My Savior or My Captor? (Seto...

By BriAWatson96

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Rose, our heroine, is in love with the rich billionaire, Seto Kaiba. He won't admit that he likes her and she... More

~Chapter 1: Meeting Yugi & The Gang~
~Chapter 2: Seto's Succeeded Attempt~

~Chapter 3: Atem's Planning~

30 1 2
By BriAWatson96

Today is my birthday! So, my gift to you guys is an update with this series! I hope you like it as much as I do!

I put a lot of work into this...

Without further ado, HERE'S THE CHAPTER!


~Chapter 3: Atem's Planning~

-Atem's Apartment-

Once Atem got home, he put his backpack down in his one bedroom. He lives alone in his apartment, working in Yugi's shop to keep it. Plus, he makes enough to feed himself via dueling.

However, he gets lonely. He wants someone to come home to, cooking dinner for the two of them. Maybe a few kids running around.

And he wants Rosalie Ashlen Watson, aka Rose.

He shakes himself from his thoughts and begins to do his homework. After he was done with his homework, he began to plan.

-Friday Morning-

Seto's 2017 white Camaro, with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the hood, was in front of her apartment complex. Rose tole him to get a car that wasn't the limo.

He parked there, climbing out and locking the doors. Then went to push the button of Rose's apartment number 201.

"Be right down," Rose said through the speaker. She got her backpack, hurrying out the door.

"Bye, Ash!" She called over her shoulder. She left the keys behind for Ash to lock the door. Then made her way across the hall, knocking softly on the door. Not wanting to disturb the elderly man.

"Coming!" A cute, cheerful voice called.

"Sammy!" Dan scolded, frowning at their younger sister. "Let Nick answer the door."

"But," Sammy sadly spoke. Rose can just picture the puppy-dog eyes on her. "What if it's Mommy?"

Rose smiled at hearing that. Sammy, or Akiko is Rose's nickname for her, was only three years old and called her "Mommy." Nick and Dan, they're both five years old, or Neo and Daedalus, were the only ones who call her "Rose." She didn't mind being called "Mommy," though. It just made her heart swell and grow fonder for the three siblings.

"Fine," the twins grumbled. Their will crumbling because of Sammy's dangerous puppy-dog eyes.

Then Rose hear the door unlocking, she got ready to pick up the little girl. By getting down to the floor with her arms wide open.

Just as the blonde predicted, a little girl with long, white hair jumped into the teen's arms.

"Good morning, Akiko," Rose greeted, smiling as she stood up. Then set Sammy on her hip, looking at the boys on the couch. One was reading, Dan, and the other was watching an action movie, Nick.

"Morning, Mommy," Sammy said, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck. A dress on for daycare and her carseat by the door.

"Neo, Daedalus," Rose said, smiling at the boys. "Time to go."

Nick looked up from his movie, groaning. A hint of a smile could be seen in his eyes. The boy has red eyes while his hair is dark blue with lavender streaks. As usual, he's wearing washed-out jeans, old Nike sneakers and a navy blue shirt.

Dan glanced up at Rose, smiling a little bit. He's the middle child. His eye and hair color is different from his brother's. He has light blue hair with pink streaks. Aqua is his eye color, too. Unlike Nick, he was wearing his school uniform.

"Neo," Rose scolded, frowning. "Go change into your uniform. And hurry. I don't want to be late from dropping you guys off at school at school and Akiko at daycare." She was giving them lunch money and paying for Sammy's daycare.

The elderly couple always bicker. The woman leaves for a long time while the man just sleeps and eats and goes to the bathroom.

"Do I have to?" Nick whined, giving Rose a glare.

"Yes," Rose said, unfazed by the young boy's glare. "Daedalus, please make sure he is ready before he comes down." She grabbed the carseat to leave.

"Yes, Rose," Dan replied, putting his book down.

"That's one of my little mans," Rose answered as she left the apartment complex.

Seto was patiently waiting, occasionally glancing at his watch. Then smiled when he saw her. Soon his facial expression changed into confusion.

"Good morning, Seto," Rose greeted the stunned brunet. "Meet Samantha, or Sammy, Smith. I call her Akiko."

Sammy looked at the tall man, smiling back at Rose. "Mommy, who is he?"

