The Grave Of The Innocent

By sandeep_kamble

790 65 38

This story is dedicated to the paranormal stories I've heard all my life around me, I'm trying to describe my... More

'The night stroll'
'The Innocent'

'The night with the knowledge'

126 10 4
By sandeep_kamble

The guard stopped surprisingly. We were walking quietly for over thirty minutes now.
''What's wrong?'' I asked.
''What? Are you planning to accompany me to my patrol for all night?'' The guard cross questioned.
''Oh yeah. Alright yes.'' I realised we were now in front of my house, and I got to go now and the tale of the haunted grave was over.
'' yeah good night then, and thank you very much.'' I said shaking his hand.

The night was now freezing and silent like never before
Those ten steps from the road to the door seemed to take hours to walk. I was exhausted and terribly drowsy I was going to fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed. I walked in, closed the door and felt so lonely, House felt different like it was never a home like it never had any family, any laughter, any happy memory. I realised how horrible it is to be alone specially when you need someone to talk to. Rain started again and the loud sound of thunder sent a chill to my spine. I turned the light on and off again. I just had walk upstairs to my room and sleep.

My room was as messy as always but silent and dark I got into my bed closed my eyes but this silence was irritating, I felt like I needed a bed time story or a lullaby to fall asleep,
I was missing my mom and family badly, all arguments and fights and all lovely talks too.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again trying to sleep.

' no, not there that's the strangeness of the deaths '

My eyes opened in shock and I sat up in the bed by this thought that all three of them died at there homes after they were at the grave after midnight and so was I tonight.
Is this my turn to die? Like those three? All of a sudden I was scared like I've never been before, sound of falling rain drops on the roof made me think something was crawling up there,
May be there is something in the attic crawling down towards me and it is going to kill me in no time, a sound of scratching wood came from under my bed. Like the wooden floor is scratched with finger nails,

I could see shadows moving around everywhere in the room I covered myself head to toe under the blanket. I don't know what made them do it but the birds were singing very loud this late in the night. It scared me more. The worst happened when I felt a corner of my mattress pressed itself like someone just sat there. I had a great urge to shout out aloud but no voice came out, I was totally paralysed that I couldn't even move the tips of my fingers. Neither I wanted to move. I didn't want to come out of the blanket and stare right in the eyes of a ghost sitting by my side. I was choking and having trouble inhaling I heard that giggle again very loud and clear this time like it was coming from the front of my face out of the blanket then I passed out.

Now I was running at my top speed all out of breath and I figured out that I was being chased, I was scared and I never wanted to be caught I was running like death itself was chasing me on foot, tall grass was hitting my face wet, smelly grass and I felt a bigger hand clutching my left hand wrist and pulling me to run faster I noticed that the grass wasn't tall but I was small and the one who was pulling me was a boy around the age of ten or eleven he was bigger than me and much more terrified than I was, then I felt a sharp blow on the back of my head like I got a hit by something heavy and I was falling on my face, I shouted out loud in pain and woke up.

My heart was banging my ribs again it was a really weird and unusual kind of nightmare I calmed down my breaths and relaxed to know that the horrible night was now over,
The sunlight and everything bright gave me a new energy I stood up and stretched there was some pain where I got the hit in the nightmare. How could that be? May be its just a normal pain will be okay in no time. I walked out to check mails and pick up the newspaper I saw the night guard few houses away talking to someone on the road. He saw me looking at him he waved at me, I waved back and he started to walk towards me I thought damn! It's not gonna be a good morning.

''Good morning'' he yelled.
''Good morning'' I replied with a fake smile.
''I didn't answer to one of your questions last night'' he said.
''which one?'' I asked.
''That why that old bloke was pointing at you'' 
''Why?'' I demanded
''Well, he's twisted okay? But he always mutter 'i warned them-i warned them' whenever I cross him on road or wherever He keeps on muttering that'' said the guard.
''And that is why he was pointing at me?'' I asked irritated.
''No, he was pointing at you muttering something different now. He was saying, 'warn him-make him go' this time''.
'' okay, thanks for answering my question.'' I said unwillingly cause I didn't wanna know anything more about that grave or anything else paranormal I still had to sleep alone for four more nights.
He looked unhappy with my reaction may be he was expecting me to show more interest and talk about it more.
My phone rang I answered it and waved good day to the guard,
It was Mike on the other side speaking in sleepy tone.
'' hey what's up? Have you been calling me this early in the morning? '' he said.
'' In the morning huh? You moron check the time of my missed calls.''
'' 02:46 am ? Everything okay?'' He sounded worried.
'' Are YOU okay.? ''
''Yeah still alive.''
'' You wait I'm coming, hang up the phone I'm coming.'' And he ended the call.
I waited for him made coffee and all the memories of the last night's incident were still swirling in my head.
That old twisted man wanted to me to leave there, why?
And that dream I had last night what was that about.?

Mike came as he said thirty minutes ago.
''So? What happened? Were you missing your momma,?'' He asked me in an irritating way. But I simply said ''yes I was.''
''Oh poor kid don't worry she'll be back in no time.'' He was making fun of me but his smiles faded away as I told him how I spent last night. And about the night guard's logic.
''I don't feel good now Mike, I feel like I'm being noticed I sense presence of a person around me. Last night on my bed and then in the morning a hit on the back of my head well yes it was in the dream but I felt the pain for several minutes.'' I said.
''Whoa! Calm down man! That's stupid I'll stay here tonight with you and a friend of mine. We'll have some drinks and and let's see what happens to you when I'm around.'' Said Mike.
'' I don't drink and you that.'' I said .
'' yeah that's why I'm bringing Stan along he's my colleague
he will help me with the drinks'' said Mike.
I never drink but I enjoy being with Mike when he's drunk he's really funny that way...

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