XVIII / Phasma

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If you were having an out-of-body experience, you probably would've been embarrassed by the way you had fallen asleep on Ben. The last few nights you two slept together were different from tonight—you actually slept as if he weren't even there and you weren't sure if Ben even realized it.

You two were dead asleep, Ben lying on his back with his mouth wide open as one arm loosely draped over your back while the other dangled off the bed.

Then there was you... out of the entire king size bed you easily took up 70% of it the way you were sprawled out. Half of your body lied on Ben's chest rather than resting your head on a pillow as the other half was diagonal on the bed, almost lying like a starfish. You felt like a huge child... it wasn't your felt your bed was that comfortable and so was Ben's chest. If someone were to walk in and see this, you were sure as hell they would laugh at how disastrous it must've seemed.

Hearing a loud bang coming from the front door, you groaned, your half-asleep state not wanting to move from its comfortable position. Hearing the bang again, you groaned even more; who could possibly be at the door?

Grabbing Ben's hand and placing it on your ear to deafen out the noise, you heard the heavy knocking again, only to sigh as your eyes fluttered open. "Ugh..." Moving Ben's arm off of you, you sat up and lightly chuckled at the sight of him lying there with his mouth wide open. "Cute..." Stretching your arms, the knock was heard again, only to make you shout. "God dammit, I'm coming!" Nearly jumping awake, you looked over to see Ben with wide eyes, rubbing his mouth as if he had drool. "Morning, Princess." You teased him as he took in deep breaths.

"Was the yelling necessary?" He his horse voice spoke, sitting up as you stood up from the bed.

"Yes, some impatient jerk is at the door," You spoke over your shoulder, pulling the bedroom door open to walk to the main door.

"Y/n! It's me! Open up!" Sighing, your shoulders slumped. Looking at the time on the stove, you sighed. 7:32 in the morning... of course Rey is up this early. "Hey! Open up!" Sliding the door open, she held up a newspaper. "He... he listened!" She breathed as if she had ran a mile.

Narrowing your eyebrows, you rubbed your eyes. "Huh?"

"Armitage! He listened! His place is up for sale and all the news stands rid the article! It's not online either!" Feeling yourself suddenly grow wide awake, you smiled and grabbed onto the news paper, reading how the art gallery was up for sale once again.

"No way!" You shrieked, hearing disgruntled noises come from behind. "This is perfect!"

"Why are you two yelling?" Kylo groaned as he trudged over, rubbing his head as he yawned.

Turning around, you grinned and pointed to the newspaper. "Hux put the gallery up for sale and got to remove all the headlines!" Grabbing onto the newspaper, Ben's eyes narrowed as Rey had awkwardly turned her back towards you two. "Rey?"

"It's typical human decency to be decent and put pants on, Ben." She crossed her arms as she spoke over her shoulder, your eyes trailing over to Ben's boxers.

"You're lucky I was willing enough to even put boxers on," Ben smirked as you instantly swatted his arm, causing Rey to gasp.

"Gross!" Turning around she lifted up a hand to cover Ben. "Have some control over your boyfriend."

Shrugging, you placed your hands on your hips, "Can't do anything about that, Rey, he does as he pleases."

Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "What ever, at least you two have good news while I have a burned image in my head of my cousin, see you two later." Waving a hand, she walked off as you shut the door.

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