Chasing The Sky ( #Wattys2016...

By zeelpatel17

116K 4.6K 587

They kissed . She forgot. They got together . She left . They meet again. Will he hate her or the love will r... More

Author's Note.
I // Feelings Mutual.
II // Damn Hot !
III // Royals vs. Tigers.
IV // I've lost it.
VI // Colourfull Events.
VII // Love Carnival.
VIII // One day.
IX // Yours.
X // Whipped.
XI // Goodbye.
XII // Promise me ?
XIII // Chase.
XIV // Not Worth it !
XV // Where are you ?
XVI // Masquerade Ball.
XVII // Belong to you.
XVIII // By my side.
XIX // Bachelorette's Party.
XX // Complete.
XXI // The chase is over.
Other Works.

V // K-I-S-S-I-N-G !

4.6K 202 20
By zeelpatel17

Present day.

"I know but I am." Those words left his mouth and before I could register them, he breached the gap between us and his lips met mine.

I could vaguely hear the gasps from my friends and the loud cheering from the crowd.

The only thing that was crisp and clear for me was the tingles that were rushing through me and the uncontrollable beating of my heart.

His lips moved against mine and I gasped giving him chance to invade my mouth and a moan that escaped my mouth was swallowed by him. His lips were warm soft and desperate.

An oddly familiar feeling erupted in my stomach. As if we have been here before. But I know this was the first time I was kissing Chase.

And I knew he wanted this to go further. His hands cupped my face and I eagerly kissed him back.

My fingers curled into his t-shirt in response and he grinned in the kiss.

He freaking grinned at me obviously thinking he's doing the best job here. If he thinks he is the best kisser here he's so wrong.

I slide my arms around his neck and open my mouth wider against his, eliciting a groan of please from him.

Our kiss turned out a little R-Rated, hard and hungry. He slid his hand in my hair and tugged me forward in attempt to get us closer than we were and I liked it.

I've heard about Chase Carter's toe-curling kiss but now that I am experiencing it, I hate to admit but it's beyond amazing.

But before we can take this any further, our friends pulled us apart.

The crowd went wild as we broke our kiss.

Oh my god! What did I do? And why did the kiss feel so familiar?

The rest of the night was pretty disturbing, Leo and Mae were giving me sneaky glances while April and Tyler were laughing to themselves.

When I looked at Chase from the corner of my eye, he was doing the same. We broke our glances immediately and got back to watching the leftover game.

"Net! Net! We did it!" Mae screams and claps her hands excitedly as Royals again scores a goal.

"Little Mae it's not net it's called goal!" Leo laughed at her earning a smack.

"Are Royals really going to win this thing?" April's horrified eyes take in the field as gulps down.

We are losing the bet; it is crystal that Royals are gonna win I wonder what Chase has in mind. I shudder at the thought.

"You better start clearing your schedule for Saturday, sky because I am going to make sure to make your whole day mine!" Chase laughs out loud and my face pales in response.


"We won! We won!" Voices chorus around me and I shift deeper into my seat.

"I can't believe this!" April rants aloud while still sitting in shock.

"I'll make all your fantasies come true." Tyler grinned up at April.

"More like yours!" She rolled her eyes in response.

"Get ready sweetheart, to scream my name hard!" He smirked to which April blushed like red tomato.

This is going to be nightmare for me. I would be sleep deprived. Oh god.

I advert my gaze from both of them when suddenly Chase towers in front of me.

"Yo, loser!" He smirked and I punched his arm as hard as I could.

"Ouch, kitty aren't you feisty I like it!" He says as I glare at him.

"I am not doing anything for you." I snap as I punch him again.

"Back away your claws kitty, I won!" He declares with twinkling in his eyes.

"Look Chase - " he cuts me off my kissing my cheek which made butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

Wait, where did that come from?

"Hey, chill! I won't make you do anything which you don't want to. I know my limits. " he smiles and turns around.

Why is Chase trying to get all those feelings I buried deep inside me to resurface?

Why oh why so suddenly he is being so sweet?

On impulse I grab fistful of his jersey and turn him around. He furrows his brows at me.

"I am in for anything for you have in mind!" I whispered.

I don't know why I did that and as much as I hate to admit I am looking forward to what he has planned for Saturday.

I am looking forward to what it leads to.

We just stood there staring at each other an unknown emotion in the air surrounding us.

I don't know who leaned first but we were so close that I could feel his hot breath on my lips, his nose brushing against mine causing those odd sensations to bubble in my stomach making me want to grab him and have my way with him.

"SKYLAR AND CHASE SITTING UNDER A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! " a loud voice sprint us apart and I watch all my friends singing this ridiculous song making googly eyes at me and Chase.

"Shut up you mofos!" I cry as my cheeks start burning with the blush.

Everyone starts laughing looking at me.

Even Chase laughs along with them looking at me with amusement.

Well, I am glad he finds me amusing then.

And my people let me tell you one thing.

The sight of Chase laughing was quite adorable!

Haw! I shouldn't have said that.

This is not good.

Me falling for Chase, again, is not good.


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