Frozen Twilight Book One: Uni...

By pandalover_135gh

51.4K 1.4K 163

Elsaira was left on the doorstep of the Cullen's in the year of 1983. Her father left her and disappeared wit... More

The Child
Barbie Bella
Bella's Room
Months later
The Visions
3 Day's with the Cullen's
Every month is the same
Birthday, Words, Results
Jack and the Rumors
The Truth
lil bit of Jealousy.
Planning and Businesses
Rooms prt 1
Rooms prt 2
Her Eyes
New Looks
Dates? Planning? Having?
2 Birthdays In One
Photos/The News
Another One?!
Calling Eleazar
Last Visit
The Trip
Dreams and Memories
Getting There
No Acceptance
Piano Lessons
Way Too Much
The White Dress
She's Done
Another World
How have you been?
'They Remembered?'
Earn It
Feeling Better
Important News
The Search For Nightmares
Paint Not Chat
The Detector
Loosing Family
Meeting Carlisle
Snow, Ice, and Raven Darkness
Her Parents
As If Planned Perfectly
'Somewhere Safe'
Exploring Oslo
Back To Minnesota
Reminder Gift
Say Goodbye

Story Time

512 15 0
By pandalover_135gh

*Carlisle Cullen*

Jack walked in and we all greeted him. The Denali's introduced themselves and Jack did too. Then Bella came in and jumped into Jack's arms.

"Jack! You're back!" Bella said happily. Back smiled at her.

"Yes, Snowflake." Jack said and we lead him to the living room.

"Jack, we told her about us not being biological her parents. She doesn't know who they are, but knows they left her with us. We haven't told her anything besides that we aren't her biological family, and what her real name is." I said quietly to him once he had set Bella down.

Jack looked at me in a bit of surprise.

"How'd she take it?" He asked while sitting down.

"Not good. She believes they abandoned her." Esme said to him. Jack sighed and frowned.

"We thought maybe you could answer some of her questions." Rosalie said to me, I nodded. I picked up Bella and sat her next to me.

"Bella, what questions do you have for me about....your parents?" Jack asked her carefully. Bella looked at him and looked down.

*Jack Frost*

The Cullen's and the Denali's went to their rooms to give us privacy.

"You know them. So...where...are they?" Bella asked hesitantly. I sighed.

"Well, they are far away. Although they are taking care of someone. It might they left you, but.... they did it to protect you." I said pausing a few times.

"Why? From who?" Bella asked me and finally looked up.

"Someone. You will understand someday, Isabella. Just not now." I said softly and she nodded.

"Did they leave me? Did they hate me?" Bella asked with a small voice. I shook my head.

"No. They didn't hate you. They needed to leave....for your safety. You weren't safe at the time." I said to her.

"What about now?" She asked me while looking at me in the eyes. I turned away.

"Next question." I simply said, I just couldn't ruin her happy life here. I couldn't tell her she was in danger of death.

"They said I was a Spirit. What is that?" Bella asked referring to the Cullen's.

" different. Vampires,....they live do Spirits." I said hesitantly and wondered if this was a bad idea.

"So...I can live forever?" Bella asked with her eyebrows raised. I pursed my lips a bit.

"Not now. When you're parents left you here with the Cullen's....they took that....ability, to be a Spirit, away. You are a Human.....for the moment." I said slowly letting her process everything.

For some odd reason, Bella has always taken the abnormal alright instead of freaking out.

"Why....did they change my name?" Bella asked quietly.

"Safety." I said simply and she nodded.

"You know my real dad and real mom. Do you see them?" Bella asked me. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Sometimes, other times, I can't really see them since I'm working." I said and she nodded.

"What do they look like?" Bella asked me and I hesitated again.

"Umm....well. Your mother, she is tall, she has water blue eyes. She has this character of being kind, and generous. She will never hurt you on purpose. She is caring. She loves to go out with her friends and have a cup of tea. She isn't a fan of arguing, she likes to solve things with words. She isn't much of partier, she likes to read, she isn't loud at all. She can be shy but never underestimate that. She is like a kitty on the outside, and a lion on the inside. Just like you." I said and Bella nodded not saying anything.

"Uh....your father, he is tall, smart, always wants to be a good example. He has a pair of light green eyes. He makes orders and keeps them right. He helps people do the right decision. He is a joker and serious at the same time. Always tries to look for the positive in everything. He is stubborn, and selfless, but never get on his bad side. You got the stubbornness from him." I said and chuckled. Bella smiled a bit at that but kept her head down and didn't look at me.

