No Love Needed [BOYxBOY]

By Imbrication

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Dmitri Daniels is a 22-year old male dancer who is a total player. Growing up he never received love so he do... More

Chapter 1: Dmitri
Chapter 2: Andre
Chapter 3: The Best Sex Yet
Chapter 4: Talk Over Breakfast
Chapter 5: Along Came Quinton
Chapter 6: We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Technically Not a Date
Chapter 8: Pardon the Interruption
Chapter 9: Sexual Tension
Chapter 10: Daytime Liquor
Chapter 11: Let's Play a Little Game
Chapter 12: Sex in the Movies
Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Thick Tension
Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk
Chapter 18: Smile For Me
Chapter 19: Private Talk
Chapter 20: The First Time
Chapter 21: Leaving Childish Things

Chapter 16: The Revelations

829 57 7
By Imbrication

"Maybe it is me."

"Maybe it is me."


The line resonated in my head as I stood there staring at Quinton. It all makes sense now. He's obviously defensive for Andre because he cares for that guy...

"Wow...really? You think you're the one for him but you claim to be straight." I say, folding my arms. Quinton furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.

"It's none of your damn business." Quinton retorts. I shake my head and begin to walk towards the exit. I then take a sudden pause and turn to him again.

"You know, at least I have the balls to tell Andre what's up. It's not like I'm being sneaky with anything I do. He knows how I am and it's been told to him many times, hell, you were there the day I snapped. So maybe you should be giving yourself a talk." I say over my shoulder. Quinton glares at me and punches the mirror.

"Ugh, you're just...the fucking worse type of person!" He yells before shoving past me out the bathroom. What the fuck? I could care less about him getting an attitude, but he got physical. I begin to follow after him back to the oak tree where everyone else waited.

"Quinton?" Andre says looking concerned as he sees him.

"What the hell is going on?" Yvonne speaks, looking at me.

"Someone has a fucking attitude and pushed me." I spat.

"Well someone is still being a little inconsiderate punk, but hey, it's whatever." Quinton retorts angrily. I roll my eyes and look at Brooke, who is looking so confused.

"I knew he'd probably try and fuck the guy..." Trevor mutters nudging Yvonne. Bitch what the hell?

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPEAKING ON?" I bellow as I feel my anger spiking. Brooke immediately jumps in my way and blocks the path for me to get to Trevor.

"We all know you ain't shit." Trevor seethes.

"Boy this is my cousin you're talking about!" Yvonne pipes in as she turns a glare to Trevor.

"You don't have no fucking right to speak on me you bitch ass, punk ass, hoe." I shout over Brooke as she tries to restrain me.

"See, it's not just me who sees it." Quinton suddenly mumbles. My glare turns back to him with Andre looking more and more confused as the conversation goes on.

"Shut the fuck up, because you still got an ass whoopin' coming your way." I reply. At this point, Brooke and Yvonne are holding me, trying to keep me from attacking both Quinton and Trevor.

"How did it even get to this?" Andre asks Quinton.

"Because the nigga can't be real and tell you that he has feelings for you!" I intercede the question and throw that out there. Brooke's eye go wide, Quinton instantly looks defeated, and Andre freezes in his place.

"What the hell?" Yvonne says looking between all of us. "This is some Jerry Springer type shit."

"Everyone chill out!" Brooke yells, silencing everyone and bringing us to a standstill. This is not going to end well and I can just feel it.

*Andre's Point-of-View*

My mind is boggled by what's going on now. It looks like Quinton and Dmitri had a pretty bad argument and Dmitri is ready to fight. It's like he's even snapping on his cousin's boyfriend and I don't even understand that especially since they seemed fine all day. The biggest thing of all is that now I'm brought to the realization that Quinton may actually have feelings for me. Where would all of this come from?

"I need someone to calmly tell me what the hell is going on." Yvonne says pacing. I can't help but agree with her wanting to know how this is all playing out. But now there was just silence. Quinton isn't uttering a word and neither is Dmitri. Quinton's eyes haven't even looked my way since Dmitri shouted what he shouted.

"Are y'all going to ignore Yvonne?" Brooke asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"This was a mistake." Both Quinton and Dmitri say in unison. They look at each other as they're clearly surprised that they said the same thing.

"Quinton..." I say softly, slowly reaching to place my hand on his shoulder, but he steps away.

"Dmitri just isn't the right person for you...he's never been right for you and I just should have never played along in trying to get you with him." He says quietly. Dmitri rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"You have no respect for others, now do you?" Trevor chimes in directing a blow at Dmitri. Dmitri quickly makes his way past Brooke and Yvonne and grabs Trevor by the collar and slams him against the tree.

"I have had it with you!" Dmitri shouts, as him and Trevor start going toe-to-toe, throwing punches and slamming each other all over the place. Yvonne is yelling for them to stop and Brooke starts trying to break the fight up.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Trevor roars, mushing Dmitri's face into the grass. Dmitri swings his arm to try and land a hit on Trevor but accidentally hits Brooke in the process.

"Dammit!" Brooke yells holding her arm that was struck when trying to pull Trevor from off top Dmitri. Quinton and I then go over and restrain Trevor and pin him against the tree away from Dmitri. Dmitri spits out some blood and gets up to come near Trevor but Yvonne and Brooke grab hold of him.

"Stop it! Stop before someone calls the cops out here!" Yvonne yells, slapping Dmitri in his face.

"I can't deal with any of this anymore! I can't! Just let me go!" Dmitri says, snatching from their grips and walking away from the tree. "Your boyfriend ain't shit and been ain't shit. And this been heavy on my heart because I really do care about you but I've had it. He wouldn't have such a smart mouth towards me if he didn't want to try and get in my fucking pants!" He adds, pausing slightly in his walk away.

