Open When Letters

By sillyrussians

1.2M 1.1K 64

I wrote these letters for my boyfriend because I often feel like distance is a major negative factor in our r... More

Open... Right now
Open When... You're Happy
Open When... You're Sad
Open When... You need a laugh
Open When... You miss me
Open When... You've had a bad day
Open When... You're stressed
Open When... We argue
Open When... You want to know how happy you make me
Open When... We've been together for a year
Open When... You need to know why I love you
Open When... You need a hug
Open When... You need a kiss
Open When... You can't sleep
Open When... You want to know why I made these
Open When... I don't answer
Open When... You feel lost
Open When... I leave after visiting you
Open When... You want to visit memory lane
Open When... You're pulling an all nighter
Open When... You're about to see me
Open When... You need motivation
Open When... You are sick
Open When... You need me
Open When... You're bored
Open When... You're angry
Open When... You need to hear a story
Open When... You need a friend
Open When... You need confidence
Open When... You feel like giving up on us
Open When... I'm far away from home
Open When... You feel insecure
Open When... You are lonely
Open When... You are crying
Open When... You are upset
Open When... You feel like giving up
Open When... You think about our future
Open When... You want to know more about me
Open When... You don't know what to get me as a gift
Open When... You get a bad grade
Open When... You have family problems
Open When... You need to feel appreciated
Open When... You need some love
Open When... You want to listen to songs that remind me of you
Open When... You doubt my love
Open When... You're craving something sweet
Open When... You feel lucky
Open When... Distance is too much
Open When... You are worried
Open When... You need luck
Open When... It's that time of the month
Open When... You want some old memories
Open When... You want to feel tingles
Open When... I'm being a butt
Open When... You are thinking of me
Open When... You need to smile
Open When... You want to listen to music
Open When... You get the munchies
Open When... You want to read quotes
Open When... It is a special day
Open When... It's our Nine Month Anniversary
Open When... You have a great day
Open When... Life doesn't go your way
Open When... You want to know why my heart beats
Open When... Distance makes you upset
Open When... You have a bad dream
Open When... You feel alone
Open When... I fall asleep on you
Open When... You're Frustrated
Open When... You are worried about me
Open When... You need to know someone cares
Open When... You are Daydreaming
Open When... You don't want to study
Open When... Someone makes you mad
Open... Just because
Open When... You Want Me
Open When... Your phone dies
Open When... You Want Candy
Open When... Brownies are life
Open When... It's Valentine's Day
Open When... It's Your Birthday
Open When... It's Halloween
Open When... It's Thanksgiving
Open When... It's Christmas
Open When... It's our Year and a Half Anniversary
Open When... It's Our Year and Seven Months Anniversary
Open When... This is your last letter
Open When... You get this (through the mail letter #1)
Open When... You get this (through the mail letter #2)
Random Letter #1 (My Universe)
Random Letter #2 (One Word: Special)
Random Letter #3 (A Year and 4 Months)
Random Letter #4 (I Miss You So Much)
Random Letter #5 (Our Future)
Random Letter #6 (A Letter of Appreciation)
Random Letter #7 (Everlasting Love)
Random Letter #8 (Your Love Spell)
Random Letter #9 (Love Without Limits)
Random Letter #10 (When You Smile)
Random Letter #11 (Dear Myself)

Open When... You're Hungry

10.3K 8 0
By sillyrussians

Dear Boyfriend,

How could you think that I would let you starve? No, I would never. You know that I need you to be well fed and plump. I really wish I wasn't petrified of driving so I could go and get you some of Burger King's chicken fries with honey mustard. But sadly I can't. So hungry hippo, I've included some foods that you like so that I can feed your poor hungry soul. I pray that they haven't expired by now but I doubt it since they all have a long shelf life. Baby, don't ever let anyone judge you because of your eating habits. I know you eat everything, I know you eat a lot, and I love it. I love my big fluffy man. I love squeezing your fat exactly the same way you love doing to me. You know that in my eyes, you are the most perfect guy in the entire universe. I wouldn't change a single thing about you. You never believe me but your body is absolutely amazing. You have nothing to be self conscious about, you're strong and fluffy and that's what I adore. No matter how many times I tell you that you are flawless, you never seem to accept it. But I will repeat it over and over again for as long as I have to until you believe me and view yourself the way I view you. I love you so much sweetie, eat up and be hungry no more. 

*cereal, mac and cheese, fiber one brownies

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