The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

De BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 22

3.3K 149 89
De BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

Zayn's alarm clock went off at five in the morning and that's when my head begin to throb. I just stayed laying where I was as Zayn climbed out of bed. Even after he turned off the alarm, my head still hurt like someone was stabbing me and hitting me with a hammer at the same time. Normally I'm able to fall back asleep when Zayn gets up to go train, but this time sleep wasn't even an option because of how bad my head was hurting. I let out a soft whimper to get Zayn's attention and tried to move on my pillow to see my husband.

"Niall, I'm here. What's wrong?" Zayn whispered to me. I squinted my eyes open to see him in the dark room. He wasn't even dressed yet as he rested his hand on my forehead and shook his head with worry.

"Babe, you're burning up. I'm going to get you something for that. Just hang on." Zayn whispered to me. I didn't want him to leave me, but I just felt my head hurting too bad to tell him. I heard him rummaging through our bathroom before hearing the water start to run. He came back and gave me two Tylenol tablets and some water. I drank it as best as I could laying down then rest my head.

"Feel like shit." I whispered to him. He climbed back in bed with me and pulled me so I could be close to him. It felt nice for me because I felt cold even though Zayn told me I was hot. My stomach started to hurt a bit, but I figured it was just because of my head ache that it was acting weird also. As I tried to fall back asleep, my mind thought over dinner my dad had made us last night as a kind of send off because they were leaving today and it was their last night here. Him and Zayn had a barbecue, meaning a lot of red meat that I don't normally eat and chicken. Harry and Louis came over as well as Doniya and Mark. I tried a bit of everything, but I guess something made me sick. However, now that in thinking about it, yesterday day I was feeling a bit drained and days before that my nose had been running like crazy. I wanted to get mad that of course I got a cold or the flu now. I rarely ever get sick and now is when I did. Zayn needs me now to watch the boys while he gets ready for his fight. He can't do that while I'm sick.

"You have to train. Your fight is in less than a month. I'm just going to try going back to sleep. I'm okay." I told him. He shook his head and just held me tighter. I found myself too tired to even argue. My eyes felt sleepy as I guess the medicine was starting to work because my head wasn't pounding like it had been when I woke up. I just fell back asleep without even caring that Zayn shouldn't be here. His arms felt too good around me to ever tell to leave me. So I just slept.

"Niall... I made you some breakfast. Do you want to eat something?" I heard Zayn's voice break through the sleep I was getting. I opened my eyes in the dim lit room. I felt better other than my stomach hurting and my body feeling really tired. I looked over at the clock and saw it was already nine o'clock. I sat up slowly and Zayn propped up a pillow behind me. He handed me a glass of water and a hot bowl of oatmeal. Even with my stomach hurting, I was still hungry. It wasn't hurting, more like cramping.

"Thanks. Where are the boys and my mum and dad?" I asked, knowing the house was too quiet for there to be four other people that were here. Two of which don't have a volume button when they need one.

"They went out for breakfast together before they need to head to the airport. Your mum came in here to make sure you were okay then decided to just take the boys out so you could rest. How are you feeling?" Zayn asked me. I ate my own breakfast slowly and let the hot oatmeal work as a heat to sooth my stomach. Zayn fixed my hair, but the worried look in his eyes scared me. It's always scared me when he's worried. It's because he's the strongest person in the world and if he's not sure about sometimes then I don't know who is.

"I feel better. Just tired and my nose is stuffy. My stomach is aching a tad. Nothing too serious. Probably just a cold." I assured my husband. He didn't seem to take my answer even though it was the truth. I did feel better, I just felt like I needed another really long nap and more cuddles from my husband and I would be one hundred percent.

"We can go to the doctor. It's no problem at all. Maybe even Doniya could check you out. I know she's not that type of doctor by she's really smart and knows things." Zayn said sounding like he was about five years old. I laughed and just continued to eat my breakfast. Zayn sat there trying to ask me if anything else was hurting and to see if I was being serious. He's used to me downplaying sickness because I've done that with him since day one.

