When A Murderer Comes Knockin...

By AllTimeLowGirlly

1M 24.1K 5.8K


When A Murderer Comes Knocking
Knock Knock
Welcome Home
You're Welcome
Your Mine
Run, Run, Run!
Who's there?
Watch Your Back
Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Dark and Light
~How's it going?~
Give It Up!
Friend or Foe?
My Love
Rock Me
Make A Move
Losing Interest
Wrong Idea
Broken Body, Broken Heart
End It All
Blood for Love
Talk and Screams
Back and the Gone
Bring Me Back To You
Can't Forget
Bargain For A Life
Romeo and Juliet
Forever Hated
Video Log?
Lesson Learnt
New Born Pain
My Child, Or The Devil's?
Growing Danger
Fatherly Instincts
A Love Like War
Knight In Shining Armour
Run Away With Me
Caught Lustfully Handed
Friendship-Make it or break it.
Thug Love Life
Lies, Lies, Lies
Love Isn't A Game
Harry Edward Styles
Daddy Styles
Kickin' It
Fault In Our Stars
Melanie Styles?
I Do
Prison Bars
Why So Silent?
Kiddo and Lex
Not My Hero
Home Sweet Home
Welcome Darcy
Just Like Mommy and Daddy
Climax (Final Chapter!!)
Tired Of Feeling Alone

Child's Play

11.2K 282 76
By AllTimeLowGirlly


Don't play the song until it says! If you play it now it won't make sense! The song is rather creepy, but it is for a part of the chapter, so I'll tell you when to play it, and it will make more sense!


***Melanie's P.O.V***


The thud of my heart was pounding with every step I took, or should I say every metre Harry would roughly shove me forward, before yanking on my arm again so I couldn't break free from his frozen grip.

"On  a scale from a scolding to my grave, just how much trouble am I in?" I asked, trying to lighten the very dark creep mood.

"I'm guessing blood and tears." Harry spoke up, and I didn't have to look behind me to know that Harry was smirking.

"Can't we just skip the punishment, and get on with the...other part." I pleaded.

"And what would the other part be, Melanie?" Harry teased.

"I dunno, you say you want us to get along, so we could..."

"Have sex" Harry purred in my ear, causing shivers to crawl up my spine, my nose crinkling I disgust with Harry's words that would not happen. Having sex with Harry the first time was hell, and I only did it to escape, only it didn't really work. No way would I allow that to happen.

"No!" I squealed. "Can't we just watch a movie or some shit?" I begged.

"I don't watch or own any fucking flick chicks." Harry grumbled, clearly preferring the sex option, which would be rape not sex, considering I did not give my consent.

"I never said I wanted to watch that." I huffed. " "Anything."

And it was true. Anything Is better than whatever Harry had in mind. I hated scary horror films, which seems like the only kind of movies Harry would watch, but it seemed better than Harry touching me, or anything else Harry's sick mind could come up with.

"If we did, than you would have to watch what I wanted, don't even try to escape again, and sit with me on the couch, not avoiding me." Harry reasoned.

"Ugh, fine." I sighed.

When we reached the lounge, Harry wouldn't even let go of my arm to put the DVD in the player, thinking it was too risky, and eventually he pulled me to the couch, wrapping his arms around me, making me want to bark as he expected me to snuggle up to him, my head resting against his stone cold heart.

"So what shitty movie did you pick?" I grumbled.

"Insidious. And the only shit factor about it Is when you get so scared you shit your pants. And if the movie is so bad, we could always do my idea." Harry smirked, kissing up my neck.

 "No no," I gushed. "I'm sure Insidious isn't that bad." I rushed, causing Harry to laugh softly.

"So innocent, Mel." he whispered, nibbling at the skin on my neck, causing me to wince as  his teeth grazed my skin, leaving a mark.

"Let's just watch the movie." I stalled, turning my attention to the TV.



"Bloody hell!" Harry gasped, jumping slightly in fright.

We had only watched around a quarter of the movie, and it had consisted of me and Harry cursing and  me screaming a lot, which Harry would laugh at me. I hated this, I hated Harry, and how he was getting joy out of me being scared shitless.

"What the actual fuck it that?!" Harry shouted at the screen

It was up to the part where the lady had taken some rubbish to the bin outside and she was playing music on the record player, but as she was outside, the track freakishly changed to some creepy ass song, singing tiptoe to the window, and when she looked in the window, some creepy man is dancing to the music, but he disappears when she runs inside.

