Chapter Eight

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Becca's outfit is in the external link! xo

Becca's POV

"Honey, it's a big deal. He's not going to pass any of his classes if he keeps going on like this." Mom says, baffled by Dad's ignorance to the topic. "The rally girls are doing all of his school work, I'm shocked his teachers haven't realized it sooner."

"Look, he's one of our best players. Tim's got practice and games to worry about so I'm sure he can't always do his homework." Dad says, brushing his hat back with his hand, fixing some of his hair with it. He nods to me, tossing a wink over his shoulder as he pulls into the banquet parking lot.

Mom throws her hands up, shaking her head. "I think you need to talk to him, let him know that it's unacceptable behavior!" Her cheeks flare red, eyes narrowing and her fingers ticking against the dash. "What happened to you don't pass, you don't play."

"Let's just forget about it for the night and have a good dinner with everyone. Okay?" Dad smirks, parking the car. We get out, his arm immediately being thrown across my shoulder blades, pulling me into him.

"I, um, I think I'm going to go sit with Matt. If that's okay with you guys?" Julie asks, shuffling her feet to keep up with our pace. Mom nods slowly, throwing a confirming look to dad, as to ask his opinion.

"Go." I smile, pushing her arm. She grins and rushes to the door, her jacket flowing behind her. "Make good choices! No drinking! Don't come back pregnant!" I yell, giggling at the stern look Mom gave me.

We walk into the building, the smell of homemade fried chicken and gravy coursing through the air. Mom leads us through the mess of people, quickly finding the table reserved for dad. I sit next to him, looking around the room.

"Mind telling me why Smash is staring at you from across the room?" He asks, looking up from his phone. I shrug, locating the boy in the crowd. His eyes are glued on my body, lips upturned in a large smirk.

"Because our daughter is a beautiful girl." Mom hums before looking around. "Oh, honey, why is the entire football team staring at you?" She asks, her eyebrows creasing together in deep curiosity. 

I shrug again, sighing. "Maybe they're staring at dad. Ever think of that?"

Mom shakes her head, looking behind her. "Nope, they're all looking at you." She decides, giving Smash a small wave. He smirks wider, walking over to us with a confident sway in his stride. "Oh, oh god."

"Hi Coach, Ms. Taylor," He greets them, eyes on me. "I was just wondering if maybe Becca would want to come hangout with the team for a bit? If that's okay with you guys?" He asks, charming my mom.

She nods slowly, looking to me. "Sure." I hum, standing from my seat. "I'll keep an eye on Julie. Think of it as me babysitting her."

"She's not the daughter I'm worried about." Dad snidely says, glaring at Smash. "You take good care of my daughter, you hear?" Smash nods, walking backwards next to me until we're a few feet away from my parents.

We get lost in the crowd, moving towards the back of the building. He slides an arm across my shoulders, his confident smirk still on his face. I look down at his hand then up to his face, an amused smirk on my own.

"Look who I got to join the party!" Smash yells, lifting his free hand into the air to high five some of the guys. Matt gives me a big smile as Julie sits on his lap, her head on his shoulder. "Here baby." Smash hums, handing me a solo cup.

I look down at it, noticing the orange tinge to the liquid. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Williams?" I giggle, pushing on his chest. He shrugs, a grin plastered on his face as he looks down to me.

"Just enough so you'll agree to go out with me." He chuckles, shaking my shoulder a tad. We move through the crowd of players; Smash high fives every single one of them. "I told your dad I'd take care of you, don't worry."

We near the end of the building, the furthest corner. "We can sit here." Smash says, nodding towards the table. I sit next to him, placing the cup on the table before looking around at the guys.

Smash still has his arm around my shoulders, his fingers brushing along my exposed skin. Some of the JV boys are scattered around, curling into themselves as they sip on their drinks, just trying to fit in.

"You look good tonight." Smash says, winking at me. I nod, looking down his physique at his outfit choice.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smile, taking a sip of the beer in my cup. I look over, making sure Julie isn't drinking anything. Luckily she just has a soda in her hands, her eyes on the cup in mine.

I tap my fingers on the table, peering around once more. A pair of eyes meet my own, a deep hazel set that houses specks of forest green. Tim doesn't look away, but instead moves his eyes to look at the hand Smash has on my shoulder.

He abruptly slams his hands on the table, pushing himself up. I look at Tim, watching as he walks in the direction of the alcohol. "What's wrong with him?" I ask, looking at Smash from the corner of my eye.

"He's been in a bad mood all day. Came to practice all bitchy, distracted. Coach gave him a good talkin' to." Smash informs me, his eyes on the screen playing last weeks game. "Look at that, I'm gonna make the winning touchdown."

I nod, looking up to the screen to see exactly what I did in person last week. "I'm gonna go grab another drink. Do you want anything?" I ask, standing from the table. Smash shakes his head, his attention on the tv.

I walk through the crowd, throwing Julie a warning look as I pass her. She pokes her tongue out, snuggling further into Matt's shoulder. I say hi to a few of the guys who greet me, most of them opting to just stare.

Making my way through the crowd, I finally near the refreshments table where Tim is. "You good?" I ask, walking up to stand next to him. He doesn't look at me, only looks down at the assortment of punch. 

It's silent for a few moments between us, our eyes never connecting. "Why don't you get back to your date?" He says gruffly, eyes downcast. I cock an eyebrow, pushing on his arm for him to look at me.

When he finally looks, I speak up. "It's not a date. I would never date Smash, no matter what. He's being flirty and honestly, I'm too tired to tell him to stop. Why would you svn care if I was on a date? You're the one hooking up with Lyla all the time."

"Don't bring her into this." He snaps, taking a deep breath. "I told you me and her were done. I haven't spoken to her since she left my house." He explains, rolling his shoulders back.

I roll my eyes, shaking my head. "Wow, haven't talked to her for all of six hours. I am just so proud of you." I snarl, dropping my eyes to the table. "If you're angry about Smash then so be it. But there's nothing going on between me and him."

I turn, moving to walk through the crowd again when suddenly a hand is placed on my bicep, pulling me back. I crash into Tim's chest, his eyes on mine, pupils blown. "Let me take you on a date. I'll show up to this one, i promise."

I look back at him, our chests flushed together. "I'll let you know my answer tomorrow before the game." I breath, watching his eyes flicker from mine to my lips.  Pushing away from him, I move back to the last table where Smash and the guys are.

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