The Alpha, My Salvation

Από Autumn_Nightingale

83.4K 2.6K 148

"No Dimitri you don't understand I'm not meant to feel like this, this is wrong but I want so badly for it to... Περισσότερα

The Alpha, My Salvation
Dimitri Lupus
Little Kitty
Mother Annabel
What Goes Bump In The Night
Sweet Girl
The Hunt


2.1K 88 9
Από Autumn_Nightingale


Maria's room stank of death. At least that was what she associated with her own rotting flesh. It was dark and she had been alone for the entire day.  Forced to wallow in her own self pity, her parents avoiding her room entirely. The thought of them made her bitter, they were waiting her out. She wouldn't see them again before Jayden's curse took her, she knew it. They couldn't face her whilst she was awake. Instead she would be forced to die alone, it was then coroners would enter her room and cart her out, as if she were no more than a doll. The funeral would be grand, there was no doubting that, Maria was somewhat glad she wouldn't be present for the garish event.

Maria squeezed her eyes shut when she heard the balcony door slide open, followed by the sound of heavy boots landing inside her room. She tilted her head towards the sound and peeled her eyes open, the moonlight reflecting the tears glistening in her eyes as she laid her eyes on the hulking man.

"Dimitri" her voice escaped her as nothing more than a mere croak.

"Oh Maria"  Maria swallowed the lump in her throat when she heard his voice break.

"It's okay" she wheezed pulling her hand away from her wounds and extending it towards him. He took it in an instant, despite the black blood that coated her hand. "It seems that we are a tragedy after all." Maria sighed, she continued, ignoring the rumble in Dimitri's chest "I'm very glad we got to spend some time together at least."

"This isn't goodbye Maria." Dimitri spoke, his voice tight and she wasn't sure if he was holding back fury or tears. 

"Hm." she smiled slipping her eyes shut "I don't think there's an afterlife Dimitri, I think we're given the time we have and that's it." A cough forced it's way up her throat, blood soon followed, trailing down her chin and onto her bedsheets, the dark colour reminding her of spilled ink. Maria spluttered clutching her wounds, the dark hollow rings around her eyes seemed to grow darker as her skin paled, as white and fragile as paper.

"Not long now, you won't leave me will you?" Maria's voice cracked, her eyes wide with fear "I don't want to be alone."

"Never." Dimitri vowed solemnly.

"I'm sorry to leave you, I never could have imagined things would turn out like this." 

Dimitri didn't reply, Maria sensed it was because he didn't know what to say, or maybe he didn't want to ruin their last moments together. Maria's forehead pinched in effort as she struggled to keep her consciousness, too afraid that if she gave into the darkness it would be the last time she would see his face.

"Do you think we would have had children someday?" she asked, her eyes still on Dimitri, drinking in every last detail of his face. He said nothing, but pressed his face to her hands as his grip around them tightened. She didn't miss the slight shake of his shoulders. She was torturing him but in a way, she was torturing herself too. Presenting the idea of what could never be and having it dance before them. 

"I think we would have. They would have been beautiful." Maria closed her eyes, dreaming of a life she would never have.

"I'm sorry." Dimitri spoke gruffly, the voice of a broken man, cracked and warbled as he tried not break down in front of her.

"You can have that life with another, I don't mind" the words tasted like poison in her mouth, it was the last thing she wanted and yet she said it, desperate to see him smile, just one more time.

"Never," his fervent tone set Maria at ease "you were it for me. Are it"

"I love you" Maria croaked, battling the intense wave of exhaustion that was slamming into her.

"And I you," Dimitri breathed, clutching to her as if she were a life line "from now until my last breath."

This was it, Maria was ready to go, or rather, as ready as she would ever be. She revelled in the warmth that his hands brought. Although she was in pain, she felt peaceful, the man she loved settled firmly by her side. A shrill ring pierced the room, Maria cringed, the peaceful moment falling apart like shattered glass. Dimitri growled, fury flashing in his eyes. 

"It's okay, answer it. It could be important."

"It's not," Maria felt amusement spark within her at his tone, the ringing cut out, only to start up again. 

"It sounds important." 

Dimitri growled and pressed the phone to his ear "What?"

Maria watched as Dimitri's angry and rigid posture dissipated as he leaned into his phone listening intently to whatever the voice was saying on the other side, a light had sparked within his eyes. Hanging up the phone, he faced Maria, clutching her feverish hands in his own.

"I can fix you. You're not going to die, not today."

"Really?" Maria asked, her eyes meeting his, the hope lit within their blue depths was undeniable.

