Secrets (travmau)

By vicky__5__

11.6K 271 243

What happens when travis realizes he's I love with aph? Garroth,and laurence like her as well so when travis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Face reveal!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Questions for a Q&A
Not an update
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

207 3 7
By vicky__5__

3 weeks later

Aphmaus pov
It was the middle of the day and I was laying on the couch watching tv since the guys were all out I was bored out of my mind! I decided to go out so I went downstairs to mine and travis' room and changed into a purple t-shirt and shorts I went back upstairs and left I went to the mall and got some clothes for myself and I also got travis a few shirts and jeans! And since the guys have no idea how to shop for actual food and not junk food I went grocery shopping as well after I had bought everything the sun was starting to set I started walking back home when I heard footsteps behind me I turned around and no one was there I started walking faster and I heard someone running after me before I had a chance to turn around I felt something poke my neck and I blacked out....

Bella's pov
"Nice job!" My dad picked up aphmah bridal style and said "so what are you planning on doing to her" I said "starve her? Slowly make her bleed out? As long as she's in pain I'll be happy" I smirked and we went back to our house we went in and went down to the basement i said "ok handcuff her" he put hand cuffs on her and he went upstairs I sat down in front of her and waited for a few hours she started waking up and when she seen me she jumped I said "hey long time no see!" She said "Bella! How did you get out of jail" I said "it's easy when your dad is the police chief" she started trying to get loose and I said "that won't help oh and the walls are very special! You can't use your magiks when youre in this room" she said "that means neither can you" i said "what are you talking about your mom took my magiks remember" she said "I now realize you were faking" I smiled and said "smart girl" I got up and she said "so waft are you planning on doing to me? Kill me?" I said "no if I killed you it would be over to quick! I wanna see you in pain! Hmm..." I looked at the table in the corner of the room where there were multiple knives laying she seen and her eyes widened I said "oh you're scared of knives....let's start with that then" I picked up a knife and started going towards her I seen tears roll down her face and I smiled....

Travis' pov
Me and the guys had just gotten home we went in and I said "aph? AAAPH?" No answer....laurence said "she probably just went for a walk" I said "yea im gonna message her" I got my phone out and started messaging her....

T- travis

T- hey where are you?
T- aph? Babe pick up your phone
T- where are you?!
T- are you ok
T- im getting really worried!

I sighed and said "she's not answering....what if down thing happened" Garroth said "travis relax she's probably fine!" I said "what if it's Bella...." Laurence said "look if it'll make you happy we can go to the police station and you can see that Bella is still there" I nodded and we went to the police station people were running around like crazy! We quickly went back to Bella's cell to see the door was open and the cell was empty my eyes widened and I said "guys...she isn't here" we all ran out of the police station and started caking aphs phone after all three of us calling her phone about 20 times each I said "this isn't working! Bella obviously took her and she probably took her phone! Urgh!" I kicked a can and laurence said "calm down we'll find her" I said "Bella tried to kill her and now that she has aph who knows what she's gonna do to her! We need to find her NOW" Garroth said "well where should we start??" I put my head in my hands and said "I-I don't know! IM SO STUPID!" I sat down on the sidewalk and said "because of me she could be in pain right now and I can't do anything I can't help her...I promised I would protect her and I've broken that promise...." I felt tears start going down my face and Garroth said "we'll find her" I looked at him and laurence said "let's just start looking in places where Bella would take aph!" I nodded and we started going from place to place looking around...hold on aph we'll find you...I'll find you I promise and that's a promise I intend to keep.....

I am so evil....please don't murder me! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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