Two Steps Back (Hunter Hayes...

By shareandinspire

2.1K 130 64

What will happen now that Bethany has returned to Nashville, to Hunter? Will they reunite, or will the forces... More

Soap Cars
We Dance
The Talk
Ba dum da da
Too Much for Britt
What's Next?
Missing Her
Magnets in a Closet
Next Time
Not Once
The Last Five Years

High Heels

58 3 1
By shareandinspire

"Wait, let me get this straight. You're dating your physical therapist?"

Bethany was glowing. It had only been a week since Jordan had taken her to Taco Bell, but Bethany had never been so giddy in all her life. They had a million and one things in common, and the chemistry was absolutely amazing. They had been together, either out on the town, at the gym, or just sitting in at home, every night since the first time she'd seen him at the counter talking to Rae.

She had just told Amanda the story, and her best friend was almost as hyped as she was! Mandy had squealed like a little girl when Bethany had pulled up a photo of Jordan.

"Tomorrow is your appointment, right? Oh my gosh! Are you still going to let him work on your knee?"

Bethany laughed. "Yeah, I think so! I mean, I don't see the harm in it. The only problem is," she leaned in conspiratorially, checking left and right as if there were anyone else in Amanda's apartment who would hear her whispering. "I want him so badly, Amanda. I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle his hands all over me without, you know, doing something about it."

Amanda rolled her eyes. Bethany chuckled. She had been joking...mostly. Amanda was still going crazy over the fact that Markob wouldn't sleep with her, and though her wedding night was closer to four months away than it was to five, she was still antsy about it.

"Ugh, that's not funny, Bethany. Seriously. You know what it's like! I mean, when you were in love with Hunter, and Hunter was dating me, so you couldn't touch him? I mean, that must have *killed* you! Sorry for that, by the way." They laughed, the memory long lost to time. "You know what I'm dealing with."

Bethany dropped the humor and tried to comfort her friend. The last time Bethany had seen Mandy had been two days ago. She'd wanted to tell her about Jordan then, but Mandy had been distraught to the point of tears over her situation with Markob. Bethany had urged her to talk to him about it, and Amanda had told her it was a useless effort. She respected his wishes, and he had explained them in full. She did not, however, share those wishes, and Amanda had always been a control freak.

Bethany was glad they'd decided on a quick wedding. She hated to see her friend upset, even if it was about something like this.

Amanda rolled over on her stomach and continued flipping through the bridal magazine. The two girls were sprawled on the floor, half heartedly browsing the latest and greatest trends in wedding decorations and dresses.

A knock came at the door, and Amanda looked over her shoulder for a moment. It was a useless motion; her couch blocked their view of the door.

"It's probably just Markob," Amanda mentioned, getting comfortable on the floor again and yelling, "It's open!"

Bethany heard the door open, but didn't think anything of it.

"So, have you know?" Mandy raised her eyebrows at Bethany suggestively, and though she'd just been making jokes about it, the insinuation made her blush.

"No, not really. I mean, we've made out a hundred times, and I can tell he wants it, but we've both expressed that we want to go slow and take our time getting to ....that...point..."

Bethany trailed off, her eyes gliding up the couch to see Hunter standing behind it with a box in his hands. His face was cordial, but Bethany had no clue what to do. Should she greet him? Should she explain what she and Amanda had been talking about? Should she yell at him for not announcing himself?

She settled for a teensy smile, one she was sure was riddled with guilt, though she had no reason to feel guilty.

"Oh, hey, Hunter," Amanda said, saving the moment from total ruin. "What do you have there?"

Hunter hefted the box in his hands. "Just some stuff Markob asked me to bring by here. He wants to know what you think of these invitations, and he made up a guest list for his half of the guests that he wants you to review. Oh, plus, there are a few different kinds of colognes in here. He wants you to pick a favorite." Hunter began to blush, and his eyes touched on Bethany before he whispered. "And, uh...there's a, um, magazine in here...with...well. Just, look at it, okay? Markob said pick whatever you want."

"Oh, well, thanks Hunter," Mandy said, standing to take the box from him. "I'll be sure not to take the lingerie magazine out until you leave. Wouldn't want your face to burn up." She winked at him, and his blush deepened. "Do you want to hang out for a while?"

He gave Bethany a look, and shook his head. "Nah, the guys are going out for drinks. I think I'll join them."

Bethany looked at her watch. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and she knew darn well that none of Hunter's crew had drinks at this hour, especially not Hunter. She shrugged. Why should she care that he was uncomfortable around her? He had a girlfriend, and now she had Jordan. They wouldn't have to be around each other for much longer.

If he wanted to be a baby about it, then so be it.


"I still don't understand why you like this show so much," Jordan commented, rubbing a spot on Bethany's thigh, which was resting in his lap while they sat on his couch.

She laughed. "Oh, come on! It's so amusing, in a childish sort of way."

"That's the point I'm making," Jordan said, gesturing towards the screen, where Demi Lovato was flailing wildly at Sterling Knight. They were watching one of Beth's all time favorite Disney Channel shows, "Sonny With a Chance".

