Chasing The Sky ( #Wattys2016...

By zeelpatel17

116K 4.6K 587

They kissed . She forgot. They got together . She left . They meet again. Will he hate her or the love will r... More

Author's Note.
I // Feelings Mutual.
II // Damn Hot !
III // Royals vs. Tigers.
IV // I've lost it.
V // K-I-S-S-I-N-G !
VII // Love Carnival.
VIII // One day.
IX // Yours.
X // Whipped.
XI // Goodbye.
XII // Promise me ?
XIII // Chase.
XIV // Not Worth it !
XV // Where are you ?
XVI // Masquerade Ball.
XVII // Belong to you.
XVIII // By my side.
XIX // Bachelorette's Party.
XX // Complete.
XXI // The chase is over.
Other Works.

VI // Colourfull Events.

5.1K 197 17
By zeelpatel17

I switched off the lights and laid down on my bed to sleep but unfortunately sleep didn't come.

Me and Carter?

Can that really happen?

Considering my pathetic love life, I don't think it can ever.

Shut up Sky! When did you become such a disappointment to yourself?!

I rolled over to the end of my bed to get my mobile and at that very instant it vibrated signaling it received a message.

Talk about the timing.

There was a message from.... Oh Chase .... Why?

Chase: 'It okay to think about me kitty ;) '

Chase Carter attempting to flirt with me?

The night can't get more interesting.

I typed my reply.

Me:' Are you flirting with me? Is it the time for your medications?'

Chase: 'Am I? A good night kiss from you would do ;)'

Save me now! Is this really Chase?!

Me: 'Goodnight kick?'

Chase: 'Now claw me kitty! I would like that! xx'

Me: 'Chase go sleep! Goodnight.'

I blushed unknowingly while I typed this.

Chase: 'Wet dreams kitty xx '

I didn't have it in me to reply after this. What has gotten into him?



"Skylar!" A sultry guy's voice whispers in my ear tickling it with his breath. I rub my ear and smile as I ignore it.

"Kitty, " that same voices whisper in a husky tone now and nimble fingers slide down my waist.

Mmmm.... That feels good.


I jolt out of my sleep and meet those green orbs grinning down at me.

What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" I sit up and demand as I pull my covers tightly around me.

Such a freak!

He chuckles as he plops on the bed by my hips.

What the hell is he doing here? What does he want from me?

"I thought you could put your bed into some good use." He bites his lower lip and his eyes fall on my lips.

Those lips ... Oh god!

"I - how did you get here?" I rasp out as he moves closer.

What is this boy about to do?

"Kiss me!" He purred grabbing my waist. I ducked away and jumped out of the bed.

"What do you think you are doing?" I gasped.

"Why not?"

I have no idea. I mean I really want to feel his lips on mine. But he is Chase freaking Carter and how the hell he got here?

"I don't want us to end up there!" I replied pointing towards bed.

The images that take in are annoyingly pleasant.

Don't give in Skylar!

He smirks at me like he knows what I am thinking and moves closer to me. I step back and back meets the wall.

Ah! Hell!

He rests his hands on either side of my head.

"Now," he whispers "you are mine Skylar!" He says like some sort of serial killer and I scream.

"Skylar, Skylar! Wake up! What happened. " I heard April call.

I open my eyes breathing heavily to find myself still in my bed and Mae and April standing beside my bed amused.

Oh god! Was that a dream?

"Did you just have a wet dream Sky?" April smirked.

"And that too with Chase?" Mae squealed.

"No.... " I frowned.

"Liar Liar! Bum on fire!"

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Ah that means we are correct!" April said with a devilish smile on her face.

"You were moaning his name and then you screamed!" Mae giggled.

Did I literally have a wet dream?!

Oh god!

I covered my face with both of my hands and groaned loudly.

Go figure!


Can this day get more annoying?!

"Tell me how was it?" Mae poked my stomach as we made our way to next class.

First the dream and now Mae. Thank god April's classes are in medical building otherwise I wouldn't have been able to survive.

"It was nothing!" I glared at her as blush rose on my cheek.

"It was something if you were moaning!" She chuckled.

"Who was moaning?" Suddenly Chase appeared from nowhere by my side and I quickly replied back.


"Skylar!" Said Mae at the same time.

That damn girl.

"Farm." I screamed the first word that came in my mind when.

"Dream!" Mae continued as I kicked her leg.

"What?" Chase laughed.

