The Slayer, The Lover, and Th...

By Friday13thx3

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Violet Fortune is not your ordinary seventeen-year-old; for one, her parents were murdered when she was five... More

The Slayer, The Lover, and The Vampire
Chapter 1(edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 (edited)
Chapter 12 (edited)
Chapter 13 (edited)
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15 (edited)
Chapter 16 (edited)
Chapter 18 (edited)
Chapter 19 (edited)
Chapter 20 (edited)
Chapter 21 (edited)
Chapter 22 (edited)
Chapter 23 (edited)
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25 (edited)
Chapter 26 (edited)
Chapter 27 (edited)
Chapter 28 (edited)
Chapter 29 (edited)
Chapter 30 (edited)
Chapter 31 (edited)
Author's Note
If you liked the book...

Chapter 17 (edited)

2.7K 30 2
By Friday13thx3

“Can I stay the night? I know you never wanted me coming to your house, but since I came here once already…” I said as I tried holding in tears.

“Of course you can stay, you are always welcome. Come inside, I will make you your favorite food and we can talk,” Greg said pulling me into the house.

            I sat down at the kitchen table. The house was small, and the kitchen was tiny, but I didn’t mind.

“Sorry about the house, I know it’s small and kind of a mess. We only have two bedrooms, one for my mom and the other for me. You can sleep on my bed and I will take the floor,” Greg offered as he gave me a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

“I will take the floor dumb ass, you have school tomorrow,” I joked.

“We will discuss that later. So what happened?” Greg asked.

“…and that’s why I needed to get away,” I said after explaining what we had found out.

“I am so sorry. That is understandable,” Greg said pulling me into a side hug.

“I just, they are going to kill people tonight…I was trained my whole life to…it just is hard,” I managed.

            Greg nodded and looked to the door as his mother walked through.

“Hey mom, Vi is staying over tonight,” Greg said.

“Okay, I see you’ve given her dessert, has she eaten dinner?” his mother asked.

“I am fine,” I said as I finished my ice cream and put my dish in the sink and ran water in it.

            A car pulled into the driveway and Greg and his mother tensed.

“Hey Vi, go upstairs,” Greg said pushing me up to his room.

            I went to his room and wondered what was going on. His mother soon came up after me and went to her room and locked the door. I heard the front door open.

“Where is she?” a male voice asked.

“You need to leave,” Greg said sternly.

            I then heard foot steps coming up the stairs and I backed away from the door and seconds later the door burst open, revealing a man in a leather jacket with black messy hair and ripped jeans.

“Get back here!” Greg growled coming up the stairs.

            The man walked in eyeing me, and stood by the window as Greg appeared in the door. The tension between the two was unbearable.

“Get out,” Greg snapped.

“Now, now. I know I’m not around a lot but I just got back from tour,” The man said.

            This must be Greg’s father. I couldn’t put the name to his face, but I recognized him.

‘”Greg, Jackie, please I just got off from your,” The man said rubbing his eyes.

“Whatever,” Greg growled.

“And Greg, who is this?” the man said nodding in my direction.

“Doesn’t matter. Ben you need to get out,” Greg demanded.

            Ben! Ben Storm, why didn’t I remember that?

“Don’t treat your father like that in front of a guest, have you lost all manners? Are you his girlfriend?” Ben asked with a warm smile.

“Don’t talk to her. Look, you aren’t wanted here. We made that clear last time you were here,” Greg gritted.

“I know I’ve disappointed you and your mother in the past, but I am better,” Ben assured.

“Whatever. Stop coming back because you are just going to leave when the next tour rolls around. All you do is hurt her,” Greg spat.

“I never meant to hurt your mother,” Ben said as Jackie appeared in the doorway, “Don’t you remember? We discussed what my career would be when we got married.”

“Things have changed more than we thought they would Ben,” Jackie said.

“We don’t need you and you don’t need us. I mean, no one even knows you have a family!” Greg yelled.

“The band knows! But you’re right. I just didn’t want you guys to have to deal with the publicity and all that crap,” Ben said.

“You were trying to protect your image!” Greg snapped.

“Look, I’ve got a check for you guys, you know that’s why I come back too. I know you work hard Jackie while I’m off on tour, but hey, here is money that will make things a lot easier for you guys for a while,” Ben said.

“Whatever, just go,” Greg said defeated.

