Girl Name Sandra..

By always_clever

37.7K 2.1K 426

The story has a setting in the late 1700's, where there was royals ruling the land and wars to gain land. Gir... More

Girl Name Sandra...
Chapter One: Bomb Fire...
Chapter Two: Sunshine...
Chapter Three: Anton..Or should I say George?..
Chapter Four: Challenge...
Chapter Six: Wisteria...
Chapter Seven: First Love...
Chapter Eight: Once a Friend, now an Enemy...
Chapter Nine: Hate is a WEAK word...
Chapter Ten: Numb...
Chapter Eleven: Pain and Terror...
Chapter Twelve: Little bunny...
Chapter Thirteen: Storm of tears...
Chapter Fourteen: The Black Crow...
Chapter Fifteen: Ifeoma Attah...
Chapter Sixteen: Not the only one...
Chapter Seveteen: Darkness and Light...
Chapter Eighteen: His Light...
Chapter Niniteen: Once a girl... Now a Woman
Chapter Twenty: Witch in the storm....
Chapter Twenty-One: Stray....
Chapter Twenty-Two: Cloud of Dust
Chapter Twenty-Three: Precious Jewel...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Bloody Sunday...
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil's spawn...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Mother's Tongue..
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Land of the Enslaved...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Poseidon&Amphitrite
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dangerous Desires...
Chapter Thirty: Other Side....
Chapter Thirty-One: THE END of the thread...

Chapter Five: Prey..

1.4K 109 11
By always_clever

Chapter Five: Prey..

The fresh scent of cinnamon and vanilla filled the air as Evelyn burnt her special made scented candles, mainly to light up the house when the sun crept down so the moon can take its place; but also to take the odd smell of combined spices and fire wood from the atmosphere.

Sandra stood by Doc's side as he fixed up a powder that would reduce fevers. Sandra was not exactly paying attention to Doc's lesson, more like to the odd looking flower with a bright green stem and white petals that made it look like corn.

"Do you know the name of that flower?" Doc asked once he noticed Sandra was focused on something else other than his lesson.

Sandra took her hand off the flower as if it was hot iron and turned to Doc to answer his question. "Black Cohosh."

Gently pushing the powder substance that he was working on to the side, Doc reached over to pick up the odd looking flower to examine its features. "What is the Black Cohosh used for and where is its home?"

Sandra's dark brown eyes wandered around as if she was searching through her brain to find the answer. "The Black Cohosh is used to regulate womanhood. I'm sorry Doc, but I do not know the home of the flower." She slightly dropped her head in shame.

Doc sets the flower down in front of him before saying, "It is alright Sandra, you don't have to know the answer to everything. The black cohosh is from North America, mid eastern part of the land."

"Have you ever traveled to North America, Doc?" Sandra asked.

Doc chuckled as if Sandra told a funny joke. He shook his head no as well before saying, "Oh no, that part of the world is not for a man like myself. Full of hatred and violence. However, Alex and Anton has took the time to voyage there; only for spices and flowers such as the Black Cohosh."

Walking into Doc's medicine room with slanted eyes and a deep frown, Evelyn stood by the door way with her hands on her hips. "T'would you two come out for supper all ready. W'er been calling out y'ah names for the longest."

Doc chuckled lightly while grabbing his wooden cane from the small table full of herbs laid out for the world to see. "Sorry my dear, w'er been caught up in the lesson."

Evelyn moved aside so Doc can walk out the room first. "Explain that to Robert, he killed three hours in making a splendid meal for us and our guest."

"Guest?" Sandra questioned as she made her way to Evelyn, who was waiting for her patiently.

"Oh yes, Doc's ole friend, his wife and his son has arrived to eat supper with us. Just minutes ago, they arrived with their special made lemon cake." Evelyn informed.

As soon as Sandra stepped out the medicine room, she tried her best to look presentable by wiping spices and herbs that somehow sticked to her dress. The dress itself was not bad, it was good enough to wear in front of other's, but Sandra had the urge to run up to her room and change into a clean and fancy dress Evelyn brought her as a welcome present.

However, it was too late. The three of them walked into the dining room to see Alex, Anton and the three guest sitting around the rectangular table, waiting for their meal and the Doc's arrival. "Doc," an older man with gray hair and piercing blue eyes stood to his feet as soon as he spotted Doc walk in. If it was for his gray hair, Sandra would of thought the man was her father age with his tall frame, poked out chest and buff features.

"Nicholas," Doc pulled the man in a quick hug before giving him a handshake. Soon he pulled away to greet the blonde hair beauty that's around Evelyn's age. The woman's thin arms quickly wrap around Doc's weak body in a friendly hug, "Stacy, good to see you, again."

"Same here Doc," Stacy pulled away with a huge smile. "I know it's been awhile since you've seen our son."

