Friday Night Fire (T.Riggins)

By omahalanin

28.3K 322 63

When Becca Taylor arrives home from spending two years in England on a scholarship program, she's faced with... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

4.4K 37 5
By omahalanin

Short Little chapter, more to come! The next chapters will be in particular points of views, unlike this one! Also, Becca's Outfit can be found in the external link!! xo

When Tim Riggins woke up for practice, truthfully he was still feeling a little buzzed from last night. He reeked of booze, his hair was an absolute mess and he had the faintest recollection of calling Tyra in his drunken haze.

He just had a feeling that this Saturday make-up practice was going to be absolute hell.

And, he wasn't wrong. 

It was hot out and Coach Taylor did everything in his power to make sure Tim was thrown around, just to knock the booze out of his system. Coach wasn't stupid, he could tell what Tim had been up to the previous night.

He was just happy that Tim only drank on an off-week for the team. Had Tim gone out and drank himself half to death after a game, then that would have been an entirely different problem to deal with.

But here Tim was, trying to shake the thought of Lyla's lips against his just for a minute so he could absorb the next hit instead of getting knocked on his ass once again. It was easier said than done, because Tim's mind pulled all the memories of Lyla into the front of his brain and before he knew it, Tim was laying on the ground, gasping for air.

"C'mon son, get up." Coach Taylor calls and Tim swears he can only hear out of one ear at the moment. "You're supposed to be the most aggressive player in this division - what the hell's going on?"

"Nothin'." Tim chokes, trying to catch his breath.

So, with great reluctance and a sore ribcage, Tim pushes himself from the ground and shakes his head, wobbling on his feet for a moment. He waits for the next number to be called, eyes scanning the circle.


And Tim was back on the ground, his shoulders burning after the hit from behind he received from none other than Smash. He knows he should get up, but his head stays glued to the ground as he thinks, once more, about Lyla Garrity.

He's about to get up, even braces his palms against the turf in order to push himself up. He's going to move, but then he starts hearing the guys low whistles and smart-ass remarks that he's only ever heard directed towards Tyra.

Tim groans, hoping to God that his ex-girlfriend isn't sauntering her way onto the field to yell at him for his drunken phone call. He really didn't want to call her, he just did it out of absolute habit.

"Hey, hey! Knock that crap off." Tim can hear Coach yell at the guys with anger in his voice, unlike the usual aggressiveness he shows. 

He pulls himself from the grass, tugging his helmet off to signal he was done being thrown around. If there's one thing Tim Riggins hates, it's the constant attention his ex-girlfriend carried around with her.

When he turns to see Tyra, he's met with an entirely different person. She's about medium height, a tad shorter than Lyla. She has long blonde hair, sun kissed skin and icy blue eyes that captivate Tim like no other.

She's wearing a tight little lace sundress that hugs her waist and flows around her upper thighs. The only way Tim can tell she's from Texas is the light brown cowboy boots on her feet, still showing off enough leg to get the guys on the team going.

Tim watches her rosy lips, finding himself unable to look away from her even for a second at the moment. "Wonder who she is." Matt ponders and Tim just know's his eyes are scanning the girl as well.

"That, my friends, is the Coaches oldest daughter. Shocked you don't recognize her, Riggins. Her and Lyla were friends before she went off on that scholarship. It's only been, what, two years?" Smash taunts, pushing past the boys.

"She's changed a lot, I'll give her that. Became a woman." One of the linebackers snickers behind Tim, nearly causing him to lose his temper at them for insinuating stuff like that.

Tim watches as she hugs Coach, smiling up at him as she giggles. Tim's shocked, he's never seen someone look so pretty while laughing - even Lyla (she does this weird snorting thing that makes Tim think she's going to sneeze all over him).

Tim watches as Coach nears the guys, his arm around the girl's shoulders. He rounds the guys up, a wide smile on his face as if he's never had a worry in the world. The team waits, all eyes on the blonde girl.

For the love of God, Tim cannot remember her name.

She smiles at them and Tim swears she stalls on him before moving on. He knows it happened, even just .2 seconds longer but it was more than the other guys got. 

"This is my daughter, Becca." Coach introduces her, nudging the girl with his shoulder before facing the team again. "She came down to see what we can do. So, let's scrimmage for a bit. Saracen, your team starts."

The teams moves to line up, Tim's eyes are on Becca's body the entire time. He very much likes the name, likes the drawl it uses when spoken. What he doesn't like is the way her eyes scan Saracen as if she's interested in him. 

Tim was bigger, with broader shoulders and larger biceps. He's been told he looks damn good in his uniform, too. So, why isn't she looking at him? 

"Let's show her what we've got, boys." Smash chuckles, nodding his head over to the blonde girl during the huddle. "If we do good I'll even let you guys talk to her after we go on our first date. But, just talking."

God, does Tim want to switch teams right about now.

The scrimmage begins and Becca stands next to her father, watching him make plays on the clipboard. She watches the game again, noticing a specific player who is barreling through everyone in his path.

"Is that Riggins?" She hums, keeping her eyes on him as he carries the ball through the field without  stopping.

Her dad looks up, scanning the field for whoever she was talking about. "Yeah, he's our fullback. Kid's like a tank, a little pain doesn't stop him."

"I can tell." She muses, chewing on her bottom lip as she watches the teams line up again.

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