"Actually, Skylar had a dream!" Mae smirked.

Oh god please help while I kill her and hide her body where no one can find.

I solely glared at her.

"Really, wet dream?" He smirked.

"Did you just say wet?" I punched his stomach.

"No, I said, what dream?" He laughed.

"She dreamed that she was in a farm uh... and she heard the cows moaning! Ah yes... the cows moaning!" Mae grinned at me.

Thank god. Now I have to kill one person less. Not.

"T-that's f-freaking g-gross!" Chase doubled over laughter and I stomped away from there!

Kill me now!


Tasty ...



"Miss Lahar... Miss Lahar, May I've your attention please?" Ms. Jonah's distinct voice reached my ears.

Oh Shit!

Was I dreaming about his lips again?!

And that too in my B.ST. class?!

"Uh, I am sorry Ms. Jonah." I said quickly as my cheeks flushed.

"Would you probably like to share your thoughts with us Miss Lahar?"

"Uh, I don't think so..." I mumbled.

"Miss Jonah, I think she is thinking about yesterday's colorful events. Right Miss Lahar?" Chase's arrogant voice rang from the corner of the room and I snapped my eyes at him.

He smirked at me. That jerk! As I glared at him.

"And how do you know Mr. Carter?" Ms. Jonah said crossing her arms.

"Because the events have something to do with my lips. What say Miss Lahar?" Chase grinned cockily.

He just did not. The class hollered over laughter as I blushed furiously.

"It has nothing to - " I started to defend myself but was cut off by Ms. Jonah.

"Ms. Lahar keep your hormones into check and pay attention. Mr. Carter it would be better if you kept those colorful moments to yourself. Now silence." She ordered pinching her nose and turning back towards white board.

"I hate you!" I mouthed to Chase.

He just flew me a kiss and winked at me.

I know I definitely hate him!

Do I?


"I am sorry, okay!" Chase laughed and I huffed in reply.

We were currently making out way to Starbucks and Chase was apologizing to me more like laughing on me continuously.

I stopped a few steps away when I noticed April, Tyler, Leo and Mae all hurdled on our usual corner table, talking in whispers.

"What happened?" Chase asked from beside me. I pointed my finger to the group as I furrowed by brows.


"Hey, I hope you guys aren't planning any murder?" Chase walked there and plopped on the empty chair. Everyone jumped apart at the sight of us.

I looked at them in confusion.

"Hey, you two!" Tyler said smiling. I just stared at him still figuring out the situation.

"Uh, do you want coffee? Sure, you do, I will buy you both one!" Leo said as he escaped the scene.

What the hell is with them? I looked over at Chase and he just shrugged.

"What were you guys talking about?" I cautiously asked.

"I-we ... actually ..." Mae fumbled with words.

They are definitely planning something.

And I know it is not going to be good.

"Fine, I will tell them!" April cut the awkward tension.

"Tell us what?" Chase asked.

"First you promise me you both won't say no!" She said with those puppy dog eyes of hers.

And I shook my head along with Chase.

This is definitely not good.

"Please, please! I would do anything for you. Please!" She requested almost pleading.

I looked over at Chase and he nodded.

"Okay, fine! What is it?"

"Good. Hmm... so you know, spring break is starting from tomorrow. And we sort of decided it would be fun if we had a mini holiday. So... umm... I ... no we sort of booked the tickets to the love carnival. " she said avoiding my gaze.

"So, what's the problem. Four you can go. What does it have to do with me and Chase?" I said intentionally, avoiding what was about to come.

You see, love carnival happens every year at this time of month near some beach. It is for those love birds who want to escape the world. It's a two-day come-fall-in-love-again, painted in pink and glitter kind of carnival. Where there are bands singing love songs, couple games and the carnival as named is for couples and only couple entries are allowed.

And last but not the least couples have to live in the same tent.

So, I understand if Mae and Leo, April and Tyler want to go but I don't want to listen anything when Chase, me and love carnival come in same sentence.

"So... Uh... we sort of have done the bookings for you and Chase along with four of us." April let out finally.

Chase choked on his coffee and I just stared at her is disbelief.

"No... " I yelled and the same time Chase screamed. "Never."

"Please ..." April said.

"You have to!" Mae continued.

"I paid a lot!" Tyler hollered.

"I will drag your asses!" Leo glared.

And my friends the art of persuasion started and let me tell you these morons whom I call my friends have masters degree in this art.

Go figure!


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