“Hey, I am paying for your college tuition by going out on tour and making music,” Ben defended, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

            Jackie went back to her room and Greg walked over to me and stayed between Ben and me as he walked out of the room. Greg wouldn’t look at me.

“Greg,” I said.

“Sorry. Sorry you had to see all that and find out who my father is,” Greg said slumping to his knees.

            I sat down next to him, lifted his hanging head so our eyes met.

“It doesn’t matter if your father is famous or not, I don’t care,” I assured.

            Greg hugged me and sighed.

“You don’t get it though. He isn’t a good guy. I caught him cheating on my mom once, she found out, and it crushed her. He promised it wouldn’t happen again but every time he leaves on tour she gets nervous. It’s sad; she loves him with all her heart yet she doesn’t know if he even loves her at all. It’s hard when he comes back; it hurts. He acts like everything is fine but it isn’t. If he was never discovered things would be so different,” Greg said.

“Take the bed, I will take the floor,” I said.

“The bed is big enough for us both…we just sleep with our heads on either end of the bed,” Greg said.

“Okay, it will be like old times when you would come over and sleep over,” I smiled.

            In the morning I woke up to Greg’s alarm clock going off. Greg hit it quickly and sighed when he saw it woke me up.

“Sorry,” Greg apologized.

            Greg got ready for school, and I showered and changed into a pair of clothes Greg gave me. I headed downstairs to see Jackie making breakfast and Greg eating a waffle.

“Morning Violet,” Jackie smiled.


            Jackie gave me some toast and I downed it.

“So what are you going to do today?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know,” I said as I heard something outside.

            Greg noticed that I had tensed.

“What’s wrong?” Greg asked.

“Someone is outside,” I said.

“I didn’t hear anything, are you sure?” Jackie asked.

“Trust me, she would know,” Greg replied, “Dangerous?”

“No, I don’t know, they are just sneaking around, and it’s more than one person,” I said.

            Greg got up and I followed him to the door. He opened it and flashes went off in our face and Greg slammed the door shut.

“Photographers?” I asked as my eyes readjusted.

“Ben. Mom stay inside, close all windows, and shut the curtains. I’ll get them away from the house,” Greg assured.

“I also have to go,” I reminded.

            Greg grabbed the keys, and headed out the door into the rush of photographers. They all were shouting questions about Ben and if he was his son. Greg ignored them all and got in the car. They rushed Greg’s car and Greg ignored them as he pulled out of the driveway. The photographers hopped in their cars and followed Greg. I headed out the door and grabbed my bike, and I heard a click. I turned and a photographer was hiding behind a bush.

“Who are you? Related? Girlfriend? One night stand?” the Photographer asked.

            I got on and ignored the questions and rode off. I couldn’t be in the news. Uncle and Jason would know where I went and I would be in serious trouble. I rode to Vince’s and rung the doorbell and Vince opened it.

“Thank god you’re alright,” Vince joked.

“Shut up we need to help Greg,” I said.

“What’s going on?” Vince asked.

“Long story, let’s just head to school,” I said as Vince went to the car.

            We got to school and I saw Greg in the parking lot fuming. Vince parked and we got out.

“Hey where did they all go?” I asked.

“I lost them on a turn, but they will find me soon enough,” Greg growled.

“Let me take the car back to the house so your mom can get to work,” I offered.

“Really? I would appreciate that,” Greg smiled.

“No worries, I got your back. Vince you stay behind my car okay?” I said as Greg handed me the keys.

            Pulling out of the school parking lot I looked around for the black sedans, none in sight, so I headed to Greg’s. I was a block away when a black sedan pulled behind Vince. I cursed and pulled into the driveway. Vince waited on the side of the road as a photographer got out and snapped pictures. I went in the house and saw Jackie sitting in the kitchen.

“I brought the car back, I will see you later,” I said and headed back out the door and raced to Vince’s car.

“Drive!” I said.

“Don’t be so bossy,” Vince said rolling his eyes.

            We drove off and I now felt bad that I was into photography. Stupid people like that give photographers a bad name. Arriving back at Vince’s we parked in the garage, and Vince closed the garage in case any photographers had followed us.

“God, they are annoying,” Vince commented.

“You’re telling me? I was there when they swarmed the place,” I said.

            We headed to his room and Vince smirked at me when I sat down.

“What?” I asked confused.

“I should have known you were at his place,” Vince grinned.

“Oh shut up! Where was I to go? I only know Vampires here, besides Jesse, but she doesn’t know anything so I couldn’t go to her,” I explained.

