Ada Rafeal Barba Love Story

By klausmikealson2001

17.3K 330 18

Nikki and rafeal barba are married More

heartfelt passaging
heartfelt passaging part 2
heartfelt passaging part 3
heartfelt passaging part 4
day after
man hunt
man hunt part 2
manhunt part 3
final battle
I love you
your awake
chess and checkers club?
back at work
I have no idea what to call this chapter
finding liam
days after
she's ok
next case
you've got to be kidding me
a visit from my mom
pulling the plug
five months later
What will my dad say
breaking the news
this baby's a pain
I'm going into labor
continue story
a video game gone wrong
Holden March
undercover mother
requested smut
rafis grandmother
next chapter (aka operation save carisi and barba)

please don't die

234 7 1
By klausmikealson2001

Eddy looked through the window and saw everyone here he growled and moved away he kept the gun on me and then we heard a knock on the door "eddy it's me luit. Benson you remember me right" eddy looked at the door and said "yes" Benson continued "can I come inside" eddy looked at me and pointed the gun toward the door and opened it everyone tried to get in but in one quick movement eddy had his hand on my neck and the gun on my head and said "NO I only want luit. Benson everyone get out or else I'll shoot her" everyone backed out of the apartment and benson closed the door and locked it he let go of me. Benson said "eddy you dont have to do this" eddy got mad and said "you said that the last time and now look at me I'm worse than before" Benson started moving toward him and he backed up I was stainding by the window he kept backing up until he was in front of me my eyes widen because he was in front of the window I yelled "eddy move" he quickly moved before he moved I heard someone say "we have a clear shot" after he moved they said "don't shoot don't shoot" but it was already too late eddy moved when they fired I didn't move in time the bullet hit me in the lung I collaspted to the groumd I put my hand over the bullet wound and benson came over to me she tied a scarf around my wound and said "eddy can I call one of my partners to take Nikki to the hospital" he thought for a minute and said "n-no you can't" she sighed and said "eddy she just saved your life if she didn't tell you to move you would have been shot" he looked down and said "fine call one person to take Nikki" she nodded her head and called carisi a couple minutes later he came and picked me up I groaned in pain he took me out I saw my dad come over to me and say to carisi "I'm gonna ride in the ambulance" carisi nodded and left my vision started getting blury I saw my dad grab my hand and said "I love you nikki" my eyes closed and blackness covered me.

*chief dodds P.O.V*

A couple hours later S.V.U. came to the hospital saying that eddy steped in front of a window again so they shot him I was still waiting for Nikki to come out of surgury a hour later a doctor came out and said "is there someone I can talk to about Nikki dodds" I jumped to my feet and walked over to the doctor and he said "nikkis been hit with a lot of bullets in her life I'm surprised she's still alive with all the bullets that has been through her but i don't know if this time she will survive the bullet hit the lung she can't breathe on her own yet I'm so sorry but Nikki is on life support if Nikki does not wake up in a week we have to pull the plug" I was already in tears I nodded my head and went back Benson and everyone gathered around me and asked what happen to Nikki I looked down and tears started to fall I said "the bullet hit nikkis lung the doctor said that she can't breathe on her own and that she's on life support and that if she doesn't wake up in a week they will pull the plug" everyone's face dropped barba looked more depressed than any other person I went up and hugged barba after that we all waited in the waiting room seeing when we can see Nikki.

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