Looking for Phil: A Dan and P...

By hesitantamber_

14.4K 283 78

Dan and Phil have been best friends for years, but when an argument threatens to break them apart and Phil di... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

583 11 7
By hesitantamber_

'Hey Phil?' I asked as I put the final touches to the video. There was no answer. I looked up at him to see that he had fallen asleep. I laughed quietly and saved the video. It hadn't taken long to edit, but Phil must have been tired from everything that happened over the past few days. I knew I was. The video finished saving and I opened YouTube. I double clicked the video and was met with a dialog box telling me the video would take 20 minutes to upload. Setting the laptop aside carefully, I got up and wandered through to the kitchen to make Phil a drink. I filled the kettle up and put it back on the stand. Behind me, I heard a door open. I turned around to see Phil stood behind me.

'You okay, Dan?' He asked.

'Yeah, the video's taking a while to upload so I thought I'd make you a coffee' I smiled. He laughed and opened the fridge. 'Did you enjoy your nap?' I asked.

'It was nice, though I woke up as soon as I realised you weren't there' He handed me the carton of almond milk. The kettle finished boiling so I poured it into the mug along with some coffee, sugar and almond milk. I handed Phil his cup and he smiled and thanked me, before holding the door open for me. Phil walked over to the laptop.

'How long did you say it would take to upload?' He asked.

'20 minutes, why?' I sat down on the bed.

'It's ready now' He laughed. He handed me the laptop and I made the video public. Within a few seconds, it already had a handful of views.

'I think people will like this one, they'll be glad you're home and safe' I smiled. Phil looked over my shoulder.

'I think you're right' He laughed and kissed my shoulder. I put the laptop into sleep mode and put it on the side. 'Should we have dinner?' Phil asked, looking at the time on his phone.

'What time is it?' I asked.

'Um, pretty much half 5' He showed me his lock screen.

'Takeaway pizza?' I smirked. Phil nodded and ran out of the room. I picked up my shoes and followed him. He was jumping up and down by the front door when I caught up with him.

'Can I have a pineapple one?' Phil asked. I smiled as I grabbed a jacket.

'Whatever you want' I opened the door and Phil bounded out. He was like a little excitable puppy and I was falling more and more in love with him as time went on. 'Wait, Phil' I said as he rushed down the almost endless flights of stairs.

'What?' He asked as he turned around.

'What should we do about cheese?' I asked. He started laughing.

'That's a really weird question' He was almost crying with laughter.

'No, I mean on the pizza!' I rolled my eyes. Phil kept laughing as he walked down the remainder of the stairs.

'I don't know, we'll see when we get there' He opened the front door and we stepped out into the street. It was beginning to get dark and a beautiful sunset was appearing over the numerous buildings. The pizza place wasn't too far away from us, and Phil was almost bouncing with happiness as we walked. He was so excitable, and so cute. I smiled as I thought back to everything that had happened recently - Phil coming home, the kiss, cuddling with him. It occurred to me that I didn't know what the sleeping arrangements were anymore, but seeing as we were almost at the takeaway, I decided to leave it. I held the door open for Phil and he almost leaped through the doorway.

'What do you fancy?' I asked after Phil had been looking at the menu for a little while.

'You' Phil smiled 'But also the pineapple one' He pointed at a picture.

'But you can't eat the cheese' I said. Phil pointed at the side of the menu.

'Dairy-free cheese' He looked over at me.

'Fair enough' I laughed and walked up to the cashier. 'One 12 inch pineapple pizza with dairy-free cheese and a small chips, please' I handed over a £5 note.

'What are you having?' Phil asked.

'Some of your pizza, you won't eat it all' I laughed as the cashier handed me the change. We stood to one side and waited for our order but it didn't take long. It was getting darker every minute and the sunset was almost gone. I felt something touch my hand and I jerked it back.

'It's only me, Dan' Phil laughed. I relaxed and let my fingers curl around his hand the next time it brushed past me. Even though he was older than me, his hand fitted almost perfectly in mine and they were so soft. We said nothing the whole way home, but every now and then Phil squeezed my hand and I squeezed his back. It was strangely quiet and there were hardly any lights on in the nearby houses. We opened our front door and walked up the almost endless stairs again. Phil unlocked the main door to our flat and held it open for me. I thanked him and took off my shoes, before running up to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and split the pizza evenly, deciding where to cut it so it was perfectly proportioned. However, I didn't know that Phil was waiting outside the door. I hadn't switched any of the lights on yet because I was in such a rush to make sure the pizza didn't go cold, so I had no idea that he was there. He appeared in the doorway out of nowhere and made a noise which resembled a roar, which spooked me considering the lights were off. But it was the poorly timed combination of the scare and the knife being in my hand which led to it falling out of my hand and slicing into my foot as it fell.

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