"I mean, this is like something you watch on a weepy Tuesday when everything else that has ever been filmed...and I mean *ever* been filmed, isn't available."

Bethany rolled her eyes. "You made me watch 'Blazing Saddles' for the millionth time last night. Just humor me."

She turned to give him a kiss, and he smiled. The episode ended five minutes later, and Beth took pity on him and turned the TV off. She pivoted on the couch so her ruined knee hung between his and her body was more directly facing him. She kissed him slowly, feeling his hands roam her body, and she made a soft sound in the back of her throat before pulling away. She dipped her head for one more chaste kiss, but she actually had something to ask him, so she snuggled under his arm and broached the subject carefully.

"So...I know we haven't been dating very long, and it may be something you aren't comfortable doing. Which is fine, by the way. But, I was wondering if you would maybe go with, if you would be willing to accompany me to my best friend's...."

"Oh," Jordan said, leaning back and watching the awkwardness on Bethany's face with a grin. "You want me to go with you to the wedding, is that it?"

She sat up, swatting his arm playfully. "How did you know about that? I haven't said anything to you!"

He laughed and threw a hand over the couch, pointing to her open purse on the table behind them. "I saw the invite in your purse when you asked me to get your phone for you. Honestly, I thought it was a subtle hint just having it in there."

Bethany groaned. She hadn't meant for him to see the invitation, but she'd brought it in case he wanted it to confirm when and where it was.

"Bethany, I would love to go."

She gave him a suspicious look, crossing her arms.

"Really? No joking?"

He laughed, raising his hands in surrender. "Scout's honor. I've already got a tux and everything. But I have to warn you, James: you better bring your A-game, because I look goooood in that tuxedo. You better be foxy as hell."

She raised a brow. "Oh, I think I can handle that."

Jordan chuckled. "Oh, good. You know, this will be the first time I meet your best friend. Does that make you nervous?"

Bethany pretended to think about it, then giggled and answered, "Not at all. I'm sure she'll love you. Or be too sloshed to know the difference. But the wedding isn't for another couple of months. I'm sure you'll meet her before then."

He nodded noncommittally. "Ah, I see. Well, any ex-boyfriends coming to this wedding that I need to know about?"

The question surprised her, and she knew it would be a good moment to finally tell him about her past with Hunter, but she was just having too good a time to trek through that with him right now. Instead, she opted for tactful evasion of the subject.

"No, I don't think Amanda invited any of her ex-boyfriends to her wedding."

He mussed her hair, giving her a look that said "You're such a cheese ball." She laughed, sharing the joke with herself. The irony was not lost on her that Amanda had invited one of her ex-boyfriends to the wedding...and that it was the same man she was currently trying to avoid mentioning to Jordan.

"Why? You thinking about beating someone up?" she teased again, still evading the subject.

Jordan pressed one muscular hand to his chest, looking wounded.

"I've dedicated my life to helping people recuperate from injuries, not to giving people injuries! But, yes, in this case. I would have to beat up any guy who so much as looks at you."

She moved closer to him, teasing him with one finger sliding up and down his chest.

"Well, you're going to have your work cut out for you then, buddy," she grinned. "I'm the maid of honor."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. "Well, that's just it, then. You aren't going."

She tried to pull away, but he kept hold of her, crying "She's mine! She's mine!"

After a moment, she stopped struggling. He had wiggled his way into a horizontal laying position, and she was on top of him, her chin propped up on his chest. He looked at her calmly as her laughter died down. His fingers played with the hair by her temple, and soon they were cupping the back of her neck and drawing her face to his.

The moment got very serious very quickly. She was reminded of the fact that she'd only dated Jordan for a month. That didn't take away the urge to do what he so obviously wanted, but it was a flag of warning in the back of her mind.

It took all the willpower she possessed, but she managed to stop him, kiss him goodnight, and find her way back to her own apartment before any disastrous mistakes were made.

At home, she flipped through some of the bridesmaids catalogs that Amanda had given her, trying to bore herself to sleep with dress colors and cuts. The taste of Jordan stayed on her lips, the feeling of his hands on her body stirring things in her she hadn't felt in a long time.

Finally, she threw the magazine across the room and tossed one arm over her eyes. For the first time in a month, Hunter entered her mind. She wondered if he would bring Stephanie to the wedding, how she would look in her dress, and if he would be shorter than her when she wore heels. Bethany hoped he was happy, happier than he had seemed that day at Mandy's house.

It was his fault they weren't together, but it seemed cruel of her to hold that against him. In all honesty, it made sense. There had been a lot of choices made in New York that would have bothered most people. And Bethany had really tried not to hold a grudge against her former fiancée. Everyone dealt with things differently. Hunter's decision had been to simply terminate the relationship.

And Bethany could finally be happy that he had done what he did. If he hadn't, she wouldn't have found Jordan.

Her smile was brilliant at that thought. She decided that she would definitely be wearing heels. Even if she hadn't ever gotten used to the feeling of walking on such wobbly little sticks, she had a boyfriend now who was tall enough for her to try again.

The thought made her laugh, and soon she found sleep.

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