"I love you." Zayn whispered to me. I reached over to set down my almost empty bowl on the nightstand. I pushed the blankets off me and started to climb out of bed. Zayn helped me even though I really didn't need it. We both went to the bathroom and I splashed cold water on my face while he watched me. I didn't feel like that made my sickly self feel any less disgusting, so I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. Zayn helped me get in and stood there with the shower door open.

"Can you wash my hair? It feels all sweaty." I asked Zayn. He slipped off his shirt and reached his arms in to get shampoo in my hair. He made sure to massage my head in a way that made me feel so much better. He got body wash and a cloth to scrub my body down. He cleaned my chest and stomach softly, his brown eyes looking like this was the most important things he could have been doing. His thumb ran over my hip bone and he looked at my eyes.

"I love how perfect your skin is." He told me then finished by washing some water on me to get all the suds off me. He reached in to turn off the water and wrapped a towel around me, picking me up in it. I rest my heavy head on his shoulder as he carried me back to bed.

"I want to get dressed and get some fresh air. Spend time with my parents before they leave too." I said, trying to get up to get dressed. Zayn went and got me some sweats and one of his tank tops. I always hated when he made me wear those, but I figured he knew I needed to stay cool if my fever came back. I got dressed and we both walked downstairs. I started to make myself tea just when my parents came in with the boys. Ezra ran through the house to go find Rocky. He was probably running around the backyard or swimming in the pool.

"How are you feeling, baby? Any better? Let me make that tea for you." My mum came into the kitchen asking me. I sighed and went to sit down because I was feeling a bit weak. Mainly just really tired. She made my tea while I heard Zayn and my dad talking in the entryway way. He getting questioned about why he was home and not training, but wouldn't take the answer that Zayn gave him which was he wanted to take care of me. My dad just wanted Zayn to win this fight because that ment he wouldn't get extremely hurt.

"I feel better, just really tired and my stomach feels weird. My head doesn't hurt, so that's good. What time is your guys flight again?" I asked her. She sat at the kitchen table next to me. She ran her hand over my hair while I looked at her. She looked older, but I guess I did too. To me it just seemed like that mum that yelled at me for not going to uni. The mum that would always make me feel normal when I was so far from it. With her blue eyes looking at me, I could only imagine that she was seeing me as her little boy that she always took care of when he was sick.

"It's at two, but we need to get there sooner to check our bags and all that. I was thinking... if Zayn doesn't mind, we could stay a bit longer to take care of you and the boys. He needs to train and it would be hard to take care of the boys and do that. It's okay if you say no, your dad and I understand that you're a married man with his own family." She said, but the tone in her voice was sad that she couldn't just push to take care of me.

"Mum, I'm really fine. I do want you to come out here for Zayn's fight. Maybe, Dad can come too. The boys miss you and I miss you. I also think Zayn needs more time with you both." I said. I drank some of my tea and let it settle my stomach. She smiled and nodded, agreeing that she really wanted to come out here. Zayn and my dad came into the kitchen laughing about something then they both went to the refrigerator mumbling some type of joke to each other. Zayn gave my dad a beer while he got one of his pre-made protein shakes. For some reason just the sight for that made my stomach turn and I was running to the bathroom.

"I'm here, baby." Zayn said to me, rubbing my back as I kneeled next to the toilet and threw up. Once I was done, I sat back and Zayn ran his hand over my forehead and the other over my stomach. That made my stomach feel better even if I did hate throwing up. I'm going to guess I had the flu and it would be gone in a few days. I reached down for Zayn's hand and gave it a squeeze to tell him thank you for being here with me.

"I'll always be here." Zayn whispered to me, making me smile because we didn't even need words anymore. Zayn kissed my temple then picked me up to go set me on the couch. He wrapped me in a blanket while my mum brought be some water and orange juice. Ethan came running into the living room and came to cuddle me. Everyone started to tell him not to do that because he would get sick, but I just held my baby boy closer. I'm his father and I know what's good or bad for him. Right now him giving me some tiny cuddles, that was right for both of us.

A/N: I'm in love with writing this story. I hope you all love this as much as I do. Obviously this is going to be longer than my other stories just like The Fighter was, so you all are in this with me for a while haha What do your parents/guardians do for a living??!?!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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