Sandra eyes went wide once she spotted the elegant and mysterious man stand to his full height to greet Doc. Quickly changing her face expression before anyone could notice, Sandra took a step back into the shadows next to Evelyn- who gave her a questionable look.

"What is wrong with you lass?" Evelyn whispered so only Sandra could hear.

Sandra lightly sighed before whispering back, "I will explain later."

Sandra sat at dining room table along with Robert and Evelyn, eating her meal she could have gotten earlier; if only she was not a coward and sat with the others. If only Sandra did not panic when she saw Lucian in the home she rest her head. Even though, Lucian and Sandra spoke to each other earlier in the market; Sandra still finds him intimidating, and mysterious. Seeing him made her nervous...

"Are you going to spill out why you was hiding from everyone earlier?" Evelyn spoke up, coating the sounds of utensils scrapping their plates.

Sandra looked up to Evelyn and soon Robert to see if he's paying attention, like always, the cook kept to himself as if he was in his own little world. "I-I panicked." She stated.

Evelyn brow raised in question, "Panicked? Why the need to panic?"

Setting her fork down, Sandra put her hands in her lip while taking a deep breath. "Lucian."

Evelyn now gave Sandra her full attention by also setting her fork down and turning her whole body towards Sandra. "Lucian? What does that bigwig have to do with your panicking?"

"Lucian and I met earlier- in the market. We spoke, that is why I kept Doc waiting. He is very... Mysterious, intimidating and-"

"Elegant," Evelyn finished the young lady's sentence so easily, as if she was reading Sandra's mind. "Yes, from the long years of knowing Lucian, he can be intimidating; ever since he was just a boy, Lucian has been uptight as well. Lucian has to be... Intimidating, because of his status. He is soon going to be a leader of the British army by taking his father's place." Evelyn explained the reason of Lucian's character.

The weird feeling in Sandra's stomach was still there, but was not as much of a bother anymore. "Alex and Anton, are they not...traders?"

Evelyn shrugged her shoulders, "Traders does not exactly fit their description. Why do you ask?"

Sandra opened her mouth to say her reasoning, but quickly closed it once she spotted Anton walking in the dining room with a stern face. Sandra gave off a questionable look at his stiff features, considering she has never see him without a smile on his face. "Anton, are you alright?" She asked, causing Evelyn to look towards the handsome man. Robert looked up as well, however, immediately looked down to his plate knowing that he does not bother to care about other's drama.

Instantly forcing himself to smile at the young lady he had his eyes set on, Anton spoke up to say: "I am fine; just tired. Have a nice night."

"You as well." Sandra said while watching the handsome fellow walk out of her site.

Anton could not control the stern look in his face as he walked out of Sandra's site. He was obviously upset, but also irritated when he heard the elegant man name coming from Sandra's mouth. Anton went straight to the assumption that Lucian was the other wolf that tried to steal his prey.

Anton scoffed at the elegant man name. Anton and Lucian has never been on a good note ever since he first met the man at the Christmas Festival ten years ago. Being that Anton was only sixteen and committed to his new lifestyle as a pirate-trader... Lucian, as well was sixteen and was committed to his new lifestyle of being a British officer; the two has never stopped chasing each other ever since Lucian arrested Anton for the very first time for picking pockets.

"A beauty, isn't she?" Lurking in the shadows, Lucian heard everything Sandra had said about him; instead of pouting in disagreement, the mysterious man smiled.

Anton stopped only a few feet away near the steps leading upstairs. His brows slanted, causing wrinkles to form in his forehead. "Still lurking in the shadows like a scared rat, I see."

Lucian lips turned into a smirk as his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Did your mother ever tell you ease dropping is very rude?"

"Why are you lurking, Lucian? Sandra does not want to see you, obviously." Anton stated through gritted teeth. "Leave her be."

Lucian stepped forward, out of the shadows so Anton can see the smirk on his face clearly. "Leave her be? I have done nothing to make her act this way. Don't tell me you have your eyes set on Sandra..tsk tsk... You should stop Anton, you and I know Sandra is not going to fall for your schemes."

Anton clenched his fist to keep himself from bashing out in the mysterious man in front of him. "Schemes?"

"Oh yes, the schemes when you take woman to bed, leave and never come back the next day. She is not one of your preys, my friend. So I should be saying 'leave her be' to you." Lucian purposely flicked Anton's chest like a man would flick a dogs nose; mainly to make him angry.

Of course, Anton was angry and wanted to snap Lucian's neck; although, he made a promise to Doc that he would not start a fight with Lucian tonight. So, instead of throwing his fist at Lucian's face, Anton became the bigger person by walking away. Lucian smiled at Anton's retreat up the stairs.

"Weak, just like your old man." Lucian comment loud enough so Anton could hear him before walking off to the direction of the dining room where his prey sits and laugh.

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