True Romance | Ben Solo x Rea...

By supremekylo

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What if second chances did exist... except in another universe? .・゜゜・ BOOK 2 of 2 IN THE SOUL MATE SERIES ・゜゜... More

I / Second Chances
II / Rainy Day
III / Drunk
IV / Late Night
V / I Adore You
VI / Rained In
VII / Nightmares
VIII / I Want To Be Yours
IX / Intimacy
X / Signs From The Past
XI / Past Lives
XII / In The Morning
XIII / Messy Breakfast
XIV / Art Gallery
XV / Deck The Halls
XVI / Team
XVIII / Phasma
XIX / A Dark Revelation
XX / Cheek Kisses
XXI / Chewie
XXII / The Proposal
XXIII / Soft Night
XXIV / Body Paint
XXV / Soulmate

XVII / Trio

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By supremekylo

"What do you mean you're not selling the place anymore?!" You nearly shouted as you and Ben had gone back to the gallery with the money in order to buy it off. "You-you can't just decide to not want to sell it, Hux-" Seeing Hux give you a weird look, you instantly corrected yourself, "Armitage!"

"I've decided to stay, the US is my home and the art business is actually doing quite well over here than over there-"

Narrowing your eyebrows, you threw your hands up as Hux crossed his arms. "You're-you're not even from here!"

"Why is it such a big deal that I stay?" Hux chuckled as your eyes squinted for a split second.

Taking a step forward to your side, Ben spoke up. "I'll pay you double," He offered.

"Double? You'll pay me four hundred grand for this place?" Hux scoffed as Ben rubbed his face, you feeling yourself slowly building up the momentum to explode.

Looking around the room, Ben only slouched his shoulders. "No... but I'll give you fifty grand more."

"Why are you both so persistent to have this place?" Hux chuckled. "It isn't like a neonatal nurse and a business man have time to buy and use an art gallery..."

"How do you..." Squinting your eyes at Hux, he sighed.

"Let's just say we have met before," Hux looked over at Ben as Ben's eyebrows furrowed. "It had refreshed my memory when I had ran into your friend, Poe," Hux smiled over to you as your jaw clenched. "Apparently he is unaware that you are seeing someone, Ben. Doesn't Poe have a huge crush on you?" Looking at Ben then back at you, Hux held a devious smirk. "It would be a shame if the man found out his best friend is dating his-"

"Why you-" About to lunge forward, Ben held you back by the arm before you did anything stupid.

"Wow, so he doesn't know it's you... does anyone know it's you?" Hux tilted his head as your teeth gritted. "No, they don't... what a shame, you two are dating in secret. Why is that?"

"It's none of your business," Ben spoke through his clenched teeth, you being the one to hold him back now as he was about to snap.

"Well, clearly it is now since I'm the only one who knows... out of all people, your ex had to know. Do you know how much that means to me?" Hux placed a hand on his chest as you gulped. "I could really use that to my advantage-"

"For what? Huh? Blackmail just because you're not over me? Like that's going to stop me from being with Ben-"

"No, it won't, but the people who find out will... I'm sure his parents wouldn't care, but yours? You dating a man five years older than you? I'm easily seven years older than you and remember how your parents reacted? A twenty year old with a twenty seven year old, they were livid. Remember how we had to sneak-"

"Shut up!" You snapped, your fists clenching tightly as you had let go of Ben.

"Oh, they're going to be so upset how their daughter didn't listen the first time-"

"I'm a grown woman, I can be with whoever the hell I want, Hux." You seethed as Ben now held tightly on to you, all you wanted to do was knock that stupid grin off of his face.

"We'll see about that." He smiled as you took in heavy breaths. "I'll sell you the place, but this means I won't be moving."

"Then where will you be living?" You asked, clenching your jaw.

"Oh... I don't know... I did see a few lofts up for sale in your building-"

"You wouldn't!" Trying to slip yourself from Ben's hold, he was too strong for you to manage.

"Once I get the money from your... semi-decent boyfriend here, then yes, I would." Grinning from ear to ear, Ben let out a low growl as he sent a glare over to Hux.

"I'm a far better boyfriend to y/n than you could ever possibly be." Ben snapped.

"Yes, because dating in secret makes it all the better... why are you dating in secret anyway? Aside from your families not knowing?" Hux curiously asked as he tilted his head.