"Is that all?" I asked her and she didn't respond. I waited and finally, she nodded.

"Well then. I'm sorry we kept it from you, Bella." I said and she looked at me.

"It's ok. Excuse me." Bella said and smiled at me a bit but I could see she was still sad. Bella for up and left to her room. The Cullen's and the Denali's walked back in.

"Well, at least she didn't cry." Emmett said as he sat down.

"I tell her everything.....and I couldn't. To tell her....they missed tell her everything. I just couldn't." I said sadly and Esme placed her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"We know, Jack. We can't tell her." Carlisle said to me. I nodded.

"Let's talk about something else, Jack just got here, let's not make this sad." Carmen suggested and they nodded.

"Any news?" Jasper asked me.

"Bad news, no. Good news, not really. Besides that Arendelle trading lines with other Kingdoms are going great, just like always." I shrugged and they nodded.

"So, Jack, do you think Bella is warming up to her parents?" Irina asked and I sighed.

"Well, it really depends. She didn't argue about her not wanting them. Yet again she didn't say she accepted them." I said carefully.

"She's confused. Bella isn't mad, but she isn't happy. She doesn't know what to feel." Jasper said to everyone and Edward's expression looked worried.

Edward was about to leave but Esme stopped him. She looked at him and he nodded and left. I'm guessing she spoke to him in her mind.

*Edward Cullen*

I walked upstairs and found Bella in her room looking out the window. I walked in and closed the door.

"Bella? How are you feeling?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Okay I guess. Everything Jack said about my real mommy and daddy was just didn't sound like they hate me. He said it was for my safety." Bella said choosing her words.

"Well, Alice told you that they didn't hate you. Now, do you still hate them?" I asked her. Bella looked into space and shook her head.

"I don't know." She said confused and shrugged. I hugged her.

"I'm going downstairs. Join me?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I want to read." Bella said and picked up one of her book and laid in her bed and opened it to the first page.

I got up and left downstairs. They all looked at me as I walked in and I just smiled.

"She's more calm about it, but still confused." Jasper said and I nodded as a thank you to him.

"Let's not be sad about this." Jack said and then Emmett started joking around. The Denali's got to know Jack further more and he actually told us something he had never mentioned to us.

His Human life. I never had known of Jack to be Human, I thought Guardians were like Humans but I didn't know they were Humans before this life. I found everything surprising of this topic. Jack indeed became into the immortal life proudly. He became a Spirit by saving blood of his own blood. By saving his younger sister.

Jack's real name was Jackson Overland. He had a mother, Grace Overland, his father Henry Overland, and sister Emma Overland. Jack's eyes were mainly casted down and I could read in his mind, a bit, that he missed them. It wasn't just in his mind, you could tell.

"Jack, how exactly old are you?" Emmett asked Jack.

"Well I was born in 1824, I'm 164 years old." Jack said answering to Emmett's questions.

"I was actually born in 1812. 12 years before. Where did you live?" Carlisle asked.

"I only remember the town being called Burgess. Don't remember what state. I never really researched my family. By now my family would be dead." Jack shrugged and we nodded.

"Your sister might have been able to continue your bloodline, have you ever thought that maybe her child's child would be around?" Esme said softly.

"Yeah but like I said, I've never really been so interested. Of course it would be nice but they probably wouldn't be able to see me." Jack responded while not making eye contact.

"How do you think your sister grew up to be?" Emmett asked. Jack thought about bit.

"I don't know. Me and the Guardians don't know why but I have little memory of them. Even Tooth's memory container thing can't help, I just can't remember." Jack said honestly.

"Well, try. What's stopping you?" Rosalie asked Jack while raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want to ruin their Human lifes. I don't want to interfere and drag them into a world of pure mythical creatures and an evil guy trying to rule the Spirit World." Jack exclaimed and threw his hands in the air.

"We respect your decision." Esme said softly to him. Jack nodded.

"It is true in a way. The humans would go mad at the thought of Vampires, Werewolves, Spirits, Hybrids, Witches and all those crazy things to know about us." Emmett said and laughed.

"Yes, and now with the whole Pitch trying to catch the Princess and all that, it wouldn't go so well." Jack said and sighed.

