Not what it seems

Oleh maddslhorn_x

2.9K 133 41

A girl finally gets what she has worked her whole life towards. She worked hard to get away from her past and... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- epilouge

Chapter 21

68 3 0
Oleh maddslhorn_x

Hey lovelies, sorry it's slightly late I had to rewrite this. I really hope you all like the chapter. Please please share your thoughts with me, comment share and vote! Thank you!

*Lacey's POV*

Everything hurt. The pain was radiating and I was finding it difficult to cope. This was by far the worst I have ever experienced physically and mentally. I wasn't sure how long exactly I had been out for, all I knew was that Molly had paid the price for the killing I had done. That I was sure of.

My eyes wondered over her body, she was badly bruised and bleeding. She wouldn't look at me or respond at all. I was confused but I had guessed she was angry at me and i didn't blame her.

From the way she had her arm positioned it appeared that her shoulder was dislocated. I sigh and try to weakly wiggle against the ropes but it was no use they were tighter than before. My eyes open wide at the remembrance of the sharp spike I had broken from the handcuffs. My eyes scan the room and I quickly spot it over in the corner near the bed.

I sigh and begin to think of how I could get Molly free of this. She didn't deserve this. She didn't do anything to warrant this. The door slams and I slowly look over. Seeing Charles and two of his goons.

'Ah I'm glad your awake. Been waiting a while dear'

'You said no one would touch her' I growl out and he immediately stills before he looks over at Molly. I watch his face come over with shock before he moves over and grabs her chin between his grim fingers. She whimpers quietly. As she looks up I couldn't hold back the gasp and neither could Charles. Her eyes blinded and her face blackened with bruises.

I shake in anger and immediately begin to struggle against the ropes. I feel the ones on my ankles are loose and so it's easy for me to get them free. It's that second Charles looks over at me in horror and just in time to see me rip my arms free from the ropes. I have rope burns all over my lower arm and hands. They are bleeding and raw.

Before I can do a thing I am being grabbed by the two goons. 'I'll kill you. Look at her. Look at what you've done. She has no part in this... She has nothing to do with the life you or I have led' I scream and shout

I stare at him watching his eyes fill with guilt as he looks down at her and I know why. It was his only weakness. A weakness I fortunately knew. He had a wife and a beautiful daughter. They knew of what he was but supported him for some insane reason.

On one of his missions it had gone bad. He escaped but the men he had to kill knew who he was. They slaughtered his wife brutally and blinded his daughter. They would attack her every month before he found them and killed them. She later killed herself. The daughter he had lost looked just like Molly except for the different hair and eye colours. Her being blinded had brought the weakness he buried to the surface again.

He watches carefully as she doesn't react to my shouting or his words. I hear him sigh before he speaks 'she has been injected with a new drug we are in the process of perfecting. It is to make them death and blind for 6 hours. I'm not sure how it works but the drug is meant to shut down those specific parts of her brain. It's temporary but it is also not perfected yet. They done this so she couldn't see who did this to her. Although I already know. You killed there best friend because of her'

He drops his hand from her and she is quick to look back down. I stop struggling as I look over her body. 'Let me go. Please. Just let me go to her. Then you can do whatever you want. I don't care anymore'

His eyes widen before he nods and allows the goons holding me to release their grip. They are on high alert as I take careful steps towards Molly.

I slowly rest my hand to his cheek and she immediately flinches. Not being able to hear or see me. She's defenceless at the moment. I pause before moving my hand to her cheek again and I softly begin to stroke her cheek

I watch as her eyebrows furrow before she looks calm. 'L-Lacey?' Her voice is shaken and weak

I use my other hand to lift her hand and place it to my neck so she can feel the vibrations. So she knows it's me because of my locket.

'Molly' I whisper her hands stops shaking and she grips me tighter. I slowly hum the last song I sang to her. The one she listened to, so she could tell me if it expresses my feelings for Brad. I slowly hum 'I love you.' I knew she could only feel the vibration but by the way she slightly smiled I believe she knew

I moved both my hands to her shoulder and tapped gently. She sat straighter and spoke again 'please it hurts' I hum in response and quickly snapped it into place. She cried out but I slowly held her in my arms.

