Please, Don't ( On Hold )

By pentapper

3.1K 118 71

From bubbly to silent in only a month, people suspect that something must have happened to 16-year-old Rochel... More

Please, Don't
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

308 16 4
By pentapper

Author's Note is at the end :)

* * *

I ran.

I didn’t know what else I could do.

Sitting on a freezing park bench in late-autumn/early-winter, in only my school shirt and trousers, not thinking about grabbing my coat when I left, I stared ahead at nothing while tears streamed down my face.

I didn’t realise how long I sat there for: not even noticing the sky change from an almost white to a deep navy-grey, whether from the evening approaching or the weather.

I just sat, frozen, numb, hurting, as tears, now mixed with thousands of raindrops, flooded my pale face.

My mind was blank yet so cluttered that I couldn’t process what was going on.

I took a few deep breaths to control my breathing and to help me think. Calming down, I allowed my mind to wander to the text message. My face scrunched up in disgust and fear as I recalled his words.


Hey, Shelly, Baby. I miss you. I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since we spent that amazing night together. I wish I could hold you now the way I did then.

I saw your beautiful face today. I would have said hi but you were walking too fast. I kept up as best as I could so at least now I know where you live. Maybe I’ll pop in one day and we can spend some time together. J

  I can’t wait to see your perfect body again, baby. I know you can’t wait either. We’ll be together soon, I promise. J

Love you so much,

Jett <3


My stomach lurched and my eyes clouded over again with the threat of fresh tears.

He knows where I live.

My breath caught in my throat as a loud sob, followed by many more, escaped my frozen lips.

My numb body shook with fear at the possibility of it happening all over again. I couldn’t go through that again. Once was one time too many.

The torrential rain drowned out the sound of my cries and my clothes hung to me, soaked through. The tears slowed and I sniffled a few times. I became aware of my ice-cold body and shaking hands.

I was going to get sick.

Seeing sense, but terrified, I knew I had to get home. However, I was unsure if I could move with the weight of my heavy clothes and my fear of Jett pushing down on my shoulders.

I would have called my Mother is I had remembered my mobile phone, which I hadn’t, another sign of my sheer stupidity. Another one is the fact that the temperature is probably in negative numbers, it’s tipping it down with rain, it’s dark out and I don’t even have a coat on.  

I am so stupid.

I sneezed loudly, but the howling wind drowned the sound out.  I stood up slowly, testing my legs. Standing successfully on my feet, I turned towards the streetlight near the gate of the park and headed that way in an extremely slow pace.

With every footstep, my legs almost buckled from the pressure of my wet body. I struggled to make it to the lamppost and I leant against it under the orange glow. I was near a road now, one of the main ones in the town, which connected the high street to the school, to the housing estate, to the next town over, and finally, to the park.

There were practically no cars other than the odd one parked on the side of the road, close to the closing shops. I shuffled my tired legs until I was on the path that led to my house, alongside the main road.

I turned to look behind me as yellow lights brightened the dark street. Two yellow circles were slowly edging closer and a car appeared at my side with a voice calling me.

“What…you…” I couldn’t make out the driver as the inside was too dark but I was sure there was no one else in the car.  The words were lost to the loud wind and heavy rain.

I squinted to make out the stranger but stepped back quickly when the driver’s door opened.

My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest and my breath was rushing in and out of my mouth. I panicked as a large body emerged from the dark vehicle and I found myself taking more steps backwards, towards the lamppost behind me.

The stranger dared to come closer to me and I couldn’t breathe as a hand reached out to pull down the hood covering his or her face.

I allowed the air in my lungs to escape my lips when I saw his almost black hair, now getting wet from the rain. His face was full of concern, as he looked me over. I just stood and shook as my legs threatened to buckle.

I tried to take a step closer to him for support. However, in a second, my legs were gone from under me and I collapsed. Thankfully, he had rushed closer and caught my limp body before I hit the ground.

I inhaled his unfamiliar scent as he lifted me and placed me in the passenger seat of his warm car. The door on my left closed with a thud and the one on my right opened as he sat down in the driver’s seat.

My eyes were almost closed until I heard him ask me a question.

“Where do you live?” His tone was soft and his voice quiet as he asked me.

I just managed to mumble my house number and street name before my eyes closed fully and I was dragged into the darkness of my mind.


I opened my eyes slightly; it was difficult because my eyelids were telling me ‘no’. Once my eyes were open, I surveyed my room and thought back to how I got to bed, only noticing my body aching, and my nose feeling stuffy. I had a migraine, making my vision blurry and my head throb.

The memories of last night entered my mind and I reached my hand out to my bedside table, moving it around randomly until it made contact with something. I picked it up and brought it in front of my face.

My phone.

I swiped my finger from left to right to unlock it and re-read the already opened message.

Looking at it again made my stomach flip and I stood quickly, giving myself head rush, and ran to my en suite bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat lid just in time as I began to throw up.

I’m not sure when, but my Mother came in and was whispering soothing words as she rubbed my back. I was sat on the bathroom floor, leaning over the toilet. When I was done, I felt exhausted and my eyes began to close.

“Come on, Sweetie. Let’s get you to bed.”

With her help, I managed to stand and make my way to my bed. I climbed in and covered my phone with my duvet to hide it from my Mom. I don’t know why. I just didn’t want her to see it, I guess.

 Tucked safely into my warm bed, my eyes fluttered shut. But not before I heard my Mom speak as she left the room.

“We need to talk about this, Rochelle. But, for now, just get some sleep so that you can get better, OK?”

The emotions that ruled me now:

1)      Fear.

2)      Dread.

* * *

Hey Guys :) Sorry it took me a while to upload but I already said that I'm taking this one slow and doing it properly this time. :)

I'm guessing you all know who it was who found her in the rain? :D

It's a little shorter than I wanted it to be but I felt like it was a good place to end the chapter :)

Also, other authors sometimes put questions and stuff at the end of a chapter and I wasn't sure if you wanted me to? I guess it just depends on how many people will even bother answering them :L

Well, comment if you want me to and then I'll see how many of you do. :L 

Hope you like the chapter :) please vote, comment or fan if you deem my worthy :D

Wanted to add a little comment just to say that this story is #86 Teen Fiction and #588 Romance :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I'm so happy, if you hadn't noticed :') <3

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