Seto got even more puzzled. "I'm Seto Kaiba," he said, smiling warmly at the girl. He felt at peace when he saw the young child. That looked so much like his beloved dragon. "May I hold her?" His hands instinctively went out to her.

"Sure," Rose informed, looking at Sammy. "Time to go to Seto."

Sammy smiled even brighter, letting go of Rose's neck to hold her arms out to Seto as the blonde passed her to her, potential boyfriend and, close friend.

Seto unlocked the car for her through his car remote on his key ring.

Rose set the carseat in the back and in the middle.

His gaze went to the opened door, seeing two boys, a year or two older than the girl. One boy held a book in one hand and his backpack in the other. The other looked bored and fiddled with his collar, his backpack hanging off one shoulder.

After Rose was done, she turned to smile at them. "Seto, the one who looked bored is Nicholas, or Nick, Maurer. My nickname for him his Neo." She smiled at the very Kaiba-like glare. "The one reading is Daniel, or Dan, Maurer. His nickname from me is Daedalus. they're twin boys.

"And all three of them are your test when we're at Kaiba Land tomorrow." Her arms were spread out as the boys approached her side.

"Really?" Seto asked, smiling at the little girl in his arms.

"Yes," she answered. "I want to adopt them someday. As you already witnessed, Sammy is attached to me. Along with the other boys. They won't admit it, though.

"Anyways, I don't want them to end up somewhere else, far from me. I want someone to take car of them. And I want someone to help me take care of them." She started to slowly approach Seto, hesitant at first. "Please be that someone..." Her tone was soft from the last sentence.

Seto could see how vulnerable she actually was, then he smiled at her.

"I'll do my best to make you proud," he whispered, smiling as he wrapped his free arm around her waist. Then lightly kissed her lips, chuckling as he felt her slowly kissing him back.

"Ew!" Nick cried, scrunching his face in disgust. "Girls got cooties!"

"Leave them be, Nick," Dan chided his older brother. "Cooties aren't real."

Sammy's face was smiling brightly, eager. "Will he be my daddy?" She asked the older girl, giggling as the teens pulled apart. Seto answered before Rose could.

"Maybe," he said, smiling. Then he began to tickle the girl on his hip.

Rose's face turned a beet red as she lightly slapped Seto's arm. "Just put her in her carseat and I'll get the boys in the car," she instructed him.

A smile on her face as she turned to her favorite twin boys. "Neo, Daedalus," she spoke, waving them over.

Nick hesitantly walked over first, Dan right behind.

Seto opened the door, reaching over to place Sammy into her seat. He smiled at the little girl. "We're going to have a lot of fun tomorrow at Kaiba Land together," he eagerly spoke to her.

"Will I get to have gifts, Daddy?" She innocently asked him.

He was surprised by what she called him, but smiled even more.

"Anything that you and your brothers want," he promised her after he securely buckled her in.

Rose smiled again, helping Nick into the seat behind the passenger's side. "You shouldn't be spoil them," she whispered into Seto's ear. Then helped Dan into the back next, behind Seto. After Seto moved, of course.

Seto looked at Rose, smirking. "And if I do?"

"I would have to punish you," she teased him. She didn't want to get the children's hopes up, though. "Anyways, ready to drop them off? Sammy goes to daycare and Nick and Dan go to Domino Elementary.

"Yes, I am," Seto answered with a smile in her direction. Then he climbed into the car, turning it on. He buckled himself in afterward.

She smiled, climbing into the passenger seat. She buckled herself in.

"Let's roll," he said. Slowly pulling out of the parking lot and unto the road. He drove a little above the speed limit, but not too much. After all, he loves the three adorable little children in his car. He's always loved children, which is why he built Kaiba Land.

Nick was playing peek-a-boo with Sammy, while she laughed and called her big brother silly. He then would start a tickle war with her for her comment. Anybody could see that he cared deeply for his brother and sister. Not wanting anything to happen to them.

Dan was just quietly reading his book as Nick and Sammy were playing. Eventually, Sammy decided to bring her other older brother in onto the game. Which caused the car to be filled with children's laughter and giggles. And that definitely made Seto happy to hear from the other side of Rose.

Once they were done playing, Rose started to tell a tale of pirates, witches, magic and princesses for Nick and Sammy. Dan was listening as he looked at his book.

Seto stopped at the daycare. He got out to open the door behind him.