I untied her knowing the others were watching and lifted her. Carrying her to the bed that had now been stripped clean and replaced with new sheets for no doubt what Charles wanted to do next. I place her down and knelt to the floor. I catch sight of the spike and slowly pick it up and place it in her hand. She holds it tightly and nods 'I love you lacey' her voice holding so much fear as she speaks. I only hum the words back knowing she'll understand.

Moving away I watch as she curls up and keeps her arms to her chest. I smile sadly before I turn to the others still in the room.

Charles is stood with regretful eyes as he stares at Molly. Before he reaches over and grabs my arm pulling me from the room.

'You know.. She is only in the state because of you. I hope you know that you not only caused her blindness but she is death as well. She won't survive that no matter what I do' I only say the last sentence so it hits at home for him. Because I know and promise that Molly will survive I will make sure of it.

He falters before pulling me again. 'You have been requested for a battle. If you win.. I will allow you to kill those who hurt Molly. If you lose well you'll either be dead or she will'.

With that he pushes me into what appears to be the entrance for the battle ring. A battle ring surrounded by
people. A battle ring with a man who had easily kicked my ass when I was 15.

I stare at him for a few moments, worrying. Scared almost.  He looked bigger now but of course he would. He looked healthy and ready for a fight. While I stood dirty and bloody weak and tired. I didn't know if I was going to survive through this. But for once I wanted to fight, wanted to win because when I did. I was going to make those men suffer. I feel myself switch as I stand opposite him. My mind blank as I ready myself to fight him.

He runs towards me ready to tackle when I slip past him, he stumbles but catches his balance. The Fight is a blur to me, we simply pull out all the tricks we can to try and beat the other. He was winning for the most part. I was so done.. So tired.

He slams me to the floor quickly wrapping his hands around my neck and I almost give up when I see Lucy. She's staring at me with fear and concerned filled eyes. Willing me to fight harder, willing my to be stronger, willing me to survive.

Lucy was my best friend and protecter since I can remember. She had always tended to my wounds and helped my emotional state. She was like the mother I never had. The one I wished for. She to was forced into this but she had always said she was too far in to ever leave alive.

As I see her eyes I rip my arms from the towering mans grip and hit him with one punch directly in the throat and with the other to his nose. He chokes and I am able to shove him off of me. Using the  man's loss of breath I immediately begin to do as he had to me. Hands wrapped around his throat.. His breath fading until he falls still and I stumble backwards.

I can hear the crowd but I ignore it. I only look to Lucy where I raise to two fingers and hold them to my heart before doing a cross signal over it. It was the sign we used to show I needed help. She nods before I am taken from the room again.

'Didn't think you would make it for a second dear Lacey. I'm glad you did. Of course I would have missed you' I am pushed against the wall. I feel his hand slide up my thighs slowly trying to be seductive before he grunts and pulls away. I stare emotionlessly at him.

'Come on I have the two men ready for you' he drags me and we enter the room. The two men are tied up to chairs gagged.

'So boys you thought it was okay to touch something that wasn't yours. It's punishment time and I have a very angry friend here to do it' Charles stands back and when I look I see a table full of weapons

I take the gags off slowly and the men remain quiet. 'Who's idea was it?' I question neither answer and so I sigh picking up a gun and the bullets. I only put one in.

'I'll ask again who's idea was it?' Again silence I rise the gun aiming to the one on the right. I pull the trigger and I hear the click sound fill the room.

Immediately he begins crying 'his it was his. He said to beat her and blind and make her death so she could pay for what she caused. You killed our best friend' he shouts the last line

I nod 'did you touch her in an inappropriate way?' I question and watch as they stay silent. I sigh again and shoot aiming at the one who began talking but again the sound of a click fills the air.

'H-he tried. I I don't do that shit. I have a daughter. I stopped it' his voice shaky as I stare him down.

I look down at the gun and add in more bullets to fill the gun up. Aiming at the one who had stayed silent and uncaring shooting him straight between his eyes while I shoot the other in his knee cap.