"Yes," Dimitri shifted uncomfortably "there's only one way to save your life, but it might turn you into a monster too" 

"There's no such thing as monsters." Maria whispered, her voice firm despite the hesitation lingering in her eyes.

Before she had a chance to change her mind, Maria felt the canines plunge into the join between her throat and shoulder. She didn't fight the darkness this time, instead she allowed it to come rushing up to her, to pull her into it's safe warm depths.

When Maria woke, she felt no pain. More than anything she was relived that she was alive.

"I don't understand it, it is impossible that she is still alive, let alone almost completely healed" Maria recognised the Doctor's voice immediately 

"Clearly not." my Father growled. 

"There's only one way to cure a curse such as this," he breathed "one I didn't mention because as Hunters, there is no way the treatment could be made available to you."

"What is it?" he snapped, clearly growing impatient.

"The bite of an Alpha, not just any Alpha, he has to be a descendant of one of the original lycanthropes, those the curse was originally laid upon'" 

"She was bitten?" Maria's Father demanded, all other information seemed to fly directly over his head as anger filled every corner of the room. Nausea rolled through her gut, if her Father came to the conclusion she had turned, she had no doubt he'd sink a bullet into her.

"Yes, although it seems she hasn't turned. It seems that this Alpha, just missed the moons waning, had it been any earlier, your daughter would have become a lycanthrope."

Relief flooded through Maria, she hadn't been turned, as much love as she had for Dimitri she was no where near ready to face the possibility of giving up her humanity.

"Why would one of those things save her?" there was no denying the confusion in Heath Jones' voice.

"It is unclear sir, you should be thankful. A miracle has blessed your home today." 

Maria heard her Father scoff, his disbelief clear. The men left the room and Maria peeled her eyes open, bright, warm sunlight streaming into the room. Her eyes drank in her surroundings greedily, despite hating the room she was glad for the familiarity that surrounded her.  A soft smile lit her features, part of her still in denial that she had survived. The fact that she was still lying in her own blood stated otherwise.

Clambering to her feet, feeling as if she had been reborn, Maria tore the destroyed bedsheets from the bed, dumping them by the door before making a beeline for the bathroom. Staring at herself in the mirror, Maria couldn't believe she had survived, crusted blood stained her clothes and skin, this was all that remained from her ordeal. A healthy glow had returned to her cheeks and her eyes contained the warm spark of life.

Desperate to wash away the memories, Maria stepped into the shower, watching as the colour of faded ink was sucked down the drain. Maria's fingers dragged across the fine pink lines crisscrossing her stomach, the only reminder that remained. Paired with the wolf shaped scar on her back Maria felt her father would accept her as a full fledged hunter, she had after all, cheated death.

Warm spring air blew through the open window as Maria dressed, it seemed as if the sun had finally chased the lingering bite of winter away. Maria buttoned the high rise jeans and tucked the black shirt into them. She surveyed herself in the mirror as she rubbed a towel through her wet hair, not once had her Mother allowed her to cut it the way she wanted, once every three months her mother would set Maria on a stool outside and trim the split ends from her hair. Maria opened the cupboard and pulled the scissors from their respective hanging place. The silver flashed in the sunlight, taunting her. 

She gripped the tool tightly between shaking fingers and stared herself down in the mirror. She wasn't the same person anymore, she wanted to remove any lingering trait of the Maria that existed several months ago and let the new one shine through. She pulled a strand of hair free from the tangled mess and clamped the scissors down around it, satisfaction filling her as fell free. Maria continued mercilessly, glad for the beauty courses her Mother had forced her to take when she was younger.

Maria sat the scissors down and grinned down at the hair that coated the floor, her own hair now brushing against her shoulders. Another step towards her own liberation. Brushing her hair away from her throat, she paused at the sight of the purple bruise that marked her pale flesh. Pulling the shirt down she grimaced at the bite mark that had already scarred into her neck, tiny white indentations marking where his teeth had punctured the join between her throat and shoulder. Maria sighed and added it to the growing list of scars.

Maria padded down the stairs, with her head held high, her gaze as hard as steel as the movement on the floor below ceased. Every eye on her. She knew why, she had survived the impossible and it gave her an edge. Maria knew there was no way her Father would tell the truth of how she overcame her illness,  she would twist that to her advantage. Her fast recovery made her appear strong, it made her look as she was superior. Despite her tough demeanour, Maria's heart hammered against her ribcage, she was on the wrong side of the fight. She wanted so desperately to stand by Dimitri's side and she was terrified her Father would discover that weakness.