"Stop asking questions you know you won't get answers to, Armitage." Giving him a dirty look, he simply shrugged.

"Remember who you're talking to, I know all about this secret relationship, with one single drop of evidence, I could ruin it all for you two," Hux slightly leaned forward as he threatened.

Without even second thinking it, you slid your arm from Ben's hold and felt your now balled fist come into contact with Hux's jaw, causing him to bend forward as he held onto it. "Don't you dare think you can threaten me or my relationship you asshat. You can keep your filthy gallery, I rather you stay here than live anywhere near me."

Turning on your heel, you stormed out as you left Ben standing there, his fists now clenched as his jaw tightened from the urge to do exactly what you did to Hux, but worse. "You're lucky I know my limits. If she hadn't done it herself, I'm sure my fist would've broken your jaw." Ben spat before turning around and walking off, Hux standing up straight and giving you two a dirty look as he rubbed his cheek.

Forcefully shoving yourself through crowds of people as your eyes burned with furious tears, you hadn't realized Ben had been calling you until you felt someone pull you to a side. "Hey, hey, listen to me..." Gently holding onto your chin as he made you look up, Ben's free hand held onto your upper arm as he slightly crouched to be at your eye level. "Don't let him get to you, alright? He can't do shit. He's just a jealous bastard who thinks his words can scare us."

Taking in deep breaths as your eyes locked onto Ben's, you shook your head and rubbed your eyes. "You don't know him, Ben. He knows people, lots of people—he knows journalists and editors, he could easily spread the word. For all we know he had secret cameras recording us!"

Wiping the few tears away, Ben's voice softened. "So what? The word gets out that we're together, then what? It isn't like it's going to ruin anything-"

"Ben, my parents... they're exactly how they were in our past life. Like Hux said, they would be absolutely furious that I'm dating someone much older than me rather than someone a few months apart. Do you honestly think they'd want me to date a business man?"

Seeing Ben arch an eyebrow, he nodded. "Uh... yes? Isn't that kinda like every parents dream?"

Rolling your eyes, you sighed, "Not for mine. They prefer I be single than date around unless it's someone else from the hospital." Throwing your hands up, you grunted. "They're so hypocritical! It's unfair that my brother was able to marry this woman who he met at a damn bar yet I have to marry someone who's a stupid doctor!"

Moving his hands onto your cheeks, Ben shook his head. "They have no say in who you get to marry, alright? Like you said, you're a grown woman. This isn't like how it was before, we're not at war and I'm not the enemy. We're a pair of human beings who feel a normal emotion that is love towards one another. They seriously can't stop you from being happy, alright? No matter what, this is your life and you get to choose who you want to be with—not them."

"I know... I just, I don't want them being upset with me..." You sighed. "I hate this, and I hate Hux. Why didn't I know this sooner? I would have never dated him!"

"I'm sure he would've eventually ended up in our lives and done the same, it's inevitable—except this time, we have a higher chance of staying together." Kissing your forehead, Ben pulled you into a hug. "We'll be fine, Hux won't do anything, he's just a douchebag who's jealous."

Sitting all bundled up next to Ben as he had an arm wrapped around your shoulder as the two of you sat on the couch and watched some TV, a sudden knock was heard on your front door. Lifting your head up from his chest, you pushed the blanket to a side. "Should I hide?" Ben asked as you stood up.

"It's me, Rey!" Rey called from the other side, you looking at Ben and shaking your head. "I have something I think you two wanna see." Looking back at the door with furrowed eyebrows, you slid it open to see her holding a newspaper.

"What's th-"

"I don't think your little secret is a secret anymore..." Handing over the paper, you gulped as you got a hold of it, looking at the front cover to see a picture of that small kiss you and Ben had shared at the grocery store yesterday. "I thought you guys were cautious about all of this?"

"We are, but Ben insisted no one goes down those freezer aisles..." Looking at the photo, you skimmed to see the source of it as you felt Ben's presence was now right behind you.

"Well, no one really ever does-"

"Who would've taken that?" Rey curiously asked as your jaw shifted, finger pointing to the name under the photo as you looked up at Ben.

"Fucking Armandhammer!" He exclaimed as Reys eyebrows knitted.

"Arm and hammer? Who the hell is that?" She asked as you shook your head.

"Armitage," You corrected, reading the article.

