A War Over Me? (An Undertale...

By UndertaleNerdyGamer

10.2K 397 280

Ages Frisk and Chara: 18 Sans: 23 Asriel:19 Drew: 20 Papyrus: 21 MTT: 21 (Frisk and Chara are girls, this con... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Not a Chapter
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Winner! Teasers for the Sequence?!
Important Announcement
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteenth
Last Chapter, Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

1.3K 32 42
By UndertaleNerdyGamer

Hi my fellow UnderTale fans! Welcome to the first chapter, in this book I'm imagining Sans as Gaster Sans but still reguler Sans at the same time, I like the look of G-Sans so just imagine him like that, and oh so innocent Asriel isn't as innocent as he seems *Eyebrow wiggle* hope you like lets get into this magical ball of rainbows and kittens! Sorry I've been watching to much Youtube, See you in the next chapter BAI!

Chapter One,Not So Innocent Huh?

Frisk's Pov

Frisk, you over think things to much! Chill out its just a test! Anyway I can always help yo....

"No C, I need to do this on my own." I murmur so Asriel couldn't hear me talking to Chara, he'd freak the fuck out.

Asriel asks tried of studying "Why do we have to study when we could be doing fun things! I mean mom isn't home and won't be for another week! And there's no one here! And we haven't done anything that I wanted to do."

"Cause we need to study, do you want to show up here with another D?" I ask knowing he hates getting bad grades as much as he hate studying to get good grades.

Maybe you should listen to us! Asriel and I agree and he doesn't even know I'm here!

Asriel groans annoyed "Come on! Please!"

I give cause with both of them ganging up on me I'll never win, "Okay," I start putting my test book on the desk I'm sitting at and spin the around to face him, him sitting chris-cross on the bed, "What do you want to do?"

"Alot of things," He smirks devilishly, "With you of course."

Abort Abort! Things just got sexual! Run!

"Like?" I ask nervously, as Chara runs around screaming 'Abort!' in my head.

His devilish smirk grows three times bigger and then I turn fifty shades of red and follow Chara's orders and get out of there as soon as I could, I lock myself in moms bathroom then I remember there's a key to it in her sock door, me and Chara just start praying he forgot about it.

I hear Asriel groan "I wasn't talking about hide and go seek Frisk!" My breath grows heavier as I hear his foot steps get closer, "Frisky, come out come out where ever you are!"

Isn't there a closet in here?

I look to my left to see Chara's right, I lay flat on my back with comforters and folded clothes on top of me, Asriel enters the bathroom and groans growing impatient "Frisk, come on! This isn't fun! I want to have fun with you!"


I hold my breathing when he opened the door, "I know your in here Frisky!"

He walks around the medium sized room before giving up in this room, I let out a quiet sigh of relief then he walked back in here and found me, him crouching beside me Chara starts freaking the fuck out again, I sigh sitting up on my elbows my back against the wall "Well, this was fun."

"Mhmm." He agreed, putting his hand beside my hand, begging his face closer to mine,I turn even more red then i was before, then Chara kicks in when we hear Papyrus yell "HUMAN? PRINCE? YOU HOME?"

With Chara kicking in She slides us right out of his grasp and got us into the living room giving me time to stop being red, where she lets me back in control, I see Sans and Papyrus and Sans, I say putting on a smile "What's up?"

"THE CEILING?" Papyrus anwsers, me and Sans burst out laughing, "WHAT IS THE LAUGHING FOR?"

Sans laughs "Thanks that joke was a good one. I get kinda bonely when Toriel isn't goating around with me." Papyrus stares at Sans like he's going to kill him as I laugh so hard I'm holding my stomach and leaning against the wall to keep my balance.

Asriel walks in and Sans stops laughing and immediately gives him the stank eye, Asriel asks point blank "What are you doing here."

"I came to get the kiddo laughing like you can't." Sans growls. I've stopped laughing at this point, Papyrus and I look at each other then to them then back to each other I shrug as he frowns.

Are you guys clueless?! They're fight over.....

Before she could finish her sentence I shut her out, as the uncomfortable silence grows, the home phone rings and I pick it up "Hello?"

"We're coming for you Frisk." Was all it said before the call went silence, I my mouth falls a bit and Sans asks curious "Well, who was it?"

"No one." I lie then turned but to them they looked at me worried, I lean against the wall as I feel like I'm going to lose my balance.

"You look pale, are you okay?" Sans asks before walking up to me and puts the back of his hand on my forehead, "Are you sure it wasn't anyone?"

I nod, and Chara screams as I let my guard down, Your all idiots! Can't you tell she's lying!

I close my and then a memorie I didn't even know I had flashed before me,

He comes from around the corner and stands in front of me with a leather belt in his hands, as I keep backing till I'm against a wall, the unfamiliar, yet so familiar men says with a grim smile "We're coming for you Frisk." As a women steps out from behind him and laughs "You does this!" I hear a kid in the background crying, then the men swings the belt and hits me over and over again.

I open my eyes and I'm on the couch, I have a splitting headache I try to sit up but I feel a sharp pain in my arm and Sans makes me lay back down sighs clearly worried "Thank God your okay, you scared the shit out of us!"

I ask confused "What happened?"

Still trying to remember who those people were, He answers "You fated, are you sure that person on the other end of that call was no one? Cause you fucking fated a minute after answering that call."

"It was no one important, no one you know." I say looking up at the ceiling. Who was that guy? Who was that woman? Who was crying? How do I remember this people if I can't recall knowing them?

Sans Pov

I leave Frisk to her thoughts and walk over to Papyrus and sighs "I don't think we should leave her like this, she's completely out of it."

"I AGREE!" Papyrus states with a smile.

Asriel walks over to us after calling their mom and sighs annoyed "Mom said she'll try and come home a little early but the snow forecast closed all of the airport's till further notice and she wants you to stay and watch Frisk with me till she get home."

"Aww is some jealous?" I mocked, he groans and stomps to his room.

Papyrus asks with a disappointed face "WHY MOST YOU MOCK HIM?"

"Cause he's easy to mock." Frisk answers for me, I turn to see she was leaning against the entrance of the kicthen.

"HUMAN YOU SHOULD BE LAYING DOWN!" Pap says before picking her up bridal style and laying her carefully back on the couch as I follow, "NOW WHAT DO YOU NEED?"

"I was going to ask if you guys wanted to watch a movie, Goosebumps The Movie comes on in ten minutes." She asked with a slight smile, "And maybe popcorn."

"WILL DO!" Pap smiles walking to the kicthen and started making popcorn.

The movie starts and we all, including Asriel, sit on the long four sit couch in the middle of the room, Frisk in between me and Asriel the guy gets me so fucking mad, but he's the kid's brother so I have to deal with him if I want her.

She falls asleep her head on my lap, which isn't helping me in that area, as Asriel stares daggers at me. I smirk at him and his eyes start to turn black when Pap whispers "DONT YI U DARE START FIGHTING! THE HUMAN IS ASLEEP THAT WILL JUST GIVE GER BAD DREAMS!"

Asriel calms down crossing his arms as Pap searches for something else to watch, I just lay back stoking Frisk's medium length brown hair till I pass out watching Gravity Falls on Disney XD.

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