Chapter four

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They were close. I would find them. And soon.

I had followed the strange changing scent deep into the woods, far from any city.

I was using a finch feather. Very time I saw a feather I didn't have I kept it. The scant number of traditionals I had was pathetic compared to the collection at my home. One I could feed relatively easily. Every one of birds needed at least twice their body weight in food, every day.

The chase had been hard on my animals. They were all stark with hunger. So hungry and tired that I feared they would drop dead then and there.

I had plenty of time to Change back if an animal died, but to die is a terrible thing. Whether you are yourself or something else.
After terrible agony, you can never use that form again.

Red peeked through the trees. It was not fall. That color had no right to be there.

Flying towards it and landing on a tree, I stared.

A large tent was erected in the center of a break in the trees.
A man and a woman stood near the entrance talking quietly.
I flew close enough to make out their words.

"It's your report. You tell him." Said the man with a harsh whisper.

"He won't be happy about Tanner betraying us. Or the Prominent One making more and more demands."

"We still have Arc. Now get in there." The man pushed her roughly towards the tent.

She turned back about to make an angry protest, when a wolf ran up to them.
He seemed to stand on two feet and Change into a human. I snapped my eyes shut when it became apparent he was going to be naked.

"Seriously, Xavier? Can't you shift in the woods were we don't have to see this?" The woman spoke, disgusted.

The sound of cloth, then,
"Thanks, man."

When I dared peek, the second man had pulled pants and a shirt on.

"What's the news?" The first man asked.

"It's big. Come on, you'll want to hear this." The second man's back was turned away from me as he grabbed both their arms and entered the tent. A piece of paper fell from the pocket of his jeans.

I waited for a moment. Then dove down and grabbed the folded paper with my claws.

It was big and clunky for my small bird. I dragged it behind a tree and Changed back. Urgency made my finger clumsy, but I layed the paperwork me. Three eyes.
Two were normal. Drawn well, dark and mysterious. But the third... it was placed where the forehead would have been, Lightly sketched in, as if the artist was afraid someone might condemn the third eye. It was crooked and messy, not real, but it sent a shiver up my spine.

Pain ripped down my shoulder and sliced through the strap of my bag which fell with a thud. I bit back a scream. If I screamed other people would hear and come. A hand ripped the feather from mine.

The hand that had not taken the feather held a knife to my throat.

"Hello, little bird. Your not of the bloodoath pack. Nor any other I dare say."

His breath was hot and moist in my ear. I stilled at his hand with the knife and his other hand dangled the feather in front of me.

"Could you be the dragkon that escaped?"

His foot kicked my fallen bag. He had not taken my small carving knife hidden at my waist. Inching my hand towards it, I hoped he wouldn't notice.

His grip tightened. The knife drew blood.
"Perhaps we could have some fun first? I'm sure my Alpha-" he choked as I stabbed back with my knife and ripped up.

The knife at my throat slackened and I shoved his arm away. I ripped free and ran as he howled with pain and blood dropped from my blade.

Bounding through the forest, I was fast. But most of my animals were faster. I longed for my bag.

Determination edged with fear filled me.

I would not die here!

Adrenaline covered the pain of my shoulder but sooner or later I would feel the effects. I pushed on.

Wild growling behind me rang through the daylight.

Running. Dodging.

I was checkmated. And they knew it.

A dark form appeared before me.

Pivoting I turned and ran to the side.

They were toying with me. The thought terrified me.

Dark forms came from all around. There was no escape.

My parents killers, men fully clothed, melted out of the trees.

Barring my teeth and waving my carving knife, I backed into a tree.

I was merely waiting for death.

One laughed gruffly.

As one they Changed, clothes ripping to shreds. Wolves. Werewolfs. They were the ugliest wolves I had ever seen. Scared and deformed.

I was doomed.

If the legends were true, they had limited power depending on how much exposure to moonlight they had.

The full moon, the only time they could completely recharge basically, was weeks ago.

They must have saved their power to attack me.

They must know I was the last.

I would not go quickly or quietly.

But I could not let them bite me. When they did, game over.

They circled, grinning. Goading. It made my blood boil. Even as I froze in terror.

"You haven won yet." I snarled.

One came near, teasing. It came closer and closer till I could reach out and touch it. It was black as the night. I shrank against the tree. Knife shaking in my fist.

It laughed at me. I sprang.

Surprised, it twisted trying to escape my reaching knife. But I wasn't trying to cut it.

It avoided my knife swipe. My other hand reached out.
I was trying to touch it.

My fingers brushed fur. I focused and Changed.

Silver fur rippled across my back. For the first time, Changing was painful. It seemed to take forever. But when I opened my eyes no one had moved.

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