horrified.

"If he had taken me too a laboratory full of cell plates I would love to do his bidding but no. It had to be humans. I never thought they existed. I never thought one human can do that to a fellow human but he did and he was doing it in massive numbers." I said sadly. "I told my parents about it, they initially did not believe me but when I went into shock because of it they believe me. I'm not faint hearted and something had to be traumatic to scare me when I was a kid."

"They reported it to the authorities but of course who would believe a kid? Who would want to believe that the president of a prestigious company is a mad psychotic man?" I continued. "After my parents reported the incident some men came to our house one night to take me away. Good thing my parents had anticipated that. They staged a car crash and pronounced me missing presumed to be dead since they never recovered the car wreck. After that night I've been on the run ever since."

A few minutes of silence before anyone reacted.

"That sounded like it was straight out of a movie." Suho commented.

"Oh how I wish it was a movie. Because in movies there is a foreseeable end in my version I will be forever on the run."

"They why are you telling us this? You're on the run and I presume would be undercover also, why tell us now when you were hiding it so well?" Luhan asked.

"I was hiding it so well? Really? I should be an actress when I grow up because I was going half mad every night with nightmares." I answered with a sigh. "The reason? Because I trust you. It's been a long time since I felt I can trust anybody with my identity. You guys are a good bunch. You never told anyone about Luhan's secret- well frankly because no one will believe you- but yeah you guys are good and I consider you my friends."

Silence. I did not dare to look up fearing the rejection I would see. Minny's arms were suddenly around me and she was sobbing.

"Wh-what? Why are you crying?!" I asked confused but I hugged her back.

"because I'm sad! I'm sad for you!" She wailed.

"Minny.. you're such a cry baby." I said with an amused smile.

"And you're my friend too! My best friend." she said sniffling.

"Of course I am." I answered patting her back.

Nobody has ever cried for me.  Even my parents, they were so focused on hiding me that they never really showed any weakness for me hence no crying.

"Wait does Ren Hyung know that you're telling us this? He seemed to be in charge on looking out for you." Suho asked.

"He is. The whole cover up thing is a bit complicated to understand but they have certain rules to follow. One of those is the less persons know the better. So far only a handful knows about me and now it suddenly doubled." I said eyeing all of them. "My brother will be pissed."

"Then why did you do it?! Your brother is scary!" Luhan said.

"Because I'm tired of it. I want to have friends. I want to at least have a life before he catches me." I answered in a tired voice. "he will find me one day. I just know."

"Flo no." Minny said in a low voice.

I just smiled sadly.

"My brother will be pissed but it'll be fine. He did say you guys are good for me." I said after a moment. "To start off I don't have nightmares anymore."

"really?" Minny asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. I do dream about unicorns and dragons and it's your entire fault." I said to her smiling. "thank you."

"You're welcome." She said tearfully.

"Wait you're a genius and yet you're still in high school?" Beakhyun asked.

"Part of my cover. I graduated high school when I was 14. So that was three years ago and heck the lessons are still the same old boring stuff." I answered grinning.

I suddenly felt better than I ever felt. Maybe telling someone is cathartic to overcoming a traumatic experience.

"show off." Kai mumbled beside me.

"Be nice. I can help you in math which you obviously suck at. You don't even know what you're writing down half the time." I answered sticking out my tongue at him.

"A mean show off." Kai said in monotone making me laugh.

"poor baby." I said patting his head. Yup I feel definitely better. "Anyway back to the topic. In that level was some data I saw on some experiments that were infused with traits from animals. Like the speed of a cheetah or the sharp eyesight of a hawk.. that's what reminded me of you Luhan. You were just like those... those.."

"We get the picture." Luhan said soothingly.

I felt like I'm in a rollercoaster ride. My mood went up and down and up and down.

"So I'm an experiment." Luhan said after a pause.

"Yes. Most experiments don't remember much of what happened when they were young or have chucks of their life that they can't remember. Is that true for you?" I asked.

"I can only remember clearly from the age of ten earlier then that it's all vague, like I'm looking through a mist." Luhan answers screwing up his face like he was trying hard to see through his mind.

"I'm sorry but you may have no past, no origin, and no family." I said to him sadly.

"I don't care about the past, I have my future." Luhan answered smiling at Minny. "And I have brothers" he said smiling at the boys who grinned, punched and did what all boys do when they are showing any mushy emotion. "And a sister." Luhan adds smiling at me. I felt my heart melt.

"Okay. I suddenly have a wolf for a brother, great." I answer trying to lighten the moment. Everyone laughed and resumed eating thinking I was finished, but I was not. "And I think I can help you become human again. If you want to." I said to Luhan. He stopped eating his fork stopping mid-air.

"What do you mean?" Luhan asked.

"You're an experiment and all experiments have data and information. I just need to find those and maybe we can find the cure or figure out how to reverse the wolf effect." I answer. "And the perfect place to look for them is in the Institutes data base. They gather data from everywhere and everyone."

"The Institute where your parents are working?" Kai asked.

"Yes, I can go there and look for it."

"The same Institute that wants to capture you to use you." Kai asked in a flat tone.

"Correct. I can go there, pretending to surrender, get the data, try to figure it out and send the results to you guys. You might need Ren's help thou.." I said without any emotion in my voice.

"NO!!" they all bellowed at once. I looked at them surprised; they never raised their voice at me.

