Chapter Five

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Becca's Outfit is in the external link! xo

Becca's POV

"I thought you were supposed to be gone by now. It's nearly 9." Mom says, walking into the living room to sit with me on the couch. I shrug, kicking my boots onto the coffee table in front of me.

I had given up on the notion that Tim was still coming a long time ago, like an hour and a half ago. There's no reason why I should sit up and wait for him to come get me since he clearly doesn't want to go to dinner. I didn't even say it was a date, he did.

"Yeah, I thought so too." I hum, brushing some of my curly hair from my face. Mom seems to get the hint, her lips pouting slightly as she looks at me. There's a sense of curiosity and protection floating in her eyes.

"Honey," She sighs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Tim Riggins is an idiot if he thinks ditching you is a good idea. I hope you're not upset by this, there's always going to be other boys."

I look at her, cracking a smile at her before I speak. "Ma, if you really think I'm upset over Tim Riggins not showing up to a date then you really don't know me. I'm not going to let some boy ruin my night."

"I raised a strong girl, huh?" Mom chuckles, pulling me into her for a hug. She pecks my forehead, running her fingers through my hair. "But if you were upset we could always tell your father."

I giggle, shaking my head. "Yeah, and then Dad would make him run laps until he passed out. I think I'll pass on that one. Just, don't mention it to dad, please?"

She nods, smiling down at me. "Maybe you should avoid dating any football players until you're in college. That way you don't have to deal with this."

"Maybe I just shouldn't date in general." I suggest, pushing all of my hair onto my shoulder as I scoot even closer to mom and snuggle into her side. She wraps an arm around me, giving me a look out of the corner of her eye.

"I think you shouldn't give up on dating just yet. There's plenty of guys in this town who like you, you just have to talk to them. What about Saracen, he's a good kid and he's always staring at you according to your father." She smirks, nudging my shoulder.

I shake my head. "I think I'll leave the sophomore for Julie. She really seems to like him, she'd hate me if I went after her boyfriend." I joke, rolling my eyes. "I've been back home for two weeks, I think I need some 'me' time."

"There's going to be a lot of people at our cook-out, maybe you'll meet someone there?" Mom brushes her hand against my arm as she speaks, her words coming out as more of a question than a statement.

I groan at the mention of the gathering, tossing my head back. "Why can't someone else throw the cookout so I don't have to go? Or, even better, why doesn't dad host the party himself and Julie, you and I go to that new spa downtown?"

Mom sighs, leaning back. "That does sound very tempting, especially with that new seaweed massage discount they're doing. But, we can't leave your father stranded during a cookout. Man's never thrown a party in his life."

"I guess so. I'm gonna go see what Julie's doing." I say, standing and walking up the stairs. I round the corner, pushing her door open with my hip as I twist the handle. The door snaps open under my force, my feet carrying me inside.

I crack a huge grin when I enter, my teeth nibbling at my bottom lip. "Becca! Shut the door!" Julie panics, sliding off of Saracen's lap. Matt flushes a deep red, his eyes wide open at being caught.

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