XVII / Trio

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"What do you mean you're not selling the place anymore?!" You nearly shouted as you and Ben had gone back to the gallery with the money in order to buy it off. "You-you can't just decide to not want to sell it, Hux-" Seeing Hux give you a weird look, you instantly corrected yourself, "Armitage!"

"I've decided to stay, the US is my home and the art business is actually doing quite well over here than over there-"

Narrowing your eyebrows, you threw your hands up as Hux crossed his arms. "You're-you're not even from here!"

"Why is it such a big deal that I stay?" Hux chuckled as your eyes squinted for a split second.

Taking a step forward to your side, Ben spoke up. "I'll pay you double," He offered.

"Double? You'll pay me four hundred grand for this place?" Hux scoffed as Ben rubbed his face, you feeling yourself slowly building up the momentum to explode.

Looking around the room, Ben only slouched his shoulders. "No... but I'll give you fifty grand more."

"Why are you both so persistent to have this place?" Hux chuckled. "It isn't like a neonatal nurse and a business man have time to buy and use an art gallery..."

"How do you..." Squinting your eyes at Hux, he sighed.

"Let's just say we have met before," Hux looked over at Ben as Ben's eyebrows furrowed. "It had refreshed my memory when I had ran into your friend, Poe," Hux smiled over to you as your jaw clenched. "Apparently he is unaware that you are seeing someone, Ben. Doesn't Poe have a huge crush on you?" Looking at Ben then back at you, Hux held a devious smirk. "It would be a shame if the man found out his best friend is dating his-"

"Why you-" About to lunge forward, Ben held you back by the arm before you did anything stupid.

"Wow, so he doesn't know it's you... does anyone know it's you?" Hux tilted his head as your teeth gritted. "No, they don't... what a shame, you two are dating in secret. Why is that?"

"It's none of your business," Ben spoke through his clenched teeth, you being the one to hold him back now as he was about to snap.

"Well, clearly it is now since I'm the only one who knows... out of all people, your ex had to know. Do you know how much that means to me?" Hux placed a hand on his chest as you gulped. "I could really use that to my advantage-"

"For what? Huh? Blackmail just because you're not over me? Like that's going to stop me from being with Ben-"

"No, it won't, but the people who find out will... I'm sure his parents wouldn't care, but yours? You dating a man five years older than you? I'm easily seven years older than you and remember how your parents reacted? A twenty year old with a twenty seven year old, they were livid. Remember how we had to sneak-"

"Shut up!" You snapped, your fists clenching tightly as you had let go of Ben.

"Oh, they're going to be so upset how their daughter didn't listen the first time-"

"I'm a grown woman, I can be with whoever the hell I want, Hux." You seethed as Ben now held tightly on to you, all you wanted to do was knock that stupid grin off of his face.

"We'll see about that." He smiled as you took in heavy breaths. "I'll sell you the place, but this means I won't be moving."

"Then where will you be living?" You asked, clenching your jaw.

"Oh... I don't know... I did see a few lofts up for sale in your building-"

"You wouldn't!" Trying to slip yourself from Ben's hold, he was too strong for you to manage.

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