Secrets (travmau)

Bởi vicky__5__

11.6K 271 243

What happens when travis realizes he's I love with aph? Garroth,and laurence like her as well so when travis... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Face reveal!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Questions for a Q&A
Not an update
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

232 6 5
Bởi vicky__5__

The next morning

Aphmaus pov
"Babe wake up" I groaned and I heard Garroth say "we're going to try to find evidence to get Bella put in jail" I sprung up and travis said "well that got her up" laurence said "before we try to find evidence we gotta talk to her" we went upstairs and there was a knock at the door we all went over to it and travis opened it to see Bella I glared at her and she said "it's a shame about your house Ya know? A shame that aphmau didn't burn with it" my eyes widened and I said "you tried to kill us!" She said "actually just you! Now I gotta run bye travis~" she left and I said "let's go look for some evidence" we went to mine and travis' burnt down house and started looking around after about 10 minutes I seen a card I picked it up and seen it was Bella's license I smiled and travis came over he said "you find something" I nodded and showed him the card he smiled and said "good lets keep looking around" I nodded and kept looking around after a few minutes laurence said "Hey! I found something" we all went over to where he was to see him holding a used match I said "that's good but it doesn't show she did it" he said "the print on it does though! Look closer" we all looked at it closer to see on the side it said "netherack co." I smiled and Garroth said "how does this prove its Bella" I said "because if the match says that then the box probably says it to! I guarantee Bella probably has the match box with her so We just have to...knock her out and steal the match box?" Travis said "actually that's not a bad idea! Back when me and her dated she put her name on everything and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING! She probably wrote her name on the match box!" Garroth said "so what're we waiting for?! Let's call her and invite her back over then when she's least expecting it knock her out!" I said "there's a problem if we call her asking her to come back over she'll know it's a trap..." Laurence said "but if travis called her..." I said "ok travis call her!" He got his phone and called her he put it on speaker and after a few rings use answered and said "travis? You finally come to your senses and realize im way better than that aphmoo" I glared at the phone and travis said "Uh y-yea! Come back over and we can talk" she said "see you there sweetheart~" and hung up I said "I volunteer to be the one to knock her out!" Everyone nodded and we went back to the guys house I hid in the closet under the stairs and after a few minutes there was a knock at the door travis opened it and him and Bella started talking he led her past the closet door and I jumped out after she was past the door I hit her on the head with a book and she got knocked out Garroth said "I just realized something...isn't this kinda illegal" I said "so is burning down someone's house and trying to kill them but that didn't stop her" he nodded and I looked in her jacket pocket I got the matches and sure enough they had her name on them and said "netherack co." I smirked and said "let's go tell the police!" Travis picked up Bella and I glared at him he said "heheh Uh Garroth why don't you carry her" he handed Bella to Garroth and I said "better" he smiled and we went to the police station we went in and a police officer came over to us he said "what's with the girl" he pointed at Bella and I said "we are or were the owners of the house that got burnt down on mystreet and this girl is the one that set it on fire and we have proof" he nodded and I showed him the matches box and the match I said "they both have the same fine print and the box had her name on it! Bella!" He said "hmm..." I said "oh and we found her license in the rubble!" I showed it to him and he said "well...that's good enough proof for me! Hey jet come put her in a cell!" Some guy came over and Bella started waking up Garroth set her down and the police officer put cuffs on her he said "you're under arrest for setting fire to someone else's property and attempted murder you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court room" she said "WHAT?! You can't actually believe these people!" He said "they had evidence" she looked at us and glared as the police officer was taking her away she said "you better sleep with one eye open from now on aphmau" the police chief came over and said "don't worry there's no way she can get out you're perfectly safe" I nodded and we left travis said "I'm so happy to finally have that lunatic in jail" everyone nodded except for me what she said kept echoing in my head...sleep with one eye open...she can't get out of jail right? Right it's impossible there's tons of police officers there! Travis shook me and said "aph you ok?" I said "huh? Oh yea I'm fine" laurence said "if you're worrying about what she said don't she's in jail with tons of police officers all around her and plus she would have to get pass me,Garroth and travis to get to you! A shadow knight,a demon,and a guy who gets triggered anytime you say a cupcake topping and you're irenes daughter you have the most powerful magiks in the world!" I said "cupcake topping? Sprinkles?" Garroth started crying and said "SPRINKLES!" I said "ok note to self don't say that" we went back to their house and me and Travis went to his room and I layed down I put my hands over my face and said "those words keep echoing in my head! Help" he said "I would if I could just dorm think about it ok" I sighed and he layed down next to me he pulled me over to him and kissed me I kissed back and after a few minutes we pulled away and he said "I'll never let anything hurt you I promise" I smiled and even though I know I could protect myself it made me happy knowing he'll always be keeping me safe! He hugged me and for the rest of the day we binge watched sword art online...

So Bella is in jail! But what if she breaks out? That'll never happen right? You'll have to wait and see! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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