Dan got the hint and climbed out. ON his way out, Seto smiled at him and playfully ruffled his unique hair color. To show that he cares about each of them individually. Dan's eyes sparkled, hope filling them. He really wanted Seto and Rose to be his parents. They seem good together.

After Seto got Sammy out, he left the carseat inside. Since he planned to pick the three of them up with Rose at his side. After school, of course.

Rose got out to help out Nick. Then she closed all the doors and rested her hands on the twin's head. She followed Seto with a smile.

"Welcome to Domino Daycare," the woman in her mid-twenties said to Seto. She was smiling politely at him, who was holding Sammy. "Are you here to drop her off?"

Then Rose came in with a big smile on her face. Nick and Dan right next to her.

"Hello," she greeted her. "I'm Rosalie and this is Seto. We're here to drop off little Sammy here."

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Miss Rosalie," she said with a bright smile. She handed the sign-in clipboard to Rose. "The young lady that takes care of two five year old boys and their little three year old sister. Even though she is only sixteen."

Rose's face turned a dark red when the young woman spoke of her kind deeds in front of Seto. Especially when Seto doesn't know about it at all. Since she hasn't told him about her part-time job that, even though it's not that much money, it's still money. It's still helping her pay the bills for Sammy's daycare, rent and Dan and Nick's schooling. As well as her own schooling and her brother's.

Seto looked at Rose with a small raise of his eyebrow.

"I-I'll tell you a-about it later," Rose whispered to him. Just as she signed her name and Sammy's.

Seto handed Sammy over to the woman. "I'll pick you up after school," he promised her.

"Okay, Daddy," Sammy sweetly replied. She waved good-bye to them. "Bye, Mommy. Bye, Daddy. Bye, Nicky. Bye, Danny."

Rose smiled at Sammy, kissing her knuckles. Then she started to head for the door.

"We love you, Sammy," Dan and Nick said to their little sister. They waved as they followed behind Rose.

Seto stayed back to look at the woman after she had set Sammy down to play with the other children.

"Is Rosalie paying for the entire daycare for Sammy?" Seto asked her. "If so, how much is it costing her?"

"Well," the woman replied in though. "From what I've heard, yes. Yes, she is paying for the daycare services. Mainly because she feels like she could help them. Even though she has a little brother herself. And it is costing her $972 a month. Why are you asking, sir?"

"Basically, $11,666 per year," Seto said, doing the mental math. "How long has she been paying for the daycare?"

"Only for a month," the woman said. She looked confused as to why he wanted to know.

"Thank you," Seto said and exited the daycare. He unlocked the doors for them.

The twin boys climbed in, Dan behind Seto and Nick behind Rose. Rose took a moment to look at Seto with a questioning gaze. But, she climbed in without a word.

Seto climbed in last and started up the car. He checked to make sure that they were all buckled in before he pulled out of the parking spot. He got onto the road and headed for Domino Elementary to drop the twins off.

Seto was going to ask the questions during their car ride to the school. After they dropped the twins off.

Nick was quiet, staring out the window while Dan was reading a book.

Rose had turned on the radio and Immortals by Fall Out Boys was on the station. With a smile, she started singing along. Quickly forgetting about the three boys in the car.

They say we are what we are
But we don't have to be.
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.
I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame.
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.


I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)


I try to picture me without you but I can't

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

And live with me forever now,

You pull the blackout curtains down

Just not for long, for long.

We could be immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals.

Sometimes the only pay-off for having any faith

Is when it's tested again and again everyday.

I'm still comparing your past to my future.

It might be your wound but they're my sutures.


I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)


I try to picture me without you but I can't

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

And live with me forever now,

You pull the blackout curtains down

Just not for long, for long.

We could be immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,


And live with me forever now,

Pull the blackout curtains down,

Seto had glanced over to her. Never having heard her sing before. And he thought that she sung like an angel. He had to glance back at the road, though.

Nick was smirking at Kaiba. He knew of the darker songs that she sings. After all, the walls are paper thin.

While Nick was smirking, Dan was smiling. He wasn't reading anymore, but he was listening to Rose singing. He loved her singing voice because he could faintly remember his and Nick's mom singing them all to sleep at one point.

