He's My Mate

By Mike-Wazowski

111 10 1


New beginnings

He's My Mate

84 5 0
By Mike-Wazowski

Boarding school.

They told me this would happen, they warned me. I never listened, all I saw was empty threats.

I shouldn't of done it, I always take April fools Day too far. This year they said "Cole, we're warning you, if we get one call from school, that's it." I simply rolled my eyes.

"yeah, yeah. Sure you will."

So what did I do? Oh I don't know - just switched the canteen brownies with some drugged up ones and the entire student body, and all the staff were completely baked. No biggie.

So now I have been Enrolled in Melbourne grammar School. This is totally amazing!

Note sarcasm.

I don't even know how my parents got me excepted into a private all boys Grammar school. Probably bought them an extra pool or something.

The only plus-side? All boys. All abs. Sharing dorms. I just hope I don't find any homophobes...

I pulled my headphones out of my ears shutting out the sweet sound of five certain British boys, performing 'teenage dirtbag'.

The car came to a halt, outside my window, stood a large brick building, it look fairly nice but aged.. A few students wandering around in their groups chattering.

My mother and father exited the car in a very stern and hushed manor, I followed them up the stone steps. Whispers from some of the other students could be heard, I was dressed rather plainly, white button up shirt and skinny jeans. I couldn't exactly wear my 'rainbow pride' T-Shirt with my parents being homophobes, but I did have it packed...

We walked up to a large front door that was opened for us by the principle, she was a stern looking woman, with her blonde hair in a bun so tight it probably stopped her from being able to smile.

She stuck a bony hand out at my father to shake.

"I'm Mrs. Snibson. Please follow me."

We followed the 'dragon lady' as I decided to call her, obviously quoting the excellence that is the devil wears prada.

She led us into a large office and sat us around the desk infront of her.

"now let's hurry along as the days lessons are about to end, let's skip the formalities. Welcome to Melbourne Grammar School, here is your dorm number and your timetable, breakfast is at seven and dinner at six, lights out for seniors is eleven. Curfew on weekends is ten, alcohol is prohibited on premises, and out of school. No leaving school on weekdays without signed permission from your parents, home leave is not till term break and Christmas holidays. Break any of these rules and you WILL be punished. Understood.?"

I nodded profusely, I was ashamed to admit it. But this woman scared me.

"head to your dorm, classes are over, your room mate is mr.memphis, mr. Peterson you are dismissed."

I left the room as she was signing paperwork with my parents, probably over whatever crap they had offered to buy the school...

I looked at the sheets of paper in my hand my dorm room is number 469. sixty nine eh?

I walked along the dorm rooms, looking for my number as students were excitedly looking around to see who I was roomed with.

I stopped when I saw number 469, I stepped towards it, there was a collective gasp. All the students observing had stopped chattering.

I awkwardly looked around, everybody was looking at me. I gulped. Well how freaking awkward... I probably had I hole in my jeans or something embarrassing like that.

A kid stepped forward.

"you can't go in there" he said "you-"

"what's going on out here!?" I turned around to see a guy standing in the door way of my dorm room wearing all black, with black hair, piercing and tattoos. Well he looks friendly.

"ROOMIE!" I shout and jump up onto his tall frame to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

I felt him go rigid beneath me as the room gasped in anticipation, I hopped down and giggled when I saw a faint blush on his pale cheeks.

I walked past him into our dorm room singing "IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT' as loud as I could only making him blush deeper.

The door slammed behind me, as I wandered around the room. The walls were covered in band posters like asking Alexandria, lamb of god, avenged sevenfold ect.

There was a large pentagram carved into the back of the door, and an assortment of large white candles.

I lifted up my roommates pillow, BINGO! Diary. Ten seconds and I've already got his D.

It had a lock on the side, I tried to pry it open. No luck. I jumped on his bed and laid on my stomach in defeat.

The door opened. Awkward much?

"what do you think your doing!?!" he asked.

"um... Finding out more about my new roomie?" I held up the Diary proudly.

"Put. That. Down."

"you know what I don't think I will" I teased.

He snatched the diary from my grasp. "RUDE!" I shouted.

"so is going through people's belongings..."

"I suppose" "so which of these posters are you willing to take down?"

"what do you mean? Take down?"

"yup gotta have my boys up too!" I pulled a one direction poster from my suitcase "there's plenty more where that came from"

He looked at me, I stared back.

"that. Is. Not. Going. Up. In. My. Room."

"correction; our room."

I walked over to the built in wardrobe, it was huge, I suppose it was for two people then. I opened it.

One half was filled with black clothes.. The other half with... "stuffed animals?"

I looked behind me he groaned and pushed his head into his pillow.

"well I understand the term 'in the closet' but this is taking it a bit far don't you think?"

I jumped on him and straddled his back.

"you never told me your first name mr. Memphis."

He sighed "Sinister. You?"


I hopped off and walked over to the closet again, OMFG! A STUFFED UNICORN!

I grabbed the unicorn and held it above my head and sung the thingie off the lion king.

Sinister sighed "this is going to be a long year."

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