"Its understandable." Rosalie said quietly but Jack didn't hear and nor did Rosalie want him to hear. She didn't want him thinking she was warming up whether it was true or not.

"Alright then. I'm sure you wish them well and that is the reason why you choose to not make contact." Carlisle said totally understanding and respecting Jack's decision.

We then told Jack everything about the Denali's and the Denali sisters explained from what era but not exactly the year they were from and how they became vampires.

The Denali's sisters were from the era of where the houses were made of straw, you could only survive on what the husbands brought you. They lived in a small village and lived with their mother, their father had died long ago. The Denali sisters survived on working themselves even though it wasn't fit for women to work.

One night, their mother, Margaret, had disappeared and reappeared months later. Irina was 21, Tanya was 19, and Kate was 20, back then. They were each a year apart. Margaret had something in her that she didn't wish her daughters any sort of harm. Which is why she was away for months, she waited until she could be close to a human and not harm them unless she wanted to. Although their mother did not feed on animal blood, being a newborn and all.

Margaret, always stayed hidden and met secretly with her daughters, they knew what she was and were scared, but they learned to know that she would never hurt her own daughters. About 2-3 passed and Margaret was tired of secretly seeing them on some nights. So instead, the Denali sisters went missing one night, they were indeed with their mother.

They convinced her to turn them and they lived in the forests as creatures of the night. Realizing that they needed to feed they went to different towns across the country and fed. Until one time, their mother did something. She accidentally turned a little boy. The poor child was a vampire and was out of control. Margaret quickly attached to the child and did anything to protect him.

The Denali sisters weren't always with their mother. They usually spent their time somewhere else since they believed Margaret preferred the child more than them.

"Our mother was always attached to that child, it was as if she didn't want us anymore. Every time we were around him, she would scowl at us not to touch him." Kate said as she leaned forward from the couch and rested her elbows on her knees while her palms held her chin.

"One night, that child wanted blood. Even though we had just fed, he wanted more. He was thirsty and you could see in his eyes, he wanted blood." Irina said while leaning on the wall and her arms crossed.

"We of course hated seeing the child and our mother bond so much, we got up and left. All three of us were in the forest, when we heard something." Kate said softly while starring off into space.

"Screaming. Humans screaming. It was just one human at first, then adding a few more. We waited minutes and they died down. Soon they turned into more. Another 3 minutes and it wasn't just a few people anymore, it was hundreds. It was an entire town." Tanya said to Jack. Jack was lost in thought and he was trying to imagine Margaret and how the screaming would hear. Jack shuddered at the thought.

"We waited for a couple more minutes and the screaming died down. We were many miles away from the town, but you could've still heard everything. Many humans ran and got away." Tanya continued and pulled a stand of her curly hair and played with it.

"We ran back, but when we got there....we smelt our mothers scent and the childs' scent once we reached the town. Everything was on fire. The houses, the carriages, the people dead and in flames." Irina said and closed her eyes. I could see in her mind the image of the village in flames.

"But we soon realized that our mother and the child weren't the only ones there. There were more, around a few hundred vampires. When we ran to our mother but were stopped by people. The Volturi Guard. They were there. Our mother was kneeling and was being held tightly by to guards." Tanya said and her eyes narrowed as she resaw her mothers feared face in her memory.

It wasn't fear for her, or for her daughters. It was fear for the child.

"The kid was being carried by Jane. One of the most feared guards of the Volturi. She has the ability to make an illusion of pain in your body like fire." Kate quickly said and Jack's eyes widened.

"Then as Margaret struggled to free herself and get to the child...
Jane threw him into fire. He died. Our mother let out a scream and with a nod of Aro, the Master, they beheaded her and threw her body into the flames." Tanya said and Irina closed her eyes tightly. Irina had dry sobbed for her mother for days.

"A vampire we didn't know of, spied on us for some time and told the Volturi about the immortal child and us. Although that vampire told the Volturi not to blame us three since we didn't spend time, made contact, or even cared for the child. We had nothing to do with it." Tanya said and her words were a bit cold.

"The Volturi let us be free. Although they did warn us about making the same mistake our mother did for that matter." Kate said calmly.

"That is why we freaked at the sight of Bella. The memories of our mother's death forever remains in us. The fear we will live in, because she caused it." Irina said softly but mainly to herself.

Its true. Margaret's inconsideration towards the child, could've cost all three of them their existence and she didn't bother to care.

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