"Armitage? Your ex? That jerkoff did this to you? Why?" Reys eyebrows knitted even more.

"Because he's a jealous scumbag who still likes me," You groaned. "Look at this, mysterious woman seen with local business man Ben Solo. Unbelievable! He handed you up!" Tossing the news paper onto the couch, you plopped on it as you rubbed your eyes.

"At least he didn't hand you up," Ben took in a deep breath, picking up the newspaper and reading it. "This is a load of crap, they make it seem like it's an affair! I'm not even married?!"

"Look, no one really believes the crap on these newspapers, I'm sure you're good." Rey nodded. "We just have to make sure no one realizes it's you, y/n."

"Shit," You mumbled against your hands before looking up, "We ran into Jess there."

"Jess? As in Jessika Pava?" Nodding your head, Rey sighed. "She wouldn't tell anyone, I know that-"

"But what about Poe? What if he tells her about Ben or what if she sees that and recognizes who it is! What if she tells Poe?!" You freaked out, Ben tossing the newspaper onto the coffee table before sitting next to you.

"Whoa, hey, she won't. Jess is smart and knows not to get into other people's business, she wouldn't do that to you." Ben assured as he placed a hand on your back.

"What about Hux? Do you think he'd hand you up?" Rey asked as you scoffed.

"He already told Poe about Ben and threatened to spill that it's me who's with Ben... so I wouldn't doubt he would." You mumbled into your hands as you had shoved your face into them. "I can't believe he would do this, not even twenty four hours later!"

Walking over to the two of you, Rey crossed her arms. "What do you mean?"

Looking up to his cousin, Ben sighed. "We went to go buy Hux's gallery-" Raising her eyebrows, Ben lifted up his hand, "-it's a long story, anyways, we were supposed to buy it out today until Hux pulled this shit on us that he wouldn't be moving to Paris like he was supposed to... then he had the audacity to say he'd sell the place and buy his own in this building."

Gasping, Reys eyes widened. "No way? What a dick! I knew he was bad news from the beginning," Rey shook her head as you lifted your face up from you hands, tears burning in your eyes as Ben only frowned.

"This is my fault." You said as Ben instantly stood up. "I should have never bothered with the whole buying the place-"

"Nothing's your fault... you didn't know he had this side in him." Ben said as he looked down at you, then turning around to grab his wallet and phone from the coffee table. "You did nothing wrong."

"Yes, I did, I should've left things the way they were. I should've just let you be a business man and I stay being a nurse and not a damn muse." You shook your head as Ben sighed, walking over to the main door.

"Ben, where are you going?" Rey called out to Ben as you instantly stood up.

"Don't go, don't do anything stupid, it's enough I punched him-"

"You punched Armitage?" Rey asked with a small grin as you nodded to her.

"Yes, and I wouldn't mind doing it a second time, but now isn't the time for violence." You now looked up at Ben, trying to pull him away from the door, but he wouldn't budge. "Don't do this Ben, this is my problem to fix."

"It's our problem, and holding me back won't fix it!" He retorted as he pushed you away from the door, you sliding from his grip as he went to slide it open.

"Don't do this, Ben, please! I don't need you getting into trouble!" You pleaded.

"I don't want him screwing things up again, alright? I love you and that's all that matters." Furrowing her eyebrows from behind, Rey mouthed a what. "He needs to understand that our love isn't to be messed with-"

"Love? What is going on? Did I miss something?"

Completely ignoring Rey, you grabbed Ben's arm. "Please, please don't go... you're a massive guy and I can only imagine what your fists could do to Hux's face..."

"You wouldn't want to know." Shoving you to a side, Ben stormed out.

"Ben!" You called out. "Ugh," Rushing over to the counter, you grabbed your purse.

"Where are you going?!" Rey called out as you rushed to follow after Ben. "You two seriously need to think this through, you guys can't possibly let this get to you!" She yelled as she followed after you.

Ben was beyond furious, he could feel it in his chest as it ached with every beat of his heart, fists clenching at his sides as he took long strides. He wasn't fully seeing red, but he was pissed that the ginger would go that far to nearly expose Ben's relationship with you when he knew it was a secret.

"Ben!" You called out as you had shoved past the doors of your lofts building. "Ben!" Seeing him get lost in the crowd, your stomach turned for the worst. "Crap, Ben, don't do this..." You breathed, running after him.