We could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long, for long.
We could be immooooooo- immortals,
Immooooooo- immortals,
Immooooooo- immortals,
Immooooooo- immortals,

Once Rose was done singing, they arrived at Domino Elementary. She was about to turn around when Seto had handed each boy a twenty dollar bill.

"Buy whatever you want for today and put whatever is left on your account," the brunet explained. He gave Rose a faint smirk. "Have a great day at school. And, if you ever need us, here's all my information." He pulled out his business card and written down his personal cell number on the back. Then handed it to Nick, knowing he's the big brother.

"Thanks, Mister Kaiba," Nick responded. He seemed genuinely baffled at his kind behavior. From what he's read and seen in interviews, he's a cold person to everyone, but his younger brother; Mokuba.

"Thank you very much, Mister Kaiba," Dan said with a smile. "It means a lot to us and to our sister." He started to climb out of the car.

"I have a big library of books, if you want to come to the mansion and stop by," Seto said to them. "And a huge collection of games that my company designed as well as a bunch of movies, too."

Rose smiled as he saw each boys' face light up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Could we go after Kaiba Land, Rose?!" They asked simultaneously. "Please?!" They begged her.

"And what will little Sammy do while you go off and have fun in Seto's home?" Rose asked them. "Maybe play with her for a bit before wanting to go off on your own?" She suggested.

"You will keep her entertained while we do our own thing, right?" Dan asked.

"Of course I will," Rose promised, smiling at the two boys. "She means just as much as you boys mean to me."

"We know you do," Nick commented in return.

"I guess you guys could go to Seto's after Kaiba Land," she said, mocking a tone of reluctance. "But, I will have to bring you back before nine-thirty for you guys to go to bed.

Seto wanted them to sleep over, but knew he'd be pushing his luck. Especially with Rose. He knew that she wasn't that kind of girl that would "put out," just to get pregnant and mooch out some child support from him. Besides, he also knows that he would only hold her while they slept. Because he cared deeply about her. Despite just meeting her earlier that week.

"Awesome!" The boys exclaimed at the same time. They got out and hurried into the building to their classroom.

Rose turned towards Seto. "Ask away," was the only thing that she said.

He smiled and started pulling away from the curb back onto the road. "How'd you meet them?" He asked. Starting off easy with the questions. And he was super curious about the story, too.

Rose heard his question and laughed. She smiled as she started to talk.

"I met them after I moved in," she started to explain. "It was late into the night. I was still unpacking the stuff that I had snuck here. After I ran away from my father.

"All of a sudden, I hear a crash from across the hall. As if something broke. Then I heard yelling, screaming and crying."

She was a little amused at the story. At the memory.

"As it turns out, Sammy had accidentally broke the cookie jar because she wanted cookies. She was forced to go to her room during dinner. Her brothers tried to help her as much as they could. Since they were also hungry."

Seto gripped the steering wheel tightly. He hated how the children's foster parents were treating them. He wanted to propose to her that they could get married and adopt the cuties. However, he figured that she wouldn't want that, or like it. He guessed that she wanted to be married for the sake of love and not as a business deal.

"I heard their door opening and a little girl crying as she ran out into the hall. I opened my door as well. Just so I could talk to her.

"She started to tell me the story with her arms around my legs between tears. I picked her up and started to gently soothe her. That was the first time she called me 'Mommy.'

"Next my brother came out, wondering where I had gone. I told him what was going on with little Sammy.

"Then her twin brothers came out. Nick looking murderous and Dan was trying to calm him down, and trying to hide his worry of where his little sister was. They saw me and Ash making silly faces and playing 'tickle monster' with her. They were stunned, but went into protective 'Brother Mode.'

"Before they could threaten me or whatever, I noticed and introduced myself. I offered to make them grilled cheeses and soup. They were stunned upon my kindness. Dan was reluctant to go, but Nick and Sammy convinced him. Since they were all pretty hungry."

She glanced over at Seto with a bright smile. Even though she didn't say it, it was her favorite story.

He had just sat there and listened. Not interrupting, but quiet as he absorbed the new information.

"Sammy likes to call Ash 'Unkie Ashy,'" she added as an after thought.

He smiled when he heard that. "How can you afford to pay rent on your own?" He decided to ask one more question. Since he knew that they were almost to their school. "The baby sister's daycare? The boys' 'allowance?'" He used allowance as a very loose term.

