To Cheat Death

By Of_fire_and_night

1.5K 138 110

She looked back. The shadows were moving again. Shivering, she thought, "The cabins not far. About half a... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-two

26 3 0
By Of_fire_and_night

"Little dragon. You must never use my form again. If I choose to grant you your form back you must promise never to use my feathers again. With my heart stone remade I will be reborn from the ashes of the place where I died but you will have my heart stone. And if you change into me my body reborn will disappear and become you. If you steal my form again I will not let you go. Protect my heart at all costs, find me, and return it. If you swear to do all this I will become your human again. But if you don't I will fight to our deaths here."

I swore, fell to the ground again, heart stone in hand. I dropped the heart stone and feather, and Changed into my wolf. Gingerly, I picked up the stone in my mouth and Changed back.

Glancing up, I knew I didn't have long. The crowds were calming down. Fumbling with my talisman, I pulled at the knot at the end, the need for hast making me clumsy. It came undone and I pulled one of the beads from the string and hid it in my mouth.

I reached forward. Perhaps I couldn't change into the Phoenix but I wasn't about to let them have the precious feather.

The feather beside me burst into flames and I jumped away, my fingers smarting from the heat. A magician held a black rock pointed at the feather. Soldiers stood behind him. They rushed forward and grabbed me. Ripping my talisman away from my fingers, one tucked it into a pocket while another yanked my hands behind my back.
I growled but did not speak. I did not want the bead to be taken.

They rushed me out of the arena and took me to parts of the palace that looked shinny and new. It had probably costed a kings ransom to build.

The designs on the wall were interesting but not enchanting like the writing in the caverns had been.

They stopped at a thick wood door and after we entered, pushed me to my knees. The ground was soft and push. I swear I sank at least an inch.

A man in over the top blue robes entered through a door opposite the one I came in. Giant gold ring graced his fingers and thick chains of jewels and silver his neck.
This man was rich.

"So... what have we here." He smiled earily. He rubbed his hands together, greedy.
He opened his mouth to continue when a man in a ridiculous outfit came through the door the rich man had opened. His socks came to his knees and his sleeves were twice as puffy as his arm were. His hat was crowned with a tall feather that bobbed whenever he moved.
"Prominent one?"

The man's eyes darkened.
"I told you not to disturb me. What is it!?" He snapped.

"The alpha of the blood oath pack requests an audience. And he demands you not to keep him waiting."

"He demands does he?" The prominent ones voice was dangerous.
"Well I needed to speak with that cur anyway. Let him in." In an instant his face changed. Pleasant friendliness lit up his features.

A tall man, with an eyebrow cocked arrogantly, entered. He glanced around the room and stopped at me.
"Well." He said.
"Its good of you to have her ready. I'll take her outside. Wouldnt want to get blood over this fine carpet." Mocking tones covered his words.

Fake surprise appeared on the rich man's face.
"You want to kill her?" He said incredulous.

"It was part of the deal was it not?" The tall man's eyes snapped.

"The deal." He hummed lightly.
"I give you magic, expensive magic mind you, to strengthen the weak light of the moon. I give you weapons to capture and kill your sworn enemy and all I ask is for a few shifter warriors to fight in my games. And what do you bring me? Women and children, few of which last past their first round. This girl."
He pointed dramatically at me.
"Is a drakon not only did she survive her first round she killed a hovgoy. Which my rival created and that foul species has caused me no end of trouble. I couldn't challenge it because I had nothing to match it in strength. My name has become a laughing stock in the area. But she proved them wrong. I made more than three thousand credits in the gambling pits alone and that was staggered against her. And now you want to take and kill the first fighter you've brought me worth anything in the area?"

"You left out the part where you promised you would help us kill the drakgons."

"Did I promise that? I could have sworn I only promised to help you find the drakgon and only because I thought they were extinct. Well here she is I helped you find her. Now get out."

He turned around dismissing the tall man but the tall man strode forward and grabbed the rich man's neck.

"You will give her to me. And I will kill her or I will kill you."

"Is that so." The rich man said coldly.
"Fine, take her. But you will do no more trading with me."

The tall man hesitated. His grip tightened and then he let go.

As soon as his hands cleared the man's neck guards sprang from behind curtains, doors, and couches.

The twang of a bow and the tall man fell with a thud.

A small dart protruded from the man neck.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have protection? The poison on the end of that dart works just as well on werewolves than it does on shifters." He waved to some of the guards.
"Take him to lower levels I want him somewhere secure and without light. Have him fight sometime noon tomorrow or perhaps in the morning. Whatever seems most dramatic to you."

"Prominent one." The same servant dressed in that horrible outfit said in a hurried urgent tone.
"The third eye wants to see you immediately."

"Ill go to his estate as soon as I can."

"Hes here."

"Now? Quick hid her somewhere and don't let her escape! If the third eye sees her who knows what will happen he's been observed with dragons for years. Which room is he in?"

"Ill show you to him sir."

The prominent one swept out. His long robes swishing, noisily.

The door slammed shut behind him.

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