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Bethany had to return to Jordan faster than she normally would have. She had tripped over some cords backstage during Hunter's last concert and twisted her knee at an excruciating angle. Her crew had taken good care of her and kept the show from going sour, but she had still noticed a lot of swelling and pain over the next couple of days, so she made an earlier appointment just to be sure.

Jordan checked her over and proclaimed her to be fine. He said she had just hit it wrong, but that the swelling and pain would abate as long as she was diligent as always in her exercises. He went easy on her during therapy, too, though not easy enough to keep her from biting her lip raw to keep from screaming.

Bethany limped out of his office and climbed into the back of a taxi, dialing Amanda's number as she did so. She hadn't seen her friend in a couple of months, and she was going to have to wait several hours for a flight anyhow. She wanted to see her and get a few things off her chest.

Amanda answered the phone and told Bethany that she would be at her apartment for the rest of the afternoon. She passed the message on to the taxi driver, and it wasn't long before she was paying her fare and wobbling into the elevator.

Amanda squealed and embraced Bethany when she saw her, and Bethany smiled widely, accepting her invitation to come in and sit down. They just talked giddily for a while, Amanda chattering on happily about her relationship with Markob and her thriving work. Bethany was happy to hear about all the great things going on in her life. Amanda had quite a few things in her past that had kept her from this kind of happiness, and Bethany was very glad she was finally moving on.

During a lull in the conversation, Bethany commented on Amanda's hair, which had changed yet again.

"Your hair is longer," she said, noticing that the pixie cut was much shaggier than the last time she had seen it. "Are you growing it out?"

Amanda shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Markob doesn't care either way, but I kind of miss my bob."

Bethany smiled kindly. "I think you're beautiful."

Amanda laughed. "Why, thank you! So what's been up with you?"

Beth took a deep breath and caught Amanda up on how things were going with Sam. Of course she had already told her they were dating, but there were a few details she hadn't yet been able to fill her in on.

Amanda seemed happy for her, but Bethany could tell that she was still pining for the Hunter and Bethany couple to reunite. This point was proven when Amanda tilted her head in a curious, sympathetic way and asked, "So how are things between you and Hunter?"

This set off another round of stories from Bethany's side, these bringing up many more emotions. Her anger at him for his unkind words, the foolishness she had felt when she had met Stephanie, and the overall confusion she felt about the whole situation.

"I don't know, Mandy. I think you were right to begin with. I've decided that when the tour is over, I'm going to resign. I can't watch Hunter love someone else. It's just not something I am comfortable with, as his ex. And I don't know what I'll do about Sam, but I know I need some distance."

Amanda's brows pulled together quizzically. "I thought the whole point of going back to work there was to gain some normalcy after your experience in New York? Is that not the case?"

Beth shrugged and pinched her nose. "It was, definitely. But the things that happened in New York seem so distant now. I haven't even had time to think about them, save for when this friggin knee gets in my way."

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