"If you're the price I'll stay a wolf." Luhan said angrily.

"But-" I start to object.

"Florence no!" Luhan growled his eyes flashing red. I shirked back, mouth agape.  Those eyes, a part of my brain screamed, but most of it is frozen in fear. Luhan looked dangerous.

"Luhan calm down." MInny said grabbing his arm as Kai stood in front of me, hiding me from Luhan. Luhan sat down and buried his face in his hands.

"That is exactly the reason why I need to help you, Luhan imagined if you lose your temper with Minny and accidently hurt her. She's not D.O. who has bones of steel." I said going around Kai. I knelt in front of Luhan to look at him eye to eye.

"He would never." Minny said in a small voice.

"I'm a monster." Luhan said still hiding his face.

"You're not. You're a victim and I can change that Luhan." I said to him as I urge him to look up. He raised his eyes, they were back to brown and they looked sad and aged. "I can help you, please."

"No, I won't let you sacrifice yourself." He answered maybe seeing the fear in my eyes.

"It's the only way." I answer sadly, trying to accept my fate.

"There must another way." He answered.

"Actually there is." Another voice said. We all looked up to my brother leaning against a pillar looking very angry.

There was a long pause as we all looked at him.

"How long have you been listening?" I asked him after I convinced myself that he was actually there.

"Long enough. All of you leave." Ren said with anger in his voice. The boys immediately stand up. "I thought you were good for my sister, I have never seen her eyes sparkle like that, it was the longest time that she didn't have nightmares and I was willing to let you pass but then you want to her to go to the institute where they will destroy her?! LEAVE!" Red said shaking with anger.

"Nii-Chan. Take a chill pill." I said to him placing my hands flat on his chest to stop his advance. "Please calm down."

"No! How dare they give you that idea of going back there!" he bellowed.

"I'm going to go back there one day Nii-Chan."


"Sheeze calm down. You're making my ears bleed."

"Florence! I'm serious!"

"So am I. Nii-chan I want to help them. I need to help them. Please. I asked you a million times why  I was smart like I am right?" I asked he just nod still glaring at my friends. "Well for once I can use to actually benefit me not for someone else. I can use my brains to help them. Please Nii-chan. . I finally found some use for myself."

"No." My brother answered eyes blazing.

"Please Ren." I pleaded.

"What do you get in return? Being hauled back to the institute?!" He asked.

"I already got my share of the bargain." I answered. "I haven't told you yet... but I haven't been getting nightmares anymore Nii-chan. You don't hear me at night anymore don't you?"

"Oh.." He said looking at me in surprise then amazement when he realized that I was right. "I thought you were just muffling them again..."

"No. My last one was about a month ago." I answered smiling. "I told you having friends is good."

"But how..?"

"I don't know maybe they're just good for me? You did say that."

He looked at me then at my friends behind my back.

"What did you do to her?" He asked them.

"Oh they made me drink a strange purple liquid saying that I'll be famous if I drink it but apparently I just became normal." I said in a bright voice grinning.

My brother sighed again and ruffled my hair. I let him be. When he does that it means his not mad anymore.

"Why do you care about them so much Flo?" He asked me quietly.

"Because apart from Mum, Dad, You, Uncle, Aiden and Julie they're the only family I have. Please Nii-chan help me help them." I answered hugging him; I felt his body relax after a moment.

"Fine." He said.


He smiled at me fondly and wiped the tears on my face.

"The other way I meant is that we can hack their data base remotely." He said.

"They have way over the top defense software Nii-chan." I answered as he pulled me to the table to sit down. Luhan and Lay immediately back away from him. He looked at them and grinned. I faced them too and barked a laughed. They looked pale with fright. "It's alright now guys. Nii-chan won't eat you alive."

"I like them cooked." Ren answered grinning.

My brother and I laughed heartily but my friends just stood there motionless.

"You scared them too much Nii-chan." I complain letting go of my brother to tug on Kai's sleeve.

"uhhh.. Sorry?" Ren said sheepishly as he sat down with an amused smile. "before we go on. Can you guys tell me why my sister wants to go back to the institute that desperately? She hasn't mentioned that place in years much less go back there."

"Do you want the long version or the short one?" I asked making Minny sit down.

"The factual one."

"Basically Luhan is someone experimented on." I said and stopped when Ren gasped. "I told you there are others."

"Can he be one of his?"  Ren asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see any wolf related data the one time I was there Nii-chan." I answered shuddering as the image of the mad white room entered my mind in vivid detail.

I had been repressing it for so long that I had almost forgotten it- almost. This time I was forcing myself to remember.

"Flo? Flo." I heard Kai's voice. It sounded hallow. Like it was far away.

"Flo no. Don't do that." My brother snapped at me. He had stood up and was shaking me a bit hard. I looked at him a bit dazed. "We'll do my way before you do that. Stop."

"Hai Nii-chan. Sumimasen."I said in a small voice.

"Luhan. Why don't you continue?" My brother suggested.


Happy birthay Kris!! (seriously again?? yeah again.haha)

So what do you think????

Can any body imagine Luhan as a lab rat?? :)

And what do you think will Ren do?? can our genius actually help Luhan?

Well... see you next chapter!!:)

The baby Sehun is on the right.. he's picture is the hardest to find so credits to Mr.9 for uploadling the most descent one..:)

Teaser number 2.. Kai and Luhan!!^^

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