“True. But Jesse will find out eventually. How was spending the night at Greg’s?” Vince asked.

“It was stressful since Greg’s father dropped by,” I said.

“Oh, so you know who his father is? That’s cool, don’t tell me though,” Vince warned.

“Wasn’t planning on it. You might find out sooner than you think,” I said.

“So don’t you think you should get back to Luke?” Vince said.

“Yeah, and I think we are going to be leaving soon,” I confessed.

“Really? Well, don’t leave without saying goodbye,” Vince smiled sadly.

“Of course. See you later.”           

            Getting to my old house Luke, Poldark, Eric and Tim were in the house. They all looked at me but didn’t ask a thing.

“I think it’s time for us to be getting back to Connecticut,” I said.

“Really?” Luke asked surprised.

“Yeah, I just…I want to go back. It’s sad to see all my friends and know that they get to stay together and live their lives while I have to leave,” I confessed.

“Okay, well we can leave tomorrow if you want?” Poldark offered.

“Sounds good,” I smiled sadly.

            I started to pack my things. Luke gave me space, and I mentally thanked him. Looking at the clock, Greg would be getting home soon, so I went out and grabbed my bike, and rode to his house. I wanted to make sure he was okay after all the drama. Walking to the door, Greg opened it with a smile.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Don’t even ask,” Greg laughed.

“Is your girlfriend back?” A voice said from inside.

“Hi Ben, I am Violet, I don’t think we met properly,” I smiled.

“Hello,” he smiled.

“And she isn’t my girlfriend,” Greg mumbled.

“You wanted everyone to know that I had a family, and now they do. One photographer is waiting outside for a family picture,” Ben said.

“What? I am not going to do that,” Greg refused.

“Greg, please,” Ben begged.

“Maybe,” Greg said.

“Look, everyone knows now. If you want you can come on tour with me,” Ben offered.

“I don’t want to go on tour with you, I want you here!” Greg said.

“Look, just take one family shot, please,” Jackie asked Greg.

“For you,” Greg caved.

            They walked out the door and a photographer was there, in the driveway. Greg hid his anger towards his father so well I almost believed he liked his father. They posed in front of a small garden that Jackie had to have taken care of. The photographer took a lot of shots and thanked the family.

“Who is she?” the photographer asked nodding towards me.

“That is Greg’s… friend Violet,” Ben smiled.

“How about a picture with her?” The photographer asked.

            Greg walked toward me, gritting his teeth, and turned and smiled.

“I don’t want to drag my friends into this,” Greg replied as politely as he could.

            The photographer nodded and thanked Ben and took off. I headed inside and Greg told me to go upstairs. I complied and waited upstairs.

“That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Ben asked.

“When are you leaving?” Greg sighed.

“You don’t really want him to leave, do you sweetie?” Jackie asked.

“Mom, he hurt you! Did you not forget? We found out about his indiscretion through a stupid paparazzi magazine!” Greg shouted.

“It was five years ago! I haven’t looked at another woman since then. Haven’t I paid for my mistakes? Jackie, I love you. You know that. Greg, I love your mother,” Ben assured.

“At least you don’t come home drunk,” Greg hissed.

“I haven’t come home drunk in a long time. I got help. Look, the past is the past, all we can do is move forward,” Ben explained.

“Greg, forgive your father,” Jackie said.

“I’ll think about it,” Greg said then I heard him coming up the stairs.

“Hey,” I greeted quietly.

“Sorry if you heard any of that,” Greg apologized.

“It’s okay. But can I tell you something?” I asked.

“Of course,” Greg smiled.

“I am jealous of you. You have a mother and a father. No, maybe it’s not perfect, but I would give anything to have my parents back. So please try to forgive your father,” I said.

“I just don’t want to get hurt again,” Greg confessed.

“Then this is a bad time to tell you that I’m leaving tomorrow,” I whispered.

“What? You’re leaving?” Greg said looking at me hurt.

“If I stay longer it will just make it even harder,” I said.

“At least I have a warning,” Greg joked.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Good luck with solving the mystery,” Greg said looking down.

“Thanks…would it help if I told you I don’t want to leave,” I admitted.

“God Vi, I…I don’t want you to leave, I just got you back,” Greg said.

“Well, here is all my information on how to reach me,” I said handing him a piece of paper with my address, home phone and cell phone number.

“You won’t forget about me now will you?” Greg asked.

“I could never forget you,” I smiled and hugged him goodbye.

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