Before I could turn to shoot Charles I felt a gun to my head and a voice telling me to drop it. I listen and drop the gun.

It's right there and then he pushes me to the floor and uses me again while holding a gun to my head. I shudder and stay still until he is grabbing me and shoving me back towards the room Molly was in.

Entering the room I hear her voice 'Lacey?'

'Molly? You can hear?' I try to move towards her but Charles tightens his grip

'Y-yes... Slightly. I I still can't see' she screams the last few words while crying. My heart breaks and I feel the grip tighten even more

'This is your fault. Look at her, look what you've done to another innocent girl. You caused this to happen to your own daughter and now molly' I feel a hit to my head making me fall to the floor until I am grabbed and dragged to where I can see chains hanging from the ceiling.

He drags them down and wraps them around both of my wrists before he drags them so that I am hoisted up and left hanging from the ceiling.

'Don't get to comfortable. You'll be punished later'

'It's okay Molly.. Just rest darling.. We we're gonna be saved' I hope

*Brad's POV*

We were all lost on what to do. The police had told us we weren't able to report Lacey missing until 72 hours because she is a capable and independent woman who has been known for up and leaving places.

It was frustrating  to not know where she is or what happened to her. It was obvious there was a struggle and James had guessed it was someone called Charles who had taken her but we weren't able to tell the police that because she was an assassin.

I regretted every harsh or nasty thing I had ever said to her. It was breaking my heart to know that she could be hurt. James hadn't stopped glaring at me, blaming me because it was I who made her leave the house, it was I who had hurt her emotionally repeatedly and it was I who had to be taken out to calm down leaving her on her own when she was already injured.

My heart  pounds and my head spins with all the possibilities. Before I could delve any deeper into my thoughts there's a knock to our door.

I get up and move towards it knowing that the others won't because they are always together talking. They won't talk to me since the argument with Lacey. My heart breaks just thinking about it.

Opening the door I see a woman stood with blonde hair and green eyes. She looks blank but I can see she has fear in her eyes. 'Is this the property of Lacey Keating?'

'Er yes?'

'Please may I come in. It is about Lacey'

I stand for a moment silently watching her before letting her into the pent house. She moves in and towards the kitchen. I decide to shout the boys and we wait patiently for them to come down.

When they do the woman opens her mouth 'I'm Lucy, Lacey's friend. I'm here because Lacey needs help. '

James stares at her for a moment 'how do we know your telling the truth?'

'I am her oldest friend. I protected her form everything I possibly could. There was always one thing I could never protect her from and I will die regretting it. You have no choice but to believe me. Charles has her and... It doesn't look like she can hold out for much longer. Her or the girl Molly'

'Molly?' Connor gasp 'no she's suppose to be at a friends'

'Tell us all you know' Tristan demands while I stand so confused and scared

James catches my eye and sighs 'first I think we need to tell Brad what we all know.. What he wouldn't let Lacey explain' I stare at him expectedly and he soon begins speaking.

I couldn't listen... It hurt. The pain. The truth of what had happened to her, of what that vile man had done to her and made her become. I stood with tears falling down my face and immediately punch the nearest thing which happened to be a wall. A hole appears as my hand goes through the plasterboard and into the brick behind it.

I pull my hand back and shake it off before I sit back down, looking Lucy. 'Talk' I demand

'She's... Weak. Beaten and bruised. Covered in dirt and blood. I'm not sure what has happened in the days she's been there but she was made to fight a man. She barely won.. She wanted to give up, I could see it. She was done fighting but something made her. I saw when I snuck into the room she was being held in. She was chained to the ceiling singing gently a beautiful song. She was hurt so badly.. Belted or whipped. She said it was her punishment. She looked exhausted but she still sung. She sung to the girl- Molly- Molly had been beaten- blinded from it. She was laid listening to the song crying softly. It was the only comfort Lacey could offer. The song... That's all she could do Is sing. We have to get her out'

They stare shocked before I speak my thoughts 'what song? What song was she singing?'

'She said it was called 'I love you'

And that one sentence tore my heart from my chest as I openly cried. As I fought the arms trying to wrap around me. The sentence was what broke me completely.

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