"You're alive, my beautiful girl." Maria was all but tackled to the ground by her mother, who held her head to her breastbone as if she were still a child. The alcohol seeped from the woman's pores.

"Yes Mother" Maria mumbled out, patting her back gently. She pulled away and surveyed her Mother silently, dark bags had layered themselves beneath her red and puffy eyes and her usually polished and silken curls were a frizzy mess. She was almost unrecognisable.

"Oh," Marianne murmured fingering her daughters hair "you've cut it," she stared at her daughter, knowing full well that although she had always tried to protect her daughter from the life that awaited her, she was despised for it in return "it suits you"

A real smile crossed Maria's face, a light sparking in the depths of her eyes "thank you"

"Maria, my office." Heath's voice boomed through the hall, causing all the guards in the area to quicken their pace. Maria grumbled under her breath and headed down the hall but not before stopping to look back at her dishevelled Mother. 

"I understand why you did it," she uttered softly, not having to explain what 'it' was "thank you, for trying." Maria watched as tears pooled in her Mother's eyes, fighting back her own she turned on her heel and marched for her Father's office. 

"Why did an Alpha save you?" was the first thing from his mouth, once she had shut the doors. Maria balked, panic and bile rising up her throat as her heart pounded unsteadily in her chest, "it doesn't make any sense," he continued and Maria relaxed once she realised she was not on the end of the firing line. She inched forwards slowly, eyes watching for the vein in his forehead, she knew once it jumped, that he would be mad.

"I don't know, Father," Maria spoke, her tone conveying nothing but business despite the fact she wanted to be sick, "maybe, he felt bad?" she offered meekly.

"Felt bad? Are you hearing yourself girl? He's a beast, you're a hunter. He. Wants. You. Dead." Maria watched with trepidation as he paced back and forth in front of her, it was then she noticed how much he had aged, silver hair beginning to peek through his hair. 

"That's it!" Heath bellowed, slamming his fist down on the table causing in an involuntary squeak to tumble from Maria's lips, "he's connected to you now, at all times. Maria, he's going to kidnap you for information." a wicked smile crossed Heath's face and Maria could see the planning going on behind his eyes "and you're going to let him." Maria could have laughed at the situation, he was giving her exactly what she wanted! He thought he was sacrificing his daughter so she could feed the enemy lies when in reality, she was about to become the enemy.

"No! Heath! You can't!" Marianne shrieked bolting into the room "they'll kill her."

"Not if she's a good hunter they won't" her Father shrugged, seemingly disinterested. Anger rolled through Maria, he had no idea about Dimitri, he was sending her into a nest of 'beasts' and it seemed he couldn't care less if she lived or died.

Maria stood in the middle forest, pretending to look scared and feeling like an absoloute idiot. She had explained her Father's brilliant plan to Dimitri and he and a few others were on their way to 'kidnap' her. They just had to make it look realistic. Guards were stationed in the trees behind them, making sure that Maria did in fact go with the scary Alpha.

"Guys" she whimpered turning to the tree line, where she knew the guards were, forcing her limbs to shake "I don't think he's coming."

"Hello treasure" a voice whispered in her ear as a large hand gripped her waist tightly, Maria's eyes slipped shut as Dimitri flooded her senses, "I found you" he spoke louder. Maria feigned fright and began to struggle against him when in reality, it was taking all of her strength not to jump into his arms and wave goodbye to the men.

Maria frowned in confusion when she heard a howl, she twisted her head to see both Liam and Audrey on the ground, writhing in pain. Maria barely had time to register that Audrey was also a Lycan.

"What's going on?" Maria whispered frantically her fear becoming real as she assessed the situation, screaming when an arrow sunk into Dimitri's leg, sending him to the ground, Maria stood stock still, they had been found out, her Father pieced it together, he knew that she and Dimitri were together.

"Trap" he grunted, getting back on his feet.

"I didn't know I swear" Maria spoke frantically, tears in her eyes. They were surrounded, guards with a range of weapons pointed directly at her lycanthrope friends.

"Of course you didn't" he responded firmly, grasping his hand in hers. Maria no longer cared if her Father discovered the truth, she had to save her friends.

"Alpha, Alpha, Alpha," Maria's Father tutted, stepping into the circle "you didn't really thing we were going to give you the family heir did you?" he cackled before swinging an electrified baton into Dimitri. He roared in response, canines stretching past his lip and eyes glowing, Dimitri forced Maria behind him, his inner animal taking over and sensing nothing but threat for him and his mate.

Maria trembled in fear as she tried not to cry. They were going kill him. They were going to kill all of them.

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