"Who owns a record player in 2013 anyway?" he growled.

I scoffed at his remark, and Harry tightened his hold on me, in a warning way for me to watch my attitude towards him. I clamped my mouth shut, not wishing to anger Harry.

"Don't follow the damn child! Dumb bitch!" Harry spat, shouting at the screen. "When a random little kid appears in your room and runs away, you don't fucking chase it!" he continued.

As more and more of the movie passed, the more I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and die. This movie was seriously going to be the death of me. If Harry isn't, or course...

"I need to piss, before I piss my pants!!" I screamed, hating this movie with every fibre of my body.

"I'm not falling for that Melanie, we both know what you attempted last time." Harry seethed, and it was true, only this time I was telling the truth, I really did hate need to piss, this move was beyond freaking me out, and I have no idea how much longer I could control it.

Fine but I'm going in there with you." Harry grumbled.

"Ew no! Just wait outside! I'm not going to risk running Harry! Even if I did want to, it's dark outside, and after watching this fucking movie, I'm not going to jump out into the darkness in the middle of nowhere!" I pleaded.

"Aww, is little Melly scared?" Harry laughed, poking my sides with his cold fingers.

"Hell yes! You even jumped a few times!" I defended myself.

"Fine. But avoid standing too close to the window, I've seen some odd shadows there before." Harry chuckled, teasing me. I scowled at him, but jumped up, Harry of course following me upstairs. "Be careful!" Harry called through the wooden door, rumbling with laughter as I growled at him. Prick.

Once I had done my business, ducking my  head so nobody could see me outside. I know it sounds silly, but that damn movie had really gotten to  me, I opened the door, only to hear Harry yell out.


I screamed in fear, and slammed the door closed, locking it, and hiding in the corner.


Calm down Melanie.


I listened carefully, and grew confused when I heard the strumming of the ukulele. Play the song now!!

"Harry?" I called out, my voice quivering slightly. This isn't funny, stop it!" I whined.

I pressed my ear to the door, and heard Harry again.

"FUCK!" I heard him yell again. "MELANIE!"

I took a step back, part of me telling me it was a joke, but I was too scared to do anything else.

"Tiptoe through the window"

I almost screamed when I heard the music playing.

"By the window, that is where I'll be. Come tiptoe through the tulips with me."

"This isn't funny Harry! Cut it out!" I screamed.

No reply, yet the damned music continued to play.

Oh, tiptoe from the garden
By the garden of the willow tree
And tiptoe through the tulips with me"

"Harry please!" I begged. "Stop this!"


"Fuck you!" I fumed.

Anger washed through me, and I had a sudden burst of bravery, so I threw the door open, and stormed out. I glance around, but nobody was there. "You little bitch." I fumed. My eyes landed on the gun on Harry's nightstand.

"Bingo." I whispered to myself.

I quickly picked it up, and held it to my chest like people did in the movie's. I crept down the hallway, and cursed when the damn floor boards creaked.

My eyes landed on a shadow that was showing, proving Harry was hiding in the room in front on me, behind the wall. I took in a deep breath.

I didn't want to kill Harry, but I knew that a bullet in his leg would injure him, and that would give me the chance to steal the car and drive to safety.

I crept forward, and curled my finger around the trigger. I mentally assured myself to aim for him thigh, shoot and run.

"BOO!" he screamed, jumping out in front of me

"SHIT!" I screamed so loud, and I got such a fright, my finger pulled the trigger, causing the bang to echo through the house.

He let out a loud oomph, and crumpled to the ground. I screamed out, knowing I had killed him by accident, and fell to my knees. I didn't want to murder him, this cant be happening.

"Melanie! Thank God! I heard the bullet and though he fucking shot you!" I spun to see Harry, a pair of cuffs hanging off one of his wrists, the  other dangling since it he had broken it,  sweat covered his forehead, his curls were a mess, and a gag hung loose on  his neck, from where it had originally been around his mouth, gagging him.

Harry's voice sounded behind me, and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "You shot him?" Harry asked.

"What? How?" I gasped

I turned around to check who I had shot, the person who I had thought was Harry. My eyes scanned up his torso were red liquid stained his shirt, before landing on his voice that had paled. Oh no. Fuck no. Tears burned my eyes as I realized who I had shot.


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