"I work as a barista at the local coffee shop," she answered his question. "It doesn't pay much, but its something," She shrugged to herself.

He was going to help her out. He will order coffee for his entire building and request that she comes to deliver it. Or he could offer her a job.

"How would you like to work for me as my secretary?" He asked her as he parked into a space reserved for his car. "Or as my personal assistant? You'd get paid more than any job you will ever have."

She looked uncertain upon hearing his offer. So he continued, "You're welcome to just think about it."

He got out and hurried to open her door. He held his hand out to help her out of the car. Which she took with a smile. He grabbed her backpack and his briefcase with his laptop in it. He offered his elbow for her, taking it with a smile.

They walked to class together like that; arm in arm. Until she saw her friends there waiting for her. Then she released his arm from hers and went to greet all her friends.

"Hey," Yugi and the gang said all at once.

She laughed and responded with a "hello" of her own.

"How are you and Kaiba doing?" Atem politely asked her. Mostly so that he can start to become best friends with her.

"We're great," she answered with a huge smile. "He got to see what his test will be for tomorrow.

"And what test is that?" Tea asked in confusion. To which, all her other friends agreed. Wanting to know as well.

Rose blushed and looked completely sheepish.

"There are these three kids that live across the hall from me," she begun to explain. "Two of them are twin boys and the other one is the only girl. The boys are five and the girl is three. They live with this elderly couple that fights all the time. Sometimes not letting the kids eat... And not taking them to school or daycare. I'm usually the one who does all that."

She won't tell them her future plans. Since she doesn't know if it will ever happen with Seto. She hopes it will.

"Those poor sweeties," Tea cooed.

"They need to be taught a lesson," Atem said, angry. He didn't like the elderly couple one bit.

Rose frowned when she heard what Atem said. Clearly disapproving.

"They don't need to be punished," she said, glaring at Atem. "I need a husband who could take care of me and the kids. I need a husband who would adopt these kids with me. I need a loving and devoted husband to me."

And she believes she found that with Seto Kaiba.

"Besides," she continued. "The little girl is already attached to me and Seto. I don't think that she would want somebody to 'replace' Seto since she adores him so much." She doesn't know what the boys think of Seto, but she will find out tonight when she brings the kids home.

"She won't accept somebody else to be her 'daddy'?" Atem nonchalantly asked. It being a simple question.

"I don't think so," Rose said, thinking about it a little. "She hasn't met another teen or adult to call 'mommy' or 'daddy.' She did meet my brother, Ash, and called him 'Unkie Ash' one time. Other than that, not really."

Atem felt his chances slipping away. "So she's met you and Seto, deciding that you both should be her adoptive parents..." He trailed off.

"Pretty much," she said, shrugging. She didn't understand why she was getting weird stares from her friends.

Seto was behind Rose. He clearly didn't like Atem's question about little Sammy calling another male "daddy." He was already fiercely protective of his quickly growing family.

"I would hope you're not planning anything, cousin," he sarcastically remarked. "You might lose somebody close to you..." He glanced over towards Rose and back to his cousin.

"Seto!" The blonde female cried, turning around to hug him. A bright smile on her face as the tall male hugged her back.

She knew that he didn't like to socialize a lot with his cousin's friends. But, she was glad that he was here.

"My chef made lunch for the two of us," Seto informed the girl within his embrace. "If I'd have known about the kids earlier, I would have had him make lunch for them as well."

"Sorry," she timidly remarked. "I didn't want you to think I'm crazy for wanting the three children."

He smirked, his version of a teasing smile. And he knew that she understood it. "You are crazy for wanting those three right off the bat. However, I'll let that little factoid slide.

She laughed, lightly smacking his arm.

Then the bell run. A warning to all the lingering students that class will be starting in a few.

She pulled away from Seto's embrace and took his hand. She walked with her friends to class, chatting away happily about random stuff. As she talked, him and Atem listened intently. Mostly because they wanted to win Rose's heart.

And Seto will win because he knows that he's definitely slowly winning her over. Which is good for him because he's done nothing but treat her well. He wants to spoil her with gifts, but knew she wouldn't like that. So he was settling for something that every girl in school has been dying to get from him: His undivided attention.

Atem wasn't going to back down until Rose was his. He wants the little three orphans as his own children. He will do anything within his power to break them up. And he will stop at nothing until she was within his arms.

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