"W-What?" Yvonne asks in desperation. Trevor appears to be surprised by this.

"That nigga kissed me. He fucking tried to mess around with me because he thinks I'm just that disrespectful to hurt you like that. If you don't believe me, that's on you, but I've spoken my peace. I'm fucking done." Dmitri spats, storming off. Trevor kissed Dmitri? When was this? Why didn't he tell me? Yvonne looks in Trevor's direction and walks towards the tree where we have him pinned. Me and Quinton backs off and stands back as Yvonne stares into Trevor's eyes.

"Baby...he's lying..." Trevor mutters.

"Trevor...why would my cousin make up something like that?" Yvonne asks.

"Dmitri has been so torn up about it..." Brooke says glaring at Trevor. Yvonne seems shocked that Brooke already has knowledge of the alleged kiss.

"Nobody asked you, bitch!" Trevor spat at Brooke. Yvonne slaps Trevor hard across the face.

"You will not..." Yvonne says, looking insanely pissed. She turns to Brooke and seems to look at her for hope. "Please tell me Dmitri is just speaking out of anger..." She quietly speaks. Brooke glares at Trevor who is holding the side of his face which is starting to look red from the slap. She appears to look hurt and hesitant but she looks into Yvonne's eyes as she begins to speak.

"Dmitri told me that Trevor kissed him following an altercation they had. The argument started because of the fact that Trevor was calling Dmitri out on being a person who sleeps around and assumed that Dmitri would have no problem messing around with him." Brooke says.

"You weren't there though. How the fuck is you gonna tell Yvonne anything when all you got was Dmitri's side of the story? The fuck?" Trevor counters.

"Dmitri has never lied to me or anyone else. You and I both know that Dmitri has always been blunt and to the point." Brooke retaliated. This was too much to bare right now, especially since the day has completely gone to crap. I look at Quinton who is just staring at the sky with lifeless eyes and I start to feel sorry for even inviting him here.

"If it was truly all me, why didn't Dmitri tell her when it first happened?" Trevor questions, before realizing he confirmed the kiss. Yvonne turns to face him now with tears in her eyes.

"Don't you dare try and spin this on Dmitri...he was trying to be mindful of how he'd tell Yvonne because he cares for her." Brooke retorts. Yvonne has silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she stares at Trevor so intensely. Trevor, now realizing he has in some way confirmed a kiss, begins to try and console Yvonne and tell her it meant nothing and that Dmitri initiated the kiss. Honestly, I didn't know who to believe since I do know Dmitri to be Casanova, but I also can attest to the fact that Dmitri has always been straight to the point with me. I never have had to wonder what Dmitri's intentions were because since day one he has been very vocal about what he wants. It's the main reason why Quinton didn't even want me to really pursue him anymore.

"Just don't fucking touch me. I can't right now, I really don't know what to believe especially since this sounds like the Keisha situation all over again. I have to go." Yvonne says as more tears fall. I'm not sure if they are more so the tears of anger or sadness...maybe both. Trevor doesn't seem to put up much of a fight and just lets her go, letting out a groan. Brooke takes Yvonne and they walk off in the same direction as Dmitri had went, leaving the park.

"Great..." Trevor mutters before just walking the opposite direction. Now it just leaves me and Quinton, who still hasn't even looked my way. I didn't know what to say about Quinton having feelings for me. Maybe it now explains why he would act weird sometimes around me. It wasn't that I was making him uncomfortable, but that he was more so falling for me. And all this time, I've been too busy chasing after a person who wouldn't even give me the time of day at first to likely hurt someone who probably would go to war for me.

"I should go." Quinton finally spoke. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me.

"No, we need to talk about this. I need you to talk to me about how you're feeling." I stated. Quinton finally looked at me. His eyes pierced into my soul and I could see the fear and anguish that were in them.

"I don't know why I have these feelings for you, but I do have them. Before you, I had never even thought of a guy in a way that I do when I think of you. I've been hanging with you for the past week or so and I always just find myself appreciating your presence more. You have such an amazing personality and I just love the fact that you're so determined to find love. Even if it was in the wrong place." He said warmly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I just blushed. From the moment me and him started hanging out, he always made me feel good. I even found him attractive and nice, I just didn't want to rush into another relationship after Keith...

"You could've told me how you felt before today. Although I was perusing Dmitri heavily, I was more captivated by the thought that he wasn't after me for my money. Not only that, but I did feel something when me and him had sex. I can't deny that I feel I have some deeper feelings for him, but I know what I'm doing is not conducive for a 24-year-old." I respond. At the end of the day, what me and Dmitri were doing was childish. I shouldn't have to play games with anyone to get them to date me.

"Please, don't let my feelings cloud your life though." Quinton says dropping his gaze. I placed my hand on his shoulder smiled.

"I need to definitely do some cleansing in my life. I just want you to know that it's not like I never thought about an us. It's just, once you told me you were straight, I didn't want to think about you on that level." I say. Quinton looks up at me and smiles a little before removing my hand from his should.

"Well, that's cool. I definitely have some things to sort through in my life now as well." He said with a slight chuckle. We stared at each other for a while without saying anything before Quinton finally left to go home. I tried to offer to take him back home since he rode with me but he said he'd just catch a cab. I stood around in the park for some time after he left though and just took in the air. It sucks that this day really turned into garbage but maybe it definitely needed to happen. Despite all of this, I do need to just make sure that Dmitri is alright and properly close this charade we got going on.


Everyone had a pill to swallow in this chapter but the hardest part is over. There's definitely still some things for everyone have to resolve but we will see how it all plays out. Like and comment what you think.

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