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Bethany moved in with Jordan. They lived simply; Beth had moved into his apartment, leaving her own for another couple to rent. When she had packed her things, she had found the Hunter figurine again. Though the wound of his leaving forever was still fresh, she left the figurine in the nightstand. She had intended to throw it out, but had forgotten. It was likely the new people had done it for her.

Jordan had been an absolute gentleman, as she'd known he would. They never fought over chores; they'd figured out a schedule before she'd unpacked the first box. He cooked her dinner when she stayed at the gym late with her friends from work, and she did the same for him when he wanted to have a boy's night out.

They were sitting around on a Friday night, just having gotten home from date night, when there was a knock on the door that neither of them had expected.

"I'll get it," Bethany said, pushing her legs off Jordan's legs and placing her glass of wine on the little table next to the couch.

The door wasn't so far away that Bethany couldn't hear the TV, which was playing reruns of some show from the '50s Jordan loved. Ironically timed, Bethany opened the door in perfect synchronicity to the lady in the sitcom gasping with an immense amount of exaggeration.

Amanda stood on the other side of the door, her lips pressed together, her arms crossed tensely, and her foot tapping impatiently.

"Bethany Lauren James. Come into this hallway right now."

Curiously, Bethany called to Jordan, "It's Amanda. I'm just gonna..." she pointed to the hallway, and he nodded in understanding.

Before the door even closed all the way, Amanda was in Bethany's face, whispering in a menacing tone.

"You were sleeping with Hunter? Since my wedding! And you didn't tell me?!" She slapped Beth's shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Bethany leaned her head against the door. "It was complicated."

Amanda sputtered angrily. "Complicated? Well, I should think so! You live with Jordan! What the hell, Beth?! What were you thinking?"

She shrugged. Honestly, she couldn't remember. And why were they having this conversation now? It had been four months since Hunter had left her at the Opry.

"It was just a closure thing, I guess."

Amanda's demeanor changed, and she was suddenly suspicious.


"Yeah," Bethany nodded emphatically.

"Just closure, nothing else?"

"Well, obviously there was sex. But I mean, that part was for closure, too."

Amanda searched her best friend's face thoroughly. "So it's over? Completely, totally, no going back, over?"

Bethany nodded. "Yes."

Mandy gave her one last cautious look before she nodded back.

"Okay. Then, I guess it's okay. But, I swear to God, don't you dare cheat on Jordan again. He's a wonderful man. You're lucky to have him."

Bethany beamed. She knew that. Yes, she knew that very well.

"I know, Mandy. Thanks for looking out for me. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but Hunter didn't want to, and it just seemed easier, you know?"

She shrugged. "I can't judge. I mean, you know what I was like before. I don't agree with your choices, but hey, things are different in your case, I guess. But Hunter did finally tell me, just a few hours ago actually."

A spark of interest hit Bethany, but it only lasted a moment.

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess it's all out in the open now."

"Yeah...I'll...let you get back to Jordan. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

They hugged quickly, and the whole debacle was over like that. Bethany returned to Jordan, and Amanda went back to her house, where she waited for Markob to come home and wondered why Bethany and Hunter couldn't just get their lives together.


"Ugh! And it makes no sense, Markob. None. None at all."

Markob listened patiently to his wife ramble on and on about the situation between her two best friends Bethany and Hunter. Listening, he couldn't help but feel a wave of affection rush over him for this woman. She cared so much for her friends, and was so passionate about so many things.

He also felt regret. He had been a part of the team that had chosen to pursue Trenton McDermott through use of Bethany James, and he was therefore partly responsible for the havoc Hunter and Bethany had endured. While he couldn't say he was close enough to either of them to be particularly affected by this, he was close enough to Amanda to feel guilty that his actions had, in some small part, led to her current state of upset.

"You know, if you feel this strongly about it, why don't we do something about it, Mandy?" Markob suggested.

Amanda's eyes squinted suspiciously. "Like what?"

He shrugged, running a small circle with his finger on Amanda's hip as he spoke. "It wouldn't be all that difficult to get Hunter and Bethany confined together for a while, if that's what you want."

She grunted derisively. "Hardly. Those two would probably just sit in silence."

He thought for a moment, but his next plan was barely constructed in his head before Amanda gasped gleefully.

"I know exactly what to do, Markob! Hunter said that Bethany's reason for calling it off was that she didn't feel like he was fighting for her, right? Maybe that's what he needs to do: fight for her."

They devised a brilliant plan, one that would turn the head of James Patterson himself. Even once all the details were in place, however, Amanda couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable pit in her stomach. She wasn't sure why, but she had the distinct feeling that no amount of meddling on her part was going to make a difference.


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