"Y/n! Wait!" Rey called out as she watched you get lost in the horde of people. "Dammit, why them out of all people?!" Rey mumbled to herself as she went after you.

Storming over to Hux's gallery as he forced his way through the crowds, towering nearly everyone and pushing them out of his way, he didn't even bother coming to a stop when he had to cross the street. "Ben!" You shouted as cars honked at him, you hoping he wasn't going to get hit. "Ben, don't be so stupid!" Ignoring you, or at least you thought he was, you watched as he forcefully pulled the door open to Hux's gallery. "Shit..."

Quickly moving onto the street, Rey shouted at you as she tried pushing past people, you gasping here and there as a car zoomed by. "Y/n, be careful!" Rey called out, instantly running over to you as you finally made it to the sidewalk. "Watch where you're going!" Rey shouted at a car as she darted past it.

Looking around the area, Ben made his way up the steps and over to the loft as he watched Hux stand there by the kitchen, reading the newspaper with a grin. "You asshole!" Ben shouted, nearly causing Hux to fall back as he looked up. "How fucking dare you?!"

Growing wide eyed, the man darted down the spiral staircase as Ben chased after him. "I warned you!" Hux shouted.

Walking in as you panted, you watched as Ben pulled Hux's shirt back and nearly tossed him onto the ground. "Ben, Ben please!"

"You wicked son of a bitch! You're just jealous!" Ben shouted as he straddled Hux, throwing punches. "You made her cry!"

"Ben, don't do this!" You called out, rushing to his side.

"You can't just let y/n be happy with someone else, now, can you?!" Slamming his fist into Hux's jaw, you tried pulling Ben off. "No, you have to be a selfish, hypocritical, douchebag who believes if he can't have her no one can!"

Quickly moving yourself in between Hux and Ben, Ben's fist stopped inches away from your face as you shut your eyes. "Ben... please... this won't solve the situation..." You nearly whispered as all you could hear were Ben's heavy breaths, the man instantly standing up as your eyes opened.

"Listen to the girl, she's right, Solo. It'll only make things worse-" Turning around, you were now the one throwing fists against Hux's face before Rey instantly pulled you off.

"Whoa! Okay, clearly this isn't making the situation better!" Rey spoke up as she stood you up, moving you over to Ben as you shook your hands as they throbbed from the punches.

"So Rey knows, too? Unbelievable..." Hux chuckled as blood stained his teeth and dripped from his nose. "Do you honestly think that it was smart to tell this dimwit-" Furiously turning around, Rey slammed her fist against Hux's nose and harshly broke the bone as Ben lunged forward, you holding him back.

"Fuck off, Arm." Rey spat as she stood up. "The last thing you do is mess with my family and my friends, so let me tell you this, you make sure your wuss of a friend back at the newspaper company voids the rest of the prints and brings down all the articles. Then, you rid any evidence of these two even being a thing and never speak of it again."

"And what if I don't?" Hux smirked.

"Oh, if you don't?" Rey crouched down, "I'll make sure this fist does more than bust your sorry nose... and I don't mean your body, but your entire life. With one call I could easily make you a nobody, no one would ever buy Armitage Hux art pieces ever again." Rey grinned.

Twitching his lip as Hux let out a low snarl, Rey patted his chest. "Don't be stupid, Armitage, unless you want to be a nobody."

Getting no response as he gave her a dirty look, Hux only sighed in defeat. "So, are you going to comply?" Slowly nodding his head, Rey smiled. "Good. I also suggest you give up this place again, too." Standing up, the three of you aimed for the front door.

"Don't think you've won this easily 'cause your cousin saved your ass, Solo!" Hux called out, "This isn't the end of-" Shutting the door behind you, the three of you walked away.

"I think it's safe to say that that was pretty... incredible." Rey stated with a nod. "Although I'm not so into the whole violence, the man got what he deserved."

"Tell me about it..." Ben mumbled as he gently grabbed your hands and looked at your now bruised knuckles. "And I thought you were supposed to stop me from harming Hux?"

"I got a bit carried away..." You shrugged as Ben gently left kisses on your knuckles.

"So... do any of you wanna tell me why you two are in love and how Armitage somehow separated you two before?" Exchanging looks, you and Ben simply ignored her question. "Hello? I need to know!"

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